Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 22

by L M Lacee

  Heather pointed out. ‘He can’t be that great can he, he was caught.’

  Mayton said. ‘Healer Heather, he came to the Star Daughter, even though he is in an induced coma and in stasis somewhere in the Universe. He is aware enough to know they are moving him.’

  She paled as he talked. ‘Oh Stars, what kind of being is he?’

  Harm took her hand. ‘He is what he was designed to be, no more, no less.’

  ‘You keep thinking that Assaen boy.’ Melody murmured as she said to Bacon. ‘Come on kit, Mama needs to figure out who is coming on this mission.’

  ‘Stay.’ Esther commanded.

  Melody relaxed back into her seat. ‘Esther what can I do for you?’

  ‘As you know I am going, Helen and Brenda will stay home with their mates.’

  Melody nodded then asked politely. ‘Yes Ma’am. May I ask why?’

  Helen said. ‘We just got our apartment the way we like it. And we both want to stay and oversee the plans we have put in place for the councils.’

  Larson said with a loving smile toward Helen. ‘I will be needed here with my brothers to oversee the worlds.’

  Marlo said. ‘Brenda feels unable to go off world, which means I of course will not go without her and if I was being truthful. I want to stay at home too.’ He looked at his mate. ‘For a while.’

  She smiled and hugged him saying. ‘Thank you for understanding and I will go again just not yet. Unlike Esther. I do not have the traveling bug in my bones.’

  ‘I do not know what that means?’

  She whispered. ‘I will explain it later.’ She smiled at Melody and the others saying. ‘Esther is more than able to settle Peyton, in fact she is better than us at it.’

  Heather and Netta looked at Melody and Darby as Netta said. ‘That is not really true, but we understand.’

  With that settled the two couples left after making sure everyone would attend eve-meal.

  Esther looked at Rage. ‘Do you want me to tell her or will you?’

  He hung his head. No, I will tell her but I must ask a favor of the Assaen and sister Heather.

  Harm answered. ‘Anything brother to my bonded, what can we help you with?’

  Fanharr and I are with kits

  ‘Congratulations.’ Everyone called out.

  Heather asked. ‘Has Kate seen you Fanharr?’


  Concerned Melody asked. ‘Are you well?’

  Thank you I am well, she has asked that I do not travel for a while as this is our first litter. Rage has become all over-protective and will not go either.

  ‘It is what mated males do. Fanharr.’ Peyton told her as she re-entered the room. ‘Do not be angry with him and congratulations to you both. I am so very happy for you and please, I will be okay. Is Rave going?’

  ‘He is.’ Harm asked Rage. ‘Was that the favor?’

  It was. He said quietly his eyes on Peyton, tracking her as she hugged first Fanharr, then came to where he stood. She took his face in her hands and told him.

  ‘I am happy for you both. I really am, you will make wonderful parents. I will have more babies to cuddle, good times ahead.’

  Everyone could hear the concern in Rage’s voice as he told her. Beloved, I still have not found your bonded.

  Peyton nodded. ‘I know, we have time, he or she will come Pride Leader. For now just concentrate on your mate. Everything will sort itself out in its own time.’

  Harm asked Peyton, and it was not hard to miss the mischief in his eyes. ‘As that is all settled. Why Peyton are you back?’

  She grinned and pouted. ‘Because no one came to me, even Hawk is off doing Hawk things.’

  He arrived back just as she finished speaking, minus Dinas. ‘I am back, I was securing our leaving.’ He directed his next question to Darby. ‘Are we to take the new Warship?’

  Darby raised her finely sculptured eyebrows at Peyton’s narrowed eyed stare. ‘Of course, she needs a shake out.’

  Peyton asked Esther. ‘Were you there when I said she wasn’t coming?’

  Esther gave her a bland look. ‘No!’

  ‘Huh, thought you were?’

  ‘No, now what is the ships name?’ Esther asked Darby, knowing it would divert Peyton from her nonsense.

  Darby pretended indifference. ‘We have not named her yet?’

  ‘You so have. What name do you have in that wonderful brain of yours?’ Peyton demanded to know.

  Darby hedged as she said. ‘I do not know what you are referring to?’

  ‘Spill it, now?’

