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Station Page 28

by Jarrett Brandon Early

  Hadder accepted Cal's explanation, but kept a wary eye on the Caesar Titus. As they joined the other two Caesars, Cal spoke with Jules. "What's this?"

  Jules, not as broad as most Caesars but a head taller than all, looked down at Cal, his shoulder-length blue hair blowing across his face in the soft breeze. "Not sure. Just making sure they don't try to cross. Only been at it a few minutes."

  Giving the Caesars their privacy, Hadder walked away, staring intently at the Risers not but thirty yards away. Work continued on the ground, men and women alike laughing over the traces of pained cries. A glint of light caught Hadder's attention, and he looked over to see Wagner standing to the side of the Risers, staring daggers at his old nemesis, his metal tusks and horns polished to a high shine.

  Hadder couldn't help himself. "Wagner! How's it hanging, pig-man? Having trouble with a few South Risers? How are you going to conquer the world if you can't even clean up your own backyard?"

  Wagner smiled wickedly, and Hadder immediately recognized that he had read the situation wrong. "Hadder," the tusked man called, "You cannot imagine how happy I am to see you here. I mean, what are the odds? The Gods of war are truly smiling down on me this Solay."

  Worry seeped in through crevices, a knot formed in Hadder's stomach. "What are you about Wagner, you lap-dog?"

  "You must not have heard, Marlin Hadder. The Riser Wars are over. I mean, they were over the moment my king split the skull of that obese turd, but today even the denouement draws to a close. I am here to place a period at the end of that small chapter. So, without further ado, I give you the last of the resistance and the dawn of a wholly unified Riser empire."

  His speech concluded, Wagner gave an upward motion to the Risers working on the ground. As one, the Risers knelt and lifted something substantial into the air, driving its base into a hole they had dug, locking the tall construct upright.

  Although Hadder knew it was fated to happen, his heart still broke at the gruesome scene before him. A naked Kamaria hovered in the air, crucified, bleeding from countless wounds, and tattooed with numerous burns. Although obviously in tremendous pain, Kamaria's eyes still burned with defiance as she spat at her abductors below. One of the female Risers who was struck with spittle angrily picked up a rock and hurled it at the defenseless woman's head, striking Kamaria in the temple and sending her head lolling to the side. The Risers giggled like stupid children who had been sniffing paint.

  Hadder made a move towards the Risers but was effortlessly held back with one arm by Cal, who looked down as if to say, "not here, not now." Hadder redirected his energy into glaring at Wagner, creating mental images of the man's chest exploding into a pink mist.

  "She is more of a fighter than anyone you have in your soft Setting," said Wagner, addressing both Hadder and the assembled residents. "And look at her now. The great Kamaria, no more than a lawn ornament. Although I would rather burn you all alive, my king is a benevolent king. He has tasked me with spreading the word. Come to him now, pledge your allegiance, pick up arms against the lazy Setters, and prepare for world domination. Do this now, and you will enjoy all the benefits that we will reap as we harvest the world and take what is owed to us. Failure to do this will result in what you see here today."

  Wagner motioned again, and a Riser wielding a wicked bladed staff slashed quickly across Kamaria's belly, sending her entrails spilling out to hang low on her body. The proud woman cried out once in pain, then remained silent, summoning a strength Hadder had never known. "Tough to the end," stated Wagner before motioning once more. Risers from the back stepped forward, carrying burlap sacks that shifted with activity from within. Standing at the base of the cross, the Risers emptied their bags, sending malnourished rats scurrying about the ground. Kamaria's eyes went wide with terror, and tears trickled down her dark cheeks as the rats began to climb the wood in search of the sweet, warm meat they detected.

  Hadder's stomach lurched, and he looked away, turning back only when a scream from Kamaria demanded his attention. The rats covered her exposed organs, greedily devouring the soft flesh. Some had even begun to enter the wound, finding additional warmth and food in her body cavity. Kamaria shook from the torment, her eyes screaming when her mouth would not. Some residents ran from the horrible sight, others vomited where they stood. Many others looked on frozen, their minds unable to comprehend what their eyes were telling them.

