Apollo's Secret

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Apollo's Secret Page 4

by A Y Venona

  “What are you a Fae now? How in the hell, do you know what he felt?”

  “He exhibited all the signs.”

  “What? You’re a psychologist too?”

  A pang of guilt pricked in Jason’s hard interior. Instead of barging in the conversation, Jason realized he needed to do some thinking for himself.

  He went back to Eclipse alone.

  Chapter 5

  Unlike the other bars that Jason had explored, Eclipse was quaint and smoke-free as any smoking activity was restricted in the balcony, an open air section of the club. He really did not have any plan for tonight though he was still hoping that Reno would finally show up. Other than the wine, he was also fascinated with Eclipse’ very own music choices, and if there was nothing else at least he could have this to enjoy. So he listened to the club’s very own band. The sound of the violin playing floated in the air and then later joined by the piano in an orchestral melding of a grandiose yet melancholic music, a fitting background to Jason’s sombre mood.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Without looking toward the speaker, he answered, “Go away.”

  But the stranger ignored his request and instead sauntered around him, pulled a seat from in front of him and sat on it.

  “If you’re planning to get wasted tonight, at least get wasted with the best wine Eclipse can offer,” the stranger said, staring into Jason’s eyes. He nodded toward the waiter who then approached their table. “Phil, may I have a bottle of Alexander, please?”

  Jason was studying this exchange with an open mouth and a heart ready to burst out of his chest, for this stranger who dared to go against his wish had the eyes that were made to stare and face to worship. He was the most beautiful person Jason had ever laid his eyes on. So he stared, unable to form a word to say. Fortunately, the stranger was oblivious of how he affected Jason.

  The waiter came back with the bottle. The stranger graciously took it and poured two glasses for each of them. He gave one to Jason who was at the moment trying to re-learn how his body parts worked.

  “Trust me, it’s good,” the stranger said, and then he did something that made Jason’s breath hitch. The stranger smirked at him.

  When his composure returned to him, Jason downed a couple of shots and was surprised at how good the wine was. One more shot and the glass was empty.

  “So?” the beautiful stranger said.

  “I admit, it tastes really good,” Jason said.

  “Just good? It should taste marvelous. So what brings you here to this side of town?”

  “I’m searching for someone.”

  “I think we all are,” the stranger said, his golden-green eyes gleamed against the dim light of the club. “Will my presence suffice for a moment?” His pretty mouth curved into a half-smile.

  Jason was not stupid. He knew what this beautiful stranger was saying. So he stood up, cocked his face to the side. The stranger stood as well and together they left the club.

  They rolled on his bed in passionate heat, each determined to enmesh in each other’s flesh, as if the flesh itself hindered the union of their souls. Jason lost control of his senses as he rode into their burning passion. He couldn't remember divesting his clothes. He couldn't remember making preparation for an impending penetration. But all his senses were open, marveling to the feel of his hardness inside his lover's channel as he gyrated on top of him with great strength and in frantic urgency. Despite his lover's legs hooked around his waist and both of their hands clung around each other, Jason found no difficulty deepening his penetration, easing himself in and out as if he had done it before, as if he belonged there. He stared at the man pinned beneath him. He saw his eyes glowed into brilliance and felt the burning heat coming off his very own eyes. His mind didn't lapse into monologue, and the entity inside of him voiced no disgruntlement as his flesh made a decision. They both moaned as the dual climaxes hit them.

  Jason gazed down at the contended face of his sleeping lover. He waited at the familiar sense of emptiness and discontent that came along whenever he copulated with another being. He waited, bracing himself for this feeling he dreaded and suffered all his life. He closed his eyes, silently praying to the real gods of werekin to spare him with this one. This one felt special. This one felt different. This one made him feel something he had never felt before—whole. His soul felt rooted into his flesh, blissfully contented. And then realization hit him. Whole. Contentment. Soul in bliss. Appeased.

  He closed his eyes and plastered a grin as he let sleep claim him. But when he woke up, the beautiful stranger was gone.

