Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 18

by L M Lacee

  Yes, I think I was.

  Cemeru laughed, which was another first for Jarrod, he had not heard his father laugh for many yentas.

  Peyton nodded. ‘The why is easy Ambassador when Warriors were assigned to your world? Your people knew they were ill equipped to stop the intrusions into their minds, and yet that did not stop the games they played with the Warriors. Tell me Ambassador, for the duration of their time on your world, how many of my Warriors were murdered because of your people’s cruelty?’

  ‘I am unsure if what you say is true and if there are any accounts of deaths?’

  Peyton’s face paled, her eyes went black and flames appeared in their depths as her skin glowed a soft white. In that moment there was no doubt to the male staring at her she was the Star Daughter.

  ‘Please Ambassador, do not lie. I have one here to remind you of the Warriors that died in your care. Lord Cemeru, do you know how many of my Warriors were killed due to the treatment they received on Uthrio?’

  Cemeru stepped forward, and the Ambassador hissed when he saw him. Cemeru smiled as he saw the outrage on the face of the Ambassador. ‘Jithro, do not lie to the Star Daughter. You know exactly how many died, you can say, or I will. I have it on good authority either way it will not dispel her anger.’

  Peyton said. ‘We will wait for you to find the answer Ambassador.’

  Jithro’s voice hissed as he spat out. ‘No need.’

  Someone passed him a small tablet which he read from. ‘Over seventy yentas. Five hundred and forty-two Warriors have died. It is undetermined what caused their deaths, they were ruled death by misadventure.’

  No one spoke and no one moved. Penny stealthily tapped her finger on a small red square on her link. All the while Peyton breathed deeply and her glow intensified, she harshly demanded in a voice that froze the blood. ‘Misadventure, killing my Warriors was a misadventure. What constitutes murder on your world?’

  Lukkas said from behind her. ‘If one of their citizens are killed, they are murdered.’

  She turned to him, her eyes once more her own, sorrow written on her face. ‘Lukkas, I do not know what to say to you. I really don’t?’

  She glowed brighter as feelings overcame her once more. Cemeru was gently pulled back from her and Netta smiled at the older male and told him as she slipped into his place. ‘Safer for you over here, sir. So what gives my queen?’ She asked Peyton after she signed for Penny to cut the screen again.

  ‘Netta, they killed five hundred and forty-two of our Warriors.’ Her voice held suppressed rage as she repeated. ‘Five hundred and forty-two Warriors dead.’

  ‘I see, and this is the world that hurt our Lukkas?’


  ‘So, we are doing what?’

  ‘Doing?’ A startled Peyton asked Netta, who nodded as she placed her hand on her cheek. ‘Peyton hon, what do you want to do? Shall we invade, strike a blow for Lukkas and all our Warriors who were taken from us? Do we demand five hundred and forty-two deaths in retaliation?’

  With those words, she reminded Peyton of the punishment meted out on Patamoglian. ‘No Netta, we don’t want that.’

  ‘What is it we want then Star Daughter? What is it you wish to do?’

  Peyton looked around at the waiting people, her people. ‘This will not go unpunished, it cannot. Justice is demanded for the dead and from the living.’

  Netta removed her hand as she said. ‘No, it cannot, but can we have justice without deaths.’

  ‘Yes we can and I will.’

  ‘Of course you will. You are the new sheriff in town, now go get ‘em.’

  ‘So funny… sheriff.’ She hugged Netta, then said. ‘By the way I like the whole my queen thing you have going on.’

  Netta just shook her head as she stepped back from her. ‘Never gonna happen.’

  ‘Hit it, Penny.’ Peyton told her, when she was once more standing in front of the screen.

  Netta shared a look with Penny. Jarrod mind-sent to her. You are very good at that Netta, a treasure to watch.

  Netta inclined her head. Thank you Jarrod.

  Peyton told the Ambassador when he came on screen. ‘You will supply immediately the names and ranks of the Warriors that were sent to your world. And the names and ranks of the Warriors murdered while there, all of them. Do not miss any Ambassador.’