  ‘Fine, we were thinking, Prowler I.’

  ‘Oh Darby.’ Peyton’s voice softened and her eyes misted over. ‘Yeah, I love it. That is so good.’ She hugged Darby. ‘You did good Comp Girl.’

  Esther ordered. ‘You are all expected at eve-meal tonight, do not even think about not coming.’

  They all said. ‘Yes Ma’am.’

  Hawk ordered. ‘Alright, we are at mission status, we will leave tomorrow morn. Everyone who is going, be on board before second rising, make sure you are not late. The ship will not be held because you could not get out of bed on time.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Was he referring to me?’

  Netta sighed as she said. ‘No, why would he?’

  Peyton narrowed her eyes at Hawk. ‘It sounded that way to me.’

  Melody growled. ‘Well it wasn’t, if he was trying to say something to you, he would just say it or yell it.’

  ‘Oh, it was for Darby. Okay that I understand.’

  Darby growled. ‘Really, is it necessary for you to come along?’

  Deciding to ignore her, Peyton clapped her hands.

  ‘Road trip, I call shotgun.’

  She picked up a giggling Draykin and raced for the circle, Darby and Rose following. Rose was heard asking. ‘What does that mean, do I want it?’ Which was followed by feminine laughter.

  ‘Bat shit crazy!’ Hawk told the room, he looked around at the others and caressed Salmah ears. ‘I would not have it any other way.’ He said sternly. ‘Now as I said we are leaving at second rising, make sure you have everything you think you will need.’ Then with Salmah by his side he left.

  As the others started making lists of what they would be needing to take with them. Netta said to Esther. ‘Does Hawk seem different and not just since he saw his brother, he has been that way for a few wekens now.’

  ‘Yes.’ She nodded, worry in her eyes. ‘I have noticed, he seems to be very quick to anger and sharp with just about everyone, like with Darby earlier. Should we talk to Heather?’

  Heather said as she sat in the seat next to them. ‘No need, I am watching him. You are right though something has unbalanced him.’

  ‘We could ask Salmah, she would know.’ Esther suggested.

  ‘We will if we need to but Dinas is monitoring him as well.’ Patty said as she took the other seat.

  ‘Well then as long as you all know.’ A worried Esther said.

  Netta realizing there was not much else to say and thinking of the one hundred things she had to do if they were to leave by second rising said. ‘I am off. See you for eve-meal.’

  They all waved as she entered the circle, Esther looked around then said. ‘Oh by the way Melody, Karen has been staying with Jorge and Amelia so they will all be coming.’

  ‘Alright, I know Netta was going to ask Jorge, and I imagined if he came so would Amelia and as a bonus she is great with the little ones.’ Melody tapped on her tablet. ‘Okay, they are entered on the list. Patty have you seen Karen lately?’

  ‘Yes, we ran tests, as I told her and her family, apart from a low iron count and lacking some minerals. She is okay, she could do with a little more weight which Esther is seeing too. Is she sleeping any better?’

  Esther grimaced. ‘Not really, Amelia thinks a trip away will do her good. I hope she is right, I am at a loss as to what to do for her.’

  Melody asked Heather. ‘What do you think, is she fit to travel?’
  Heather nodded. ‘Patty and I discussed it, she is not ill, just worn down. Maybe a change of environment will help. I say she is fit.’

  Melody thought about what she and Patty had said. They all knew if she disagreed Karen would not be able to go.’ Okay, I will add her to my list.’

  As Esther walked back to the table, she breathed a sigh of relief, she had no idea why, but she believed Karen needed to accompany them away to this planet. It was like something or someone was pushing her to see something. She placed a cup of tea in front of Melody who asked Mayton. ‘How do you feel about going on this mission, are you cleared for duty?’

  They all looked at Heather who shook her head. ‘Unfortunately no, but he will be able to travel. So if he wants to he can go as long as his duties are light and he keeps up with his training.’

  Melody asked him. ‘So Mayton do you wish to go on missions?’

  He looked confused. ‘I do not understand if you want me to go on a mission, you only have to order me to do so.’

