Too Many

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Too Many Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “We can’t do this,” I whisper as Owen’s hand slips under my dress to pull my panties down my legs. I say the words, but as I feel the panties reach my ankles I brace myself on Owen’s broad shoulders to step out of them.

  “You’ll let me do anything I want to this body, won’t you, sweet girl?” My eyes drift down to Owen and I nod in agreement. “Elijah, too.”

  “I want you both,” I admit.

  Saying it out loud for them to hear feels good and a weight I didn’t know was there is lifted.

  “We want you, too, baby girl,” Elijah says, and I hear the sound of his jeans unzipping.

  “Lift up the dress and show me how wet you are,” Owen prompts.

  “Legs spread,” Elijah adds.

  “Shirts off,” I blurt out, widening my legs a little and reaching for the hem of my dress. I want to see them, too. Without question they both pull their shirts over their heads and toss them away. “Oh my.” I relax into the door as my knees begin to feel weak.

  My eyes travel over their thick chests on full display. They aren't fit from spending hours in the gym but from actual manual labor. I suddenly feel small thinking of being between the two of them.

  “Dress,” Elijah demands as Owen grips my hips under my dress, and I do as I’m told.

  I begin to raise it up, but before I even get it a few inches, Owen is lifting me off the ground and tossing me over his shoulder. I let out a gasp of surprise as he storms down a hallway.

  “I want room to work, and her back on our bed,” Owen says.

  I’m pretty sure he’s talking to Elijah and not me. I feel us go up some stairs and Elijah follows us, but my hair hides most everything but his feet.

  A moment later I’m being tossed onto a bed and Owen towers over me. Elijah once again steps back and leans up against the far wall, watching us. He’s letting Owen have his turn with me and the idea of them taking turns on my body makes me even hotter. My mouth opens but no words come out. I want to beg them to touch me and tell me this isn't some one-time thing. I need them to confirm that we can make this work. I want to know that this is only the beginning and they’ve been wanting this as long as I have.

  “I told you to spread those legs, baby girl,” Elijah demands from across the room. His hand has found its way into his jeans that are undone and hanging loose on his hips. It allows me to see the trail of hair that leads to where his hand is hiding. “In fact, lose the dress altogether.”

  Owen undoes his belt and pulls it from his jeans. The sound of it hitting the wood floor is loud in the empty room. I want to tell them to lose their clothes, but more than anything I need their hands on me.

  “I’ll need help,” I lie as I roll over onto my stomach. I could unzip the dress myself, but I want Owen to do it for me.

  I feel the bed dip before his hand brushes my neck. He pushes my hair out of the way and his fingertips skim my skin before he pulls the zipper down. A small moan comes from me as he kisses each bare inch of my exposed skin along the way.

  He shifts as he pulls the strapless dress down my body, leaving me naked on the bed. I close my eyes as he keeps on kissing me everywhere and his hands roam over my body. He kisses my ass before taking one long lick down the center of my cheeks and I gasp at the sensation. I want more, but I need it on my clit. I start to roll over, but Owen’s ahead of me and turns me over easily and spreads me wide.

  Elijah has moved to stand next to the bed and now he’s the one looking down on us. They both stare at my naked body, drinking in every inch of me.

  “Taste her, Owen. It’s the sweetest thing you’ll ever know,” Elijah tells him, his voice thick with arousal.

  “I’m not going to taste her. I’m going to devour her,” Owen growls before his mouth comes down on me.

  I cry out at the instant pleasure and begin to rise off the bed as an orgasm tries to break free. Elijah stops me and pins my hands over my head, leaning down to kiss me.

  Chapter Eight


  “Tell me what it’s like to have him eat your pussy while I hold you down.” I kiss her again and suck on her bottom lip before I look down at Owen enjoying her.

  “It-it…” She stumbles over the words as she cries out again. “Perfect.”

