Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance (Mr. Right Series Book 3)

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Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance (Mr. Right Series Book 3) Page 12

by Lilian Monroe

  As soon as her ass starts bouncing up and down on top of me, I know I won’t last long. I sink my fingers into her thighs and watch her moving on top of me.

  I’ve never seen anything this hot. My hands slide up to her breast and I pinch her nipples gently. She leans her hands on my chest and fucks me harder. Her hair falls down on either side of her face and she watches me, mouth open, panting.

  “Come inside me,” she whispers between breaths. “I want to feel it.”

  Is there anything hotter than those words coming from such a beautiful mouth? I move my hands to her ass, squeezing it hard and pushing her down onto my cock. I drive myself deep inside her, and then I explode.

  It’s unlike any orgasm I’ve ever felt before. My balls contract and I can feel the condom filling up. Heat rushes to my core as my whole body tingles.

  I’ve never heard the grunting, guttural noises that are coming out of me before. Meg curls her fingers into my chest and moans with me, and then I feel it.

  Her walls clamp down around my cock and she starts to tremble. She moans, saying my name over and over and over as she keeps riding me. Her wetness drips down onto us both as she rides herself to orgasm on top of me.

  She collapses on my chest, panting and moaning. We both lay motionless for a few moments.

  Meg takes a deep breath and rolls off me as I catch the condom and tie it off. She watches me get up and throw it out with a grin on her face.

  “What?” I ask, washing my hands.

  “I think we just consummated our marriage. In the olden days that would mean it’s official.”

  I chuckle and fall back into bed beside her.

  “Well, I guess it’s official then… You’re my wife.”



  I smile at the waitress as she drops a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. Her greying hair is pulled back in a low bun, and her glasses are perched on the end of her nose. She looks at us with a raised eyebrow, and I can tell by the look on her face that she’s been doing this a long, long time.

  “You folks need anything else?”

  “We’re all good,” I smile.

  Andrew reaches under the table and puts his hand on my knee. I smile at him, and warmth spreads through my chest.

  After another romp in bed together, we decided to come to the first greasy spoon diner we found and order the biggest breakfasts on the menu.

  Now, staring at the plate of steaming hot food, my stomach rumbles.

  “Andrew,” I say as he starts to tuck in.

  “Mmm,” he answers, not looking up. His mouth is already full of bacon.

  “Just… don’t judge me for how I’m about to demolish this food,” I grin.

  “I’d never judge you for that,” he says between mouthfuls of toast. “I’m a professional football player, remember?”

  I laugh, and then say nothing for the next few minutes as we both focus on the greasy, yolky, amazing breakfast food in front of us.

  I mop up the last of my eggs with a piece of buttery toast, and then lean back in my chair. I fold my hands over my stomach and sigh.

  “That was so good.”

  “Everything about today was so good,” he grins. “Except for the hangover.”

  The waitress reappears with a jug of coffee to top our cups up. When she walks away, Andrew looks at me.

  “So, what do we do now? My family is expecting us tomorrow morning, but if you want to deal with this annulment, we should probably call a lawyer and figure it out as soon as possible.”

  I take a deep breath. Andrew is looking at me, his eyebrows drawn together ever so slightly. I bite my lip, but I already know that I don’t want to annul this marriage.

  As silly as it sounds, I just can’t bring myself to have a failed marriage before it even begins. I can’t deny that a big part of me wants to stay married to him. So, instead of doing the responsible, logical thing and telling Andrew that we should get an annulment, I hear myself saying just the opposite.

  “Why don’t we just leave it for now. Your agent said that it would be better for you and the team if we just stayed married, so… maybe we should do that.”

  Andrew’s eyebrows twitch upwards. He nods and takes a sip of coffee.

  “Okay,” he answers slowly. “So you mean… we pretend that it’s true? We tell people we’re married?”

  “Well, it kind of is true. Legally, I mean.”

  “It was consummated, as you said,” he grins.

