The Realm

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The Realm Page 16

by Leigh Walker

  “What’s going on?”

  She shook her head. “It’s above my clearance level, I’m afraid. But I’ve heard that the rebels are at it again. Even though we massacred them in the last battle, they refuse to give up. I don’t know the details of what’s going on. I’ve only been told to be ready and to have my guards in top shape.”

  I hugged my friend. “Keep me posted?”

  “Of course.” She smiled as we broke apart. “Please do something about your current state of affairs. Seeing you in disarray is really quite disturbing. You need to turn this situation around—toward whatever direction it is you want to go.”

  “I’ll do that, Eve.”

  “Very well.” She winked. “Keep me posted.”


  My heart felt lighter as I packed up the gnomes and headed back to the Realm. The forest path was lovely that time of day, with the late-morning sun streaming through the dense tree line above. The trees were in full foliage. Riots of color exploded around me; the leaves were orange and red and bright yellow. The gnomes panted happily as I walked briskly, my skirts sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground. It was quiet and peaceful in the forest.

  But then there was a noise behind me—a twig breaking and then another.

  I whirled around to find myself face-to-face with a large werewolf. He had black-and-gray fur, and his enormous teeth glinted in the sunlight. Startled, I took a step back.

  The wolf sneezed.

  I held out my hand as I backed away. “P-Please don’t hurt me.”

  It tilted its head and looked at me.

  “Rhys? Is that you?”

  It snorted, then its whole body started to quiver.

  “What’s happening?” I asked, but it soon became obvious. The wolf shook violently, moving so fast that I couldn’t fully see its swirl of motion. And then it shifted right in front of my eyes. Fur became flesh. The form of the wolf lengthened, growing taller. It happened slowly and then all at once.

  Rhys stood before me, a man once again. A naked man.

  I gaped at him—all of him. “Oh, good lord!” I slapped my hands over my eyes as the gnomes whined from inside my tote. “What did you do that for?”

  “I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “I’m worse than scared right now—I’m mortified.”

  He chuckled, and I couldn’t resist the urge to open my fingers a little. I peered through the cracks at his naked body. My goodness. I quickly closed my fingers again—there was way too much to take in. Muscles, hair, other things… I resisted the urge to peek again.

  “What are you doing out here?” I asked.

  “Right now, I’m standing behind a bush so that you no longer have to cover your eyes. I’m sorry about that. When we shift, we return to our human forms naked. I forget that in your culture, that’s considered…”

  “Scandalous,” I said. “It’s completely scandalous, Rhys.”

  “Ah yes. Scandalous. Anyway, you don’t have to hide anymore. I’m much less scandalous behind this shrub.”

  “Th-Thank you.” I lowered my hands and was confronted by the stark chiseled beauty of his bare chest. “Why were you in wolf form?” We hadn’t seen any of the men in their wolf form since the contest started, per Mira’s strict instructions.

  “Because I was following you, and I didn’t want you to know.”

  I shifted the tote on my shoulder. “Following me why?”

  He frowned. “Because I heard you packed your room, and I didn’t know if you were going to see your friends to say goodbye.”


  “So?” Rhys crossed his powerful arms. “Were you saying goodbye?”

  “No, Your Highness. I simply needed to see Eve about something.” I swallowed hard. “I’m sorry that you heard about me packing.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t be. It’s your choice to be here, Tamara. If you want to leave, I won’t make you stay. You are an independent woman in possession of a fine mind. If you’ve made it up and want to go, I won’t argue.”

  “I appreciate how civil you’re being, Your Highness.”

  He shrugged, but I detected a flicker of emotion behind his dark eyes. “I’ve been learning from the best, of course.”

  “Of course.” I hesitated for a moment. “So are you all right if I…don’t leave right now?”

  Rhys gave me a small smile. “As I said, I respect your choices, my lady. But I won’t read too much into them.”

  “Very well, then. Have a lovely day.” I curtsied and hustled back down the path.

