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Station Page 26

by Jarrett Brandon Early

  Blindman's face remained impassive; he wasn't hearing anything Royal had to say. "Well, I thank you, gentlemen, for stopping by. I understand your concerns; I really do. But sometimes in this world, you have to have a little faith. I choose to put my faith in Mister Rott and the Caesars. They've yet to let me down."

  Hadder and Royal walked away dejected. It had been five Solays since the Great Duel, and they had failed to reach even one significant resident leader. All wanted to go blindly about their lives, oblivious to the storm clouds forming in the East. Royal tried to offer some hope. "Well, the word is there's still fighting in South Rising. Looks like a lot of Ego's people aren't just gonna turn the keys over to The Krown."

  "I'm sure Kamaria is putting up a hell of a resistance. But that just buys us time, not absolution. And right now, we're doing exactly jack shit with the time she's giving us."

  "So, what do we do, Hadder?"

  Hadder sighed deeply, bemoaning what he was about to say. "We're gonna have to wait for someone to die. Someone big."

  Marlin Hadder and Lilly Sistine laid together in the comfort of a free-standing hammock erected in the lawn of The Royal Jelly. As they swung slowly late in the Haela, they watched the iridescent insects and glowing flowers play their colorful games in one of the gardens that bordered the Bar. Lilly was exhausted, having delivered an especially powerful musical performance on stage hours prior. Water-filled eyes peppered the audience as she concluded the concert with Otis Redding's "Pain in My Heart." Now she rested, floating in and out of consciousness.



  "You think I'm good enough to make it in the Before?"

  "I think the world wouldn't even know what to do with a talent such as yours, Lilly. I think you would set the music scene on fire."

  "Yeah, but I guess we'll never know for sure, right?" Her voice sounded far away, as if coming from a dream.

  "I think you're just going to have to take my word for it."

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  "But the world's loss is Station's gain. Your voice brings so much joy to so many residents. You really enrich our second lives."

  Lilly nuzzled her face into Hadder's neck. "Thanks." Then she drifted back to sleep.

  Hadder and Glenn continued their trek through the city, making a note of possible defensive positions, resources to be utilized, and locations for potential ambushes, all while spreading the word - war is coming.

  The Solay was quickly drawing to a close, with the two men having already swept south to take account of the Weep, the New Age Cluster, and another unnamed Cluster before hitting the Skirt and turning back north. The men kept a nervous eye to the East as they walked, waiting for berserkers to tear across the Skirt with mean-looking blades and angry hearts. And while none appeared, the spiraling smoke columns and occasional screams showed that the Rising was still far from a peaceful, unified territory.

  From the south, Hadder and Glen eventually marched into the Celebration Cluster, which was just beginning to fill with life. Celebration residents moved quickly from Hadder's approach, fearful of the man who had entered the Rising with nothing and returned with a head - a head that he mounted in front of the poshest Bar in the area. Hadder ignored them and went about his work, making comments to Glen and taking in the older man's insightful opinions.

  "What about Inferno," asked Glen as they passed the red monstrosity. "High vantage point, only a couple of entrances, strong foundation."

  Although Hadder barely looked at the rose-covered building, he could still make out the human marionette hanging above the entrance doors, lording over her small, insignificant dominion. "Let the Risers have it if it comes to that. And if they don't burn it down, I'll do it my goddam self."

  Glen began to formulate a retort, complete with logic and practicality but stopped when he noticed the smoldering in Hadder's eyes, a nugget of heat that threatened to become a wildfire. "Fair enough. Let it burn. Jackie Crone won't even have to change the sign."

  As they rounded the corner and left Inferno behind them, Glen pointed out a man stumbling about, yelling at both residents and inanimate objects alike. "Jesus, look at this poor sonavabitch. Just turned Haela and he's already a mess, like the Weep shit him out directly into the Celebration Cluster."

  Hadder squinted against the early Haela backdrop and sighed. Up ahead, making himself a fool while making others uncomfortable, was his old friend Jonny VV, someone who helped him when he much needed it. It was time to pay off a substantial debt. "I know him, Glen."