  I laugh and shake my head. Is this really happening? I keep waiting to wake up from this dream. In what universe does this sort of thing happen to not just Naomi, but to me too?!

  Andrew leans back in the booth, staring at me over his coffee cup. The vinyl seats squeak as he moves. I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Why are you staring at me?” I laugh.

  “I was just thinking that I kind of like the idea of being married to you.”

  My breath catches and my heart starts beating faster. He holds my gaze, his eyes darkening as his tongue slides out to lick his lips.

  Heat blooms between my legs.

  How does he do that? With just one look, he makes me wet. My heart is thumping, and I clasp my hands on my lap to stop them from trembling. Desire sparks in my core as his eyes drift to my lips, my chest, and back up to my face.

  “You want to get out of here?” I manage to squeak.

  Andrew nods. “Definitely,” he says, and motions for the bill.

  It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re tangled in bedsheets with an incredibly sexy, incredibly athletic hunk of a man. All I want to do is keep running my hands over his hard, muscular body. He has muscles that I didn’t even know existed. I watch him walk away from the bed and towards the bathroom. His back ripples when he moves, and his waist tapers down to his hips. I’ve never been an ass lady, but my goodness, does he have a nice one.

  When he comes back to bed, he pulls me close and kisses the top of my head.

  We spend the rest of the day like that, tangled in the bedsheets together. We order room service and shower between sweaty, dirty sex, but most of the time, we just lie in bed.

  When the morning comes, Andrew wakes me up with a kiss.

  “We should probably get ready. We have to catch a flight in four hours.”

  “I don’t want to go, this bed is so comfortable,” I say, snuggling into his chest. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me.

  “I know,” he growls. “I’d stay in bed with you forever.”

  “I just hope that your family reunion goes better than mine,” I say to his chest.

  “Shouldn’t be too hard,” he teases. I pinch his arm, laughing. “I’ll just warn my mother to keep you away from any doves.”

  “I think keep me away from animals in general,” I say. “That’ll be safer. Maybe even keep me away from people, or sharp objects, or large bodies of water.”

  “I should just wrap you in bubble wrap and drag you around in a little trolley.”

  “Definitely. It’s the only way to be sure that nothing bad will happen.”

  Andrew laughs again. “And to think that I trust you to fix my shoulder.”

  “Well, that’s different. That’s my job—I’m good at my job. It’s everything else that’s a disaster in my life,” I laugh. “Going to my sister’s wedding has turned into… whatever this is.”

  “I don’t think ‘whatever this is’ is that bad,” he growls. “I think it’s pretty good.” His hand drifts over my hips as his lips brush my forehead. I look up at him, smiling.

  “So do I,” I answer, and it’s the truth.

  It feels good to be here with him. It feels good to be married to him. A million things feel good right now, but I still can’t get over the fact that it’s really happening. I keep thinking about what happens if it all goes wrong.

  The truth is that I’m happy this Vegas trip has gone the way it did. I just wish the truth wasn’t quite so terrifying.



  After what happened at Meghan’s sister’s wedding, I’m a little apprehensive to go to my own family reunion. It’s not that I’m worried Meghan will release a flock of killer doves on a bunch of guests, but it’s more that I feel like anything could happen.

  So, we pack our bags and board a short flight to San Diego. I’m a little nervous—I hadn’t realized that Meg’s family was so wealthy. Mine is nowhere near that well off.

  I’ve made money, of course, but my mom still lives in the same house I grew up in. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but the difference between what her family has and what my family has is so stark that it makes me pause. I put my hand on her thigh as we settle into our seats and Meg smiles at me.

  “You okay?”

  I nod. “Just… Families.”

  She grins. “I get it.”

  “I’m sure you do. Any word from your sister or your mom?”

  “I haven’t turned my phone on since we left the wedding,” she says, cringing. “I don’t even want to know.”

  I laugh. “Haven’t even turned it on?”

