Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3)

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Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3) Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

  “What are you doing?”

  I locked my phone and looked up with a glare. Sandra was standing in front of me, and I hadn't noticed when she walked up to me.

  “Can you please leave?” I sneered. “Whatever you want, you can get lost. I’m not in the mood.”

  She snorted. “What the fuck have you been moping around for, anyway? I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks, and you keep ignoring me!”

  “You can always take the hint and make things easier on the both of us.”

  “Ugh, don’t tell me you had a thing for that old woman,” she sneered. “She’s gone, so why can't you get over her and find someone closer to your own age? I thought we were fine before she seduced you out of nowhere. I bet she’s after your family’s money.”

  I scowled. Before I could shout at her, though, I paused. Did she see the photo? She wasn’t acting all that surprised, though, if that was the case.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “I overheard you talking to the substitute, and I followed you all the way here. You didn’t even notice, did you? Anyway, I know all about your dirty little secret, and I told that woman to keep away, or I would report her. At least she was smart enough to listen to me.”

  I felt like I’d gotten punched in the chest and all the air flew out of my chest.

  “You did what?” I asked, sounding choked.

  She smirked. “You heard me. If all you wanted was a fuck, it’s not like I mind. Do you have any idea how long I waited before you asked me out, and how many different guys I turned down? I didn’t think it would take so long for you to make a move, and when I thought everything would be fine, you suddenly turned me down for her?” She sighed, shaking her head. “Anyway, I’ll forgive you and take you back if you apologize right now.”

  I scowled at her, watching her tilt her chin up like she was proud of herself, and for the first time in my life, I wanted to hit a woman.

  “You can forget about that happening, Sandra,” I said, my voice hard. “Also, you better stay away from me from now on. I won’t be held responsible for my actions if you come near me again.”

  She frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re upset about this?”

  Not just upset, I was beyond livid because suddenly a lot of things made sense. Like why Angela started ignoring me and why she was hesitating to talk to me. It was because Sandra had blackmailed her.

  If this was the problem, then there was only one thing I could do. I had to see her dad and explain things to him; then maybe he could help me talk to her. I called Mom as I walked hurriedly toward the dorms.

  “Hello, Mom? Where are you?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I sat at a restaurant across from Winston Kane. It was just the two of us since I’d insisted on Mom not being present for this. I would tell her later or let Winston tell her, but I didn’t want to waste time getting Mom to understand. It would be enough to get her father to listen to me and take me seriously.

  “Your mother told me you wanted to talk to me about something important, Ben,” he said with a slight frown. “Are you against the wedding?”

  “No, of course not,” I said quickly after a surprised pause.

  It made sense, though, that he would think that way. He didn’t know that I knew about Angela yet, or the history between us, and since I didn’t invite Mom along, he wouldn’t assume I was trying to bond with him. While there would be kids that had something against their parents moving on, I was too independent not to allow Mom the same right, so I honestly didn’t need to know anything more about him besides the fact that he made my mom happy. After all, I wasn’t going to be living the rest of their lives with them. As soon as I graduated, I planned to get my own place where I didn’t have to depend on anyone else or live by their rules.

  “Then is there anything else I can do for you?” He asked, clearly confused about why I’d wanted to meet with him.

  I took a deep breath. “Actually, Winston, I wanted to talk about your daughter.”

  He looked surprised, and rightly so.

  “I know I was going to introduce her to you and your mother, but she’s away from the city at the moment, and I can't say when she’ll be back.”

  I nodded impatiently. “She’s Professor Kane, right? Angela Kane, from my university.”

  “Yes, it is,” he said slowly. “How did you know? I told your mother I had a daughter that worked at your school, but I didn’t give her any details.”

  “I know Angela because she teaches my class. She’s also the only professor at the school with the surname Kane. Also…” I took a deep breath for this part. I was feeling nervous, folding my hands together as I faced him. “Angela and I… had a relationship. But I think she might have found out about you and Mom getting married and panicked about it.”

  That might not totally be the case, though. Initially, after I made the realization, I thought it was why she ran away, because besides being a professor and student, we were also going to be step-siblings. I thought that way before Sandra told me what she did, and I wondered if it wasn’t a mix of both.

  Winston was surprised, but it quickly wore off. I wasn’t sure exactly what I expected from him. I just told him I was in a relationship with his daughter, but I was also younger by more than a decade. Would he be angry? In disbelief? This time, I was the one that got a surprise, because, underneath his shock, I almost thought he looked amused. I didn’t know what was amusing in this situation, though.

  “Could it be why she ran away, then? It surprised me when she told me out of nowhere that she was taking a vacation from school and taking a short vacation. Angela has always been very responsible, so it was unlike her. I thought it had something to do with the wedding…”

  “Sir…” I started, then hesitated. I cleared my throat and firmed my expression. “I really care a lot for your daughter. I’ve been trying to get her to talk to me, but recently, she won't take my calls, and she won't tell me where she is. I was wondering if you knew because I want to talk to her.”