  Glen wore a confused look. "Friend of yours?"

  "Yes. Yes, he is."

  Hadder approached the drunken Jonny VV, whose usually immaculate suit was stained with dirt and caked with grime. The man looked as if he had aged ten years since Reena's passing. "Jonny, Jonny," called Hadder as he came up behind Jonny VV, who turned and fell onto his backside at the sound of his own name.

  Hadder rushed over to his friend. "Jonny, it's Hadder. Marlin Hadder."

  Jonny VV looked up through unfocused eyes. "Hadder? Is it truly you, old chap?"

  "Yeah, it's me, my friend. You don't look so good. Where are you going?"

  "Oh, you know me, old boy. Just on my way to join the festivities." Hadder could barely make out the words Jonny's fat, swollen tongue was making. "I told Reena to wear something extra stunning, so I'm on my way to meet the old girl."

  The bruise on Hadder's heart ached once more, and Glen moved a safe distance away in discomfort. "Jonny. Reena's dead, Jonny. She's gone, remember?"

  Jonny nodded dumbly. "Oh yeah, that's right. Quite right, old chap." Jonny began to cry, tears leaving clean lines on his otherwise grimy face. "I loved her so. You know that, Hadder?"

  "I know, my friend. We all did."

  "She's the only one who got me. Really got me. She was mom, sister, and friend all in one. She was all I had."

  "That's not true, Jonny. You have lots of friends here, but you need time to heal, away from the fucking Celebration Cluster and these soulless runners. What do you think, old friend?"

  Jonny's eyes finally focused on Hadder, who leaned back on his heels from the pain he saw in those red, irritated eyes. "I think I'm tired, Hadder."

  "Would you like to rest, my friend?"

  "Yes, please. I would very much like that."

  Hadder reached down and helped his friend up, throwing Jonny's arm over his shoulders and pushing down the feeling of nausea that erupted from the smell of his troubled companion. "Glen, I want to complete our loop, finish the analysis. Would you mind taking Jonny here back to Cranesman with you, find him a room, and some hot food? I owe this guy a lot."

  Glen softened under the scene of Hadder holding up his bereaved friend. "Sure, Hadder. Happy to help." He looked to Jonny. "Jonny, my name is Glen. I'm gonna get you somewhere safe. We're gonna get you straightened out, ok?"

  Jonny began to nod off in Hadder's grasp. His head came up at Glen's voice. "Any friend of Hadder's is a friend of mine. I accept your kind offer, dear sir."

  Glen walked over and accepted Jonny from Hadder. "Jesus, he's heavy. And he's not gonna be much help. Don't know if I can get him there alone."

  Hadder nodded and walked into the growing throngs of residents. He grabbed the arm of a large man with a bright orange duster and flat-top of bleached hair whom he remembered from his Celebration days. The man's name escaped him. "Hey, what's the fucking deal," began the man before recognizing Marlin Hadder and quickly altering his words. "Sorry, Hadder, you startled me, that's all."

  "I need your favor."

  The man bumbled, finding the words, and stammered when he unearthed them. "Sure, sure, Hadder. How can I help?"

  "I need you to help my friend Glen here get our mutual friend Jonny VV back to Cranesman west of here."

  The flat-topped man made a face. "But I was just heading to Morning's Echo. People are waiting for me."

  "And I'm sure they'll be there when you return. You do remember Jonny VV, don
't you? I'd hate to think of you as a guy who turns his back on his friends." The Rage was there, just beneath the surface, a lifetime of fair-weather friends and self-involved acquaintances fueling the fire.

  The man could see the threat hiding behind the request, would be a fool to ignore it, especially from the now notorious Marlin Hadder. "Of course, Hadder. They'll be there when I get back. Happy to help."

  The danger in Hadder's eyes vanished as quickly as it appeared, and he slapped the large man on the shoulder. "There's the good friend I knew to be there. Glen! This gentleman has offered to help you."

  "I, I'm Nesto. Nice to meet you."

  Glen had no time for Celebration folks. "Great. Get his other arm. We've got a bit of a hike."