  Shock mixed with incredulity rendered him immobile for a few seconds until it hit him. He had to see the beautiful stranger again. He went back to the bar, asked the bartender. Did you know him? They all looked at him with wide eyes, incredulous that Jason would ask them the name of the stranger.

  Barely muffling his frustration, he growled at them.

  “You don’t understand! I need to see him!”

  It was only when the barman yelped did Jason realize that his hands were gripping the barman’s shirt, lifting him off the ground. Security Enforcers arrived to intervene. His reluctance to release his grip of the barman’s front shirt necessitated a counter-force that ended with one of the security crew lying bloody on the floor.

  “Alexander,” the bar man said. “He is a guardian.”

  “Give me his address,” he asked.

  “Dude, he’s a guardian. He can be anywhere.”


  “The guardians are the elite force of the deity Fenrir. No one knows where they are.”

  This was all what he got after asking around. In his bedroom, Jason drank shot after shot of his strongest liquor until he felt that if he did not stop he would choke himself to death.

  Days passed like snow falling on winter's pavement. Dealing with emotion was something completely foreign to Jason. He then later found out that drinking himself to a stupor bought him numbness. Alcohol became a balm to the gnawing of his soul though the relief was fleeting. Aaron nursed him to sobriety, which had become temporary as well.

  But what snapped him out from the haze of addiction he was imperceptibly drowned himself was that day when Delvin returned and paid him a visit. He was in the bath tub after Aaron and Hearst carried him there hoping that soaking in the warm water would render him sober. Despite feeling a little better, he was still planning to give them a piece of his annoyed mind when he heard Heart’s voice from inside the room.

  “You have someone here who wants to see you!”

  Despite his disinterest in entertaining random visitors, Jason managed to look at least presentable when he walked out of his room and padded toward the living room. What greeted his sight gave him an instantaneous moment of sobriety.

  “Hello again, my friend.”

  Delvin was sitting in the couch, grinning ear to ear. Jason sat across from him. His two friends, however, left them alone for privacy. Before they started the conversation, Jason asked Delvin the kind of drinks he wanted, but the latter refused to have one. Still feeling the alcohol effect in his system, Jason decided to forgo drinking one as well.

  “I have a special request,” Delvin started.

  Jason raised his brows. “What kind?”

  Delvin’s gaze at him lingered before he started talking again.

  “I heard you’re looking for a guardian named Alexander.”

  Jason leaned back on his chair, trying to get his emotion under control.

  “What do you know about Alexander?”

  “He is a friend,” Delvin quickly answered.

  His jaw clenched tight as Jason reined in the sudden sense of possessiveness toward Alexander. Questions gnawed in his mind as to the nature of this friendship.

  “I see,” he said.

  “There has been a vacuum of power among the guardians,” Delvin explained. “They need a new leader. The one qualified is someone I can’t trust. Let’s just say I have a perso
nal stake as to who leads the guardians. I want you to challenge him for the leadership.”

  Now if Delvin’s sudden visit did not sober him enough, this one completely zapped out any more alcohol left in his system. His eyes knitted together.

  “Then why don’t you challenge him yourself?”

  “I have a family to take care. But I was planning to as I was left with no other choice. And then I met you. You’re my only hope that someone with good intention will hold the highest Alpha position in the Seven Realms.”

  “Why do you trust me?”

  “I don’t trust you that much. But I know you’re a much better choice than the other one. And besides, Alexander doesn’t like the guy either.”


  “I hope we still have the Argos with us.” Argos. Jason’s beloved ship was still in Rancor pier.

  “Aaron, a hover plane is faster.” Jason smirked at him.

  They were packing up their stuff for their trip to Pershiane.

  “Hey, I’m just being sentimental about the ship. It's been with us all through our journey. Argo's already part of our family.” The last word left him with an unexpected twinge in his inside.