  “I’ll wait till I’m on the other side of the country,” she grins. “It’s safer that way.”

  The flight from Vegas to San Diego is short—just over an hour. The landing is a bit rough, but before long, we’re disembarking and making our way down to the baggage carousel.

  I hold Meg’s hand the whole way through the airport, and as we wait for our luggage, she leans her head on my shoulder.

  “So what’s your family like?” She asks.

  “They’re nice,” I answer. “I have two sisters—they’ll like you. My dad died when I was young, so it’s just my mom now.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” she says, squeezing my hand.

  “It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”

  “Do you guys have a reunion every year?”

  I laugh. “No, thank God. We do it about every five years. My mom has four brothers and a sister, so I’ve got something like a dozen cousins and thirty or forty nieces and nephews. It gets chaotic.”

  “Thirty or forty?” She grins. “You don’t know how many?”

  “They’re all having kids these days,” he laughs. “It’s hard to keep track when I’m in New York. I think I have three new nieces since the last time I was out here a few months ago.”

  Meg laughs, shaking her head. “I always wanted a big family,” she says, smiling at me. “It was always just me and my sister growing up. My mom and dad weren’t close to their families, so I never hung out with my cousins.”

  I squeeze her hand. It’s hard to imagine that we come from such opposite upbringings, and we’ve both ended up together.

  “Well, you’re part of my family now,” I grin. “For better or worse.”

  “Apparently I am,” she grins, waving her ring finger at me. “Are you going to tell them that we’re married?”

  I take a deep breath. The carousel starts beeping and then it rumbles to life. Our bags should be out in a few minutes.

  Meg tilts her head at me when I don’t answer her question.

  “We don’t have to tell them,” she continues. “I don’t mind. You can say I’m your girlfriend or your special friend. Maybe your lady friend or something.”

  “My lady friend?” I grin, shooting my eyebrows up.

  “That’s what my grandfather used to call his girlfriends,” she laughs. “He was in this fancy nursing home and I swear he always had at least two or three lady friends at a time.”

  I chuckle. “Is he still around?”

  She shakes her head. “Passed away when I was thirteen.” Her voice sounds tight, and her eyes focus on the bags that start circling around the baggage carousel. I squeeze her hand gently and stay quiet.

  By the time we have our bags and we’re getting into a cab, my nervousness is reaching a peak. I don’t even know why. I know my mother will love Meg, and I’m excited for her to meet my family. It’s the first time I’ve brought a girl home since Hannah, and I know they’ll all make a big deal out of it.

  “No limousine this time?” Meg grins as we sit down.

  I laugh. “Not where we’re going. I’d never live it down if I showed up in a limo.”

  My heart is thumping when we pull up to the little old house I grew up in. It’s a small one-story Spanish-style house. I look at the red tiles and the fading yellow stucco facade and my heart squeezes. It might not look like much, but some of the happiest times of my life were in there. Meg looks out the window and then at me. Maybe it’s just my paranoia, but she seems to be waiting for an explanation.

  “I tried to buy her a new one, but she wouldn’t let me,” I offer.

  Meg smiles. “It looks so nice,” she says genuinely. She puts her hand to her chest and takes a deep breath. “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be,” I say, squeezing her hand.

  “So have we decided what I am? Wife, girlfriend, lover?”

  “You’re my wife,” I say without thinking. Meg’s eyes soften and a smile spreads over her lips. She nods. Just as we open the cab doors, the front door flies open and my mother appears in the doorway.

  “Andrew!” She yells. She hobbles down the pathway with a huge smile painted across her face. When she throws her arms around me, I inhale the familiar aroma of her skin that takes me straight back to my childhood. Her eyes have a few more crinkles in the corners, and her laugh lines have gotten deeper, but she looks just as full of life as ever.

  “And who is this?” She says, turning to Meg. Meg is standing with her hands clasped in front of her, with both our suitcases on either side. She smiles tentatively and takes a step towards my mom.