  "I'll come by and check on him after I'm done," said Hadder. Glen replied with a simple thumbs-up.

  The pair began to walk Jonny west when the nearly unconscious man came to and turned his head back to Hadder. "Hadder, I heard you got the bastard. The one who killed my lovely Reena. Is it true?"

  "I did, Jonny."

  "Did he suffer as she did?"

  "I cut his fucking head off, Jonny."

  Jonny weakly nodded. "Good shit, old chap. Thank you."

  Hadder simply smiled, and the three were off again, slowly making their way to Cranesman, where Hadder hoped his friend's heart would heal.

  Before a Riser had the chance to rip it from his chest.

  Hadder completed his work in the Celebration Cluster and continued north, planning to hit the Lethe River and follow it upstream until he reached Cranesman and could check in on Jonny VV.

  As Hadder came upon the Lethe, he couldn't help but look back to the Skirt, imagining the army that waited for them across that empty strip of land. Hadder and Glen had spotted several Caesars making the rounds earlier in the Solay, giving them both a warm feeling that they weren't quite yet on death's door. With the Caesars still active and on their side, there was hope for victory.

  With this thought running through his mind, Hadder looked to the Caesar Bridge, hoping that seeing another colossal ally stationed there would provide even more comfort. Looking closely, Hadder could see a hulking form on the bridge, but it was sitting down, as if at rest. Never having known a Caesar to rest when on patrol, Hadder reversed his course and decided to investigate.

  A prickling air of danger enveloped Hadder as he closed in on the Caesar Bridge. Hadder looked around carefully, staring intently at the many shadows that fell across both sides of the Skirt, searching for signs of movement, glints of metal, or flashes of glowing eyes. With none found, he quietly made his way to the Caesar Bridge, anxiously checking under the bridge and around both sides for evidence of a trap. Again discovering nothing, Hadder stepped lightly onto the bridge, his eyes glued to the immense creature before him.

  The Caesar sat in the middle of the bridge, his legs straight out ahead of him as he leaned against the railing. His head was down, chin against his chest, giving the appearance that he was fast asleep. His massive arms fell listlessly to his sides.

  Hadder inched closer, trying to minimize noise on the rickety wood. Although the Caesar's white top-knotted ponytail hung low and blocked his face, the hair, coupled with the pale blue skin of his hands, told Hadder that this was Galba, his old Station welcoming committee member.

  The last thing Hadder wanted to do was startle one of the city's titan enforcers, so he called out softly instead. "Galba. Galba. Are you ok?"


  Hadder grew bolder, moved closer to the resting giant. Hunched over as he was, Hadder couldn't make out much, especially with the giant coat Galba was wearing. Finally, Hadder worked up the courage and knelt beside the guardian, lifting the massive head up and back.

  Dead, open eyes stared back at Hadder, set in a face frozen in a moment of surprise and horror.

  "Fuck me," blurted Hadder as he dropped the head and fell back, his pulse racing and his breath coming in short, inadequate bursts. Hadder rotated on his backside, putting his back to the grisly scene, keeping the rushing waters of the Lethe before him as he calmed himself and collected his thoughts.

  Several deeps breaths later, utilizing techniques he had learned so long ago, Hadder managed to regain control. He turned to once again regard the dead Caesar. With no blood to be seen, Hadder was curious as to the cause of death. He crawled over to the body and, this time, pushed Galba's entire upper body back against the railing, unveiling the death-wound.

  "Fuck me," he repeated, staring open-mouthed at the Caesar's bare chest, which had been caved in by a blow of unbelievable power. The size and location of the crater in Galba ensured that the Caesar's oversized heart would have detonated upon impact.

  "He's dead."

  The voice from the other side of the bridge sent Hadder reeling once more to the ground, a razor simply touching a violin string under extreme tension. Cal stepped into the light of the Caesar Bridge.

  "Jesus Christ, Cal, my heart almost exploded. You want two bodies on this goddam bridge?"

  "He's dead."

  "I see that. You know anything about it?"

  "No. I found him a little while ago. Been patrolling since. High alert."

