Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 9

by L M Lacee

  Peyton sighed. ‘Yep, that about sums it up, so we need context?’

  ‘Something like that, it’s not great. I understand what the Stars said and am pleased we changed the way their society will grow, but I think the price sucked.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘That it did, but no one died, that is always a bonus for us or so Hawk says constantly.’

  She and Darby raised their glasses in a salute and swallowed the remainder of their wine. Peyton rose to fill their glasses again and quietly said. ‘I want to go home.’

  Darby looked up and nodded. ‘Me too, we need to see our boys.’

  ‘And listen to Hawk yell at me.’

  ‘Ohh yeah. He’s gonna be so pissed.’

  ‘I know right, at least Melody told him where we are. So we don’t have to listen to that part of the lecture.’

  ‘Oh, thank the stars. He is so intense lately when he gets worked up and the look he gets. It’s a cross between death and disappointment.’

  ‘I know, right?’

  They both giggled as Peyton looked intently at Darby, who asked. ‘What are you thinking in that devious mind?’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Devious huh, you can talk, as it happens I was thinking if I threw you at him. I could get away and see Rayvan. You know he won’t yell in front of the kids, something about emotional scaring.’

  Darby scowled at her as she drank the contents of her glass. ‘Not likely sister, you cannot lift me.’

  Peyton tipped her head back and swallowed her wine and then made a fist and showed Darby her muscles, stating with pride. ‘I have been working out.’

  Darby stood and said. ‘Pfft, that’s not a muscle, this is a muscle?’ Then showed her, her bicep.

  ‘Ooh! That is good Darby, arm wrestle?’

  Sighing in disappointment, she shook her head. ‘No, we have to get this on record, so let’s do that then catch up with the others. The Emperor will be here soon.’

  ‘Okay.’ Peyton agreed and together they refilled their glasses and Darby produced a data drive as Peyton recounted the Stars summation and prophecy for Patamoglian. It was something they had done since they had encountered the Warriors. Recording any information or prophecies, anything that could help them navigate the unfamiliar territory they found themselves in. Especially when it came from the Star Child. They refilled their glasses many times through the retelling.


  Fox came on board an hour later than he predicted, arriving at the same time the Emperor and his people did. He stayed hidden in the shadows while Dinas and Jarrod greeted the Emperor, he was surprised to see his daughters had accompanied him and his brother.

  Once they had disappeared into the lift, he moved from the shadows as Marlo stepped in next to him, causing him to almost squeal like his cousins.

  ‘Furin hayda Commander, don’t do that. You scared the tuap out of me.’

  ‘I know, stop being an olesho, and I will not make your life hard. Madam Peyton wants you to work for her directly, she likes you. I do not.’ He growled, causing the young spy to relax and smile.

  Fox was not his given name. It was in fact Kaven Fortnar he was the third son of Hena and Kivan Fortnar and a third cousin to Harmara. Even at an early age, he had shown abilities beyond his age. It seemed someone in his family had, at some time in the past, obtained a book of animals from Earth and had read the attributes of a fox. After one or two escapades he became the recipient of the name Fox. Sadly for his mother, the name had stuck, Fox loved it.

  He was thin and not as tall as his older cousins due to the fact he was still young and had not hit his growth spurt yet. Unlike the rest of his family, his skin tone was more white than gold. He also had the unusual ability of being able to change his coloring right down to his eye color, which helped him blend into most biped worlds. It was a unique trait even for the Solverea’s.

  When Heather learned of this, she immediately asked him to help with the Faders or as they were known Falears. Which he happily did, supplying blood and skin samples and within a few wekens they had a solution to the Falears problems. Now the Warriors could fade or not at will. No longer did they fear using their abilities, knowing they would not burn out of existence.

  He was a hero, Madam Peyton had told him that, and now she wanted him on her team, excitement coursed through him. At nineteen yentas old, Fox was the youngest spy in his Uncle Klune and Aunt Rata’s network. He was intelligent enough to know he had exceptional skills but had yentas before he completed his training. Then he would take over from his aunt and uncle, which was his ambition, or it had been? Now, though, the thought of a bigger game entered his mind. Spy Master for Maikonia was a worthy goal and had a nice sound to it. Returning to the conversation with one of her trusted Commanders, he smirked as he asked.

