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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

Page 11

by Carson Mackenzie

  “That’s it, River. Give me everything you got, baby. We’ll go over together. Going to take this hole, too, but not today. We’ll work up to that.” Her body quivered, but she didn’t go over. “As tight as you are, I’m sure your ass will choke my cock, but it’ll be so good that neither of us will be able to resist. Think you’d like that? The bite of pain before the pleasure consumes you.”

  “Shut up, Dom, and make me come!” she yelled, and I reached around her with my free hand and pinched her clit none too gently. When her walls clamped down around me, I pinched her clit again. The second time had the same result, but the thrusting in until the head of my cock touched her cervix and my thumb slid all the way into her ass was what brought out the deepest groan yet from her. My body was shaking, and my dick was pulsing with the need to spill everything I had in me.

  Yeah, she was a dream in bed. And she was gonna be mine. She just didn’t know yet.

  The thought of all the things I wanted to do to her had me bending over her and slamming into the hilt with each thrust of my hips. I left my thumb buried in her back hole, but I moved my hand from her clit to her breasts and twisted her nipple between the thumb and forefinger until my name poured from her lips.

  Beads of sweat ran down the sides of my face and moisture formed between us from the heat of our skin.

  “Dominic!” The scream was loud and echoed off the walls, and as River spasmed around me, I went over the edge with her.

  The force of my release brought black spots behind my eyes. When I finished, and every drop had been drained until I softened enough to easily slip from her heat, I collapsed beside her.

  “I think I’m going to like your way.” I smiled at the exhaustion in her voice.

  “Give me a few minutes, I’ll show you how much more there is.” I sat up to dispose of the condom and froze as I noticed the tear. “Shit.”


  “I’m sorry, River. The condom broke,” I said and touched her hip.

  “Don’t worry, it won’t be a problem,” she said, her voiced muffled as she snuggled her face into the pillow and sighed.

  “No problem? Don’t worry? Are you on the pill?” I asked and got no reply, she was asleep.

  I stood, walked into the bathroom, disposed of the condom, and washed my hands. I’d ask her later about birth control. It wasn’t the first time I ever had a condom break, but when it happened on those few occasions, panic kicked in. It wasn’t there this time, which in itself should have sent in a different type of panic. I breathed deep, wiped my hands down my face as a breathed out. Screw it, I’d analyze shit later. I needed sleep.

  Walking back into the bedroom, I climbed into bed beside River. She groaned, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into the curve of my body. She fit as if she belonged there.

  The ringing of my cell had me opening my eyes. And the light coming through the blinds let me know it was morning. River stretched and mumbled something incoherent as I worked my arm from under her, then reached for the phone on the nightstand.

  “Yeah,” my voice sounded strained to my own ears.

  “Damn, Jag, rough night?” Crusher’s voice boomed through the phone.

  “Fuck you, Crusher, and it is said with nothing but respect for my Prez,” I said as I sat up on the side of the bed and ran a hand over my face.

  “Sure, it is. And I’ll pass on that offer ‘cause, brother, you are not my type,” Crusher chuckled when I growled into the phone. “Man, I hope whatever has you in a mood works its way out because your ass has to be puckered.”

  “Don’t you have a woman to harass instead of me?” River curled around me and ran her hand up my back. I reached back and placed my hand on her butt and started caressing.

  “Hmm, Dom,” she moaned, then rubbed against me like a cat.

  “Well...well...well. Seems I interrupted something this morning,” Crusher said, then added. “Can I say about damn time, Jag?”

  “Did your ass call for a reason?”

  “River’s right, brother, you are an asshole.” Crusher chuckled. “But yeah, got a call from Davis. He and his buddies are about two hours out.”

  “I thought they were due in tomorrow.”

  “They were supposed to be, but they’re excited to get them and left sometime yesterday and going to take their time. Instead, they ended up sharing the driving to get here earlier. A couple of their wives are traveling with them to drive the SUV back while the men ride the bikes. I hope none of them wipe out before they get back home.”

  “No shit,” I said as River’s hand slid around and made contact with my morning wood. Between clenched teeth, I got out, “Well, I’ll meet you at the garage in a few.” I disconnected the call without giving Crusher a chance to respond.

  River moved over, and I laid back down on the bed and pulled her on top of me.

  “Do you have to leave?” she asked sleepily.

  “Not right away,” I said and ran my hands up and down her back.

  “ promised to show other things.”

  “That I did, but we crashed before I had the chance. Why don’t I take care of that now?” I reached for a condom, put it on in record time, then grabbed hold of her butt and shifted her until my hardness was between her legs.

  “Why don’t you?”

  Feeling relaxed and content for the first time in quite a while. I smiled, rolled so I was on top, then pushed inside her, keeping my promise to her.

  Chapter Twelve


  After I closed the door, I heard Dom ride off, and I walked toward the kitchen. It was going to take plenty of coffee to deal with the phone call that needed to be made.

  With one cup consumed and the cup refilled, I sat on the same stool as last night and picked up my cell.

  “Hey, honey. What are you up to?”