  As they watched, they saw the Ambassador’s eyes go wild and his face pale. Peyton’s voice hardened and her face became expressionless as she said. ‘Do not think to betray me Jithro, I know where your world lives, I will take the life from your planet, like I am taking it from your body. See and feel how easy it is for me to do this. Can you feel my hand around your hearts, even your replacements?’

  He nodded frantically. ‘Now think about this, every one of your citizens will feel this before they die in every city and town on and off your world. And I will make sure they all know it is because of you. Understand and believe me when I tell you, I have no mercy for you. No pity for your young and no sympathies for your females, just as you had none for my Warriors. There will not be a min in the remainder of my life for me to regret removing your world from the Universe, if you do not comply with my requests.’

  She released her hold on the Ambassador’s hearts, then asked. ‘I have a question for you. How does it feel to be powerless, to have no control over your own body? To be at the mercy of someone who cares nothing for you, other than you make a pretty toy?’ He made gagging noises, as she said. ‘Do not bother, I see your answer.’

  Gasping for breath and holding his stomach where his hearts were, he said on a breath. ‘You will have the records before the hour is finished.’

  ‘What of their remains?’

  ‘There are no remains, as is our custom.’

  ‘Make sure I have those records. My Laroro will submit our account for the yentas you had our Warriors on your world. There will also be compensation for the murders of the Warriors.’

  He stilled, and a smirk appeared on his face as Lukkas muttered. ‘Idiot.’

  Cemeru and Jarrod looked at him, then at the screen when they heard Jithro say. ‘So this is all about the credits you are trying to extort from my world?’

  Cemeru mind-sent to Jarrod. He always has been an olesho.

  Peyton’s eyes flamed again and her skin glowed a little brighter as she asked calmly. ‘Why would you say so?’

  His smirk grew as he said. ‘It is obvious, the Warriors come from no family, so no one to require compensation.’

  Netta remained where she was and as Kerol made the signal for Hawk, she made the signal to wait. Peyton’s voice was like ice as she replied. ‘No family, we the people of Maikonia are their family. They are my family. Every one of my people will mourn the passing of our Warriors. I do not understand your reasoning. Did I not just show you how much they mean to me, to my people?’ Then her eyes filled with Stars and the song of the Star Child entered her voice.

  Jithro, progeny of Kitho of Uthrio. Perhaps we should show you what happens when you disrespect our Daughter. When you disrespect us!

  Behind Jithro they could see shadowy figures running and hear the sounds of loud alarms blaring as explosions were heard and people screamed.

  ‘The world it shakes.’ Jithro screamed as he ducked when something flew at his head. He stared at Peyton and fell to his knees as the suns darkened, turning his world black. ‘The suns have gone!’ Jithro screamed joining other voices in terror. ‘Please Star Child, we will comply. Forgive my rash words.’

  The alarms ceased, the world brightened and became still. Hesitantly Jithro climbed back to his feet.

  Peyton, said. ‘Do you understand now, as you cannot return our Warriors you will pay dearle for… What did you call the deaths of our males?’ She threw the word he used back at him. ‘Oh yes, misadventure. I will not discuss this with you anymore. I have warned you what will happen if you do not comply. Now I have two questions for you. First; are there any Warriors in stasis tubes hidd
en on your world or any world you know about?’

  He shook his head, no.

  ‘Secondly; do you have a Master Jarrmeru on your world?’

  His eyes darted from side to side, causing Peyton to growl low in her throat. ‘Do not try prevaricating, Ambassador, I am at the end of my patience.’

  He swallowed and said. ‘I heard he was on a small blue and green world and then he was reported at the Capital, which was over eleven luneras ago.’

  ‘If you hear anything further, you will notify me. Do not think to deceive me in this Ambassador. Now you will take this warning, to your governors, your rule makers, your educators and your people. The gifts you received, were for your world to use for the betterment of the Universe. To enhance and create a harmonic understanding between worlds. They were for you to help other worlds and their people who may have needed your talents to embrace change and experience peace. The gifts were not yours to jealously guard and keep from others or to be squandered on petty vindictive games. And they were definitely not to be used against harmless ill equipped people, like my Warriors. You have abused the trust the Star Son placed in your world when he granted the gifts to your Ancestors. So think on this… that which was given by the Star Son can be removed by the Star Daughter. Pay your accounts immediately. Comp off.’