  “That’s it, then? You’re off so soon?” he called. “Didn’t Mira want to film us together this afternoon?”

  “She did, but she’s going to have to wait. I have some important business to attend to. Please put some trousers on before I see you next,” I called back over my shoulder.

  His surprised laugh reverberated through the trees.

  I pulled the tote close to me and cradled the gnomes as I headed toward the castle. Mira had told me to apologize. But Eve had said that I should be myself.

  As a rule, I didn’t apologize. But I had work to do to make this right. A lot of it.

  “I told you, don’t hang them over there. All the lights need to be on the beams.” I sighed at Archie, the werewolf who was supposed to be helping me. “Well, don’t just stand there. Get going!”

  He muttered as he followed my instructions, but at least he did as he was told. The barn was shaping up beautifully for the ceremony, but we only had a few hours left. The king and queen had arrived in the North the day before, and all of the guests would be in attendance at the coronation that afternoon.

  I’d missed out on things that week—meeting with the royals, spending time with Rhys, making a final push for approval in front of the cameras. I hadn’t spoken to anyone except the production crew, Archie, Elsa, and Beast because I’d sequestered myself in the barn, barking orders. The crew set up the lights to my liking, the gnomes located appropriate dried flowers and herbs from the gardens for the centerpieces, and Archie fetched me tables, chairs, candles, and any other decoration that tickled my fancy.

  I was building the perfect space for the coronation ball. This would be the party to end all parties, and everything was going to look flawless for the event. Mira had insisted that the crew film me during the preparations. She was angry that I hadn’t apologized to Rhys yet, but I’d unpacked my bags, and I was prepared to deliver the event of the decade. With two royal weddings recently under my belt, that was no small promise. This was my way of saying sorry.

  The other contestants had repeatedly tried to sneak in to see what I’d been up to, but outsiders were banned from the barn. I had no idea what the girls had done all week. They’d probably kept busy by elbowing each other out of the way in order to snog His Highness again.

  There was a knock on the door, and I grimaced. “No one comes in!” I roared for the hundredth time that week.

  “Lady Layne, it’s me. Open up—that’s an order.” Rhys’s voice was firm.

  I went and stood by the door. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but order or not, you can’t come in here right now. It’s still not finished.” Blasted Archie has to finish fumbling with the fairy lights.

  “Tamara.” He sighed. “What on earth are you up to?”

  I opened the door a nano-crack and peered through. In contrast to the last time I’d seen him, Rhys was fully dressed. I couldn’t help but be disappointed. “I’m doing what I should’ve been doing since the beginning of this competition,” I said primly. “I’m taking charge.”

  “Mira says you’ve been holed up in there for days doing God only knows what.”

  “I’ve been getting ready for tonight. How about you?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll be crowned king in a few hours, and then I have to throw a bloody ball and send two innocent girls home, back to starving in the settlements. I’m ready to get into the whiskey, to be honest.”

You’ll be fine. Each of the contestants gets a stipend once we’re released from the competition. Didn’t you know that?”

  He shook his head, but his expression turned hopeful. “What does that mean?”

  “That whoever gets cut will have enough food and money to keep their family fed and warm for the rest of their lives. It’s part of the agreement. You don’t have to worry about sending anyone home.” Just talking about it made my nerves jangle. “In any event, the king and queen are here, remember? You need to put on a brave face. The ball is going to be perfect, I promise you.” I opened the door another crack, took his hand, and squeezed. “This is what you’ve been waiting for, Your Highness. Do not begin to doubt yourself.”

  He looked down at our entwined hands and smiled. “Thank you for the pep talk, Lady Layne.”

  “It’s much less messy than the whiskey at this hour.” I smiled at him. “I will see you soon. I’m looking forward to watching you get your fancy crown.”

  His gaze rose to meet mine. “So you’ll be there?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it, Your Highness. Not after all the work I’ve done.” I winked at him again, hoping to improve his humor, and closed the door.