  ‘She wants me.’


  ‘Well, that is all that matters, so what does she want me to do?’

  ‘That is for her to say, are you in or out?’ Marlo said it like he hoped he was out.

  Fox gave a crafty smile. ‘In.’ Then he laughed at the disgruntled look on Marlo’s face as he slipped into the waiting airlift and raised his hand in a mock salute.

  Marlo, hands on his hips, scowled until the lift took him out of sight. Then smiled as Harm asked from the shadows. ‘Did it work?’

  ‘Yep, took it like the fox he is.’

  ‘Told you, he needs to be challenged and if he thinks you don’t like him, he will work harder. Mind you, he’s as annoying as all hayda. So take care, but if she wants him, she must have a need.’

  ‘So she says. He’s a tenderfoot.’



  Harm grinned. ‘I know. We have done this before with exceptional young ones. Sedeen and I were young once. We will monitor him, he is smart and intelligent and definitely brash, but not stupid.’

  Marlo grunted. ‘He’s a taje.’

  ‘Yes he is. We need to go, I was told to come get you. We are having a family get together.’

  ‘What the hayda is that?’

  ‘Who knows?’

  Marlo scowled hard at Harm, who said. ‘Brenda sent me.’

  Marlo’s frown cleared as they stepped into the waiting lift. ‘Why did you not say so?’

  Harm grinned. ‘No idea.’

  ‘How is Heather?’

  ‘Asleep thankfully, she will be at the meal after the Emperor leaves. I could do with another drink.’

  ‘As could I.’ Marlo said and then as the lift deposited them at the shipteens level, he asked. ‘Did you know Hawk does not know we are here?’

  Harm stopped walking and lost all expression, then he sucked in a deep breath. ‘Fuck... furin hayda! We are so dead, he is going to kill us.’

  ‘I know, it is what I said. Do you think Dinas knows?’

  ‘He cannot, he would have told us.’ Harm assured him as he cursed. ‘Tuap... tuap… furin… shit.’

  Just then Dinas came around the corner. ‘What has happened, you two look like you saw a Poho?’

  They shook their heads, ‘Unfortunately, not that.’ Harm stated.

  Marlo growled out. ‘We just realized you probably do not know.’

  Suspiciously Dinas asked as he braced himself. ‘What do I not know?’ He fell into step with them as Marlo answered. ‘That Hawk has no idea we are here.’

  Dinas said nothing, but the corridor pulsed once with energy, then he shrugged and said. ‘Well, thank the stars we are answerable to her. She can deal with him, I will do what I suggest you two do, disavow any knowledge that this mission was not sanctioned. Agreed?’

  ‘Agreed!’ Was their heartfelt reply.

  They entered the shipteen to be met by Brenda, who took one look at the three of them and asked. ‘Oh my, what has she done now?’

  Marlo sighed. ‘They know she did not get permission for this mission.’

  ‘Excuse me?’ A voice said from behind them, and in an octave higher than normal. �
��Permission.’ Snarled Melody as she stormed around until she was in front of the three males. More drunk than sober, she weaved only a little. Placing her hands on her hips or at least she tried to, after three attempts she gave up and just pointed toward the males saying. ‘Our Star Daughter, our sister does not needs permission from, who… whom…’

  Trying not to laugh, Brenda said. ‘It seems Peyton did not let Hawk know where we were going.’

  Melody twirled around to look at Brenda, she stumbled and righted herself on the edge of the table. The males reached out to grab her, but when she looked over her shoulder at them with a narrow-eyed stare, they held their hands behind their backs.

  She sniffed and almost fell over again. ‘Huh, so that’s what’s got all your knickers in a twists.’

  The three males looked slightly confused at the expression. Brenda and Netta laughed and Melody looked affronted as she said. ‘Well as it so happens, she did not need to tell him. She asked me to do it.’

  ‘So he does know?’ A relieved Dinas qualified.

