Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5) Page 5

by Carson Mackenzie

  “How can you find humor when some young woman, recently divorced no less, and probably took the ex for a pretty fucking penny, has now set her sights on you? Don’t get me wrong, with a body like hers, a dying man would react if she walked in. But shit, Will. Enjoy it for a while. There’s no reason to let a piece of as—” I stopped my rant when Will’s hand went up. As he looked at me, his lips went tight, and his eyes flashed with anger.

  “You’re going to wanna stop right there and mind what you say about River. I’d hate to pull my goddamn gun out and shoot you, Dom, but I will. Just like I would have gladly spent the remainder of my life in prison if she had let me shoot that prick she’d been married to. Probably would have done it if she hadn’t waited to tell me what shit she’d been through until after she had enough and left his ass. As for taking his money, I had to force the girl to take what was rightfully hers, and in my eyes, it wasn’t enough. I was willing to explain, but you know what? I’m not going to explain shit to you. Take the fucking papers and go through them. You’re being a dick, and since I’m not in your precious club, I don’t have to listen to you rant about something you know nothing about. You need to get out of my office before we both say stuff that can’t be taken back.”

  “Listen to me,” I started, but didn’t finish when the man’s face went bright red.

  “Get the fuck out, Dom. I’m done. You don’t have a fucking clue, and I’m not feeling much obliged in setting you straight.”

  “Fine, make a damn fool out of yourself, and while you’re at it, find someone else to help you.” I stood, threw the envelope back on his desk and walked out of his office.

  “Fucking attorneys. Nothing but a bunch of assholes!” I heard as I pushed through the station’s front doors.

  My brothers said nothing until I straddled my bike. “Jag, what the hell happened in there? You barrel out and cross the parking lot like you want to kill someone,” Coast asked.

  “Damn, you and the sheriff didn’t get into a fight over the chick, did you?” Flirt asked.

  “Sonofabitch, he can have her. The man got bent out of shape when I tried to warn him about getting serious about someone who was more than likely using him for some type of gain. He threw me out of his office after that. Hell, he can learn on his own. I’m done talking. I want a damn beer. No, I want several. I’m getting shitfaced, and I dare anyone to say one goddamned word.” I cranked my bike before they asked anything else, and I was on the street and headed in the direction of Soft Tails before they caught up to me.

  By the time we reached the parking lot of the club, I’d made up my mind to drink until River’s face no longer showed up when I closed my eyes.

  It was a helluva plan, and I was damned set on it until I opened the door and walked in.

  Chapter Four


  In the parking lot at Soft Tails, I sat in my car and stared at the entrance debating if I should just skip the lunch invitation. After five minutes and a lot of back and forth, I pushed the car door open and slid out of the driver’s seat. A deep breath and the beep signaling my car was locked, I started toward the door. Decision made.

  Why shouldn’t I meet nice people and have a meal? One man was not allowed to have that type of power over me. Screw him if he had a problem with me being around his friends. Wasn’t my issue.

  I stepped inside and was surrounded by the sound of voices and music playing low in the background. The place was busy. With my sunglasses pushed up on my head, I gave my eyes time to adjust to the change in lighting before searching for a familiar face. When I made one sweep of the place and was starting to think that Sami and others hadn’t gotten there, I saw her stand and wave her arms to get my attention.

  Walking toward Sami, I noticed there were only two couples at the table, and as I got closer, Devil rose and pulled over the empty table beside them.

  “So glad you made it, River. Grab a seat, and I’ll make the introductions,” Sami said and smiled.

  I refused to the let the sudden butterflies in my stomach have an effect on me. I moved to an empty chair beside Sami. As I reached for the back of the chair a large hand beat me to it and pulled it out. When I looked up, it was into the smiling face of the older man who lived with Sue, who I had only spoken to in passing. I knew Sue had mentioned his name, but I couldn’t remember it. Although I knew he was part of the MC because he wore a leather vest that identified them.