  “I’m Meghan, but you can call me Meg,” she says, extending her hand. Mom looks her up and down and extends both her arms. She wraps Meg in a big hug, rubbing her hand on Meg’s back.

  “Welcome, Meg” she says. “My name is Ruby. I’m glad you’re here. Andrew hasn’t brought a girl home in a long, long time.”

  Meg glances at me over my mom’s shoulder, and I think I see tears in her eyes. She takes a deep breath and straightens her shirt, swallowing back the emotion. In that moment, I realize that none of her family made a move to hug her the whole time we were there.

  “Thank you so much for having me,” Meg smiles. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. When her ring glitters in the sunlight, my mom’s eyes bulge.

  Like a lizard’s tongue darting out to catch a fly, my mother’s hand snatches Meg’s. She looks at the ring glittering on Meg’s finger, making a mouse-like noise. She glances at me with wide eyes.


  I grin. “Mom, this is Meg—my wife.”

  I’m afraid my mom might faint. She puts a hand to her forehead and takes a step back, her eyes going from me to Meg and back to me again. I put my hand on her shoulder as Meg watches on with concern. My mother recovers quickly, taking a deep breath and smiling at Meg.

  “Well, Meg, it’s nice to meet you. Welcome to the family.” Someone calls from inside and my mother makes a move towards the noise. “Drop your bags inside,” she calls over her shoulder.

  I nod, moving towards our suitcases. Before I grab them, a voice calls out behind us and sends chills down my spine.

  “Well, well, well. Andrew Davis. And this would be Mrs. Davis, then, would it?”

  My skin crawls. Last time I heard that voice, she was extorting money from me over the phone. I turn to see Hannah, dressed in a skin-tight dress the color of blood. Her nails, as usual, are sharpened to points and her face is flawlessly made up.

  “Hannah, I say through clenched teeth. What are you doing here?”

  “Your mother called me,” she answers innocently, her dangerous eyes flicking to Meg. “She told me that I’d be missed at the reunion this year, so I thought I’d stop by and say hello.”

  “Well, hello,” I answer curtly. “You can leave now.”

  A smile pulls at her lips, but it doesn’t reach
up to her eyes. She looks at Meg, and a protective instinct flares up inside me. Then, a gaggle of children bursts through the front door calling my name, and Hannah laughs. She walks towards the front door with one long, lingering look at Meg.



  Call it female intuition, but as soon as that Hannah chick sets eyes on me, I know that she and Andrew used to date. Jealousy flares up inside me, and I try to talk myself down.

  I’m the one with the ring on my finger. I’m the one that he chose to bring here. He hasn’t told me about her, but we’ve been together for about four milliseconds.

  Insecurity flares up inside me, but I swallow it back. Hannah and her perky ass walk down the pathway towards the house. Why is she here, anyway? Andrew sighs, and then drags our bags towards the house. Soon, we’re engulfed in the happy chaos of his large family.

  The next few minutes are spent with introductions that I struggle to remember just minutes after they’re made. Andrew was right—there are so many nieces and nephews that it’s hard to keep track. Katie and Caitlyn are two little brunette girls of about the same age. Theo and Larry are both infants, and if someone swapped their clothes, I don’t think I’d even notice the switch.

  Still, it’s nice to be around everyone. Three pairs of hands grab the bags and set them aside. Drinks are thrust into our hands and there are never-ending hugs and smiles and handshakes to go around. Andrew’s mother glances at him with stars in her eyes.

  For a few minutes, I forget that Hannah is here. I’m swallowed up in the intense warmth of Andrew’s family. I see him over a crowd of heads and he smiles at me, shrugging apologetically. I laugh. If only he knew how full my heart feels. He kept warning me about overwhelming chaos, but his family seems so friendly that it fills a hole in my heart that has been there since I was little.

  When Hannah appears in front of me with her inspecting eyes, my spine stiffens. The warmth and comfort seep out of my heart like a sieve. I swallow thickly, trying to stand my ground.


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