  I needed him to be cheered, and I needed to leave him wanting more of me. Tamara Layne was back. Hopefully, she would get to stay to see another day in the Realm.

  “I picked a gown for you, Lady Layne. I didn’t have a chance to show it to you, but…” Giuliana shyly pulled a multicolored ball gown from the wardrobe. It was black, blue, and silver with a sparkling neckline. “I thought you would look like a fairy princess in this, right out of a storybook.”

  “Oh, Giuliana.” I’d worn some beautiful gowns, but this one was exquisite. “I’ve never seen anything so dazzling before. Let’s try it on.” I held up my hair as she zipped me into it. The gown was to die for. The bodice was snug and displayed my curves to their full advantage. The sparkles at the bust were subtle, twinkling as I moved. But the best part was the skirt. It flowed out around me in a dozen layers, blues and blacks and silvers, creating a swirl of mesmerizing elegance.

  “My lady! It’s as perfect as I hoped it would be.” Giuliana put a hand over her heart.

  “It’s stunning.” I twirled in front of the mirror, delighted, as the dress billowed out around me. “I love everything about it.”

  “Are you still planning on leaving after tonight?” Giuliana asked in a small voice. “You’ve put your trunk away, and I let myself hope… But now the ceremony’s here, and I’m afraid.”

  I took her hands in mine. “Whether I stay or go is out of my power. It’s up to fate now.” She nodded, and I could tell the girl was putting on a brave face for me. “Giuliana, you’ve been a wonderful help. Thank you for everything, especially for finding such a special dress. Now, let’s cheer up and be optimistic.”

  Putting on the gown, along with a serene face for Giuliana, helped me gather my courage. I needed every ounce of it. I could be sent home tonight. Still, I felt very much like royalty when I descended the front stairs of the castle. I joined the other contestants in the front row, and the cameras followed my every move. I was surprisingly glad for them; I was proud to be a part of the momentous occasion. I kept my chin up, my back straight. Whether Rhys kept me on or this was my last night, I knew I looked my best. I also knew that I’d tried. That was something.

  The Realm was glittering and majestic, as was appropriate for such an important event. Red carpets had been placed as pathways across the sprawling grounds. Lanterns filled with flickering candles gave the setting a warm glow. Flower garlands and fairy lights completed the mood. In the fading light of the afternoon sun, the kingdom looked magical. I’d taken care of the barn, but Rhys and Mira had clearly taken care of everything else.

  Robert and Rose were running the full film crew. There were cameras perched everywhere—every second of the ceremony would be broadcast. There was a large, formally dressed audience. I saw Eve, Balkyn, and Shaye; they grinned and waved to me, and I grinned and waved back. There were vampire guardsmen and the royal advisors from the North. The entire Northern palace staff was also in attendance. The Realm’s staff was present, too, as were all the werewolves, dressed smartly in their ceremonial uniforms. They looked proud and solemn. Maya, Thalia, Joely, and Dae were dressed in gorgeous formal ball gowns. Maya wore red, Thalia emerald green, Joely gold, and Dae powder pink. They greeted me with hugs and whispered admonitions.

  “Where have you been?”

  “That gown’s to die for!”

  “Have you heard anything about who will be cut?”

  “Are you as nervous as I am?”

  “Shh, and no, I haven’t heard anything,” I said. “Yes, I am nervous, but I am also resigned. And each of you looks lovely. Yes, Maya, you too.”

  She pouted, and I nudged her playfully. “Now, now—don’t ruin your makeup with a sour face. The cameras are watching, and King Rhys is about to have his moment. Let’s support him, shall we?”

  Joely glanced at me. “You seem better,” she whispered. “More relaxed.”

  “I find keeping busy is good for my demeanor. Not to mention my complexion.”

  The trumpets sounded and the audience fell silent. “Announcing His Royal Majesty, King Reginald Black, Crown King of the United Royal Settlements, and Her Royal Majesty Queen Serena Black, Crown Queen of the United Royal Settlements.”