  “Have a seat, darlin’.” I sat, and he pushed my chair in.

  “Thank you,” I said as I looked over my shoulder.

  “Ah, my pleasure. Any gentleman would have done the same,” he replied, then Devil and Kane groaned.

  “Goddamn, Roscoe, I would have done it, but you were already there before I got to it,” Devil said, then took a seat beside a woman, which I assumed was Bailey since she was the only other woman there besides Sami. “Where did you come from anyway? It’s like you have a built-in radar that goes off when new women are around.”

  “Well, since Syn has been filling in at the shop while the construction on the club is going on, I get a break. Was going to take lunch home for Sue, but when I called her, she told me you guys already sent one of the prospects with food since she had Ally and Neely. Which by the way, my plans for an afternoon slap and tickle session went out the window. So, I figured I’d come here and grab myself lunch. Finding this pretty lady in need of a gentleman’s service was just luck,” Roscoe said, then glanced at me and winked. When Speed and Devil both pinched the bridge of their noses and shook their heads, and Sami and Bailey laughed, I figured it was typical Roscoe behavior. I couldn’t stop my own grin because, good grief, the man had to be old enough to be my grandfather.

  Speed spoke for the first time since I arrived at the table. “Thanks for that visual, Roscoe. Not sure I’m hungry now, but you’re welcome to join us.” He used a chin lift to point toward the empty chairs.

  “Can we not start? At least give River the brief illusion that we are normal,” Sami said, cutting off Roscoe as he opened his mouth to respond.

  “I was only going to say, who wouldn’t enjoy spending lunch with lovely ladies,” Roscoe said as he sat in the chair beside me.

  “Normal is overrated,” Carly said as she walked up with another man from the club who I hadn’t met, but the vest he wore had a nametag on it that read President. When I glanced to the group of people following, I recognized Luna and Ghost with several other men behind them. As they separated to take seats at the table, the smile left my face. Great. Awesome. Seemed jerkface was joining the group after all.

  “Hey, River. Good to see you outside of Yoga Sensual,” Luna said as she and Ghost sat across from me.

  “Yes, I ran into Sami earlier, and she invited me,” I answered as everyone else sat. I refused to look so I could see where Jag sat. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my time.

  “I did. And since Roscoe got me sidetracked, let me introduce River to the ones she hasn’t met,” Sami said, then pointed to Devil. “You met Devil earlier. Beside him, is his better half, Bailey.” Sami pointed to each person as she worked herself around the table. “You already know Carly, the man beside her is her better half, Crusher, the club’s president.”

  “Seriously, you’re supposed to be my BFF and sister at heart,” Carly spouted.

  “I call it like I see it.” Carly stuck her middle finger up at Sami, and Sami chuckled.

  I kept the smile on my face even though I felt eyes on me. There wasn’t a need to check if I was right. I imagined wherever Jag sat he was glaring at me.

  “Now let me finish. You know Luna and Ghost, River. Beside Ghost is Boss, Turk, Jag, Coast, Flirt, and you already experienced Roscoe.”

  Every time Sami said one of the men’s names, I received a smile and chin lift in response. Well, except for Jag. He just narrowed his eyes and glared.

  “I’ve passed you coming into my mom’s bakery a couple times and wanted to introduce myself, but I was always running late,” B
ailey said, and I was thankful because it allowed me to look away from Jag.

  When I opened my mouth to speak, the waitress interrupted, and the conversation stopped while everyone placed their orders. As soon as she walked away, I looked back at Bailey.

  “So, the bakery is your mom’s business? I can’t go by there without stopping and picking up a couple cupcakes. Those things are addicting, then after I shove them in my mouth, I feel guilty, so I take an extra yoga class.” I chuckled, and Bailey grinned.

  “Ally loves them, too. Her favorite is the triple fudge with chocolate icing,” Sami said.

  “Yes, the chocolate buttercream is delicious. My weakness is the strawberry shortcake with cream cheese icing and sprinkles on top. When I eat them, I swear I can feel my hips expanding.”