  She weaved a little as she held her hand up and continued as though he had not spoken. ‘As I was so busy, because I had to do everrrything.’ She gave them a dirty look. ‘Before we left, cause I got no help from annnyooone.’

  ‘Hey.’ Yelled a tipsy Netta. ‘Isa hellpp you female.’

  ‘Oh yeah, except from my sista Netta... where was I?’

  Brenda still amused said. ‘You were so busy you…’

  ‘Oh, yes thank you Brenda, now she is helpful.’

  ‘Hey waddda I say?’ Yelled Netta again.

  ‘Aww shuddup!’ Melody returned as she stood there for a min squinting up at the ceiling. ‘Oh, yeah, I asked Netta to do it.’ Satisfied, she looked at the three males and smiled until she heard the words.

  ‘Nah, you didn’t, never happened.’

  ‘I did so, ishush rememer doing it.’ Melody said as she circled around again to look at Netta.

  ‘Na-ahh… I woulda rememmer.’

  Melody looked sad as she said. ‘Say it ain’t so. I forgot to ask you to do it. I hadda so much to do... I was rushed.’ She looked at the males and Brenda, then her eyes lit on the pale Netta. She stumbled toward her and, stopped at the table, weaving back and forth. She shook her finger at Netta. ‘Do not ever… ever…’ And she waggled her finger at them all. ‘Ever tell her. We will vow here and now that we did not forget. Agreed?’

  Marlo was smiling, he had been watching the westerns on vids and enjoying them. Brenda was amused at how many of the words and mannerism of the males he was picking up and using in his speech as he did now. All he needed was a cowboy hat, which she thought she may just try to get him.

  He drawled as he had heard the sheriff on the show he had watched before he left home do. ‘Wellll… little lady, we did not forget, now did we? Gotta ask ourselves what’s in it for us?’

  Brenda laughingly said. ‘Marlo.’

  ‘Hush now sweets, let me see if the little lady has something up her sleeve.’

  Melody wobbled over to the chair next to Netta and sat heavily. She and Netta often watched the vids with Marlo and anyone else she could drag into viewing them so she eyed the tall male and grinned with delight. Brenda passed her and Netta something to sober them both up, and when it took effect Melody asked. ‘Well pardna, let’s see if we can come to some agreements here. So whadda it take to keep all you hombres, all quiet like?’

  ‘What did she say?’ Harm asked Brenda, who said. ‘She wants to know what you want, to keep quiet.’

  ‘Oh well.’ He rubbed his hands together. ‘I am with that, you Dinas?’

  ‘For sure, pardna.’

  ‘I will have to watch these vids.’ Harm mumbled to himself.

  Dinas hearing him clapped him on the shoulder. ‘You will love them, a lone male against the many bad ones. Shootouts with projectile weapons. Fascinating.’

  Harm was almost vibrating with excitement. ‘We need to watch some, do we have any on board?’

  Melody looked sad. ‘No, we don’t.’

  They all looked sad now. ‘Dear stars.’ Murmured an amused Brenda. ‘I have some on my tablet.’

  Melody smiled and cheered. ‘Yah, for Brenda!’

  With that settled and remembering why Melody was cheering, the three males advanced on the table and seated themselves across from her and Netta.

  ‘What have you got in mind little lady?’ Harm asked, which started the next thirty mins of the best haggling and name calling ever experience and yes Brenda recorded it all.

  Once they all got into the idea of it. Netta and the others ended up sitting back and watching Marlo and Melody come up with the most outlandish trades. Finally Melody out of ideas and bribes came up with the perfect one. She eyed her opponents and laid her last card on the table, leaning closer to her adversaries and in a lowered voice said. ‘If you agree with me and keep quiet? I will tell you where her stock of chocolate is.’

  ‘Chocolate.’ They all said at once, even Brenda.

  ‘Really… chocolate?’ Dinas asked, almost salivating at the thought of the sweet treat.

  There was not a person on the ship or Prime, probably their whole system that was not addicted to chocolate. The eating, drinking or the cookie kind. Until the plants matured, the chocolate that had been brought with them from Earth, was rationed. And like Melody, all their supplies were low or gone completely. All except for Peyton who was a secret or at least a not very secret hoarder of chocolate. So as a bribe, it was a momentous one.

