Taming Her Curves

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Taming Her Curves Page 2

by Bella B Wilde

  When I finally manage to pry my mouth off hers, she falls back against the pillows with a soft groan, her eyes wide as she runs her tongue over her lips. She’s panting, and her nipples threaten to pierce the fabric of her t–shirt, but I’ve already gone too far. No.

  Chloe is the girl I’m supposed to be with. That’s for sure. That’s why our first time together can’t be while she’s drunk, with the touch of some other guy still lingering on her skin. Holding back from something I so desperately want doesn’t exactly come naturally to me, but for now, I have to – but I can still make sure she knows who she answers to now.

  “Give me your phone.”

  “What?” She sounds surprised, her voice low and sleepy, already beginning to nestle her head into the pillow.

  “You heard me. Your phone, Chloe. I can’t have you inviting any other guys up here once I’m gone.”

  She blinks rapidly for a moment before speaking, softly. “It’s in my bag,” nodding to the end of the bed. She watches me closely as I retrieve her phone, immediately turning it off and slipping it into my pocket. I don’t want her thinking I’m going to be spying on her.

  Well, not in that way.

  “Go to sleep now. You need to rest.” Her head is already on the pillow, her eyes fluttering closed slowly as the mixture of alcohol and a comfortable bed take over. She presses her fingertips to her lips one last time as I step up to the door before a soft, sleepy voice calls out to me.

  “Thank you.” I turn back to find her eyelids slowly fluttering closed. I feel a sudden ache in my chest, a longing to lie down with her and hold her, keep her safe. It catches me off guard as soon as it hits me – I’ve never felt this way about a girl before.

  “Goodnight, Chloe,” I say, though I suspect she’s already asleep. I consider staying. I could sit and watch her all night, just taking in the slow, gentle movements of her chest – rising, and falling, in, and out. I wouldn’t touch her, god no. I wouldn’t even break the unspoken trust between us by climbing into her bed without her permission, even though it would likely offer the first good night's sleep in weeks. But the mere existence of the idea worries me because I’m not that guy.

  I allow myself a moment to scan her living room once I’m out of sight. It’s cute, actually quite homely, with splashes of bright color. Her dress is strewn over the back of the couch, and I can’t help running the fabric through my hands, bringing it to my nose to inhale her scent. I consider taking it with me, a little momentum of this night, our first kiss – but I don’t want her to think I’m completely obsessed with her just yet.

  She’ll learn all of that in due time.



  * * *


  I shouldn't have gone out last night. I've never been very good at handling my drinks, and even worse at handling the inevitable feeling that follows the morning after. I shield my eyes with my arm, turning over to avoid the surprisingly bright morning light, groaning as I tuck my face deeper into the pillow. Until it hits me.

  My eyes shoot open, and I sit upright but find my room empty and exactly as I left it. He sent me upstairs last night. He was in my room. He kissed me. I press my fingertips to my lips, and I could swear I can still feel his touch on them, as a smile begins to tug at the corners of my mouth.

  “Hello?” I call out. I feel stupid the moment I do, but some small part of me is expecting him to still be here, or to at least be listening in. It occurs to me then that I don’t even know his name, and I groan once more, throwing my head into my hands.

  ’You idiot’, I mumble to myself, shaking my head. ’You don’t kiss your hot doorman and act like a horny little teenager. What the fuck, Chloe.'

  I crawl to the end of my bed to begin rifling through my bag, before quickly realizing my phone isn’t there. And that’s when the second realization hits me.

  He has it.

  I throw my whole ass body back on the bed this time, kicking my legs and whining to myself. Am I angry? Frustrated? Embarrassed? Horny? Or just hungover?

  I don’t quite know. Maybe it’s some combination of all of the above. But as I roll over, one hand reaching for the spot between my thighs, I close my eyes and take a slow breath – because I want more. I'm already wet, my thighs aching to be parted and to feel his hands there instead. It’s already a morning of harsh realizations, but that one hits me harder than all the others, a loaded gun of truth and promise and potential.

  Finally hauling myself out of bed, I grab a robe from the back of the door to cover myself, slip on some sliders, and slowly creep down to the lobby. I’m not even sure what time it is, I didn’t stop to check. I do my best to fix up my appearance in the mirrored doors of the elevator before they 'bing!' open and I’m greeted by an empty lobby. Thank god.

  “Uh, hey, Dennis…” I begin, creeping up to the guy sat behind the small desk to the side. “Is there, a, uh…” I don’t even know where to begin, but thankfully, I don’t have to as he reaches under the desk, gesturing my phone at me.

  “Looking for this?”

  I smile and breathe a sigh of relief, quickly taking it from him and hitting the home button, but it’s switched off. Right, yeah, he did it before he basically stole it from you, remember?

  “Yeah, Max said he found it in the hall last night. You must have been having quite the night to forget this.”

  “Yeah, something like that,” I laugh. You have no idea, old man. “Hey, actually, is Max working tonight?”

  “He should be here right now. Said he had some personal business to take care of though. The guy never misses a shift.”