  “Hell, I’ve seen you leaving the yoga place in those exercise pants. Not a damn thing wrong with your hips, sweetheart.”

  I felt my cheeks heat, and I glanced to see who had spoken. It was the man sitting beside Roscoe who Sami introduced as Flirt. And I could guess how he came to receive that nickname. Before I had a chance to reply, the man’s head turned, and his focus went to Jag who sat across from him.

  “Asshole, did you seriously just kick me under the table?” Flirt asked, and when I looked at Jag, he was glaring at Flirt.

  “Knew lunch was going be entertaining,” Devil commented, and there were a few chuckles from the men around the table. But when I turned my head in his direction, it was in time to see him flinch as Bailey elbowed him. It wasn’t the first time I felt as though these people knew something I didn’t.

  “Sometimes I swear it’s like being out with a bunch of overgrown children,” Carly said, then shook her head as several of the men grumbled about being included when they hadn’t done a thing.

  “River, please don’t hold the men’s behavior against us. They can’t seem to help themselves,” Luna added.

  Ghost moved the arm he had draped on the back of Luna’s chair and pulled her into his side. “My behavior this morning wouldn’t in any way be considered child-like.”

  Luna laughed as she smacked his chest and pulled away, sitting straight in her chair again. And when Ghost leaned down and kissed her, I looked away from the open show of affection only to lock eyes with Jag again. The olive skin and dark brown hair were in contrast with the blue of his eyes, but it worked for him. Heck, it worked for me, the man was sinfully gorgeous. We’d gotten off on the wrong foot the first time I’d ran into him and every time after it seemed to worsen. Case in point, our earlier altercation at the sheriff’s station.

  The men being accused of acting childish had nothing on how I’ve acted around this man. No matter that he was arrogant and got under my skin, I’d been rude. It was time to be the adult and not let what he thought bother me. If he wanted to spend his time glaring at me, then it was his problem, not mine. I broke eye contact and focused my attention back to the other conversations around the table.

  Chapter Five


  River smiled and laughed as she talked with Sami and Roscoe. She responded when spoken to, all her actions to someone not paying close attention would look as if she was comfortable with her surroundings. It made me curious if it was just being around my friends or if she was always like this.

  I knew a lot of it had to do with me sitting across and down from her. I’d catch her looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, then swiftly go back to acting as if I didn’t exist when she saw me watching her.

  Good, if I wasn’t enjoying myself, why should she. Oh, I kept up with the conversations around me. Congratulated Speed and Sami on them finding out they were having a son. Told Carly how happy I was she was healed and cleared to go back to work. I even laughed as Ghost and Luna debated the pros and cons between having twin girls versus twin boys. She wasn’t far enough along to know yet, but the doctor told them the percentage was high that the twins would be the same sex whether she carried girls or boys. All was done with my jaws clenched and only fleeting glances away from River. The fact she was trying to ignore me wasn’t helping. As far as I was concerned, I hadn’t done anything wrong. She was the one taking advantage of an older man.

  Coast leaned toward me and spoke so only I could hear, “You don’t relax, your teeth are going to crack, man.”

  I cut my eyes to him, then snapped them back to River when she laughed at whatever Sami said. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to reach across the table and strangle her or place my hands in her hair to feel the thickness and to see if it was as soft as it looked.

  Tipping my bottle of beer and taking a swig, I ignored my brother. I knew I needed to look over the contract for Boss and Turk, but I couldn’t get myself together with her sitting across from me.

  Once the food came, I figured I would eat and make an excuse to get away from the woman. Go back to my place and work until I pushed her out of my mind. I had to for my sanity.

  “Geez, Jag, what the hell? I’m not sure she deserves the death glare you’re giving her. She seems nice. Why don’t you cut her and yourself a break?”

  “You don’t know her, Coast,” I mumbled, never looking toward him.