  The king and queen stepped regally down the stairs. The king was severely handsome in his ceremonial uniform, and Queen Serena was the picture of icy loveliness in her signature cerulean-blue gown. They nodded to the gathered crowd and took their seats.

  The trumpet sounded again. “Announcing His Royal Majesty, Prince Austin Black, Crown Prince of the United Royal Settlements and Ruler of the North, and Princess Blake Kensington Black, Crown Princess of the United Royal Settlements and Ruler of the North.”

  Austin looked striking in his dark tunic. He grinned, eyes shining, as he and Blake walked hand in hand down the stairs. Blake looked lovely as ever in an ivory silk gown, her hair loose around her shoulders and a braid at her crown. She saw me and lit up, blowing me a kiss as she took her place with the royal family.

  When the trumpets sounded again, my heart thrummed. A string quartet started playing a song, and everyone turned toward the back of the aisle. At the top of the red carpet, Rhys stood alone, dressed in a fine formal uniform, his hair pulled back. Even from my spot near the front, I could see the fire in his eyes. He was triumphant.

  He walked forward with confidence and grace. Am I imagining it, or does the werewolf seem much more secure than he did a few short weeks ago? He smiled and nodded at his well-wishers, all of whom watched in rapt attention. When he reached our row, he bowed. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and tell him how excited I was for him. But he passed just out of reach and ascended to the castle’s platform.

  Prince Austin came and stood at the foot of the stairs. After a nod of approval from his father, he spoke. “Thank you for joining us to celebrate this momentous occasion. I know for many of you, this is a day you never thought you’d see. But here we are. I am blessed to be part of this ceremony. I’ve known Rhys for years, since we were young. We’ve been friends for a lifetime. Not to say that we haven’t had our differences, because of course we have. All true friendships are tested. But that is how you learn the measure of a person and what they mean to you—by whether they return to your life and you are able to move forward together. Rhys and his men have shown my family again and again what true loyalty is. No matter our differences in the past, he has returned and led his men to protect our sovereignty.” He turned and knelt before Rhys. “Rhys, you are my friend, my protector, and more than that, my brother. I pledge you fealty in this new kingdom. For as long as I and my heirs exist on this earth, you have our loyalty.”

  “Hear! Hear!” the vampire guard shouted and clapped.

  Austin raised his gaze to meet Rhys’s. Both men were clearly emotional, but aft
er a moment, they grinned at each other. As Austin stood, a sentinel presented him with a large box. The prince opened the top, reached inside, and pulled out a golden crown. It was simple and elegant, fitting the new king perfectly.

  “Now, Rhys, I will ask you to please kneel,” Austin said. The werewolf knelt and bowed his head. When Austin ascended the steps and placed the crown on Rhys’s head, the crowd erupted into cheers. Austin turned to them, joy plain on his face. “Let’s hear it for His Majesty, King Rhys, Ruler of the Realm!”

  The applause was deafening, and my heart thundered right along with it.

  Higher Love

  The path from the castle to the barn, where the ball would be held, was also lined with red carpet. Candles and strings of fairy lights flickered as we walked in a processional behind the royals. The surroundings were so gorgeous, the entire setting seemed surreal.

  “I’m really nervous.” Joely put a hand over her stomach. “I hate to whine, but this is it—this is the last night for two of us. It’s gone by so fast!”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” Thalia patted her shoulder. “Me, on the other hand…”

  “You know His Highness enjoys your company.” Dae smiled at Thalia. “You have a good chance of staying on.”

  “Dae, how did the rest of your week go? Did you have time to reconnect with the king?” I hoped I sounded encouraging, because I owed her that.

  “I did—we did.” She blushed. “It went well, I think.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it.” That was a lie, but I was a politician, after all.

  Maya was unusually silent. “Are you all right?” Joely asked her.

  Although she looked stunning in her ruby ball gown, Maya’s face was pale and drawn beneath her makeup. “Not really. His Highness was too busy for me this week, but he made an effort with the rest of you. I’m afraid I’m going home tonight.”


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