  Hadder got to his feet, walked closer to Cal to ease both conversation and his mind as it seemed the safest place at the moment. "What the fuck happened here, Cal?"

  "Dead Caesar."

  "I see that. But who did it? Who could do it?"

  "Don't know."

  Hadder returned to the body, pushed the shoulders up with his foot, revealing the wound. "What could have done this, Cal?"

  "A hammer. A big hammer."

  Hadder looked at the wound again, mentally measuring the width and depth of the crater. Unless someone in Station had figured out a way to launch tree trunks end first at terminal velocity, Hadder had to agree with Cal's assessment. "I think you're right. But who the hell could wield such a heavy weapon? The Krown? Sure. Ego Rounds before he died? Maybe. I know I haven't seen but a fraction of Risers, but I certainly don't think there are any that could best a Caesar. What do you think, Cal?"

  Cal shifted from one foot to the other at the end of the bridge, looking anxious. The colossus' worry threw gasoline on Hadder's own bonfire of fear.



  "Cal, is there some other Riser that could have done this? Or do you think The Krown did the dirty work himself? He thinks himself too valuable. There's no way he would jeopardize himself like…"

  "Maybe not The Krown."

  "Ok, then there must be some other Riser that we haven't seen yet. Some Elevated freak who…"

  "Maybe not a Riser."

  Hadder could feel his face scrunch up in confusion. "You can't think a Setter did this? Their Elevations don't have any real value in…"

  "Maybe not a Setter."

  "Then who's left? Who else could do such a thing?"

  "A Caesar could."

  Hadder had forgotten what he had eaten that day, but he almost found out as his stomach lurched from Cal's terrifying words. He moved towards the frightening sentinel on wobbly legs. "Cal, do you really think another Caesar could have done this?"

  "Looks like it."

  Hadder was dumbstruck, words falling out as if from a dump truck. "But, but, I mean, how? Aren't you, you know, like programmed? To follow orders, I mean? Like, how does this even happen? What, what could make a Caesar want to hurt another Caesar? Aren't you all friends? Why? How could this happen?" Cal simply stared at the body of Galba as Hadder continued his blathering. "Cal! Goddamit, answer me! Please."

  Cal turned away from the corpse of his colleague to stare at Hadder. Although no tears formed in his purple eyes, there was a sadness that had taken residence on his orange face. Still, he said nothing.

  Hadder took a calming breath, tried another approach. "Cal, you told me the Caesars didn't have free will. If that's true, then how could this happen?"

  Cal shot a look at Hadder that could almost be inte
rpreted as pity. "The city is changing. Some of the Caesars are changing as well."

  "How so?"

  "We are starting to have dreams."

  "Dreams of what?"

  "Of lives beyond service."

  "You mean lives outside of Station? You mean lives in the world?"


  Hadder tensed, looking around with only his eyes for possible escape routes. Going over the railing to take his chances in the roiling waters of the Lethe seemed the only option. "Do all the Caesars feel this way, Cal?"

  The monster shrugged. "Yes, but few will act on this, I think. Most are still loyal to Father."

  "You mean Mister Rott."


  "And those that aren't?"

  Cal motioned towards Galba. "They are going to make trouble."

  "Would they fight with the fucking Risers?"


  "Jesus Christ, Cal, do you know who they are?"

  "No. They hide among us."

  An overwhelming sense of despair attacked Hadder. If the Caesars, the only constant that Hadder had accounted for in the upcoming war, could not be trusted, then the Fall indeed could be an inevitability.

  "What are we going to do about the body?"

  "We? Nothing. My brothers will be here soon to help me take it away."

  "Can you trust them?"

  "No. But they are my brothers."

  Any illusions that Marlin Hadder had about the Caesars moving the body of one of their own without attracting attention were dispelled early the following Solay when Lilly Sistine, returning from breakfast, burst into their shared living quarters, waking him from a restless sleep.

  "Oh my god, Marlin. Did you hear? Did you hear?"

  Hoping for a miracle, Hadder decided to feign ignorance. "Hear what?"

  "They killed a Caesar. I mean, really. They actually managed to kill a Caesar. If they can do that, then what hope is there for us?"


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