  “That’s because you belong to us.” I rub my nose against hers and then kiss my way down her neck and to her tits. When I suck on a nipple she arches her back again and I can hear Owen growl.

  “I’m not finished.” He grabs her hips as his tongue dips between her folds and he makes a meal out of her.

  “Stop trying to take it away from him, baby girl,” I scold, and Nellie whines.

  “It’s too much.” The muscles in her body clench and she screams as Owen hums his approval. Her chest and neck flush and there’s a light sheen of sweat all over her body.

  “One down.” I smile smugly, sliding my hand down to where Owen’s mouth is and spreading her lips for him. “About a hundred more to go.”

  “I can’t—”

  “You can and you will,” Owen demands from between her legs. “Brother, you’ve got to try this.”

  I move closer to her and breathe deep. I can smell the sweet scent of her pussy as I lean in and take one long lick. “Fuck.”

  “Have you ever tasted anything so goddamn good?” Owen asks, moving in next to me.

  The two of us take turns licking over her clit until finally we’re both doing it at the same time. I move my fingers to her pussy and push two inside her, and that’s when I feel Owen’s fingers in her ass.

  “Just getting her ready for me,” he says as he moves easily in and out of her tight little hole.

  “How does it feel, baby girl?” We lick her clit again and she cries out. Her pussy squeezes my fingers and I groan.

  “I’m so full.” Her breathing is ragged and she cries out as Owen sucks on her clit. “I’m going to—”

  She’s cut off by her own release as her hips move and her body takes over.

  “You’re not full enough.” Owen licks up her release as I move beside her and onto my back.

  “We’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, Nellie. Don’t make us wait.”

  Her eyes widen, and Owen sits up. We stare at her, waiting.

  “You mean, you want to both do it at the—” She pauses and swallows as she looks between us. “At the same time?”

  “It’s only fair.” I smile at Owen and he smiles. “We flipped a coin and Owen got tails.”

  “Just the first time,” he agrees, grabbing his cock and pumping it a few times in his hand.

  “Then we’re going to trade.” I shrug a shoulder like it’s no big deal, but maybe it’s because we’ve been talking about it for so long.

  Nellie bites her lip as she looks between our cocks and I know she’s wondering if she can fit both of them inside her. I just lie back and smile.

  “Don’t worry, baby girl, we’ll go slow.”

  “Climb on and let us do all the work.” Owen agrees, taking her hand and helping her sit up.

  She moves to straddle me and I rub my hands all over her soft skin. I feel Owen move between my legs as my cock nudges against her wet opening. I’m dripping with cum and I look down to see the sticky pearls have smeared on her pussy lips.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last.”

  “All together,” Owen says, and I take a breath and nod. I’ve got to try and hold on.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Nellie says. She sinks down an inch onto the head of my cock.

  “Don’t you know, sweet girl?” Owen says as he kisses her shoulder. “We love you so damn much. We’ve been waiting until we had all of this ready for you.”

  “You what?” Her eyes widen as she looks at me and then back to him.

  “Nellie, we love you. That’s why we graduated early and took over the business from Dad. We built this house and did everything we could think of, all so that you’d want to love us, too.” I look back to Owen and he nods. “
Maybe it will take time for you to be on the same page as us—”

  “I love you,” she blurts out, cutting me off. “I love you both so much. I was so afraid to think this might be possible.”

  “It is, and it will be.” Owen moves in close behind her and Nellie closes her eyes. “You’re ours forever.”

  “Forever,” I agree.

  When she opens them again there are tears there, but I can see they’re happy ones. “It’s all coming true.”

  “Every dream you ever have will come to life with us,” I say and I kiss her softly. “You’re ours to love and to cherish.”

  Owen grips her hips as he slowly pushes inside her and she lowers onto me at the same time. I hold her face and kiss her as I slide my fingers between us and to her clit. I’m trying to distract her as much as possible from any pain she may feel when we break her in for us.