  Melody nodded her head and played her final gambit. ‘If you all agree, I will not only tell you where she keeps it. I will get you some and thereby lower your risk of getting caught.’

  Instant agreements were reached, even the sober Brenda agreed, after all it was chocolate!


  When notification came that the Emperor was on board, Peyton and Darby each took an Alco, a small disc that fizzed when placed on the tongue. It tasted like honey and once dissolved sobered the person within seconds. It was an amazing innovation that the Warriors had introduced them to, on the trip to Maikonia, when they had indulged once or twice.

  Fox slipped into her cabin after he had taken a myriad of shortcuts and raced along passageways to make it to her before the Emperor arrived.

  Concerned as they both looked a little worse for wear, he asked. ‘Madam, Commander Darby are you well?’

  As he watched Peyton touched Darby’s clothes and she was once again her presentable self. She grinned at the young male. ‘We are well, Fox. Now what news do you have for us?’

  ‘After you left, court was reconvened once all the females were released and sent to medical. Then the Emperor held a trial, or at least he stated what the offenses were and then jailed every member of the Empresses family, including her and her two children. They will all be given a death sentence.’

  Darby asked. ‘Her children as well?’

  Fox grimaced. ‘I do not know, he may spare them, they are only young. It is the very young of the other members of her family I am worried about.’

  Darby asked. ‘Why?’

  ‘There are ten young children, between one lunera and five yentas old. What worries me is no one will take them, they will not wish to be associated with undesirables. I do not know what he will do with them, maybe raise them himself or force others to. Either way their lives will be hard from now on, known as they will be, the children of traitors.’

  Subdued, Peyton said. ‘Thank you Fox, go find a cabin, we leave after the Emperor disembarks. You will find the others in the shipteen.’

  ‘As you wish Madam, I do not know if Commander Marlo told you yet. I would very much like to take the position offered.’

  ‘He has not, but I am pleased. We will discuss the mission I have for you when we return home, is that alright?’

  Fox grinned, it was not often he was asked if an order made to him was all right. ‘It is and I look forward to working for you.’

p; He left her then, just as Jarrod arrived with the Emperor and his people. While Darby showed the visitors to their seats. Peyton asked Jarrod. ‘Can you stay?’

  ‘Yes, Madam, I am sure they will save me some Fenteric wine.’

  Darby told him softly as she came back to where they stood by the door. ‘Don’t worry, Peyton will make sure you get some later?’

  He grinned. ‘Good, then I am all yours.’

  Peyton’s. ‘If only.’ Slipped out and caused even the Emperor’s people to smile, especially as she blushed when Darby said. ‘Oh my stars, wait until I tell Trina.’

  Peyton frowned. ‘Sorry, inappropriate, especially as his mate is my friend and carrying their first child.’ She glanced at Jarrod, who hid a smile but not the one that remained in his eyes.

  Parkern fell back into his seat. ‘Masters can have young, I do not know this Universe.’ He said it with amazement, not censor, so Peyton did not jump to defend Jarrod.

  With a smile she sat on the small two seater couch facing the two chairs and couch which Darby had shown the Emperor and his people too. While Jarrod relaxed back against the cabin wall with his arms crossed.

  ‘I know we live in momentous times, a Star Daughter after two million yentas and Masters that we call Specialists who are mating and having young. Warriors not left in slavery and Turqualls known as Prowlers, and a solar system reopened.’

  ‘We really are blessed to be alive in this time.’ Phantor said as he stared at Peyton. ‘To witness change in our Universe, a change that is long overdue.’

  She dipped her head. ‘We are also able to be the cause of new societies developing. To shape a new destiny for the Universe.’

  Phantor asked. ‘Is that what you are doing?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘It is one of the things we hope to achieve. I will give you the recording of the Star Childs prophecy as told to us this day.’

  ‘The Star Child knows of us?’ The younger daughter blurted out. ‘I am sorry.’ She hurriedly apologized. ‘I have not yet been introduced, forgive me Star Daughter, father.’


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