Or told my friend ’a lied, ere soothed41 him so.
Out of my bosom!
AMIN. But there is nothing.
MEL. Worse and worse! farewell:
From this time have acquaintance, but no friend.
AMIN. Melantius, stay: you shall know what that is.
MEL. See, how you played with friendship! be advised
How you give cause unto yourself to say
You ha’ lost a friend.
AMIN. Forgive what I ha’ done;
For I am so o’ergone with injuries
Unheard of, that I lose consideration
Of what I ought to do,—O!—O!
MEL. Do not weep. What is’t?
May I once but know the man
Hath turned my friend thus!
AMIN. I had spoke at first,
But that—
MEL. But what?
AMIN. I held it most unfit
For you to know. Faith, do not know it yet.
MEL. Thou see’st my love, that will keep company
With thee in tears; hide nothing, then, from me;
For when I know the cause of thy distemper,
With mine old armor I’ll adorn myself,
My resolution, and cut through thy foes,
Unto thy quiet, till I place thy heart
As peaceable as spotless innocence.
What is it?
AMIN. Why, ’tis this—it is too big
To get out—let my tears make way awhile.
MEL. Punish me strangely, heaven, if he scape
Of life or fame, that brought this youth to this!
AMIN. Your sister—
MEL. Well said.
AMIN. You’ll wish’t unknown, when you have heard it.
MEL. No.
AMIN. Is much to blame,
And to the King has given her honor up,
And lives in whoredom with him.
MEL. How is this?
Thou art run mad with injury indeed;
Thou couldst not utter this else. Speak again;
For I forgive it freely; tell thy griefs.
AMIN. She’s wanton: I am loath to say, a whore,
Though it be true.
MEL. Speak yet again, before mine anger grow
Up beyond throwing down: what are thy griefs?
AMIN. By all our friendship, these.
MEL. What, am I tame?
After mine actions, shall the name of friend
Blot all our family, and strike the brand
Of whore upon my sister, unrevenged?
My shaking flesh, be thou a witness for me,
With what unwillingness I go to scourge
This railer, whom my folly hath called friend!—
I will not take thee basely: thy sword
[Draws his sword]
Hangs near thy hand; draw it, that I may whip
Thy rashness to repentance; draw thy sword!
AMIN. Not on thee, did thine anger swell as high
As the wild surges. Thou shouldst do me ease
Here and eternally, if thy noble hand
Would cut me from my sorrows.
MEL. This is base
And fearful. They that use to utter lies
Provide not blows but words to qualify42
The men they wronged. Thou hast a guilty cause.
AMIN. Thou pleasest me; for so much more like this
Will raise my anger up above my griefs,
(Which is a passion easier to be borne,)
And I shall then be happy.
MEL. Take, then, more
To raise thine anger: ’tis mere cowardice
Makes thee not draw; and I will leave thee dead,
However. But if thou art so much pressed
With guilt and fear as not to dare to fight,
I’ll make thy memory loathed, and fix a scandal
Upon thy name for ever.
AMIN. [Drawing his sword] Then I draw,
As justly as our magistrates their swords
To cut offenders off. I knew before
’Twould grate your ears; but it was base in you
To urge a weighty secret from your friend,
And then rage at it. I shall be at ease,
If I be killed; and, if you fall by me,
I shall not long outlive you.
MEL. Stay awhile.—
The name of friend is more than family,
Or all the world besides: I was a fool.
Thou searching human nature, that didst wake
To do me wrong, thou art inquisitive,
And thrust’st me upon questions that will take
My sleep away! Would I had died, ere known
This sad dishonor!—Pardon me, my friend.
[Sheathes his sword]
If thou wilt strike, here is a faithful heart;
Pierce it, for I will never heave my hand
To thine. Behold the power thou hast in me!
I do believe my sister is a whore,
A leprous one. Put up thy sword, young man.
AMIN. How should I bear it, then, she being so?
I fear, my friend, that you will lose me shortly;
[Sheathes his sword]
And I shall do a foul act on myself
Through these disgraces.
MEL. Better half the land
Were buried quick43 together. No, Amintor;
Thou shalt have ease. O, this adulterous king,
That drew her to’t; where got he the spirit
To wrong me so?
AMIN. What is it, then, to me,
If it be wrong to you?
MEL. Why, not so much:
The credit of our house is thrown away.
But from his iron den I’ll waken Death,
And hurl him on this king: my honesty
Shall steel my sword; and on its horrid point
I’ll wear my cause, that shall amaze the eyes
Of this proud man, and be too glittering
For him to look on.
AMIN. I have quite undone my fame.
MEL. Dry up thy watery eyes,
And cast a manly look upon my face;
For nothing is so wild as I thy friend
Till I have freed thee: still this swelling breast.
I go thus from thee, and will never cease
My vengeance till I find thy heart at peace.
