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Station Page 7

by Jarrett Brandon Early

  With that, Jonny took two drinks from a glume manikin who had approached, handing one to Hadder. He lifted it to the audience. "The Before is no more, we've all closed that door. To Station, our home, where new dreams are born. Cheers! Cheers! And welcome!" With that, the audience exploded. Reena came over and kissed Jonny on the cheek. Hadder stamped down the sick feeling that briefly made an appearance in his stomach. Together, they embraced Hadder and moved him from the balcony. Those near on the mezzanine came up to shake Hadder's hand and clap Jonny VV on the back. As they paid their respects and spread back out, Hadder turned to face Jonny and Reena.

  "What now?"

  "Now, old chap? Well, now we party. Like only Station can."

  Reena leaned back and belted out a scream of excitement, her Light Crown spinning faster than ever before. Although he didn't scream, Hadder's nerves began to shake in anticipation of what was to come, what sites he was to see in this new world on this first "night."


  The next hour passed in a blur of greetings, welcomes, and congratulations mixed with the occasional uncomfortable glance or angry look, always from a face in the background that quickly vanished into the throng. Hadder was ushered by Jonny VV and Reena Song along the length of the mezzanine, hearing but failing to remember countless names. Faces melded together as did outfits, from the garish to the divine, all looking well-crafted.

  Once the entirety of the mezzanine had been traversed, the celebrated trio marched back down the stairs to meet an even more extensive collection of residents, each wanting to either speak with or simply get a better look at Station's newest addition. Even more so than on the floor above, sheer numbers overwhelmed Hadder's ability to understand phrases shouted, comprehend questions asked, or later recall faces encountered.

  Jonny and Reena tried to assist where possible, but soon all they could offer were embarrassed smiles and shrugs that said this is the cost of celebrity. As more and more faces entered the fray, Hadder's confusion and anxiety continued to mount. Everyone who approached was strangely attractive, just off the pages of Vogue or GQ, many with facial accents that would have been hard to describe in words. Now and then, on the edge of sight, Hadder thought he spied more extreme anomalies. Did that woman's eyelashes curl over her bald head? Did that man have two colorful birds holding up both sides of a long mustache? Could he really have seen a third eye on that individual who drifted in from the crowd?

  Just as Hadder began to fear that he would be overrun with attention, that his only escape would be to curl up in the fetal position on Morning Echo's clean floors, he was rescued by the piercing shrill of a whistle coming from the Bar's front doors. In unison, the congregation halted its carousing and turned to face the whistleblower. Standing in Morning Echo's opening doorway, the small man looked to have come directly from the mind of a steampunk author. He wore a heavily embroidered white trench coat, expertly fitted with a swallowtail cut, over a frilly black shirt with black slacks and knee-high black boots. His eyes seemed overlarge for his head, and stood out even more due to their gray hue, looking like two raging storms above a placid tanned face. Slicked back gray hair under a black top hat completed the look.

  Once he knew he had the attention of the audience, the small man took the long silver whistle from between his pursed lips with a white-gloved hand and raised his other in a flourish. "Ladies and gentlemen, residents of all ages, seekers of happiness and lovers of Elevation; it is my honor to announce that The Soiree Noire is now open for your enjoyment. You are limited only by your imaginations, but please be kind to each other. Judgment will be commencing…NOW!"

  Speech completed, he spun impressively on a heal and disappeared down Echo's front stairway. The crowd, momentarily quieted by his appearance, exploded in another release of pure elation and began to slowly filter out of the Bar, drinks being poured down throats on the way out, Hadder's trio already forgotten.

  Jonny came back up to Hadder. "Don't worry, old chap, everyone always loses it when The Soiree opens. Now that they've all seen you expect more personal attention for a while."

  "Who was that man?"

  Reena answered. "That's Montgomery Walls, but everyone calls him Monty the Mod. He and a few other self-selected purveyors of all things fashionable run The Soiree Noire. He can be a bit of a prick, but his parties are always the best. Right, Jonny?"