  Taking a deep breath to settle her, she released it slowly then told Penny. ‘Please have Miko send the accounts but before you do, ask her to triple every figure I had originally stated.’

  Penny’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘That will be in the billions.’

  ‘I know and your point?’

  ‘None. It will be done Madam.’

  ‘Thank you, when the list arrives please ask Commander Larson to account for every Warrior stationed on Uthrio and discover if they need assistance. The other list please forward to me. Also I would like to talk to a sculpture and a plaque maker or stone mason, if we have some people like that, please.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Okay everyone, I thank you all for coming.’

  Most left her, relieved to be out of her sphere of emotion. ‘Lord Cemeru, Jarrod a moment please?’


  ‘I have sent a team to the Capital. I will have them make discreet inquires as to the whereabouts of Mystic Jarrmeru.’

  Cemeru said. ‘My family thanks you Madam.’

  ‘You are family Lord Cemeru and hopefully by now you know we look after our own.’

  Netta stopped by Penny’s office and rapped on her desk. ‘So, okay then?’

  ‘Yeah, she was a little intense.’

  ‘Yep, the signal worked, though?’

  ‘Thank goodness.’

  ‘You are good for her Penny, never doubt that. If I had not come, you would have been okay.’

  ‘You think?’

  ‘I know so.’

  ‘As do I, my heart.’ Kerol said as he entered her office.

  Penny smiled at Kerol as she said. ‘Oh, isn’t that sweet?’

  Netta said. ‘Seriously, I was going to get cake but all this sweetness makes me want to gag, I am off.’ As she started to leave, she said thoughtfully, just as Penny went into Kerol’s arms. ‘Wonder if Darby’s back yet?’

  Penny squealed and pulled from Kerol who growled at Netta. She could not help herself and smirked at the couple, especially when Penny threw her hands up as she said. ‘I forgot, stars she will kill me. Wait, how do you know?’

  Netta grinned. ‘Knife and I had snacks with Draykin.’

  Penny slumped into her chair. ‘I am dead… dead, I tell you.’

  Her reaction had Kerol laughing, which caused her to snarl at him. ‘It is alright for you. Now leave the both of you.’

  ‘But sweet…’

  ‘Sweet nothing, out. I have comms to make, now go.’

  Resigned, he asked. ‘Second-meal?’

  ‘Of course, my love.’

  Smiling he turned to be confronted by Netta who stated. ‘You are such a sap.’

  Kerol eyed the tight way she was holding herself, it seemed Netta was on edge. He loosened his shoulders as he thought, so be it, he enjoyed sparring with her. Netta hit hard and fast, with her it was always a no holds fight.

  ‘I am guessing that is not a compliment?’

  Netta grinned evilly. ‘Not even close.’

  ‘Swords or hand to hand?’

  Netta grinned. ‘Hand to hand of course.’

  Kerol stretched his hands out. ‘Training mat, you and me now.’

  ‘Done!’ Netta replied keeping her grin hidden, she needed a work out. Kerol was always fun to fight with; he did not believe in holding back, just like her. They walked to the transfer circle and disappeared.

  Cemeru looked at Jarrod. ‘They are to fight?’

  ‘Mmmm, maybe, probably.’ Jarrod said not really paying attention, he was thinking on the family meal to come.

  To clarify, Cemeru asked. ‘Jarrod, my son, he will fight her?’

  He had Jarrod’s full attention now, with raised eyebrows he gave his father a considering look and saw the speculation in his eyes. ‘Yes, I should think so, do you wish to watch?’

  ‘I think I do, will we have time?’

  ‘Yes, Papa do you know what betting is?’

  ‘Betting?’ Helen asked, wiping her hands as she came off of the lift behind them. ‘Betting on what?’

  Jarrod grinned. ‘Netta and Kerol.’

  ‘Swords, knives or hand to hand?’

  Jarrod’s smile widened as his father said. ‘I am sure they said hand to hand.’

  ‘Oh, I am so there.’ She comm’d Esther and Brenda. ‘Sisters, Netta and Kerol, hand to hand.’ She stepped into the transfer circle. ‘See you there.’