AMIN. It must not be so. Stay. Mine eyes would tell
How loath I am to this; but, love and tears,
Leave me awhile! for I have hazarded
All that this world calls happy.—Thou hast wrought
A secret from me, under name of friend,
Which art could ne’er have found, nor torture wrung
From out my bosom. Give it me again;
For I will find it, wheresoe’er it lies,
Hid in the mortal’st part: invent a way
To give it back.
MEL. Why would you have it back?
I will to death pursue him with revenge.
AMIN. Therefore I call it back from thee; for I know
Thy blood so high, that thou wilt stir in this,
And shame me to posterity. Take to thy weapon.
MEL. Hear thy friend, that bears more years than thou.
AMIN. I will not hear: but draw, or I—
MEL. Amintor!
AMIN. Draw, then; for I am full as resolute
As fame and honor can enforce me be:
I cannot linger. Draw!
MEL. I do. [Draws] But is not
My share of credit equal with thine,
If I do stir?
AMIN. NO; for it will be called
Honor in thee to spill thy sister’s blood,
If she her birth abuse, and on the King
A brave revenge; but on me, that have walked
With patience in it, it will fix the name
Of fearful cuckold. O, that word! Be quick.
. Then, join with me.
AMIN. I dare not do a sin, or else I would.
Be speedy.
MET. Then, dare not fight with me; for that’s a sin.—
His grief distracts him.—Call thy thoughts again,
And to thy self pronounce the name of friend,
And see what that will work. I will not fight.
AMIN. You must.
MEL.[Sheathing] I will be killed first. Though my passions
Offered the like to you, ’tis not this earth
Shall buy my reason to it. Think awhile,
For you are (I must weep when I speak that)
Almost beside yourself.
AMIN. [Sheathing] O, my soft temper!
So many sweet words from thy sister’s mouth,
I am afraid would make me take her to
Embrace, and pardon her. I am mad indeed,
And know not what I do. Yet have a care
Of me in what thou dost.
MEL. Why, thinks my friend
I will forget his honor? or, to save
The bravery of our house, will lose his fame,
And fear to touch the throne of majesty?
AMIN. A curse will follow that; but rather live
And suffer with me.
MEL. I will do what worth
Shall bid me, and no more.
AMIN. Faith, I am sick,
And desperately, I hope; yet, leaning thus,
I feel a kind of ease.
MEL. Come, take again
Your mirth about you.
AMIN. I shall never do’t.
MEL. I warrant you; look up; we’ll walk together;
Put thine arm here; all shall be well again.
AMIN. Thy love (O, wretched!) ay, thy love, Melantius;
Why, I have nothing else.
MEL. Be merry, then.
Enter Melantius again
MEL. This worthy young man may do violence
Upon himself; but I have cherished him
To my best power, and sent him smiling from me,
To counterfeit again. Sword, hold thine edge;
My heart will never fail me.—
Enter Diphilus
Thou com’st as sent.
DIPH. Yonder has been such laughing.
MEL. Betwixt whom?
DIPH. Why, our sister and the King;
I thought their spleens would break; they laughed us all
Out of the room.
MEL. They must weep, Diphilus.
DIPH. Must they?
MEL. They must.
Thou art my brother; and, if I did believe
Thou hadst a base thought, I would rip it out,
Lie where it durst.
DIPH. You should not; I would first
Mangle myself and find it.
MEL. That was spoke
According to our strain. Come, join thy hands,
And swear a firmness to what project I
Shall lay before thee.
DIPH. You do wrong us both;
People hereafter shall not say, there passed
A bond, more than our loves, to tie our lives
And deaths together.
MEL. It is as nobly said as I would wish.
Anon I’ll tell you wonders: we are wronged.
DIPH. But I will tell you now, we’ll right ourselves.
MEL. Stay not: prepare the armor in my house;
And what friends you can draw unto our side,
Not knowing of the cause, make ready too.
Haste, Diphilus, the time requires it, haste!
Exit Diphilus
I hope my cause is just; I know my blood
Tells me it is; and I will credit it.
To take revenge, and lose myself withal,
Were idle; and to scape impossible,
Without I had the fort, which (misery!)
Remaining in the hands of my old enemy
Calianax—but I must have it. See,
Enter Calianax
Where he comes shaking by me!—Good my lord,
Forget your spleen to me; I never wronged you,
But would have peace with every man.
CAL. ’Tis well;
If I durst fight, your tongue would lie at quiet.
MEL. Y’are touchy without all cause.
CAL. Do, mock me.
MEL. By mine honor, I speak truth.
CAL. Honor! where is’t?
MEL. See, what starts you make
Into your idle hatred to my love
And freedom to you.
I come with resolution to obtain
A suit of you.
CAL. A suit of me!
’Tis very like it should be granted, sir.
