Too Many

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Too Many Page 1

by Alexa Riley




  HEA on the go

  Too Many

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9




  Double the Ache

  Chapter 1

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2019 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover Designer: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Photographer: Sara Eirew Photographer and Design

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  To everyone who read Too Hard and has been dying for the twins… We hope it was worth the wait!

  Too Many


  Nellie has a desire so filthy she can’t say it out loud, but having two men at once was never on her radar until she met the twins. Now all she can think about is being sandwiched between Owen and Elijah. It’s all just a fantasy, because she could never have it in real life. Right?

  Elijah and Owen have finally graduated college and are taking over the family business from their dad. The final step in creating the life they want is claiming Nellie. She’s the one they’ve been waiting on, and though she might be shy, they know she’s made to take them.

  Warning: Can a woman really have too many men love her? We don’t think so! Grab the follow-up to Too Hard and find out if these three can find their happily ever after.

  Chapter One


  This is going to be a long night, I can already feel it. Something’s been in the air since I woke up early this morning alone in my empty condo. I’m an interior designer but haven’t designed my own place. It has blank white walls and there’s nothing special about it. The furniture I have are odds and ends I’ve collected over the years after people changed their minds and wanted something different. I’d scooped them up because you can’t beat free.

  I’d be embarrassed if anyone actually saw my place. They wouldn’t believe my condo is mine even though when I take on a project I put everything into it. I design a room down to every single detail, so I know the real reason I haven’t done anything with it. It isn’t because I keep myself so busy, although I could use that as an excuse. I keep telling myself the condo is only temporary and it’s holding a spot until I find my forever home with my forever man. I got the place right after I graduated from design school. Three years later and nothing about the place has changed and it’s as empty as my love life.

  It didn't help my morning when I reached for my phone and the first thing I saw was a text from both Owen and Elijah. The Barton twins. Their dad is married to my cousin, who is more of a sister to me than anything. She and I have been close since we could walk and though we might be opposites in a lot of ways, we balance each other out.

  The twins randomly send me messages in our group chat and today Owen’s is a simple “Today's the day.” Elijah’s is a little bolder with “About fucking time.”

  They talked me into decorating the new place they bought and I agreed but haven’t seen it yet. I promised them I would, but it could be a mistake on my part. There wasn’t a way for me to tell them no, but how can I decorate their place while dreaming about the two of them doing all kinds of dirty things to me?

  My fantasies are filthy and I should probably go hide under a rock somewhere because of them. But when I think about the both of them I’ve never been more turned on. Sometimes they fight over who gets to have me first, but in the end it doesn’t matter because we all come out happy. At least in my dream world that’s how it works.

  They are technically my cousins by marriage and three years younger than me. None of that would add up to this working out. Especially with my fantasy of having both of them together. It’s twisted and I’m sure they’d be disgusted to know that’s what I’m thinking.

  I responded with a quick congratulations and told them I’d see them at the party tonight. I went to their graduation and watched them walk across the stage. It was only three years ago I watched them graduate high school. Sometimes it felt like the years flew by and other times they dragged. They were right, though. Today’s the day and they’re finally done. They’re men in every sense of the word, but I always thought they were from the moment I met them.

  Owen received a bachelor's degree in finance while Elijah’s is in business. They’ve been chomping at the bit to take over their dad’s company since they went to college. They both worked there while in school and never relaxed and enjoyed college. It’s always work and school with those two and nothing more. Maybe they’re just better at hiding what they’re up to in their free time.

  With them working with their dad, I see them pretty often, not only because they’re family but because I do all of the interior design work for the Barton Construction projects. The company keeps me busy—so much so I can barely take on any extra work outside of them. The Bartons are always dropping new projects on me and sometimes I think they specifically go after jobs with me in mind.

  I push that thought from my mind, not wanting to go down that road. Too many times I’ve let my mind play with the idea that they did it to keep me close. That one or both of the twins have been harboring feelings for me.

  I’ve got more important things to focus on like what I’m doing bringing a date to the graduation party. Luke hands me a warm to-go cup and I take a sip. “Thanks for the coffee,” I tell him as I breathe in the sweet caramel treat.

  All the contractors know it’s my favorite and they usually get me one if they know I’m in the office and have a favor to ask, like asking for me to take on one of their new clients. I don't think Luke is going to ask me, though, because he’s a carpenter and in high demand. It’s normally me asking him for the favor. He’s one of the best I’ve ever seen, so if I can get him for a project he’s always my first pick.