  Hadder locked eyes with Kamaria, hoping he could give her something to focus on, something to take her away from the gruesome reality of what was happening to her once formidable body. Minutes felt like days as the vermin continued their dirty work, sending Karmaria into convulsions of agony. Through it all, however, she kept her eyes on Hadder, eyes that were thankfully beginning to dim. Finally, the shaking subsided, and a look of gentle acceptance fell over Kamaria's face like a veil. Looking at Hadder, the corners of her mouth curled in a Mona Lisa smile, and she mouthed the words "kill them all" before letting out one last scream of defiance, shouting the word "Ego" as her head fell and her eyes glazed over.

  A stillness fell over both Riser and Setter, with more than a few Risers looking off-put by the macabre display. Wagner sauntered to the edge of the Skirt; the Caesars tightened their grips on their weapons. "Tell your friends what you saw here today. Let them know what awaits those who oppose The Krown. Come to us now and welcome a new life at the top of the food chain."

  Wagner moved further up the Skirt to stand directly across from Hadder. "And Marlin Hadder. I'll see you on the battlefield. My tusks ache to touch your flesh."

  "Just make sure you actually stand and fight this time, not let your lackeys shoot me from the rooftops."

  "Do not worry, Setter, The Krown has outlawed projectiles for the Invasion. He wants every Riser to taste the blood on their hands. I can't wait to taste yours."

  "I am going to kill you, pig-man. You need to know that."

  Wagner pointed to the husk of Kamaria. "Funny, she said the exact same thing. Two days later, she's meat. You're all meat. You're just too stupid to know it." Wagner turned and began to walk away, shouting orders at his men as he passed. "Ten of you stay here. No one is to take down this warning. Kill any who attempt it."

  The Rage boiled over inside of Hadder, a need to feel Wagner's death rattle against his cheek. In a fit of anger, Hadder bent down to pick up a rat who had enjoyed his fill of Kamaria before stumbling across the Skirt. Hadder chucked the swollen rat into the air, and internally rioted in laughter when it struck the back of Wagner's head with a dull thud. To Wagner's credit, he did not dignify the insulting assault with a response, merely choosing to continue his trek into the Rising, back to The Krown, no doubt.

  Cal came up to Hadder. "What now?"

  Hadder looked up at his giant ally. "I must tell Royal and the others."

  "Tell them what?"

  "That we're out of time."

  Hadder hurried back to The Royal Jelly, stopping at a few select Bars he knew Royal's supporters frequented. The message he left at each was short and to the point - ready yourselves for battle; the Risers are coming.

  As he walked, Hadder tried in vain to erase the image of the beautiful and powerful Kamaria turned inside out, left as food for emaciated vermin. The Rage coursed through his veins, demanding retribution in the form of Riser blood, threatening to take over his actions. Hadder fought it back with difficulty, reminding himself that there would be a time for the Rage to take control, but this was not it.

  Hadder slowed when he entered the lawn surrounding The Royal Jelly, hoping to catch his breath a bit before he recounted the despicable scene he had witnessed. As usual, the yard was empty this time of late Solay, with everyone off preparing for the upcoming Haela's concerts and festivities. Taking his time across the lawn, Hadder was beset by an unsettling feeling, as if unseen Risers were hiding all about him - under the hammock, atop the Golden Bees, laying flat against the carefully mowed grass. Looking around with uncertainty, Hadder finally waved away h
is fears, chalking it up to the remnants of a troublesome Solay.

  Just then, a scream cut through the air like a spear and brought those fears back in a rush. A scream that came from The Royal Jelly. A scream that came from the mouth of Lilly Sistine.

  Hadder took off in a sprint, running faster than ever before, dark images spinning through his head as if on a carousel slide projector. A tiny hand sticking out from twisted metal, Reena Song's beautiful head laid carefully on her lap, Kamaria's eyes screaming things her mouth could not. He took the stairs three at a time, was at the top in a blink. He crossed the porch and threw open the heavy double doors, sending them crashing against the outside wall. He ran blindly into the Bar, not giving his eyes a chance to adjust to the unlit space, not caring about what sort of fiend he may discover inside.

