Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5) Page 1

by Carson Mackenzie


  Black Hawk MC

  Book Five

  by Carson Mackenzie

  © Copyright November 2018 Carson Mackenzie

  Cover and logo © Copyright November 2018 Carson Mackenzie

  All rights reserved.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then please delete and purchase your own copy.

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Preview for Snatched

  About the Author

  Books by Carson Mackenzie



  The door to my townhouse closed with a slam worthy to shake the pictures on the wall, then the clicking of heels on the wood floor echoed throughout. I closed my laptop and leaned back on the chair and waited.

  “I can’t believe you’re going through with this,” Simone said as she waltzed into the kitchen and stopped in front of me. Not a hello, a kiss, or even a fuck you. Nope, straight to jumping my shit. But it was what I expected out of her.

  “What part of I’ve decided to resign my commission, did you not understand?”

  Simone’s hands went to her hips, and she glared at me. How the hell had I put up with this woman for three months? The only redeeming quality she held was her adventurous nature in bed. She was always up for anything. Though that was growing old with her.

  “Nothing. I figured you would come to your senses about being a small town attorney for some motorcycle club. I thought we shared something special. That’s why I asked Daddy about you working for him. He called and said you turned down his offer at the firm.” She jerked her head, and the move tossed her blond hair over her shoulder. Like I hadn’t seen that move a hundred times.

  The offer from her dad had been a great one. Top salary and junior partnership with full partner in five years. Any attorney would have salivated over the proposal; however, I knew it wasn’t my experience that brought the interest in me. It was the woman who stood in front of me whose daddy indulged her every whim.

  Simone was a spoiled twenty-four-year-old woman who had never held a job. She’d been twelve when her mother died from ovarian cancer, leaving her dad a single parent with a daughter entering her teenage years.

  “Did you listen to anything when we talked last week? I’m going back to Shades Valley, Washington, it’s my home. And it isn’t some motorcycle club, it is my club. I never planned to be away permanently, Simone. Do you recall any of that particular conversation?” I asked, and she rolled her brown eyes. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected from her; in the last week, Simone’s behavior had changed. After telling her my plans, she began hinting about how she didn’t know if she could live away from her dad. That if we stayed in DC, we could have a fantastic life.

  Not sure what brought on her line of thinking because I’d not once mentioned that she and I were headed toward that type of commitment. Hell, I hadn’t asked her to join me in Washington. She knew the deal when we started going out because I told her. I never planned to settle anywhere other than Washington. The Navy was temporary as was the women who passed through my life. There had never been any deception on my part other than a mutual companionship, nothing was going to lead into anything permanent. Each woman I dated knew that it was exclusive between the two of us until one of us was ready to move on. I found over the years that honesty, in the beginning, helped with hurt feelings in the end. Or at least minimized them.

  Simone and I met at one of the many Navy functions the Judge Advocates had to attend. She’d come with her father who happened to be the college roommate of the DJAG (Deputy Judge Advocate General). Hobnobbing with the brass was the part of the job I despised, but I played my role well.

  Now I planned to not only do what I loved—but live in a place I loved as well. My stint in the Navy had taught me a lot, but it was time for me to move on.

  Simone placed a hand on my shoulder and moved closer. Watching her face, I knew when she decided to use a different tactic to try to get me to comply.

  “Oh, Dominic,” she purred and straddled my lap, “won’t you rethink Daddy’s offer? We can visit your club whenever you want and still have a life here—together.” She bent her head and ran her tongue up my neck and circled my ear while she rubbed her tits against my chest. “We are so...good together. Do I need to remind you just how good? Take me here. Any. Way. You. Want.” She ground her hips down for emphasis while she continued to kiss and nibble down my neck.

  A part of me wondered just how far she would go to try to convince me to stay, but considering I hadn’t even hardened from her gesture, it would be a waste of time. Besides, I may be an asshole, but that didn’t mean I would nail her in my kitchen, then boot her out the door.

  I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled until she stopped what she was doing and leaned away. Whatever her endgame, I was done playing. No reason to drag out the inevitable.

  “Up,” I said, and moved to give her no other choice than to stand. I let go of her hair as she lifted off me. I stood along with her, took a deep breath, and prepared for the next scene because with women like Simone, there was always a next one when they didn’t get their way.

  “We are perfect together. We could have everything if you would just think about it,” she said and pouted. I once thought the move was cute. Once. Now, I was disgusted more with myself than with her for letting my lower region rule.

  “I’m leaving as soon as the Navy releases me. It’s a done deal, Simone. I have no plans or desire to stay here. When we got together, I never hid the fact that the Navy nor a prestigious job were in my long-term plans. As for us...I told you point blank that I wasn’t the relationship long haul guy. You told me you understood and that you weren’t looking to be tied down either. But even knowing, you took it upon yourself to have your daddy offer me a job.”