  Melody shook her head. ‘No Mayton, you are in the Maikonia Armee now. We do not issue orders when it comes to going off our home world. It is volunteer only, and the Star Daughter never orders she suggests, she requests, she asks but never orders.’

  ‘Once again I am confused?’ He looked at his friend. ‘Kerol is that not the same thing?’

  ‘Of course it is my friend, but we do not let Madam Peyton know that.’

  Esther asked the Warrior. ‘If Madam ever gives you a request and you think she is wrong, what should you do?’

  ‘I do my duty.’ He stated as he sat straighter, it was the Warriors way to obey.

  ‘Oh sweet boy no.’ Esther said. ‘Kerol maybe you better take him with you on your mission, he needs schooling in our way.’

  Malchol asked Kerol. ‘You are going on a mission?’

  ‘Yes. It came in last eve and Madam and Hawk decided it would be better to do it now.’

  Melody looked at Lukkas. ‘It appears you are with me.’

  He smiled as Esther asked him. ‘You do not want to go with Kerol?’

  ‘I think my brother and his mate could use time without me.’

  Penny denied. ‘No Lukkas, please don’t think that. I enjoy your company, we both do.’

  ‘I thank you.’ He smiled at her and Kerol. ‘But I would like to… to... what is the term Commander?’

  ‘Spread your wings.’

  ‘Yes spread my wings, it means.’ He told Kerol and the others. ‘Being out from the care of my brother, so I will see what kind of Captain I can become.’

  Kerol looked worried as he asked. ‘I have held you back?’

  ‘No.’ Melody shook her head denying the sentiment. ‘Lukkas like some of the other young Warriors need to be out and responsible for themselves with the guidance of us, their Commanders. They need to find out what kind of Warriors they will become or are to become.’

  ‘What we have learned, it is time to use that.’ Lukkas agreed.

  ‘Yes’ Melody agreed. ‘Exactly that.’

  Kerol looked at his brother and nodded. ‘I see. Well do not mess up.’

  Lukkas grinned as he did some fist pumps. Melody watched as he left the room and shook her head. ‘Peyton taught him that?’

  Penny asked her. ‘How do you know?’

  She and Esther explained together. ‘Because, he is so bad at it.’

  ‘Oh well, I will fix it.’ Melody grinned. ‘Mayton when you are squared away and up to speed, next mission if you would like I will take you on.’

  ‘Why?’ He asked before he could stop himself.

  ‘Because Kerol speaks very highly of you and we all respect his judgement.’

  He ducked his head as he confessed. ‘I was never as good at lessons like Kerol.’

  Esther lifted his chin with a finger. ‘That’s fine, we will get to know the Mayton Norr, not the scholar. We want to know you, not what you have been taught. We’d liked to know who you have become or will become and that will be just fine.’

  ‘I too will like to see what I have become.’

  Kerol grinned. ‘Good, we will be going on Maikonia III. Normally I would not leave with the Star Daughter and First Commander going off world together. But Commander Marlo and his brothers are here so as this mission has been a while in the making, it is time for us to go. Come with us my friend and see what we do and how we do it.’

  Curious Mayton asked. ‘What is the mission?’

  ‘We are on a health check mission. Which means we are to see if the Warriors we only recently found out about are well. We obtained co-ordinates just two days ago and Commander Hawk talked to their Ruler last eve. So we will do the follow up and make sure what they told Hawk is correct. Penny will not be needed here so she will come with me.’ He looked at her as though he was unsure of her answer.

  ‘I told you I will.’

  He grinned at her tone as Mayton nodded. ‘I will come.’

  Melody asked. ‘Okay, so Lonn and Kinn. Will you be going?’

  ‘We will.’

  ‘What of Ferrian and Saffri?’

  Lonn grinned. ‘No, they asked for a transfer to Commander Kolin’s team.’

  ‘Really, what did Darby say?’

  ‘She was not happy but would not hold them back from advancing their knowledge.’ Kinn told her.

  Lonn said. ‘She said as long as they are happy.’

  Melody crossed them off her list. ‘Well okay.’

  Kerol said thoughtfully ‘If they are trying to start up the Warrior program, you will need Jean and Willian.’

  Melody nodded. ‘Alright and I promised Nina she could come on a mission, but not this one.’ She asked Kerol. ‘Can you take her?’

