Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2)

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Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2) Page 1

by Mia Belle

  Boyfriends Next Door


  Mia Belle

  Copyright © 2019 Mia Belle.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to real life, movies, television, games, or books is entirely coincidental and was not intended by the author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter One


  I wake up with a smile practically slicing my face in half. For the first time in a while, I was finally able to sleep well. And that’s all because of the boys next door, the guys who have become my good friends.

  It’s strange how I swore off boys only a few weeks ago, wanted nothing to do with them. And now they’ve come to mean so much to me.

  After I told them about my mother’s death and my abusive ex-boyfriend last night, I felt like a load had been lifted off my shoulders. Now that the guys have told me their secret regarding Caleb’s dad, I feel like we’ve grown closer. I hope they feel the same.

  It’s Saturday and I find myself sleeping in, which is so unlike me. I’m usually up early on the weekends. But everything’s changed now. Of course I’m still worried about Josh coming after me, but the guys promised to have my back, and I completely trust them.

  “Amelia!” a voice calls from next door.

  Scrambling off the bed, I peek at the time. It’s after eleven. Damn, I really have slept well. At my window, I yank the pull chord, raising the blinds. Zane stands at his window, lifting dumbbells, ear buds lodged in his ears.

  As soon as he notices me, he drags them out, smiling. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  I think back to last night, when the Armstrong boys and I were on my sofa, watching a movie. I was sandwiched between Zane and Aidan, and I felt their warmth leaping onto my skin. Other than Josh, I never sat so close to a guy. It actually felt nice, comforting. Caleb kept giving me his girl-melting smile that made my insides twist. I’ve never felt that way before.

  “Hey,” Zane says, snapping me out of my thoughts. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, was just thinking about last night.”

  He leans out the window, as if wanting to move closer to me. Any more and he’ll fall. He must see the worried expression on my face because he scoots back. “Have you heard from…him?”

  I shake my head. “Josh wouldn’t be stupid enough to contact me the day he’s released from juvie.”

  “Maybe, but the second he or his asshole friends do, you’ll tell us, right? Don’t keep anything to yourself, Lia. The guys and I want to help. We’ll do anything to keep you safe.”

  A chill rushes down my spine, which has nothing to do with the wind. Josh’s friends threatened he’d come after me, but a part of me hopes that’s all it was—a threat. The other part, the more rational one, urges me not to lower my guard. I’ve ruined Josh’s dream of playing pro football. It’s because of me he has a criminal record. No. It’s not because of me. He was the one who hurt me, he was the one who hit a cop. I need to stop blaming myself for what happened.

  “Any plans for today?” Zane asks, his muscles bulging as he lifts the dumbbells.

  “Not really,” I tell him. “Maybe read a book or watch a movie.”

  His head jerks up. “All by yourself? Unacceptable.” His eyebrows furrow. “Your dad’s going to visit his friend again, right?”

  “Yeah.” Dad’s friend got into an accident and he visited him last night. Matt’s in very bad shape, and Dad’s trying to do whatever he can to help his wife and their four kids. That includes driving three hours back and forth.

  Zane stops working out. “So you’ll really be alone. Nope, not happening. The guys and I are coming over.”

  I know he’s only saying this because of Josh. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I’m not afraid, but that would be a complete lie. I am worried he’ll break the door down.

  “We’ll order pizza,” Zane says. “Make some popcorn and have an X-Men movie marathon.”

  I lift a brow. “X-Men?”

  He shrugs. “Unless you’d rather romance, but I’m pretty sure Aidan will claw his eyes out.”

  I laugh. “He hates romance?”

  “Action is his thing. Well, sports movies, really, but Caleb and I always veto that. Anyway, the X-Men movies are the greatest things to have ever been created. So we’ll be there in an hour?”

  “Wouldn’t you rather do something else on a Saturday than keep me company?”

  “Are you kidding? Spending time with the wonderful and amazing Amelia Kelly is my idea of a perfect Saturday.”

  My face heats up. “I told you I’m not those things.”

  “And I told you that you are those things. And my friend.” He glances away, shifting a bit in the window. “Never really had friends.”

  My eyes skid to his wrists before I can stop them. They’re hidden by his shirtsleeves, but I can’t forget the day he exposed his scars to me. I still don’t know his story, and honestly, I’m not sure he’ll ever tell me. Whatever it is, it had a big effect on him. Same way mine had an effect on me. I wish he’d tell me, but I’m not going to push him until he’s ready.

  He watches me, following my gaze. “Yeah.” His voice is low. “The scars have to do with it.” He turns toward his room and chucks the dumbbells inside. “See you soon, Amelia.” He disappears out the door.