  “Please, men always say they aren’t looking to get tied down. But when two people get along like we do, it is the next step. But you won’t give us a chance. You can’t even keep a commitment to the Navy. And you know what? You’ll never be anything without me.” She cocked her hip and placed a hand on it. The expression on her face said she was gearing up for a good show. One I had no desire to purchase a ticket for.

p; Christ, what the fuck was I thinking? Yeah, she had wanted to take the relationship to the next level by moving in with me after a month. As I looked at Simone, I inwardly groaned. I so didn’t want to deal with any of this.

  “I gathered the few items you’ve left here. They’re by the front door. Come on, I’ll see you out and carry the box to your car.” I started out of the kitchen, and my exit was followed by a crash. By the sound, seemed I would be purchasing a new laptop.

  I kept walking and hoped she’d have the tantrum out of her system before we were outside. As I bent to pick the small box up something hit the wall above my head. Pieces of glass rained down on the floor along with a wooden frame, then a photo floated to join the debris. I reached for the photograph, and my brothers’ faces stared back at me.

  We’d taken the picture in front of the clubhouse before the six of us went our separate ways. I couldn’t help but grin because I knew if they were here, they would be enjoying the hell out of themselves at my expense.

  “You’re a fucking bastard, Dominic!” Simone yelled as I rose and turned in time to receive a slap to my cheek. When she moved her hand back to do it again, I balanced the small box under one arm and caught her wrist in my other hand before she was able to land it.

  “I’ll give you the first one, darlin’. But that’s all you’ll get. Enough.”

  “My father knows a lot of people. He’ll ruin you in that podunk town along with your precious club.”

  “Oh, darlin’, he won’t. Because unlike you, he knows that every action comes with a consequence and your daddy is too smart of a man. Besides, my club’s reach is a lot longer than his. Now, think of the nice European vacation you’ll be able to work out of him for this,” I said and let go of her wrist to open the door. It wouldn’t be the first time the man paid for her to go overseas on a whim. He’d paid for her to go to Naples, Italy when I was sent on a two-week assignment there. All because she whined about missing me. And that had taken place less than a month after we met. Imagine my surprise when she showed up, then when we came back, she started dropping hints about moving in together.

  I should’ve cut her loose then. Never again. Hot, sweaty sex be damned.

  I moved to the front door. The sooner this was done, the better. But Simone wasn’t quite finished.

  “Go, but you’ll realize what you lost.”

  “Doubtful,” I mumbled under my breath as I stepped out the door, then down the two steps to the sidewalk that led to the driveway on the side of the townhouse. I reached her car before she had made it out of the door.

  When she stepped down to the sidewalk, she popped the trunk with her key fob, and I set the box inside. By the time I closed the trunk, she stood at the driver’s side door.

  “I always thought your laid-back demeanor was a good trait. Instead, I think you use it to cover up the bastard underneath,” Simone sneered, pulled the driver’s side door open and slid into her car. “And know this—you’ll never find anyone like me, and while you’re regretting your poor decision because you will, I will be in another man’s arms and his bed.” She slammed the car door on her parting words. The engine turned over, and I stepped quickly to the side. Frankly, I wouldn’t put it past her to clip me with the vehicle.

  After I watched her drive away, I turned toward the front of my place, and that’s when I noticed the car parked at the curb with a man leaning on the hood. His dark hair touched his shoulders, and he had his arms crossed over his chest. The smirk and cocked eyebrow told me he had heard most of the exchange between Simone and me.

  “Christ, the man whose bed she lands in, you really should consider sending a condolence card to him,” he said as he dropped his arms, pushed off the hood, and started toward me. “Shit, brother, were you that desperate for a woman?”

  When he reached the sidewalk and stood in front of me, we clasped hands, then I pulled him in for a hug.

  “Goddamn, it’s good to see you. But aren’t you a little far from Bragg?”

  Coast grinned and shook his head. “Landed at Dulles earlier and thought I would stop by since I was in the area. Going to be around DC for a couple of days before I head back to base.”

  “Should I even bother to ask where you’ve been?” I asked and got another smirk for an answer.

  “Nah, you know the deal. If I share, I’d have to kill you,” Coast said, and I snorted; it was something he always said when asked about anything to do with his job. Then again, being Delta Force, who knew if that shit was true or false.

  “Got time to stay and have some dinner with me?”

  “Sure do. Even have more time than that. Thought I’d crash here until I have to fly out if it’s alright with you?”