  Her body resists at first, but I feel her take a deep breath and then her muscles relax. Owen grunts from behind her and I can see he’s using all his strength to restrain himself from going balls deep. I can feel his cock through the thin barrier that separates us and it makes my cock harder. I can’t believe we’re finally living out the dream we’ve had since we were kids—to find the one and make her ours so we can have our own family as one. People might not agree with this situation and they might think this is wrong, but in this moment there is nothing more right.

  Once Nellie is all the way down and Owen is fully seated inside her, we hold her there for a long moment while she relaxes in our arms. She’s safe between us and protected from all sides, and the way she melts against us, I know she feels it too. Maybe this wasn’t what she dreamed of since she was a little girl, but I know that she truly loves the both of us, and we love her. That’s all that matters in this life and we’re going to live it the way we want to.

  Her pussy tightens around my cock and her hips wiggle between us. “You two have to move or you’re going to kill me.”

  I smile as I pull out and slowly sink back in. Owen and I find our rhythm, alternating in and out to give her constant pleasure in every place imaginable.

  “Tell us when you’re close,” I say when I look at Owen and see he’s barely hanging on.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” he groans with every thrust.

  “It’s impossible for us both to be in her at the same time,” I gasp when I feel her push against us.

  “I’m—” Her breath hitches and she swallows. “Coming.”

  I hold her still as we both slide inside and she clamps down hard on each of us. A guttural sound comes from me as I lie back and roar my release. Strong pulses around my cock pull every drop out of me and I can feel Owen release at the same time. It’s the absolute single greatest orgasm of my life and for a second I think I’m going to pass out.

  “Goddamn,” Owen exhales, and then Nellie starts to laugh between us.

  “Yeah, let’s do that again,” I suggest, and Owen nods.

  “I’m glad I didn’t make plans for the rest of the day.” Nellie giggles again and I push a sweaty lock of hair away from her face.

  “Baby girl, you better not have made plans for the rest of your life. Because now that you’re ours, we’re never letting you go.”

  She looks back to Owen and gives him a quick kiss. I love seeing the affection she shows my other half because it feels like in a way it’s her kissing me, too.

  “I like the sound of that,” she agrees, and Owen smiles with her.

  “Let’s get in the shower,” Owen says as he wraps his hands around her waist. “I need to eat your sweet pussy again.”

  “I think I might be okay with that,” Nellie says and then squeals when I spank her ass.

  Today is the first day of our happily ever after.

  Chapter Nine


  I lay my head against my Owen’s chest as Elijah washes my body. I don’t know how long we’ve been in here, but it’s wonderful. I hold on to Owen tight, scared this isn't real.

  “It’s real,” Owen says before he kisses the top of my head. He’s either reading my mind or thinking the same thing as me.

  “We’re not going anywhere,” Elijah adds, placing a kiss on my shoulder and nipping me gently.

  “This is crazy,” I admit.

  “What’s fucking crazy is how long we all waited for this moment. We should have had this for years,” Elijah growls from behind me. I turn in Owen’s arms to look at him. The warm shower water rains down on us.

  “You guys have really been waiting for me?” I run my hands up his chest. God, how many times have I wanted to do that over the years? Too many to remember. I’d gone on a few dates after I’d met them, but they had all been shit. To be honest I don’t know if it was the men that always sent me running or if it was just me. I came up with the craziest reasons why every man that asked me out was wrong for me.

  All I could think about was Owen and Elijah. There was always this nagging feeling and now I’m pretty sure I know what that is. It was the same one I’d gotten after Elijah and I fooled around and I thought Owen didn't know. Betrayal. Some part deep inside of me knew I belonged to both of them. How it took me so long to put that together, I have no idea.

  “Since that first day we saw you, we knew,” Owen says from behind me. He pulls my body back into him. His hard cock digs into me. I still can’t believe I had both of them at the same time. They’re both big men, but my body took them in. Because I was made for them, my mind whispers.