  Two long strides into the Bar, Hadder's feet flew out beneath him, and he fell heavily to the hardwood floor, plunging into something wet and sticky. As Hadder's eyes quickly dilated, he looked at his hands and found them to be covered in blood, still warm. The floor was coated in gore, running the length of the upper level, with splatter marks on the walls where brutal slashing had obviously taken place. Hadder's mouth stood agape as he took in the gruesome scene, so much blood in so many places.


  Lilly's sweet, soft voice ripped Hadder from his shock faster than a dousing in ice water. Searching around furiously, Hadder finally found his love huddling in the corner of the Bar, covered in red stickiness. Knees pulled up into her chest, she shook uncontrollably and rocked back and forth as if willing herself to another time and place.

  Hadder ran to Lilly in a panic, took her head in his hands, pulled her face up to look him in the eyes. "Lilly, it's me. It's Marlin. Are you hurt?" As he spoke, Hadder uncoiled the woman, looking for any signs of cuts or stab wounds. He found none.

  "Marlin? Oh my god, Marlin. It's so horrible." Lilly wept openly as she spoke, her words running together in a tear-soaked jumble.

  "Are you ok? Lilly! Are you hurt?"

  Lilly shook her head in the negative, took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm ok, Marlin."

  "Is someone here? How many? Where are they?" Hadder looked around desperately as he asked, not wanting his own blood to join that which already painted the Bar's floor and walls.

  Lilly again shook her head. "Gone. They're gone." Her words came out in bursts as panic refused to allow her breathing to normalize. "But. Marlin. Royal. Oh my god, Marlin. Royal." She broke down once more, words dissolving into indecipherable sobbing.

  Hadder wiped the snot and tears from her face. "What, Lilly? What about Royal? Please, tell me."

  Still unable to speak, Lilly simply pointed to the upper-level bar with a trembling hand. Hadder was scared to ask the question, frightened as to what he may discover. "Lilly, is Royal behind the counter?"

  Tears continued to pour as she nodded before pulling her knees back up and hiding her head in her lap. Hadder rose carefully and turned to face the upper-level bar. He could see a river of red liquid emanating from behind the counter, running across the floor and down the stairs to the lower levels. Hadder moved towards the bar, anxiety slowing his movements, making each step feel like a slog through water. Eventually, he reached his destination and peered over the counter. And discovered precisely how Galba must have felt in his final moment as his chest caved in.

  Behind the counter, in a lake of his own blood, laid Royal Winters, bleeding from a hundred wounds across a dozen locations. Royal's eyes went wide when he saw his friend, and Hadder recoiled at the realization that his companion still lived. After recovering from the brief paralysis, Hadder dove to the floor next to Royal, put his face close to the other man's.

  "Royal, it's Hadder. I'm here, buddy, I'm here. You're gonna be ok. You hear me?"

  Royal shook his head, blood flooding from his mouth as he attempted to speak. After several attempts, clearing liquid from his punctured lungs, Royal tried again. "Lilly."

  Hadder smoothed back his friend's hair, fighting back the tears. "She's ok, Royal. I just checked on her. She's fine. Now let's get you some help."

  Royal closed his eyes tightly, as if frustrated, swung his head side to side. He opened them again, looked at Hadder pleadingly. "Lilly."

  Hadder's face softened, thinking his wounded friend couldn't understand that Lilly was safe. "She's ok, Royal. I checked on her already. Now let's get ready to move you."

  Hadder got to his knees, ready to lift his friend from his bed of plasma, when he noticed Royal's eyes go wide, staring past him. "What is it, buddy? Does it..."

  Hadder's words were cut off as a sharp blade plunged between his shoulder blades, forcing him to drop Royal to the floor. A second blow pierced his side, shattering ribs and clipping his liver. A third stab caught him higher, entering his right lung, and sent Hadder spiraling towards the ground to land atop Royal. Hadder spun onto his back, determined to face his attacker head-on, determined to inflict some pain of his own before he expired.

  Unfortunately, that determination washed away like chalk in a rainstorm when he looked up to see Lilly Sistine standing above him, knife in hand, metal dripping more of his blood on the Bar floor. Gone were the tears and the snot. Gone was the terrified girl who curled up in the corner, waiting for Hadder to save her. A woman of consequence stood before him, content with her decision, comfortable in her execution.