  “As you saw, my evening freed up, and I don’t have anything planned for the next couple of days. It is the weekend. I’m sure we can find a few things to do.”

  “So, since you’re free, why don’t we go inside and order takeout? Then we can sit and drink a few beers while you fill me in on what I witnessed,” Coast said, and I grinned.

  “Well shit, we’ll need more than a few beers if I’m going to talk about Simone,” I said as we stepped through the front door of my place. “And watch your step, I’ve got a small mess to clean up.”

  Coast chuckled and shook his head when he glanced at the broken picture frame laying on the floor.

  “Damn,” he said when we reached the kitchen, and I bent to pick the busted laptop off the floor. “Oh yeah, definitely need to the hear the story about that woman. Then when we’re done with that, you can tell me if the rumor about you resigning your commission and heading home has any merit.” Coast slapped me on the back, then pulled out a chair and sat.

  “Fuck, my dad didn’t waste any time.” I sat the broken computer on the bar, then opened the fridge, pulled out two beers, and handed one to Coast.

  “Not when he’s excited, brother. Your pops didn’t mention the others to you?” Coast asked as I joined him at the table after I grabbed the takeout flyers in the drawer.

  “No, we talked about what I needed for the Washington Bar. I want to be cleared to practice in the state as soon as possible. Why, did something happen?”

  “Where to begin. Well, Crusher’s clearing base now. Flirt is out on a mission, but whenever he gets back, he’s not going to re-up. Devil is back at his base after another stint in Afghanistan and has a little over two months left on his commitment before he calls it quits. Speed is the only one my dad didn’t have news on.” Coast leaned back and took a drink of his beer.

  “Speed just left for Iraq a couple months ago. He visited me the weekend before he deployed. Since he lost his dad, it’s been rough on him, brother. Even being in the same vicinity of each other, I only see him every once in a while. I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine going back to the club and my dad not being there,” I said, and Coast agreed.

  We sat in silence for a minute, and I’m sure Coast was thinking the same as I was. Cutter’s death had brought not only sadness to the whole club, but our dads had changed after his death. The loss of their friend and brother hit them hard. They talked more about turning the club over to the six of us when we decided to come home. And by what Coast said, it looked like they were going to get their wish sooner than they probably counted on.

  “You mentioned the others, but what about you, Coast?” I asked and shoved the takeout menus toward him.

  “This was my last assignment with my team. I’m out of the rotation, and my replacement is already at Bragg and raring to go. I’ll start clearing when I get back. If the transition goes smoothly, I figure I won’t be too far behind Crusher.”

  “All of us back within a few months of each other with the exception of Speed. It’s going to be an adjustment. But I’m ready,” I said.

  “With you there, brother. Looking forward to it myself.” I watched Coast’s face as he thumbed through each order sheet. If I hadn’t, I would have missed the brief change in his expression before it wen
t back to relaxed. Knowing he wouldn’t discuss what brought that on, I didn’t bother to ask.

  We settled on Chinese food, and I called the order in. Since the place delivered, we took our beers and went into the living room to wait for it to arrive.

  “Now that we caught up on the news from home, why don’t you fill me in on the woman that left, Jag?”

  “Shit, where to start, man,” I said, then figured the beginning would be best. How long could it take to cover a few months? Coast listened while I recounted my time with Simone.

  “Seriously, brother, your taste in women... Hell, you can pick them.” He chuckled, and I wanted to be pissed, but I had no argument or excuse because he was right.

  “They haven’t all been bad. Most had been the have-fun-while-it-lasted type. And it had been mutual with no strings.”

  “Uh huh, that’s worked over the years for you. Let’s see, your car was repainted because the one chick spray painted ‘cheating bastard’ on both sides while you were in the restaurant with another woman.”

  “She was the one who said it wasn’t working out. I agreed, then moved on. I can’t help it that she changed her mind and turned into a stalker. I wouldn’t have been so pissed if she’d just painted bastard, it was the cheating part that irked my ass. I don’t cheat,” I said indignantly, but it didn’t bother Coast, he snickered and went on.

  “Two slashed bike tires, your gas tank with the words ‘I hate you’ scratched into it, the nick in your shoulder when the one chick threw the cooking knife at you. Need I continue. Admit it, brother, the strange and crazy are drawn to you.”

  “Hey, there wasn’t anything wrong with Marilee. I really liked her, and I’ll even admit that I hated she moved away after graduation.”

  “Seriously, you have to go back to high school to come up with one? Dude, that is fucking sad.”

  “It counts!”

  Coast shook his head and smirked. “Fine, I’ll give you that one. I liked Marilee, she was nice, funny, and smart even with the crappy foster family she was stuck with.”


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