  That next night they celebrated their last day in Midland. There was a strange change in Hearst’s demeanor that Jason noticed. Hearst seemed more subdued than excited. Jason was oddly feeling a little concern about this behavior. He validated his concern as one a lover would feel. Well, he had to admit that Hearst was, indeed, his lover in every sense of the word as they acted like one on the physical level. At the dinner table, he threw Hearst a questioning look. Hearst cleared his throat before he spoke.

  “We’re going to Pershiane to stalk your one-night stand. Must be a hell of a night for you to give up your search for your father over this sense of what? Lust? I don’t get it.”

  “I’m not giving it up. Delvin offered me a position.”

  Hearst frowned. “Like what?”

  “Captain of the Guardians.”

  They all looked at Jason as though he grew another head.

  “I don’t think it’s Delvin’s call who will lead the guardians,” Aaron said after recovering from his shock. “I thought the gods choose who the captain will be.”

  “The gods already chose the captain, but I can still challenge it.”

  Jason restrained himself from laughing as his friends’ bulging eyes grew even bigger.

  Chapter 6

  Soft lips pressed on his skin, laving him, tracing the large vein in his neck. Soft yet firm sucking came after as he writhed in ecstasy.

  Warm water pricked his already pinkish skin reminding him that he had been in the shower long enough to get a first degree burn. It had been a couple of weeks ago, but the scene of that strange yet wondrous night continued to beset even in his waking mind. How could he be stupid to sleep with a complete stranger? He took the white towel from the rack and dried himself. He ambled to the walk-in closet, the carpet velvety on his bare feet, and pulled a simple deep green shirt and faded jeans.

  “Hey,” Terrence said, walking into his room. “I got lunch ready in a few minutes." His gaze could bore a hole in Xander's skull. "Is everything all right?” His sat beside him on the bed.

  Since the tragedy where he lost Adrian and Eli, Xander had been having problems sleeping without Melo’s sleeping herb.

  “I’m all right. Why wouldn’t I?” His annoyance came out unbidden.

  “Alright.” His uncle rose. “Lunch with me. At the veranda.”

  Xander crossed a seemingly endless space called their living room to get to the veranda. The Brúnns lived in the chateau, sitting on top of Mt. SpyLoom, overlooking their vast vineyard estate and the Lake Gaia. Terrence and Merrick already started their lunch when he got there. Merrick was an incubus companion of his uncle. No one knew that his family hired or even accepted what the society called unregistered magical human.

  Despite having hundreds of employees working in the vineyard, the Brúnns hired no butlers, nor cooks, or any household helpers. They had, however, a contract from a housekeeping company who sent people to clean the chateau on a daily basis. But they always had someone who supervised the cleaning. Xander always loved his uncle’s cooking. It was always mouth-watering.

  “Here’s your sandwich, beloved nephew. I made the ham myself, marinated it with special spices mixed with our very own wine, and then cooked it in pineapple juice.”

  “It’s heavenly,” Merrick remarked, munching his own sandwich.

  Xander took a bite of the offered morsel. As soon as his taste buds confirmed Merrick’s appraisal, he began to eat it with gusto. Terrence grinned at his nephew.

  “Chew it first, Alexander,” came his uncle’s mild reprimand.

  “Do you have a second one? I didn’t eat breakfast.”

  His uncle cast him an incredulous look. From whence had his exuberant appetite come? He handed him the second sandwich. Merrick gave him a look that indicated he knew what was going on. Of course, everybody assumed that he was depressed of which he might. The death of Adrian, which was a forbidden topic in their household, affected him so utterly. Merrick once offered him a temporary solution. He would infuse an incubi bite to trigger an illusion. With this process, Xander would be asleep dreaming of someone who he wanted to see in his dream like Adrian, for example.

  “I’m just hungry, uncle,” he said to allay his uncle’s now obviously intensifying concern.

  Terrence stared at him and smiled sadly. Sadly as befitting the state of his family at this time. Other than dealing with the death of Adrian and Eli, Xander was placed in a position where his entire family was put through a wringer. A position where his will was completely taken from him by those who were in power, by those who ruled the world, by those who designed the fate of the ordinary humans—by the gods.