  "Indeed, you're correct, my dear. And you're lucky to have run into us this past Solay, Hadder. Not just anyone can get into Monty's parties. Usually, you have to work your way up to his shindigs, prove that you're one of the glitterati. But he likes me and absolutely loves sweet Reena here, so we'll pull you in with us. Also, there's no way he could turn away our first new resident in forever."

  The crowd continued its slow exit from Morning's Echo while some used the opportunity to take up seats at tables now unoccupied, meaning to spend more time at their current establishment. As the excitement began to die down, Hadder could feel his energy also begin to dwindle. From his long drive to the shit hole bar called Station, to his harrowing journey through the inter-dimensional tunnel and across the trackless desert, to his orientation to the city called Station and his escapade with the intoxicating Reena Song, to his introduction to some of Station's most prominent residents, Hadder had lived a lifetime in a few short hours with little rest. He could sense his body begin to sag under fatigue.

  Jonny sensed his friend's failing stamina and put a hand to Hadder's face, concern marking his own. "You alright, old chap? You look completely drained. Think you have it in you to continue?"

  "Go on ahead, Jonny," Reena intervened. "I can help him."

  Jonny smiled. "What would we do without her? Wait for you both just outside."

  As Jonny walked away, Reena knelt down and reached into one of her remarkable high-top sneakers, fingers revealing a hidden pocket in the tongue. She fumbled around for a bit before pulling out what looked to be lipstick in the shade of light blue. Removing the top, Reena expertly applied the glossy blue wax across her full lips. Without waiting for Hadder to comment, she once again pulled his head down for a passionate kiss, this time leaving her tongue out of the equation. As her lips rubbed vigorously against his own, Hadder could feel his entire body waking up, as if he had been submerged in a vial of B12. Color rushed back into Hadder's blanched face, and power returned to his arms and legs. The haze that had been preventing him from locating clear thoughts lifted as brain synapses fired.

  They separated. "Better now, Marlin?"

  "Yes, much, thanks. Me thanking you is becoming a habit."

  Reena smiled sweetly. "I like it that way. Come on, Jonny is waiting for us." As she turned and started for the front doors, Hadder fought down the urge to yell, "I fucking love you" at the beautiful girl's back. He was happy he did, however, when a second later, Reena's shifting dress spelled out Free Spirit, reminding him that this girl was never meant for reservation by one person. Her anima was simply too much.

  Disaster and embarrassment averted, Hadder followed Reena towards the entrance, a spring in his step like he had just risen from a week's worth of rest.

  As promised, Jonny VV was waiting for them outside Morning's Echo. "Looking much improved, Hadder. Miss Reena works wonders, does she not?"

  Hadder threw a thankful smile at Reena. "She certainly does." Reena curtsied in response.

  "Then let us be on our way. It's obviously not far, but the gathered masses can proliferate. Luckily, Reena and I are regulars."

  As they walked, Hadder noticed that true night, or Haela, had fallen over Station. Raising his eyes to the heavens, Hadder immediately understood how the city's evening had gotten its name. The Idol Moon, now half the size as during Solay and significantly less bright, was entirely encircled by a halo of light, an optical effect of the reduced emissions. Hadder quietly congratulation himself for uncovering another of Station's lesser mysteries.

  Within minutes, The Soiree Noire appeared before them, the light-encased white
building more striking now that full Haela had settled in. A thick mass of people had begun to form at the base of the Bar's elegant grand twin stairs that led up to its equally ornate double doors above. As residents mingled and conversed, a palpable buzz permeated the crowd, even affecting Hadder's two seasoned friends.

  Just as Hadder was about to ask what everyone was waiting for, a disc that seemed to be made of pure light rose between the twin staircases, stopping when it was ten feet above the ground. On the conveyance stood Monty the Mod, whose top hat now shot a cascade of color from every angle, highlighting the small man's sharp features. Monty had traded in his silver whistle for equally shiny silver opera glasses with which he eagerly searched the crowd below.

  When he spoke, his voice boomed from hidden speakers and was easily heard over the din of the crowd. "Lulu! What an interesting gown. Please enter. Is that you, Rafa? I don't know if I love it or hate it, but I am intrigued. Come on in. Bessa James, I know you are wearing the same thing you did just last week. Come back with something new, or don't come back at all! Benny and Sunrise, I love the matching ensemble. See you inside!"