  Cemeru asked, bewildered. ‘They did not seem the type to enjoy watching Netta get beaten?’

  ‘Oh Papa, you assume too much. Come watch something you have probably never seen before.’ As they stepped into the transfer circle, Jarrod comm’d his brothers.


  After everyone left her office Peyton, put her head down on her desk, some days it was just so hard to be her. A voice that sounded very old whispered through her mind. Daughter, may I speak with you?

  ‘Of course you can. May I know your name?’

  Oh, you wish to know my name?

  ‘Yes, very much so.’

  No one has thought to ask me that in many eons.

  ‘I am sorry they have not.’

  Once I was called Nimbyya.

  ‘What a pretty name. Shall I call you by that name?’

  Thank you. I would like that.

  ‘Well, Nimbyya, why have you come to me?’

  I was hoping you would offer me assistance.

  ‘You are very far away, are you not?’

  I suppose it seems like that for you.

  ‘I mean you are not in my system.’

  Oh no, not at all.

  ‘Please Nimbyya, tell me how I can help you.’

  Oh, the Star Child said you were polite. The Star Son before you was not so.

  ‘I apologize for him. He should always have been respectful and polite to you.’

  Thank you Star Daughter, what do you know of Turqualls?

  ‘I have many Turquall who are now known as Prowlers, on my worlds. Why do you ask?’

  I watched over the original Tuarillians when they first inhabited the planet which they call Porquiel.

  Peyton smiled in her mind so Nimbyya could see her expression. ‘You will be pleased to know the Prowlers are descended from the Tuarillian Prides, in their coloring and abilities. Also, you may be pleased to know there are bondings once more, and the Pride is evolving into a Pride of worth and substance.’

  Nimbyya sighed deeply. It is gratifying to know not all the original Tuarillians attributes have vanished and their descendants still have their traits.

  ‘They have not, I have one here known as Rage, the Pride Leader. Would you talk to him; he has some questions about the h
istory of the Turquall’s.’

  I would like that.

  ‘Thank you. What is it I can do for you, Nimbyya?’

  I watch over another species and have done so for many evolutions of their planet. The world is called Draygann. Their species is known as Draygonissia.

  She sent a pic to Peyton, who raised her head and smiled. It seemed here was another similarity to Earth, Netta would love this the Draygonissia resembled dragons from tales told on Earth.

  ‘I see and do they have another form?’

  Oh yes, this one.

  She gave her another pic, it was of humanoid males, who were all ruggedly good looking with square faces and determined chins. Truthfully they made Peyton’s heart flutter a little. They probably stood somewhere between six and seven feet tall. The females were of the same stature but not as tall, however they were still well-muscled, just a more feminine version of the males. Peyton would have to say although the females were attractive, the males of the species overshadowed them. Maybe it had something to do with the male of the species, like with animals she had observed on vids from Earth. Whatever it was, Peyton thought these males were worth a second or third look. Both male and female in humanoid form had wings that extended at least as wide as they were tall. They looked like sails as they appeared to be made from thin leather.

  She asked Nimbyya. ‘Do they fly?’

  Oh, very much so, in both forms. She once again showed Peyton the Draygonissia flying when in animal form. They were easily from the end of their nose to the tip of the tail, a hundred to two hundred feet long with wing spans to match.

  ‘They are huge, as are their wings.’

  Yes, they were once. Now time has moved on, as have the Draygonissia, and evolution has forged a new race. The humanoid I showed you is a shadow of who they used to be. Sadly they are no longer able to transform to the beast form. Her voice was sad as she showed her the Draygonissia flying. They made a beautiful pic with wings of different colors sparkling in the suns.

  ‘I wish I had words of comfort for you Nimbyya, I feel your sadness at losing a great species. I fear anything I could say would sound patronizing. So instead, I will only ask, what is it you wish of me?’

  Thank you, Daughter. I do feel the pain of a great species evolving and losing what I consider a vital part of themselves. Although what evolved is also a wonderful diverse race of beings, who I feel are worth protecting. Unfortunately, there is strife on the world of Draygann.


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