  “Drinking coffee and talking to you,” I said, and my dad chuckled. I took in the sound because when I got done talking, he wouldn’t be in the best of moods. But the one thing I could always count on with my dad was support. Any anger he showed would be on my behalf.

  “Well isn’t it a coincidence that I am drinking coffee and talking to you,” he said, and it was my turn to chuckle.

  “Dad, the reason I’m calling is I’ve got a few things to discuss with you.”

  “What is going on, River? Has something happened?” The instant concern in his voice was blatant.

  “Mother called yesterday evening,” I started from the beginning, and my dad listened without too much commentary. Other than the occasional curse word he let out at different times.

  When I finished, he was quiet for a few moments, and I knew he was digesting everything I said.

  “I’ll get the restraining order ready for you to sign. That needs to be filed pronto. I’ll go with you on Monday to get it filed. Helps to know the judges in the District Court. As for your mother, honey. She changed after she left here and I’m sorry for her putting you through that. But, River...”

  “Yeah, Dad?”

  “Proud of you. You should have called me last night, I would have come over. You shouldn’t have been alone, River.”

  “I...wasn’t,” I said tentatively. I’d left that tidbit out initially because I wasn’t sure how he would react.

  After a short pause, he spoke, “I’m going to ask you something, either yes or no will do. I don’t want to know more. Were you at Dom’s?”


  “Okay, I’m happy you weren’t alone. And if it matters to you, I like Dom. But even with that, I’m a dad. When I look at you, I see my little girl.”

  “I love you, Dad.” I chuckled.

  “Love you too, honey. Hope you have a better day. I gotta get ready for work, but if you need me, call.”

  “I will. Stay safe, Dad.”

  “Always,” he said and hung up.

  After I took a shower and put on clean clothes, I straightened up my house. Grabbing the bags from shopping the day before
, I hung the few pieces of clothing I purchased, then sat down in the living with bags full of supplies I picked up at the craft store. I couldn’t wait to decorate my classroom with some of the things I had bought.

  Just as I finished separating the items and placing the bags beside the desk I had purchased when I first moved in, there was a knock on my door. When I opened the door, Sami stood on the stoop smiling.

  “Hi, Sami. Come in.” I stepped back, then closed the door after she entered. “What brings you to town?” I asked and led her into the living room to sit down.

  “I came by to check on you,” Sami said.

  “Why?” I asked and frowned.

  “Because Dom is going to busy for a few hours and he was worried about you. He thought maybe you needed someone to talk to.”

  “So he did hear? I wondered if he had, but he didn’t say anything.”

  “Only thing he said to me was you had a very upsetting phone call with your mother yesterday,” Sami said and shrugged. “I’m sorry if you feel we are overstepping. But, River, you have to know how he feels about you. Not to mention I think of you as a friend and I hope you think of me as yours, too,” Sami said.

  I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. Dom hadn’t shared whatever he heard, he was leaving that up to me if I chose. He didn’t push for information, he just supported and took care of me. I remember how well he did, too. Time with Dom made everything else insignificant. How couldn’t I not know how he felt, it was in every gesture, touch, the way he spoke to me.

  “Guess you pulled the short straw?” I opened my eyes, lifted my head, and looked at Sami.

  “No. The others don’t know. Jag stopped by the house on his way to the garage. Bailey is at work, and Carly started back early this morning, she’s covering for one of the other deputies whose wife went into labor. And Luna is at the garage updating the books. When I got done doing the few things around the house, I headed to town.”

  “You didn’t have to. But thank you.”

  “Hey, if you can’t unload on your friends, who can you unload on,” Sami said with a smile.

  “True. But I really am okay. I don’t think I was upset as much as disappointed in my mother. She’s difficult on a good day,” I started, then shared what the phone call had been about. Sami mainly listened, but like my dad, she dropped the occasional curse word when applicable. While I talked, I alternated between glancing at Sami or staring down at my hands. As I finished telling the last of it, I felt even better than I had when I dumped on my dad.

  “I’m sorry, River, for everything you’ve been through, but it had to be a load off your chest to say all that to your mother. Give it time, maybe you and she can work through your issues.”

  “I doubt it. She won’t change, and I’m not going back to the person who always gives in to keep the balance.”

  “And your ex, I don’t think sorry covers his actions. But I am sorry that’s the way you found out you couldn’t get pregnant.”

  “Guess I should look on the bright side, I didn’t have to go through testing to see why I couldn’t. They were going to start with Thomas’s sperm count first, then move on to the testing with me, but his infidelity saved thousands of dollars in doctor bills.”

  “River...” Sami got up and hugged me. I hugged her back but knew I needed to get off that particular subject. Not because it hurt. I figured I’d get a twinge of pain in my heart for a while every time something reminded me that I’d never hold a child of my own.

  “I’ve accepted it for the most part. Sometimes it hits me. But you know what? After you spend month after month doing everything possible to give yourself a better chance to conceive only to be disappointed each time—it’s almost a relief.”

  “I am glad you are getting a restraining order. And I would send it to his work anyway. Fuck him. He should count himself lucky that a little embarrassment is the only thing he has to face,” Sami said angrily on my behalf. Which was the difference between friends who stood by you, versus the ones who couldn’t get away fast enough when something happens.