  My eyes linger on his retreating form. There’s so much about Zane I don’t know. What happened to his parents? Why the scars? Why is he so antisocial? Why is he so determined to knock down my walls? To make sure I’m not alone?

  I also can’t forget when he put blinds up in his room, wanted to shut me out. He claimed it had nothing to do with me, which makes me wonder if it’s regarding his past. But what? Why won’t he open up to me? Maybe I can help him.

>   After I throw on a T-shirt and torn jeans, I meet Dad in the kitchen, where he’s sitting at the table, lost in his thoughts. He doesn’t see me as I walk in or when I grab some cereal and milk.

  “Dad?” I ask as I drop down beside him.

  He blinks. “Good morning, sweetie.”

  I pour some cereal into a bowl. “Everything okay?”

  He forces a smile. “I hope so. The doctors are positive Matt will make a full recovery, but it’s going to take some time.” He stands. “I’d better get going.”

  “Wish him to get better for me.”

  “Stay safe, Lia. Keep the doors and windows locked.”

  Dad bends to kiss the top of my head before leaving the house. I’ve known him for sixteen years and know he’s not only worried about his friend, but about me, too. After Mom died, he’s been extra concerned, and now that Josh is out of juvie, his worry has magnified by a million. I wish he wouldn’t, but I’m not a parent and have no idea how he feels.

  I finish up my breakfast, forcing myself not to think about my ex-boyfriend, but about the three guys who are set to arrive here in fifteen minutes.

  Chapter Two


  I thought I’d be okay talking to Lia about the shitty parts of my life, but the truth is I want it buried, deep, deep in the back of my mind. Lia said distractions are just that—distractions. They end, but the reality of my life and my past remains. But so what? So what if I draw to get my mind off it? Or if I want to spend the entire day watching movies? It’s better than remembering, than reliving those years. I’d been doing okay, but ever since I glimpsed Lia’s scars, the memories came crashing down. Maybe that’s why I’ve been burying myself in art.

  “Hey,” my adoptive brother Aidan says as I make my way toward the stairs. He’s wearing his jacket and twirling his house keys between his fingers.

  “Where you off to?” I ask.

  He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Out.”

  “You’ve been going out a lot lately. What’s up?”


  I hold his gaze. “You up to no good?”

  “I’m not getting drunk or doing drugs, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  He’s not normally one to drink or do drugs, but losing football—which was pretty much his life—has taken a toll on him. He tries to pretend he’s fine. He’s not. It’s been a year, but he still hasn’t found himself. He’s got no clue what to do with himself now.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “What’s with the big secret? Thought we don’t do that shit around here.”

  “Can’t I go out? Or do I need your permission?” He pushes past me on his way toward the stairs. I watch him, noting his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.

  “I told Lia we’d go to her place,” I call. “Watch movies. Her dad’s gone and she doesn’t want to be alone.”

  He slowly turns around to face me. “I made plans.” From the sound of his voice, it seems these “plans” of his are important and he doesn’t want to choose between them and the wonderful girl next door.

  Caleb saunters out of his room. When he spots me and Aidan, his blue eyes bounce from me to him. “What’s going on?”

  I shrug. “Aidan’s keeping a secret, but I guess we’ll need to get used to it.”

  Aidan clenches his jaw. “I have no secrets, man. Just leave me alone.” He turns toward the stairs.

  “Is that a no to watching movies at Lia’s?” I ask. “Pretty sure she’d miss you.”

  “Movies at Lia’s?” Caleb asks. “Since when?”

  “Since now.”

  Caleb smiles. “Sounds great. I’m in.”

  We both regard Aidan, who’s at the foot of the stairs, gaze on the white walls. Of course he doesn’t have to take part in everything we do, but whatever he’s up to, I know it’s no good. Wouldn’t he rather spend the day with the girl who’s become our best friend?

  “Cancel your plans,” I tell him. From the expression on his face, it’s obvious how conflicted he is. Where the hell is he going?

  Caleb looks like he has the same questions galloping around in his mind, but he knows not to ask them. Aidan’s gotten very sensitive this past year and we don’t want to push him away. I know all about pushing people away, and though I’ve been working on myself, I’m still not there yet. Aidan’s got us, but I guess we’re not enough for him. Not that I really blame the guy. Talking about myself and my problems is one of the most difficult things I’ve done.

  He’ll come around. Hopefully.

  Aidan’s phone pings and he digs it out of his pocket. After scanning the screen, he bounds down the stairs. “I’ll meet you guys later,” he says over his shoulder. “Tell Lia I’ll be there.” He shuts the front door after him.

  “What’s that about?” Caleb asks me.

  “Got no damn clue.” I roll my shoulders. “If he wants to shut us out, that’s his problem. Let’s go. Lia’s expecting us.”