  “We knew that’s what had been missing. Owen and I tried to date a few girls in high school. Not together,” he adds quickly. “We’d come home and our skin felt like it was crawling and we thought something was wrong with us.” Elijah shakes his head, his face looking like he ate something bad. I fight a laugh because I know the feeling.

  “Then you showed up and we realized it was because we were waiting for you,” Owen says.

  “The woman we both wanted.” Elijah leans in and brushes his mouth against mine. I sigh against his lips.

  “The woman who made us realize that we wanted to share a wife.” I turn my head to look up at Owen. I know we said this was forever, but it was a heated moment. I felt it to be true to my core, but hearing it again reassures me. I’m not crazy to want this. “Share you.” Now Owen leans down and brushes his mouth to mine. Being pressed between them is the sweetest feeling I’ve ever felt. I’m home for the first time. I never want to go back to my empty condo. This is where I belong.

  Owen groans, pulling his mouth from mine. “I want you again but you’re sore.” I am a little sore. They brought me into the shower and we all made love again. Now they are washing every inch of my skin. Neither can stop touching me, but I can’t stop touching them either. That ache I had is long gone. They fixed it. Made me whole. Owen’s hands slide to my stomach as Elijah steps more into me.

  “I can take it. I was made for both of you.” I repeat the same words that have been rattling around in my head. “We’ve all waited so long for this. I don’t want to stop. I want to spend the day just like this.”

  Elijah lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He doesn't enter me, but his cock slides between my pussy lips, rubbing along my clit. I moan into his mouth as he starts to kiss me deeply. Owen’s mouth travels to my neck where he kisses and sucks at me. His cock digs more into me from behind.

  “We did wait a long fucking time, sweet girl, but now we have all the time in the world.” He nips at my neck. “This was worth having only my hand for all these years. Your pussy was the first and last we’ll ever have.” Owen’s words mixed with Elijah’s cock rubbing my clit send me over into another orgasm. I cry out their names. They both keep a hold of me while I come undone between them.

  Elijah pulls his mouth from mine. “Hold her,” he tells Owen as his hold loosens on me and most of my weight shifts to Owen. I watch as Elijah gives his cock a few pumps before he starts to come. It shoots out, landing between my legs and on my stomach.

  “Oh God.” I don’t know why that’s so hot. Then Owen is doing the same. He turns me, passing me to Elijah so he can come all over my pussy, too, but this time when he’s done he smears his cum onto my skin, then plays with my clit until I’m coming again. My whole body goes lax in Elijah’s hold and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to move again. My eyes fall shut.

  Someone turns off the water before getting us all out of the shower. I’m in such a daze that when I come to, I sit up and I’m naked in the middle of the bed all alone. The smell of food hits me as I crawl from the bed just as Elijah enters the bedroom.

  “Hey, baby girl. Was coming to check on you.” He walks over and kisses me deeply. “We made you some food. Thought you might be hungry.”

  “It wasn't a dream,” I say against his mouth.

  “Not a dream. Now put something on or we’ll end up back in that bed.”

  I wiggle against him. “That doesn't sound too terrible,” I tease. Elijah groans and I know he really wants to pin me to the bed again.

  “I have a feeling Harlow is about to show up here. Your phone’s been blowing up and I’m guessing her finding us naked together isn't how you want to tell her about this?” My eyes widen. I’d forgotten about the rest of the world and what they might think. I’ve been so wrapped up in the three of us. It doesn't really matter though. People will have to learn to deal because I’m not giving my men up.

  He sets me down on my feet. “Come, you probably don’t want to put the dress back on.” I don’t. He pulls me down the hallway into a small room that I know is his. It smells like him. He finds a shirt and pulls it over my head.

  “Who sleeps in the big room?” I point toward the room that I’m pretty sure is the master bedroom. I haven't gotten a good look around the house yet. I’ve been preoccupied.


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