  “I need to tell Dom though before he invests any more time with me.” Sami frowned at me, and I rushed on, “Not that I think we are headed down the aisle or even at any stage to talk about kids. I don’t want either of us to be hurt if we do get to that stage,” I explained, and Sami still frowned. “What?

  “You can’t think that your ability to have children would matter more to Jag than you?”

  “How would I know? I’m just getting to know him,” I said. Sami shifted on the couch, bending one of her legs in front of her allowing her to face me.

  “I’m going to let you in on a few things. And no, I’m not telling you to keep anything from Jag because I know that information isn’t going to make any difference in how he feels. The man really has been out of sorts for a while. We didn’t know why at first. I’m talking about us women. The guys more than likely knew, but they are tight-lipped when it comes to each other. Only reason we knew it had to do with a woman is that we caught bits and pieces from walking into rooms while they were giving him shit about his behavior. Luna is the one who figured it out when she witnessed you and Jag together that day in front of Yoga Sensual. She’s the one who told us. It answered why he was acting like a butthead. But none of us knew you were Sheriff Lance’s daughter. Carly didn’t even know. She’d been out recuperating and hasn’t been around the station. And she said your dad didn’t have any pictures on his desk of you before she went out on leave.

  “You need to understand that since I’ve gotten to know these men, even though women bid for their attention, they don’t let that bother them. Like get under their skin bother, not hey you look good, don’t you want to sleep with me bother. Out of the six of them, Jag is laid back, easy to talk to, hardly ever gets mad. Until he met you. And, River, these men go after what they want. I experienced it with Kane and watched it happen with the others. Well, except Luna, but it went pretty much the same way since Ghost left with the guys and he came back with her,” Sami finished, then shrugged as if adding a ‘there you go’ to her shared insight on Dom and the others.

  “Thanks, Sami, for listening and sharing things about Dom with me.”

  “Hey, we women have to stick together.”

  “Yes, we do. After dealing with my mother and reliving some of my rough moments, I deserve a little shopping therapy. If you don’t need to get home, we could grab lunch while we’re out?”

  “Sounds good. No rush for me to get home, I just need to let Kane know. He has Ally. Where do you want to go shopping at?” Sami asked.

  “I’m thinking I want to get rid of the last thing I have left from moving. My car,” I said, and Sami’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Seriously, you want to car shop?”

  “Sure do. Clean slate,” I said and stood.

  “Okay, let’s go see if we can get you a good deal,” Sami said and stood, too.

  It didn’t take long to grab the title to my car, then we were out the door and backing out of the driveway.

  “Food or hitting the lots first?” I asked and glanced at Sami when she laughed.

  “Like you need to ask,” Sami said and rubbed her baby bump or the basketball she looked like she was smuggling. “If you want, we can eat at Wendy’s since it is close to all the dealerships.

  “Wendy’s it is.” I turned on main street and headed in that direction. “Well, at least you’re the only one who knows I spent the night at Dom’s.” When Sami didn’t say anything, I looked over at her, then back to watching the road. “Sami?”

  “That I’m not so sure of. I haven’t spoken to the others. But Kane was still in the house when Jag stopped in to ask me to check on you.”

  “So, you and Kane?”

  “And Ally.”

  “Oh. Guess I didn’t leave the best impression for one of my students.” I immediately thought of the little girl and how she seemed not to have a problem sharing anything.

“Okay, don’t be upset that I didn’t mention that Kane and I knew you had spent the night before Jag stopped by. Ally ratted you out. Her room faces the front, and anytime she hears a bike, she looks out the window. She saw Jag and you leaving, it must have been when he was taking you home. She can’t keep anything to herself. She blurted out that you and Uncle Jag must have had a sleepover as soon as she hit the kitchen.”

  “Great.” I would have covered my face if I hadn’t been driving.

  “Really, don’t worry. She was more wondering why none of her uncles ask her to have a sleepover.” Sami laughed.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to teach that age.”

  Sami waved her hand. “You’ll do fine. By the end of your first year teaching, you’ll be so used to hearing things you could have gone your whole life without knowing. It will no longer shock you.”

  I laughed, then said. “Wow, I feel better.”

  Being with Sami was comfortable. We went to Wendy’s and sat down with our food. If trading my car were as easy as spending time with Sami, then my day would be a success.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “There goes our first custom bikes, brothers,” Flirt said and snapped the cashier’s check in his hand.

  “Yeah, but not our last. Already have a new order. Parts will be in next week, then we can get started,” Crusher said. The six of us and Ally stood in front of Speed’s house and watched as the buyers rode away, followed by two of their wives in the SUV they arrived in.

  “Hundred bucks says one of them lays his bike down on the ride home,” Devil commented.

  “Not like any of us hasn’t done that at least once,” Speed said, and I chuckled.

  “I can laugh now but remember when we were learning to ride, and the dads made us practice on those old dirt bikes first.” At their nods, I continued. “We got tired of them making us stop and start over and over and going through the cones they set up, so we started showing off.”


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