  He didn’t reply to me immediately. Because I didn’t feel like eating, I’d only purchased a drink, but it sat untouched on the table. Winston grabbed his glass of water and drank some, before facing me.

  “She hasn’t told me where she went, either,” he admitted. “But I might have an idea of where she is.”

  I perked up. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I’ll let you know where she is. Because I understand, I won't interfere. The truth is… I had an affair with your mom when she was a student. She was young then, so she probably doesn’t even remember… but I’m the kind of person that believes love is love, as long as it’s not illegal or hurting anybody, but I do need one thing from you.”

  “Anything,” I said quickly. “I do care about Angela and want to fix things between us.”

  “I believe you. First, you can start by not calling me sir again; just Winston is fine. Second, I want you to please try and have her back for the wedding this weekend. I’ve been asking if she’ll be coming back in time, and all I get is vague answers in return, but I would love it if she was present.”

  “I promise to do my best, Winston.”

  He took a deep breath, and the expression he levelled at me then was serious. “Also, you have to promise to make my daughter happy. I don’t know if you know about her ex-husband?”

  I frowned. “She’s told me some of it,” I admitted darkly.

  He sighed. “I haven’t been a good dad to Angela, and it started a long time ago. I didn’t pay her enough attention when she was young, especially after her mother passed away. I do know my daughter, though, and I know she suffered mental abuse at the hands of her husband, but I ignored it for too long. When I found out she was getting a divorce, I encouraged her to do what she wanted to do. I was also happy when she decided to move back here, thinking we could grow closer, but it’s been so long I forgot to talk to my daughter.

  There was a tell-tale shine in his eyes as he looked down with a frown. He drank some more, before looking at me again.

  “I was inadequate, and I know it, but I want the chance to make things up to her. If being with you makes her happy, then I’m willing to give you both my blessing, and I can talk to your mother about it as well.”

  I was relieved at his words. A part of me was worried that Mom would be against this, even though the situation between her and Winston wasn’t all that different, now that I knew all the details. I was willing to bet, though, that my feelings for Angela be far off from Mom’s feelings for Winston. I also knew that people would talk, but I didn’t care.

  As long as I had Angela with me, I could tell myself that everything would be okay. It had surprised me, the depth of my feelings for her, but having her not around, having her avoid me, made me anxious, and I knew my feelings were deeper than temporary lust.

  “I can promise you, sir,” I said slowly. “That I will do everything in my power to make Angela happy. I won't let her cry if I can help it, and I definitely won't be like her ex-husband.”

  He smiled, the wrinkles beside his mouth and at the corners of his eyes becoming more prominent.

  “That’s all a father can ask for.”

  He told me where he thought she would be and promised to ask her just to be sure before the day was over. Tomorrow, I would go looking for her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I’m pregnant.

  It had been two days since I made the discovery, and I was ready to accept it. Hiding away and hoping the problem would go away wouldn’t do anything, and it was also unlike me. There was no reason why I should hide. Well, besides the very valid fear that I would get in trouble with the college for breaking the rules, but it would be better just to face the consequences. It would be too pathetic of me to let some little girl blackmail me out of jealousy.

  Because I was ready to go back, when Dad asked where I was, I finally told him. I didn’t tell him I’d be making it back in time for the wedding; I thought it would be a nice surprise. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing Ben again, but it wasn’t just anxiety, it was excitement, too.

  I was mature enough to admit to myself that I missed him, even with all the trouble the two of us being in a relationship together would bring. I could lose my job, and I didn’t know how our parents would feel about it, especially since they were getting married in a couple of days, but I thought I could deal with it.

  The only problem was whether Ben would be willing to deal with it.

  What if he left me?

  That thought had the highest priority in my mind. We never defined what our relationship was, we just met up and had sex, and occasionally talked about ourselves, but never delved too deep. I didn’t know if we were in a relationship that could last, or if we were just fuck buddies and he wouldn’t mind breaking it off. Even with the text he’d sent, that he knew about my dad and it was still okay between us, I didn’t know if he’d be willing to get into this for the long haul. With a baby on the way, I was going to need him too, but if he decided differently, as the older one in the relationship, I’d have to act mature and take responsibility for myself and my child so he could have whatever life he wanted.

  It fucking hurt, though, just thinking about it.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” I murmured, looking down and rubbing my still flat stomach. “I’m sure your daddy will still want you even if he can't stay with us. We’ll see how things go, okay? But no matter what, you have me.”

  I was acting like a crazy person, talking to myself and my eyes even blurred with tears. Casey had given me some advice about the pregnancy, especially about how I’d have to deal with the hormonal changes making me more emotional than usual. I was lucky not to have morning sickness yet, but then next would come the increased appetite and food cravings.

  She’d also told me it would be better if I talked to Ben about the baby, soon, and I completely agreed. I would have done so without her telling me because I planned to keep this baby, with or without Ben’s support. I’d always wanted to have a baby, and now that the chance had presented itself, I was going to grab it instead of wasting time worrying about inconsequential things.

