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A book such as this cannot possibly exist without those whose expertise it draws upon: the historians, anthropologists, and biblical scholars whose work makes up the bulk of the bibliography. I am deeply indebted to them, and trust that they feel that their findings have been well used.
In the Middle East, particular thanks to Mordechai (Motti) Aviam, Galilee district archeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority, who led the way unerringly through the thorns and broken cisterns of Yodfat and Cana; to Ali Qleibo, professor of the arts at Al Quds University in Jerusalem, who introduced me to the extraordinary work of Hilma Granqvist; to medical anthropologist Dr. Stephen Fulder of Klil, in the Galilee, who shared his immense knowledge on the local use of herbal medicines; to Melila Helner of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and to David Neuhaus, SJ, of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Jerusalem for their willingness to act as sounding boards; to Zvi and Devora Pantanowitz for their hospitality and unwavering friendship; and to Carol Ann Bernheim, who guided me thoughtfully through the Galilee and allowed me to work my way through her library.
In the United States, the University of Washington's permission to use the outstanding collections of the Suzallo and Allen libraries as an independent scholar was invaluable. I owe especially deep thanks to Richard Horsley, distinguished professor of liberal arts and the study of religion at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, for welcoming me into the research community and for sharing his expertise; to Olivier D'hose, who acted as my sharp-eyed first reader and master of technology; and to Teresa Herriman, who insisted I write this book. At Bloomsbury USA, editor-in-chief Karen Rinaldi gave me the best things any writer could ask of an editor—unflagging support, enthusiasm, and encouragement—while Amanda Katz shepherded me through the publication process with admirable patience and understanding, as did Katherine Fausset at the Watkins-Loomis agency. And last but never least, deepest thanks to Gloria Loomis, president of Watkins-Loomis, my longtime friend and agent, and the wise woman to whom this book is dedicated.
A Note on the Author
Lesley Hazleton is the award-winning author of eight books, including Jerusalem, Jerusalem and Where Mountains Roar. Her work has appeared in such publications as the New York Times, Harper's, Parade, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Mirabella, and The Nation. She lived in and reported from Jerusalem for thirteen years, and now lives in Seattle.
Copyright © 2004 by Lesley Hazleton
Excerpts from "Thunder, Perfect Mind," on pp. 205-6, taken from pp. 297, 301-302 in The Nag Hammadi Library in English, 3rd, Completely Revised Edition, James M. Robinson, General Editor. Copyright © 1978, 1988 by E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands.
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Hazleton, Lesley, 1945
Mary : a flesh-and-blood biography of the Virgin Mother / Lesley
Hazleton.—1st U.S. ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Biography. I. Title.
BT605.3.H39 2004
First published in hardcover by Bloomsbury Publishing in 2004
eISBN: 978-1-59691-799-6
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