  “And you do? How many times have you spoken to her besides the few run-ins you’ve had with her? Because if they went down as you said, then it wasn’t an actual conversation.”

  “Butt the fuck out, Coast,” I said, finally turning my head to look at the man.

  Coast leaned back in his chair and his eyes scrutinized me, then he snorted, “Holy shit, you’re going down, brother. And what’s humorous, is you don’t even know it.”

  I narrowed my eyes and glared at Coast. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Why don’t you worry about your own woman problems?”

  “Okay, you admitting to having woman problems?” Coast laughed loudly, and several sets of eyes looked in our direction as the table suddenly went quiet.

  “What’s so funny?” Crusher asked from the other end of the table.

  “Our VP being delusional,” Flirt said, then looked at me and grinned while Boss and Turk both coughed to try to cover up their chuckles. Assholes. And evidently, Coast and I hadn’t spoken as low as we thought. When I glanced at River, I knew the blank look on her face verified she’d heard us, too.

  “Nah, I got the full picture today. I’m far from delusional,” I said, never taking my eyes away from River. I refused to feel guilty.

  River shook her head, looked down, and I watched her take a deep breath before she pushed back her chair and stood. She reached in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out folded bills.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Sami, but I think it’s best if I leave. This should cover the food I ordered.” River laid a couple bills down and shoved the rest back in her pocket. “It was nice meeting everyone,” she added as she stepped away from the table.

  Sami glared at me and then stood. “River, please don’t go. It’s been really nice getting to know you.” I received the evil eye from the rest of the women as they chimed in to agree with Sami. Then Sami’s voice lowered and I caught the end of her sentence, “...being an asshole.”

  River nodded and walked away without another word. I ran a hand down my face before I looked around the table. My brothers were staring at me with various expressions on their faces, and I would undoubtedly hear more than I wanted to once River was out of earshot.

  Speed helped Sami sit back down, and before anyone could speak, the food arrived. Candie must have sensed the tension at the table because she didn’t say a word. She moved around the table until everyone had what they ordered, then she mentioned bringing back refills and walked away.

  Before they could pounce, I spoke, “I know I was rude to her, but none of you know—”

  “Rude! I think the word you are looking for is dick,” Luna said.

  “Luna,” Ghost said and didn’t get another word out.

  “Oh, don’t Luna me. He was acting like a dick. He spent the entire time glaring
at her. I can’t be the only one who noticed. She even tried to ignore him and enjoy herself, but no, he continued with whatever the fuck he thought he was doing. That woman has never been anything but nice and polite when I’ve talked with her at Yoga Sensual. She’s on the reserved side until you get her talking. She didn’t deserve to be treated that way.”

  “No shit, she should have reached across the table and slapped the snot out of you. That’s what I would’ve done,” Carly commented.

  “Carly,” Crusher’s voice carried a warning.

  “I know he is the VP, but that doesn’t give him a pass on being an asshole,” Carly said disgustedly.

  Crusher looked at me. “Brother, that was bad and totally unlike you.”

  “Why would you treat her like that, Dom?” Sami asked, and the hurt on her face was palpable. Looking at Speed, his expression read ‘fix it.’ My brother did not like his woman upset.

  “I’ve never seen you treat a woman so poorly,” Bailey added.

  “You might be mad at me now, but you will thank me later. She probably would’ve ended up trying to use you women as she’s using the sheriff.” I wouldn’t apologize for looking out for everyone.

  “Using the sheriff?” Roscoe asked with a frown.

  “Yes, she is. We,” I waved to include the others, “stopped by the station before we came here and saw her and him embracing on the sidewalk. She moved here to be close to him,” I said what I could without going into the sheriff’s business of wanting to make sure he provided for her.

  “Okay, not sure how you see that as using the sheriff. I mean daughters hug their fathers, and some have been known to move closer to a parent,” Roscoe said and sat his hamburger down as if he hadn’t dropped a bomb, and not only on me, by the looks on everyone else’s faces.

  “Daughter,” I whispered.


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