  Just a few weeks ago, the Council of the Gods made a declaration that he, Alexander Brunn, would mate Riker Ono. Whether or not Xander liked the guy did not matter to them. And so be it, the gods said, because, oh well, they were the gods.

  They were not this adamant when Xander was engaged with Adrian. In fact, they just laughed about it as though it’s not possible for a house and a werekin to mate. Then tragedy befell and all of a sudden they sprang this guy Riker as suitable for Xander to marry. Suitable, however, may not be in the vocabulary of the gods, or if it did, they were using a different dictionary, for Xander believed that Riker was not only unsuitable, but also despicable. Riker Ono was selfish, vain, and self-important. These qualities were the exact opposite of Adrian’s whose sense of heroism and honor were why Xander fell in love with him.

  When his sandwich was all gone, he darted a look at his uncle. His uncle shook his head and gave him his own sandwich instead.

  “Lawrence said I should make my presence scarce this week. The gods are visiting,” Merrick said.

  The sandwich froze in his mouth and then, after he recovered, placed it back on his plate. He suddenly lost his appetite.

  “Is this about Riker again? Isn’t it making him the captain of the guardians though he didn’t do anything to deserve it enough? Why are they forcing me to mate him?”

  Terrence’s eyes darkened. “Xander, your family will not allow it in any shape or form. We don’t care who the fuck they are—no one, as in no one, will force you to take him as your mate…and besides.” Terrence paused, and his eyes slightly dazed as though he was thinking of something. “And besides,” he continued. He clenched his jaw. “Just don’t worry about it. We’ll deal with them ourselves. You have me, Lawrence, Hector and Melo on your side. So finish your lunch and don’t let them affect you anymore.”

  “Thank you, uncle,” Xander said. He grabbed his sandwich and continued eating it. What his uncle said strengthened his resolve. He would not give in to these gods. He would fight them if he had to. An idea sprang out in his mind. He had one more ace to play.

  “If you want the bite tonight, I’ll be happy to provide it,” Merrick offer
ed with sincerity.

  “No,” his uncle said. “Merrick, the bite is affecting his health.”

  “Uncle, I can take it,” Xander said, but to Merrick he said, “But I don’t need it tonight. Thank you for your offer, Merrick.”

  Chapter 7

  Air travel took them eight hours before Delvin safely landed the silver hover on the grassy land in Pershiane. It was past midnight when they arrived so they missed the chance to catch a sight of Westernia from above at daylight. To keep their pilot alert and awake during the entire flight, they encouraged him to talk. It did not take much convincing for Delvin to become conversant, only that his conversation never diverged from his favorite topic—his family.

  “Danny likes to take him to the market because he could haggle better with him around,” Delvin said. Amusement was evident in his voice. “All it takes is a look from my son and everybody’s all suddenly agreeable. I can never do that without using my gift of persuasion.”

  While listening to Delvin, Jason tried to memorize the places they passed. Pershiane island was one big castle and so far Jason saw four huge towers and right now they were in front of one.

  “Why did Danny need to haggle? I thought you’re rich,” Aaron asked with sincere curiosity in his voice.

  Delvin grinned. “That’s just Danny. He said he didn’t want to spend money he didn’t earn.”

  Delvin pressed a button and the door to the tower opened. They all followed him when he entered, marveling at the interior design of the building. Glittering marble floor that matched the walls and high ceiling. The hallway was well-lighted what with all the chandeliers hanging at every corner.

  “This is a private hall,” Delvin said. “So you don’t get to see a lot of people. However, it won’t be like this in the other towers. Pershiane is much like Midland. It’s crowded though most people who travel or stay here are either, students or officials. This is capital district of Westernia and the seat of power of all the Seven Realms,” Delvin paused and glanced at Jason. “So I assumed you’ve all been educated about the Realms since your arrival in Northernia.”


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