  I wish I had something a little harder right now, but the coffee will have to do. Luke and I are heading to the graduation party together and I know I can probably snag a glass of wine or two if I need something to help me get through it. It isn’t going to help heal my broken heart, but it can nurse me through the night. I can come out the other side with no one knowing what is going on under the fake smile that’s so ever-present lately.

  Two more people in my life are entering a new phase and I’m still stuck in the same spot, unmoving. I’m happy for Owen and Elijah because they’re the
sweetest and funniest men I’ve ever met. They make me think there are other good men out there, but the problem is, I don’t want other men. I want them. Now they’ll be beginning their lives and will likely get married. I’ll be front row to it all and it’s going to freaking hurt.

  “No problem. I was grabbing a cup too.” Luke takes a sip from his own before he gives me a warm smile that does nothing for me. I shouldn’t have agreed to go with him. I thought having someone with me tonight might help, but now I feel like an asshole because I know this isn’t going anywhere with Luke.

  When Luke asked me how the Barton twins were doing, it popped right out of my mouth that the twins were graduating and I asked if he wanted to come with me to the party. He knows everyone there since the Bartons subcontract him out when they need something detailed done. He seemed surprised by me asking, but smiled and said he’d pick me up.

  Now here we are, almost to Butch and my cousin Harlow’s home where the graduation party is taking place. An anxious energy starts to fill me the closer we get. What if they brought a date? They never talk about girls they’re dating or hooking up with. When I’ve asked before they always said they’re too busy. Both of them are ridiculous flirts, so there have to be women in their lives even if they don't talk to me about them.

  “Nellie,” Luke says, snapping me from my thoughts of Owen and Elijah with other women.

  My stomach starts to roll and I feel like I might vomit. How am I ever going to deal with seeing them with someone else? They’re going to be in my life forever and I know that day will come.

  “I know this isn't a date. You can relax.”

  My eyes flick over to Luke as he parks outside of Butch and Harlow’s place. “You do?”

  “If that’s what you’re all worked up about, don’t be.” He picks up his coffee and takes another sip. “But you’ll owe me a favor.” He slips that in there all while giving me a teasing smile. He’s handsome and I hate that I can’t be attracted to him.

  Normally when someone springs a favor on me like this, it bugs me, but I had it coming. I invited him on a date that clearly isn't one and he can totally tell. “Fine.”

  “It’s my mom's place, cut me some slack.” He shrugs. “And I brought you coffee.”

  “You did.” I pick mine up and take one last sip.

  “So relax. We’ll hang out and eat some good food. I can tell you about my mom's new place and we can call it square.”

  “Call it square?” I say with a laugh, feeling a little better that Luke and I are now on the same page. He really is serious about his mom’s place and it’s actually kind of sweet that the favor he’s calling in is for her. I know I’d do anything for mine.

  “Call it whatever you want as long as it gets my mom taken care of.” He gets out of his truck and comes around to my side.

  “You got yourself a deal,” I tell him as I hop out, but I don’t land so graciously in my heels. I stumble a little, but Luke catches me right before I tumble.

  “Thanks,” I tell him, trying to get my footing.

  “Get your fucking hands off her!” Elijah’s voice booms across the front lawn.

  “Or I’ll remove them from your body!” Owen barks.

  Luke and I look up in shock for half a second before Luke laughs. He takes his hands from me and backs away now that I have both feet safely on the ground.

  I turn my head and meet the gaze of two very pissed-off-looking men.

  Chapter Two


  “Hey, congratulations, guys,” Luke says, walking right past us and going into the house. He’s acting like we didn’t just see him put his hands all over our girl, but we can’t really take him to the ground in a fight right this second.

  “Are you two okay?” Nellie looks between us with wide eyes and I can’t help but think we may have slightly overreacted to seeing someone touch her, but I’m not about to apologize.

  “Why did you come with him?” Elijah was never one to be subtle and I can’t say I want him to start now.

  Nellie leans back like she’s getting attacked and her eyes narrow. “How is that any of your business?”

  This is not how we pictured her coming to our celebration today and I think maybe we need to dial it back. Unfortunately Elijah doesn’t have the same thought as he steps closer to Nellie.

  “Are you kidding me right now, Nell?”

  “Don’t you Nell me when you’re hollering at me across the yard like a dog.”