  Kerol frowned. ‘I think not this time either. We are going to an unknown planet there will not be a planet expedition.’

  ‘So no world exploration.’

  ‘No, I am sorry.’

  ‘Not your fault, I will contact her and tell her. Heather what about Dinas?’

  ‘I should imagine so.’

  Patty said. ‘Good luck with trying to stop him.’

  ‘No one respects the chain of command, have you noticed that?’ Heather grumbled.

  Harm grinned at her disgruntled tone. ‘As if you would deny him.’

  ‘I know but seriously.’

  Melody asked. ‘So have we forgotten anyone?’ Malchol cleared his throat. She smiled. ‘Oh yeah, you and your Rose are both coming.’

  He grinned. ‘I thank you.’

  Telfor arrived and hurried from the circle. ‘Am I too late?’

  Malchol asked his brother suspiciously. ‘For what?’

  ‘Going off world with Kerol, if he will have me?’

  ‘I will.’

  Melody raised her brows and Telfor shrugged. ‘Avana comm’d and told me I must go, someone will need my help.’

  ‘Oh well, if she said it.’ Melody nodded her head.

  Esther stated. ‘She is usually right.’

  Melody rubbed her hands together. ‘This is going to be an adventure. Esther will be in charge of our diner on board, so great food.’

  Telfor said charmingly as he took her hand in his. ‘Lady Esther, it is good to see you. I wish I was going instead of my brother.’

  Esther smiled. ‘You are such a rogue.’ At his raised eyebrows she said. ‘Look it up.’ Turning to Malchol she told him. ‘Do not forget to visit my dining room on board Malchol, I miss talking to you?’

  ‘I will not forget.’ He told her and tipped his head in a shy nod. It was hard to believe they had been the most feared Masters in the galaxy both males were charming and had developed an amazing sense of humor.

  Esther grinned as she caught the side looks the brothers gave each other. ‘In fact.’ She mused out loud. ‘I think I have food with your names on it, at my place, come along my lads.’

  ‘It is a saying, not meant literal.’ Melody told them as they all looked amazed Esther would have food with the
ir names on it. Esther told Mayton. ‘There is food for you too.’

  Kerol cleared his throat, and she grinned. ‘Come on, you know I’ll feed you all, as I will you Penny, you are looking wane, are you alright?’

  ‘Never better, I feel great.’

  The room emptied and Melody grinned at Heather and Harm as they walked toward the circle. ‘See you later for eve- meal.’

  ‘Later Melody.’ Heather called as she and Harm entered the circle.

  Melody smiled thinking of Esther and the Warriors. They loved the sharp tongued, straight shooting Esther, seriously she thought as she got up, who did not.


  Harm grinned when Rave stepped off the lift into his and Heather’s private apartment in one of the Solverea Hexes. ‘Rave we leave at second rising.’

  I heard.

  ‘You are to be an uncle, congratulations.’

  Thank you, Fanharr and Rage will make nice kits.

  ‘Do you wish you had a mate?’

  Rave grinned. I have a mate already, we are involved in the mating dance.

  ‘What is that?’

  Rave stepped onto his couch as he thought how to explain a simple concept such as the mating dance to a biped, even one as intelligent as Harm. The dance is more than mating, it is life and emotion. It calls to the essence of what makes us Prowlers. I want to say it is similar to the courtship that Terrans do but that would be too simplistic.

  ‘I see it is more instinct than action.’

  Yes, again in its simplistic form.

  ‘So is she someone I know?’


  ‘You will not tell me?’ He guessed, surprised by his bonds reticence.


  ‘Why not?’ He asked as he pulled out clothes and a collapsible trunk, courtesy of Rose’s elder cousin Reeico, the inventor. It floated and could be stored as a flat device anywhere. When not in use the trunk collapsed to a flat disk but when it was needed like now it opened to reveal a huge space that could fit many days’ worth of clothes. It had compartments for personal effects as well as a secret pocket for data drives to be secured. Very much like the secured pockets on uniforms, they were coded to the person wearing the clothes or in this instance whoever owned the trunk. As far as Harm knew everyone in command had a trunk like his, he knew Heather did as she had obtained this one for him.


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