  Too dismayed to find words, Hadder scooted back using his elbows and feet, sliding in the muck that would soon be all that remained of Marlin Hadder and Royal Winters. Lilly came forward, knife leading, a mask of stoicism covering her once-enchanting face.

  In a burst of denial, Hadder threw himself up and over the counter, crashing down on the other side and causing ripples of agony from his three wounds. He rose quickly and attempted to make for the entrance, but slipped on the wet surface and collapsed to the ground once more. His breath became increasingly labored as his right lung filled with liquid. Walking now out of the question, Hadder began to crawl towards the double doors, making little progress on the red-stained wood.

  "Marlin, please. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

  The hard voice came from just behind Hadder. The wounded man flipped onto his back, found the face of the woman with whom he expected to spend the remainder of his second life. He chuckled silently, thinking he obviously still might. "Why?"

  Lilly Sistine began to pace around Hadder, stepping carefully. "It's simple, Marlin. You and Royal and Glen are alright with dying for Station. I'm not. I didn't like dying the first time and don't figure on doing it again any time soon. Anyway, you said it yourself, I'll be a great success in the Before. It won't be like last time. With this voice I now have, I'm going to live the life I deserve."

  Hadder couldn't believe what he was hearing, refused to acknowledge the truth of what was happening to him. "The Risers will kill you. You don't belong with them."

  Lilly waved her knife at Hadder. "You think so little of me, don't you, Marlin? I already cut a deal with The Krown. I get you and Royal out of the way and punch my ticket into the Before. I get to sit out your stupid war and will walk calmly out of Station once the walls fall down. The deal couldn't be simpler. And I couldn't be happier with it." Lilly moved closer to Hadder; he put up his hands, palms open towards her.

  "Wait, wait. Lilly, please wait. Think about what you're doing." Words struggled to come out now, his eyes felt heavy as more and more blood escaped his body. "Please. I love you."

  Lilly's hard face softened, again resembling the young woman he met, the young woman who showed him that another love was possible, another home was possible. Her cognac eyes shined in the dim Bar. She smiled sweetly at the fallen Hadder, echoing another time and place, a better time and place. "Oh, Marlin. I love you, too. It's nothing personal. The Fall is inevitable; I see that now. And isn't it better that's it's me and not some leather-clad Riser? Trust me, it's better this way." Lilly moved in again, hovered just above Hadder. />
  "Please. I'm not ready."

  Lilly's face was inches from his own now. She kissed him deeply on the lips. "Oh, yes, you are. You were ready to die for fucking Reena Song in the Rising. Now you can fucking be ready to die for me." She kissed him again. "Now die for me, Marlin."

  The knife tore into his stomach, retreated, then plummeted into his chest. The blade flashed before him, moving up and down in a blur. A face contorted in a release of anger. Darkness appeared at the edge of his vision, creeping inward, as the flash of metal ceased. He heard the knife fall to the hard floor and footsteps moving towards the entrance.

  Light poured in as the large double doors opened, but Hadder was already reeling towards darkness. A voice chased him as he descended into the void with nothing to slow his fall.

  "Now, you can go to your whore."

  With those final words filling the empty space, Marlin Hadder died a second time.


  Hadder swam in the void, weightless in that cold, black vacuum. From the edges of nothing, voices could be heard, reminding Hadder that his story hadn't finished. Yet.

  "This is far beneath my talent and skills."

  "I understand, Dr. Flowers. But can you bring him back?"

  "The bitch did a number on him, but, yes, I can fix him."

  "Then, please do."

  "I don't understand why you want to save this man. This plain man. The Great War is on the horizon. Surely, he'll be dead within a few changes of the Idol Moon. Why tend to the calf's hoof on its way to slaughter?"

  "All good points, Dr. Flowers. But please continue your work. I don't know why, but I have an affection for this human. He's lived more in his short time here than almost any resident, even those self-aggrandizing Keys."

  "You're not growing soft, are you, Mister Rott?"

  "Watch your tongue, Milo. There're limits to my tolerance. Even for an artist such as you."

  "My apologies, Mister Rott. I just don't see the point when we know what is coming."


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