  He continues staring at the door, frowning. “We need to be there for him.”

  “We have. For a whole year. I get that he lost himself, but I can’t let him…” I shut my eyes for a second. “I can’t let him drag me down. Not after all the progress I’ve made.”

  He doesn’t say anything, probably thinking back to three years ago, when the scars on my wrists were formed. I’m in a much better place now and I can’t deal with whatever shit Aidan’s getting himself into.

  “So you’re going to let him ruin his life?” Caleb asks. “Some brother you are. Aidan was there for you. For us. Now it’s our turn to be there for him.”

  He has a point. If not for Aidan, I probably wouldn’t be a decent human being right now. When I was six and came to live with the Armstrongs—Bowmans back then—he was the brother I needed. Made me feel like I was part of the family. He’s always had a kind side to him, this need to help and protect everyone. It’s still there, but if he doesn’t get a grip on his life, he might lose himself completely.

  “Fine,” I relent. “What do we do?”

  “First we need to find out where he’s going and what he’s doing.”

  “Spy on him? That’s a bad idea.”

  He shifts from one foot to the other, maybe thinking about his murderer of a dad. I’m pretty sure his dad did a lot of spying, learning people’s weaknesses, how to take advantage of them. “I guess you’re right. We need to keep a close watch on him, then. See if he’s getting high or drunk, acting stranger than usual, that sort of thing.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. We might be making a big deal out of nothing.”

  Maybe he’s right. Maybe we’re blowing things out of proportion. Aidan could just be taking a stroll to clear his head. And those “plans” of his? Could very well be him hanging out with a girl. And maybe those texts were from his friends back in New York. Only time will tell, and like my cousin said, we need to keep an eye on him.

  Chapter Three


  I open the door to meet Zane’s striking green eyes and Caleb’s sky-blue ones. Both boys carry smiles on their faces that cause a jolt down my spine. I’m so glad they’re here. But where’s…?

  I peer behind them.

  “Aidan’s coming later,” Zane informs me. “He went out for a bit.”

  My thoughts travel to Alexis Mitchell, the girl who hates my existence. She’s also the girl who has staked a claim to Aidan and I can’t help wondering if he’s meeting up with her.

  Alexis is also responsible for my losing my best friend, Sophie, but I won’t think about that right now. Two guys stand before me, guys who are most certainly ready to do whatever they can to make me smile.

  I widen the door. “Come in.”

  Zane’s got a stack of movies in his hand while Caleb holds bags of popcorn. “Homemade,” he tells me with a smirk.

  Zane rolls his eyes. “When it comes to snacks, the guy would rather make his own.”

  “Excuse me. My popcorn beats any other, hands down.”

  A deep chuckle vibrates through Zane’s heavily-muscled chest. “Well, I can’t argue with that. You’re going to love it, Lia.”

  I smile as I grab a large bowl and pour in the popcorn. Zane wanders into the living room to load the first X-Men movie. Caleb fetches sodas from the fridge, and the two of us settle down next to Zane on the sofa.

  Zane’s so big he practically takes up most of the room. Caleb’s thinner, but there’s still hardly enough room. I’m literally squeezed between them, not that I’m complaining. It’s not chilly in here, per se, but I guess I’ve grown cold ever since I learned of Josh’s release from juvie. The fact that these two guys are providing me with warmth makes everything ten times better. I can focus on the movie, forget about my problems for a little while.

  Zane’s bent close, his grass-colored eyes pasted on the screen like he’s drinking up every word, every fight scene. He must sense me watching him because he blinks, turning to me.

  “What?” he asks.

  “You really love this movie, huh?”

  His gaze leaves my face and that glimmer in his eyes vanishes. He scoots toward the other end of the sofa like he needs some air, but there’s not a lot of room to go. “Yeah.” His voice is low. “I guess. Was my favorite as a kid. Used to dress up as Wolverine. Me and my…” He clears his throat. “Never mind.” His eyes have taken on that dark look I’ve come to know so well. A second later, it’s gone and a large smile captures his face. “This is my favorite part.” He shifts closer to me, his arm brushing mine and sending some more jolts down my back.

  We focus on the movie, passing the popcorn bowl back and forth between us. Zane was right—this popcorn is amazing. Salty and sweet, but not overpowering. “If you sell this you’d make millions,” I tell Caleb as I pop one in my mouth.

  He smiles shyly. “It’s not one hundred percent there yet. I’ve been working on it for years and still can’t get it exactly right.”

  “It’s good to me.”


  Zane rolls his eyes playfully. “When he’s not baking the shit out of our kitchen, he’s up all night perfecting his recipes.”


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