MEL. Nay, go not hence:
’Tis this; you have the keeping of the fort,
And I would wish you, by the love you ought
To bear unto me, to deliver it
Into my hands.
CAL. I am in hope thou art mad to talk to me thus.
MEL. But there is a reason to move you to it:
I would kill the King, that wronged you and your daughter.
CAL. Out, traitor!
MEL. Nay, but stay: I cannot scape,
The deed once done, without I have this fort.
CAL. And should I help thee?
Now thy treacherous mind betrays itself.
MEL. Come, delay me not;
Give me a sudden answer, or already
Thy last is spoke! refuse not offered love,
When it comes clad in secrets.
CAL. [Aside] If I say
I will not, he will kill me; I do see’t
Writ in his looks; and should I say I will,
He’ll run and tell the King.—I do not shun
Your friendship, dear Melantius; but this cause
Is weighty: give me but an hour to think.
MEL. Take it.—[Aside] I know this goes unto the King,
But I am armed.—
Exit Melantius
CAL. Methinks I feel myself
But twenty now again. This fighting fool
Wants policy: I shall revenge my girl,
And make her red again. I pray my legs
Will last that pace that I will carry them:
I shall want breath before I find the King.
Enter Melantius, Evadne, and Ladies
MEL. Save you!
EVAD. Save you, sweet brother!
MEL. In my blunt eye, methinks, you look, Evadne—
EVAD. Come, you would make me blush.
MEL. I would, Evadne;
I shall displease my ends else.
EVAD. You shall, if you command me; I am bashful.
Come, sir, how do I look?
MEL. I would not have your women hear me
Break into commendation of you; ’tis not seemly.
EVAD. Go wait me in the gallery.—
Exeunt Ladies
Now speak.
MEL. I’ll lock your doors first.
EVAD. Why?
MEL. I will not have your gilded things, that dance
In visitation with their Milan skins,44
Choke up my business.
EVAD. You are strangely disposed, sir.
MEL. Good madam, not to make you merry.
EVAD. No; if you praise me, ’twill make me sad.
MEL. Such a sad commendation I have for you.
EVAD. Brother, the court hath made you witty,
And learn to riddle.
MEL. I praise the court for’t: has it learned you nothing?
MEL. Ay, Evadne; thou art young and handsome,
A lady of a sweet complexion,
And such a flowing carriage,45 that it cannot
Choose but inflame a kingdom.
EVAD. Gentle brother!
MEL. ’Tis yet in thy repentance, foolish woma
To make me gentle.
EVAD. How is this?
MEL. ’Tis base;
And I could blush, at these years, thorough all
My honored scars, to come to such a parley.
EVAD. I understand ye not.
MEL. Ye dare not, fool!
They that commit thy faults fly the remembrance.
EVAD. My faults, sir! I would have you know, I care not
If they were written here, here in my forehead.
MEL. Thy body is too little for the story,
The lusts of which would fill another woman,
Though she had twins within her.
EVAD. This is saucy:
Look you intrude no more; there lies your way.
MEL. Thou art my way, and I will tread upon thee,
Till I find truth out.
EVAD. What truth is that you look for?
MEL. Thy long-lost honor. Would the gods had set me
Rather to grapple with the plague, or stand
One of their loudest bolts! Come, tell me quickly,
Do it without enforcement, and take heed
You swell me not above my temper.
EVAD. How, sir!
Where got you this report?
MEL. Where there was people,
In every place.
EVAD. They and the seconds of it are base people:
Believe them not, they lied.
MEL. DO not play with mine anger, do not, wretch!
I come to know that desperate fool that drew thee
From thy fair life: be wise, and lay him open.
EVAD. Unhand me, and learn manners! such another
Forgetfulness forfeits your life.
MEL. Quench me this mighty humor, and then tell me
Whose whore you are; for you are one, I know it.
Let all mine honors perish but I’ll find him,
Though he lie locked up in thy blood! Be sudden;
There is no facing it; and be not flattered;
The burnt air, when the Dog reigns,46 is not fouler
Than thy contagious name, till thy repentance
(If the gods grant thee any) purge thy sickness.
EVAD. Begone! you are my brother; that’s your safety.
MEL. I’ll be a wolf first: ’tis, to be thy brother,
An infamy below the sin of coward.
I am as far from being part of thee
As thou art from thy virtue: seek a kindred
’Mongst sensual beasts, and make a goat thy brother;
A goat is cooler. Will you tell me yet?
EVAD. If you stay here and rail thus, I shall tell you
I’ll ha’ you whipped. Get you to your command,
And there preach to your sentinels, and tell them
What a brave man you are: I shall laugh at you.
MEL. Y’are grown a glorious whore! Where be your fighters?
What mortal fool durst raise thee to this daring,
And I alive! By my just sword, h’ad safer
Bestrid a billow when the angry north
Ploughs up the sea, or made heaven’s fire his foe!
The Duchess of Malfi Page 35