  I nod politely, but I’m secretly wondering how or why someone would work the late shift and the early morning shift. Doesn’t he need to sleep, or at least have a life to get back to? There’s a sudden twinge of disappointment in my stomach when I think about it. What if he does have a life? What if he has a girlfriend, a wife, kids? And last night I just threw myself at him out of nowhere?

  If that is the case, then it says a whole lot more about him than it does about me. Either way, I’m going to have to find out, for better or worse.

  “Actually,” I begin as I turn back for a second, “Could you buzz me when he gets in, maybe? I just want to thank him in person for finding my phone.”

  “Of course, Miss. Harris,” Dennis smiles.

  I pull my phone from my pocket once I’m out of sight, quickly switching it on, tapping my foot as I have to wait the agonizing 30–or–so seconds for everything to spring to life. And when I do, there’s a text sitting right at the top from an unfamiliar number.

  ’I hope you had a good night's sleep, princess. I’ll be back to check on you later.’ My hand goes to my mouth to hide my smile, though there’s no one I should be hiding it from. It’s just me in the elevator, and now, him, in a strange way. The text is time–stamped only an hour or so ago. Knowing he’s thinking of me sends a flutter running through my stomach, warmings its way up to my cheeks.

  ’What am I doing?’ I think to myself. This is so unlike me, despite what he might think. The guy I was with last night… No. I shake the thought from my head, because it’s not a pleasant one. I just don’t do things like that, or this. I don’t bring strange men home with me, I certainly don’t kiss hunky doormen who order me up to bed, and I certainly don’t text them back before my senses have had a chance to stop me.

  ’You better be coming to tuck me in again. I had the best night's sleep last night xx’



  * * *

  “So, how have things been?” The old man sits himself down before me, setting two coffees down on the table. I’m not sure how I’m going to hide the truth of what happened last night from him, but I damn well have to if I want to keep this job.

  ’You asked me to look after your daughter, so I kissed her when she offered herself to me and tucked her into bed. It doesn’t exactly spell Employee of the Month, does it?

  I nod for a mi
nute, distracting myself with the coffee. “Good. Fine. I think. Everything seems pretty normal.” He nods along with me for a moment, settling back into his seat, folding his hands in his lap. I can’t tell him the whole truth, but I can’t hide everything from him either. I lean forward, setting my drink down. “In fact, no, there was… Something happened, last night.” His ears immediately prick up, his brow furrowed.

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing like that. She’s fine. It’s just… I caught her coming home with some guy. He looked like a real sleazebag, honestly. Didn’t appreciate it when I wouldn't let him in with her.”

  “You did the right thing, Max,” he runs his hands through his hair, tilting himself back as he exhales through pursed lips.

  “She was drunk, and he had his hands all over her. I didn’t want you to think I was overstepping my boundaries, but there was no way I could let him upstairs with her.” My hands are curling into fists at my sides as I recall what happened last night. I may be conveniently leaving out what happened afterward, but that’s irrelevant right now.

  Because I would never, ever do anything to hurt Chloe. I would never want to put her in a position where she felt scared or uncomfortable or obligated to act a certain way around me.

  Edward sits forward in his chair again, shaking his head. “No, as I said, you did the right thing. God, I never thought she…” He trails off, turning to look out of the window for a moment.

  “Is this the first time she’s done anything like this?” He asks, looking back at me with worry in his eyes.

  “It seems like it. She’s always come home alone before last night.” He nods then, seeming somewhat relieved.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m one of those fathers who only care about reputation,” he says, getting up from his seat. “It’s not that. I don’t care about any of that if Chloe isn’t safe and happy. And I’m worried that might be the case. This isn’t like her, Max.”

  He turns back to me, and I have to agree. This isn’t like her. Ever since her mother's death, and the last few months, in particular, Chloe has been a different person. Grief changes people, I know, but she’s showing no signs of recovering, and I know anyone close to her must be starting to worry.

  Edward looks at me, his eyes tight, a question poised on hips lips. He pauses, at first, pressing his lips together before he speaks as if he doesn’t want to say what he’s about to say. “Do you think she might be… taking something?”

  I scan his expression for more, but his meaning is written all over his face. A man wrought with worry.

  “No, no, there’s no way,” I hurry out, as I watch Edward release the breath he was holding onto. “I’ve worked with addicts before, and even the best can’t hide it that well for that long. No, it’s not that.” He sinks back into his chair, head in his hands once more.

  “Her mother was, you know,” he admits with sadness in his eyes. “She hid it from Chloe, but I knew. I thought as long as I knew that we could handle it together. That she would be able to keep it under control. That’s how she got hit when she was leaving that party. She just wasn’t looking, and…” He trails off, and all I can do is sit and watch this man come unraveled.

  My heart goes out to him, it does. He’s trying so desperately to hold onto his daughter with what little thread is left, but she’s unraveling too in her desperate bid to get away from him.

  “Maybe I could try and talk to her. I know I’m just her…” I have to pause for a moment, carefully considering which word comes next. “Doorman. But she doesn’t know that I know you, so maybe she’ll be a little more open to listening if it’s coming from a third party.”