  This went on for a while before Monty's glasses fell upon Hadder's trio. "Jonny VV and Reena Song, two of my favorites. You both never fail to disappoint. Reena, I'll need to take a closer look at those shoes later. Both of you are free to join me this Haela. And by all means, bring that handsome, smartly-dressed friend of yours."

  And with that, the crowd peacefully parted, allowing Hadder, Jonny, and Reena an unobstructed path to the stairway on the right. As they climbed, Monty the Mod continued his selection process. When they were eye-level with the diminutive doorman, Monty looked from his eyeglasses for a brief moment to shoot Hadder a curious look. Before Hadder could read into it, however, Monty returned the glasses to his face and berated a man in the crowd for his choice of footwear.

  Reena spoke as they neared the top. "This is just part of Monty's show. He'll make his dramatic selections for an hour or so before tiring and turning it over to his personal manikin, who has a list of everyone allowed in. Almost everyone who's waiting downstairs is on the list; Monty just likes to give them shit. It's fun, but sometimes you just want to get in and get a fucking drink, you know?"

  At the top of the stairs, an exceptionally tall glume manikin stood before the enormous open double doors, an ancient parchment scroll held in its hands that must have been Monty's treasured list. "Nice touch," commented Hadder as they passed under the lanky manikin's white gaze.

  Moving into The Soiree Noire, Hadder's breath caught for the hundredth time that day. If the exterior of the Bar was beautiful, the interior was something no one word could aptly describe. The room they had entered was a colossus, with ceilings soaring high above and the back wall beyond view. The floor was a deep, warm crimson that briefly showed footprints in lighter red as one walked. The walls surrounding the room showed beautiful scenery that changed every few minutes. One minute, the room sat on the balcony of an Italian villa that overlooked Lake Como. Later, it would be at the center of the Roman Coliseum. The walls were not simple LED screens, however, as Hadder discovered upon closer inspection. They were something else entirely, creating images so clear and vibrant that one could almost feel breezes coming off the Mediterranean and smell the evergreens of Colorado's Rocky Mountains.

  Globes of light floated throughout the room, providing illumination without impeding on ambiance. Comfortable leather chairs and couches could be found throughout the room, and Hadder watched in amazement as one shifted to make room for a third occupant as another melded to perfectly fit the form of the small woman who had recently sat.

  Although there was no bar as far as Hadder could tell, manikins were positioned throughout the room, some waiting for a command and others carrying trays of colorful drinks. Jonny grabbed one manikin as it passed and took three beverages, all with a bright green tint.

  "Here you go, my friends. Don't worry, Hadder, this is just a sweet starter drink to loosen our dancing hips. It's the Number 4 for future reference. So tell me, my new friend, what do you think of The Soiree?"

  Hadder searched but was unable to come up with an appropriate metaphor. "It's amazing," he settled on.

  "Indeed, but you haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the Haela truly gets going. Let's mingle."

  Deeper into the Bar they walked as more of Monty's selections trickled in behind them. As before, residents greeted Jonny and Reena as they moved, some even including Hadder in their greetings.

  They meandered through the ample space for several minutes before something caught Reena's eye, and she halted the group. "Over here, Jonny. Marlin needs to experience this." Reena led them to a large, chest-high circular table surrounded by leather-ensconced bar stools. Two other residents were already at the table, speaking together. Reena politely interrupted them. "Good Haela, Benny. Sunrise. Do you mind if we join you?"

  The couple Hadder recognized from outside answered in the affirmative, and the three sat down across the table. As Monty mentioned, they wore matching outfits, his an electric blue tuxedo, and hers an electric blue column dress. In line with what Hadder had already observed, both were extremely attractive, with blue eyebrows, lashes, and, in Benny's case, goatee that paired with their attire. Sunrise spoke first, "We were just about to start. Hoping to beat the crowds."

  "That's perfect," said Jonny. "As you both know, Hadder here is our newest resident, and Reena is eager to show him the Ophidian."