  “Whoa, whoa. Let’s just calm down and take a breath.” I step in front of Elijah to block his approach to Nellie. She blinks a few times as she looks away and I can see her cheeks are red.

  “Everything okay?” I hear Harlow on the porch behind us and I curse.

  “I think I could use something stronger than an afternoon coffee,” Nellie says, walking past us and into the house with Harlow.

  “Fuck.” Elijah runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he watches her go.

  “I know,” I agree and shake my head.

  “I didn’t mean to talk to her like that. I should go apologize. I just can’t focus when I’m around her, and then I saw Luke drive up with her in the truck and what else am I supposed to think?”

  “Clearly that didn’t go how we planned.” I cross my arms over my chest and look back at my dad’s place.

  It’s his and Harlow’s now and they’re raising their son here. It’s weird because he’s our little brother, but it’s more like he’s our kid, too.

  We gave my dad so much shit when he first met Harlow. We knew exactly how they felt about each other and we said shit enough to test him and see how pissed he’d get before he made her his. We knew he needed a nudge and we made sure to send him over quickly.

  Harlow is really cool and we couldn’t be happier that she’s with our dad, but she was never meant for either of us. We teased him and pushed him to the edge because we knew that he didn’t think they should be together. Age is just a number and we knew she was the one for him. Pretending we had a crush on her was only a game to get him there fast.

  The first time we saw Nellie, Elijah and I knew she was ours. As weird as it might make us, growing up we figured out that we wanted to share a wife. It started out kind of a joke because we didn’t want to live in separate houses, but over time we realized that there wasn’t another option.

  After our mom died and our uncle Butch took us in, he became our dad. Maybe there’s still a deep seed of abandonment somewhere inside of us, but the two of us have stuck together in every aspect of our lives, so it would make sense to have a family together.

  When we met Nellie, Elijah and I shared a look and we both knew right then and there that she was the woman we would make our wife; we just needed her to get on board with it. I knew that it would be an uphill battle because what woman would want to admit to having two husbands or that her children have two fathers? We don’t know much about other people in these type of relationships, but from what we’ve found online, there are small communities of people that love the way we do.

  It has nothing to do with me wanting to have sex with my brother, it’s that we share a bond because we’re twins and the connection between us is stronger than most. He’s my other half and if he loves someone, I’ll love them, too. I can’t help but share emotions with him, and the only answer to us living our lives as one is to have a woman who can understand that and handle our demands.

  “Now what?” Elijah looks to me and we share a silent conversation.

  We have to make this right even though we know our actions were justified. She might not know that she belongs to us, but school is finished and now it’s time to quit fucking around. We worked our asses off to graduate early and to make it so that we are able to step in and take over the business seamlessly.

  Dad and Harlow are focused on our little brother and raising him, so now is the time for us to become the men of Barton Construction and claim what’s ours. Nellie.

  “We need to go in and ma
ke this right,” I say simply and he sighs.

  “I would like to point out that smoothing things over is not my strong point.”

  “Lucky for you I’ve got manners.” I smile smugly at him and he rolls his eyes.

  “Yeah, you sounded like it when you were backing me up and yelling across the yard.”

  I shrug because he has a point, but I’m not going to admit it.

  “Seriously, Owen.” He moves closer as we both look into the house. “I can’t wait any longer and if she’s with Luke, I’m going to burn the house down.”

  “Stop being dramatic. Besides, Dad hasn’t let you play with fire since you were nine.” I shake my head as I think about what to do next.

  “Those fireworks were badass and you know it.”

  “You boys okay out there?” I watch our dad come out and wave us in. I look to Elijah.

  “We can’t stay out here, and God knows what she’s doing inside with Luke.”

  Elijah growls and stomps inside, but I grab his arm as we go in.

  “Play it cool. She’s ours.” He looks at me and after a second of hesitation he takes a breath and nods. “Now we just need to let her know it.”

  The house is packed with everyone our dad and Harlow asked to come. They are so proud of us and our achievements and it shows in what they’ve done today. They had the whole house decorated and catered just for us and they’re telling everyone they see how great we are. We might have started off with a rocky childhood, but from the moment our dad stepped in, it’s been perfect. Adding Harlow to our family was the best thing that’s happened to him since we’ve been in his life, and now that they are growing their family, it’s only going to get better.

  “There they are!” Harlow calls as we walk into the living room. “Your dad is about to give a speech.”

  “Oh God,” Elijah says as she pulls us over to where he is in front of the crowd.


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