  Edward nods, a faint look of relief coming over his face. “Thank you, Max. That could work. Chloe is stubborn, headstrong, always has been. She’d never listen to me. But please, you do whatever it takes to get through to her. I can’t lose her too.”

  “I will. Don’t worry. I won’t let anything bad happen to her.” We both rise from our seats, shaking hands, while I have to press down all the thoughts and urges rising inside of me.

  You do whatever it takes to get through to her.

  Of course, he would never suspect for even a minute what I’m going to do.

  I’m going to tame Chloe. I’m going to make her mine. Scoop her up and bring her into my life, where I can make sure nothing and no one ever upset her again.



  * * *

  I’m sat draped casually over my soft, one eye on the book I’m reading, one perpetually glancing out of the window. I say ‘reading’, but my mind hasn’t been able to focus on anything but Max all day.


  I turn his name over in my mouth, savoring those three little letters. My stomach lifts, my heart flutters. It seems so very fitting. Max. It’s the only thing I do know about him, but for now, it’s all I need.

  My heart does another little dance inside my chest when a black SUV pulls up out front, and out steps Max. All 6’5” of him, dressed head to toe in black. I watch him exchange a few words with the valet, and I’m sure for a split second I see his eyes flick up to where my window is, though he doesn’t give much away.

  I quickly get to my feet, smoothing down the short silk robe that hangs around my curves, clad in red lace lingerie that, sure, might be a little on the cliched side, but hot damn if I don’t look good. I might be on the bigger side, but it’s never once bothered me. I’m well aware of how I look, and I’m proud of every damn inch of me. And from the way Max was acting last night, I can tell he’s itching to become just as well acquainted.

  Right on cue, the tablet affixed beside the doors rings. “Miss. Harris, Max has just arrived. Would you like to come down, or shall I send him up?”

  I pull away from the speaker and scoff, glancing down at myself. Poor old Dennis would have a heart attack if I went down like this. “Could you send him up, please? Thank you, Dennis.”

  “Of course. My pleasure.” The call cuts off and I smile to myself.

  Oh no, it’s going to be all MY pleasure.

  Only a moment or two later, there’s a knock at my door. “Chloe, Dennis said you wanted to speak to me.” There is it again. There’s something about the way he says my name, even casually like that, that sends a rumble running through me.

  I quickly perch myself on the arm of the couch that faces the door, adjusting my robe. “You can come in, it’s open,” I call out, shoulders tucked in, back arched, presenting myself to him as a prize. I know I look incredible. And I know Max knows it too when he walks in through the door, and his eyes make their way up my body, ever so slowly, before settling on my face.

  “He said you had something to say to me,” he says calmly, showing no signs of emotion or arousal, other than his initial look when he walked in.

  “Well, I just wanted to thank you personally for making sure I got some safe last night…” I let my robe slip as I get to my feet, gently gliding towards him. “So kind of you to… get me into bed,” I continue, my lips coming close to his ear, pressing my body against his. He stands perfectly still, but I can feel how his hands hover just over my hips, his taut manhood pressing against my stomach.

  God, I want him. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I know I’ll do anything to have Max looking at me the way he is now. I can hear the anticipation in his breathing, until he gives in, his rough hands digging into my soft hips, squeezing at the flesh before they move up to my waist. A moan escapes my mouth, and my arms find their way around his neck.

  “What are you doing?” He growls as I take his touch as permission to begin planting soft kisses along his neck.

  “Thanking you,” I purr. Max is a lion, pawing at me, while I play the role of the delicate little kitten.

  “Does that mean you’re not going to do anything stupid like that again?” I know he must be referring to what happened last night, before he ’rescued’ me. I pull back just enough to be able to see his
face, nodding my head gently as I paint on my signature pout.

  “Never again, Sir. I'll be good.” The title is unintentional, waiting there in the shadows of my mind, springing out at just the right moment. And my god, it shocks me how right it feels to call him that.

  But he grabs hold of my shoulders before I can go back to peppering his neck with kisses, holding me at arm's length in front of him. “I’m serious, Chloe. I don’t want to see you with a guy like that ever again. Understood?” I must look confused, before he cocks an eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer. I nod, and Max continues. “I will be on that door every single night. If you must leave, I want to know where you’re going, who you’re going with, and I want you home by midnight. No excuses. Is that clear?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, but it does nothing to dampen the fire in my chest. I nod, and my eyes are wide and full of surprise.

  “Say it. I need to hear you say it.”

  I don’t know how, but I suddenly know exactly what he wants to hear. That little title, that word that feeds me such a feeling of power, and yet simultaneously hands it all over to him.

  “Yes, Sir.”



  * * *

  “Good. Bend over.”

  I just fucking lose it. My demand surprises me as much as it does her. My hands spin her around, and I’m walking her towards the couch before I realize it.

  “What?” Chloe’s breath is short.

  “I said, bend over. You still need to be punished for the way you behaved last night and the way you behaved when I walked in here. So bend over.” A rough, desperate, eager hand traces along her shoulder, up to the back of her neck, but the little firecracker beats me to the punch. She bends forward willingly under the guidance of my hand, presenting her perfect, round ass to me.


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