  The first thing I had to do was check out of the hotel. I’d already packed my things, and I grabbed my suitcase, pulling it behind me as I left the room, with my purse slung over my other shoulder. I made my way to the lobby and walked toward the reception desk to hand over the key and finalize the payments for my stay.

  With that done, I headed out to the front of the hotel, where I’d parked my car. I’d driven all the way down here, so I wouldn’t have the expense of a plane ticket. I’d made a road trip of it, and it took me three days to arrive in LA. If I wanted to be back in time for the wedding, though, I’d have to be a bit faster than that.


  I froze in the middle of the parking lot. Not so much at the call of my name, but at that familiar voice that I’d so been looking forward to hearing again, even as I feared it. With total disbelief, I turned around, and sure enough, he was standing right there. Even though we’d only been together for a short time and I hadn't heard his voice in weeks, it was like it was stuck in my memory, and hearing it again after so long was enough to make me feel weak.

  Ben looked relieved, then elated, as he hurried over to me. He didn’t seem to care that we were in the middle of a public area with people around us as he caught me in a hug, lifting my feet off the ground for a moment. It was enough of a surprise to make me gasp and drop my hold on my bags, both of them tumbling to the ground. Still, the surprise quickly died away as I hugged him back, tightly.

  Since I’d already made up my mind, I wasn’t going to think about pointless things, like how or why he was there. I buried my face in his shoulder as my body melted against his.

  “What are you doing here?” I murmured, my voice coming out muffled.

  Ben chuckled. “What else could I possibly be doing here, Angela? I came looking for you! I got tired of waiting on you to come home.”

  Then, he set me down and pushed me back a bit by the shoulders, looking over my face before glancing at my bags.

  “Were you going somewhere?”

  I blinked, following his gaze to where my purse and suitcase lay on the ground, remembering they were there.

  “Uh, I just checked out. I was on my way back. You surprised me by showing up…”

  “Good thing I made it just in time, then. It would have been bad if I’d missed you because then I wouldn’t know where to start looking since someone wouldn’t even answer my calls.”

  He frowned down at me in disapproval, and I felt my cheeks heat up in shame.

  “I’m sorry about that,” I murmured. “I promise I have a good reason, though.”

  Suddenly, he smiled. “Good. I’d thought so, but it’s nice to hear just the same. Let’s go.”

  He released me and leaned down. He picked up my suitcase and handed my purse to me, before taking my other hand and pulling me behind him, back into the hotel.

  I blinked at his back. “Where are we going?”

  He threw me a look over his shoulder. “You and I are going to talk, and I didn’t come all the way to Los Angeles to wait.”

  “We could always talk in the car,” I offered.

  “No way. I’d like some privacy, and besides, it’s really hot out. We won't be going back by car, anyway.”

  I watched in stunned silence as he proceeded to book another room for the two of us. I wasn’t the only one surprised since I’d just walked out a few minutes ago, but the guy at the reception didn’t say anything he wasn’t supposed to. He just handed over a key card with a polite smile. Then, we headed for the room, Ben tugging me with one hand and my suitcase in the other.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Have you had breakfast?” Ben asked as we settled in the sui

  I shook my head.

  “I’m fine, though, for now,” I said quietly.

  “Okay,” he said, sitting beside me on the sofa. “I’ll make this quick then.”

  He shifted his body, so he was facing me, and took my hands in his. He held my gaze with his serious eyes, and I suddenly felt like squirming.

  “I know about Sandra,” he said “I also know about our parents. Neither of those factors bother me, and Angela, you have nothing to be ashamed about. So there’s no reason for you to run off and hide. Your dad wants you there for the wedding. So, would you please go back with me?”

  My cheeks warmed. “I told you already that I was going back.”

  He nodded. “I heard you. But I mean, go back with me. I don’t want to hide what’s going on between us, I don’t know what we’re going to do about school, but let’s at least be honest with our parents, all right?”

  I fidgeted. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. I was very worried about what our parents would think. I would go ahead with my decision regardless of what Dad thought, but the real problem was Ben’s mother. How would she feel about me taking away her much younger son? When we were step-siblings, at that.

  “Angela,” Ben called gently. I blinked, coming out of my thoughts, and met his gaze. He smiled softly. “I missed you. Didn’t you miss me?”

  “I did,” I confessed without hesitation. “But I was so afraid. Of a lot of things…”

  He took my face between his hands and kissed me softly.

  “You have nothing to be afraid of,” he murmured in promise, before leaning in to continue the kiss.

  I closed my eyes, giving myself over to the kiss, to him. I wouldn’t tell him about the baby right then. Soon, I would, but I’d missed him and needed to feel the assurance of his warm body pressed into mine. I was so afraid of the decision we’d made, but so excited too.

  The kiss deepened, grew more passionate, and I moaned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and plastered the front of my body to his. I rubbed my breasts against his chest, resentful of the clothes between us. Ben pulled back to chuckle, though the sound was strained.


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