  "Of course," Benny responded. "Please, Jonny, do the honors."

  As Jonny's slender fingers slide along the table, Hadder noticed a square etching depicting a snake just off the table's center. Jonny's index finger hung over the engraving.

  "Now, Hadder, promise me you're not going to freak out, old chap. I swear on Reena Song's life that nothing bad is going to happen. Do you trust me?"

  A knot formed in Hadder's stomach. "Of course," he answered, hoping he sounded sincere.

  With the answer he was looking for in hand, Jonny pressed his finger to the etching. Seconds passed, and a round opening appeared in the center of the table. Hadder held his breath, which came out in panicked pants moments later.

  From the hole emerged a kaleidoscopic serpent, slithering on the table before the five residents. Hadder attempted to fall out of his chair but was held fast by Reena. "Trust, remember."

  Hadder stamped down his innate instinct to run and sat before the snake. It moved gingerly around the table, taking note of each guest. With part of its body still in the table's hole, Hadder couldn't tell how large the creature was, nor did he care to find out. Having taken stock of guest arrangement, the serpent then rose up into the air, showing off a sizeable Cobra-like hood, and drifted towards Jonny.

  Hadder could barely contain his panic as the Ophidian moved to within inches of Jonny's face and opened its dark maw. Instead of screaming in fear as Hadder would have done, however, Jonny fully opened his mouth. From the Ophidian's mouth, a yellow smoke poured forth, and Jonny inhaled deeply, holding it for a moment before releasing the vapor through his nose. Almost immediately, his features slackened, and a stupid grin dominated his face. "Next?"

  Reena raised her hand and repeated the terrifying ceremony. "Your turn, Marlin."

  Hadder froze as the Ophidian drifted from Reena and towards his face. Reptilian eyes bore a hole through his soul as Hadder stared down the snake's open mouth. Reena pinched his leg under the table, and Hadder opened his mouth and breathed in deeply as a rope of gas briefly tied man and Ophidian together. Hadder felt his pupils immediately dilate as the smoke poured down his throat and filled his lungs. Music that was previously barely detectable in the background pounded in his ears, waking up all of his senses.

  Hadder opened his eyes, unsure of when he had closed them, and saw that the Ophidian had already slithered to Sunrise, presenting her with its ephemeral gift. Once Benny had completed his turn, the Ophidian slinked back into its hole, which closed soon after that. The f
ive residents stood in unison on wobbly legs, each giggling in euphoria. Looking around, many new faces had entered The Soiree Noire, and the beginnings of a real celebration seemed to be present.

  As usual, Reena was the first to break the silence. "Now, let's fucking party!"

  Hadder's mind buzzed like pre-cable Channel 3 after midnight, a mashup of colors and sounds. The remainder of the Haela, when recounted later, played like Pulp Fiction on acid, a series of haunting scenes and images loosely tied together under the umbrella of The Soiree Noire.

  Hadder recalled more residents filing in as they floated through the Bar, the large room starting to reach that optimal occupancy level that maximized reveler experience. Reena laughed loudly when she caught Hadder staring mouth agape at an elegant Amazonian woman whose evening dress flashed translucent every few seconds, revealing a tanned athletic body underneath that appeared carved from smooth wood.

  Hadder recalled that the party shifted dramatically every hour, with the walls depicting new locations that set the theme. One shift placed The Soiree in space, synthwave dance music blaring from invisible speakers. Holograms of comets, asteroid belts, stardust, planets, and suns careened through the main room. Many of the drinks taken from server manikins, especially the transparent and bubbly Number 3, induced psychedelic visions, causing Hadder to see long colorful trails behind each hologram, adding to the "space on drugs" vibe. Later, the entire party shifted to 1980's Times Square, scored by the best music of the decade. Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Guns N' Roses thrummed in Hadder's ears as the logos of Coke, Pepsi, and MTV floated above heads. The last shift Hadder could remember took everyone to Moscow's Red Square, where 90's Hip Hop complemented the cold Russian environment. Each theme transition renewed the room's festivities, a call to alter dance moves, trade-in dance partners, and try a new cocktail or two.


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