Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2)

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Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2) Page 13

by Mia Belle

  “No.” I shake my head. “No insecurities. We chose you because you’re special and wonderful. Pretty much the girl I’ve been waiting for. And I’m sure the others feel the same.”

  Her face is deep red as she tries to tuck a curl behind her ear. It pops right out. I wish I could wrap that curl around my finger, but our windows are too far apart. If I stretch further, I might turn into a human pancake.

  “You’ve been through a lot of shit, Amelia,” I continue. “But you’re so strong and brave.”

  She shakes her head in disbelief, but doesn’t say another word on the matter. I stare at her and she stares at me. Then we burst out laughing.

  My phone rings from my bed. When I scan the screen, it’s a weird number. I’ve been getting a lot of scammers lately, and I ignore the call.

  I head back to the window. “So how about we watch the stars together? I wish I could come over, but your dad won’t like that.” I wink. “As long as we’re here, he can’t bother us.”

  She playfully sighs, leaning on the window. “Dads are the worst,” she jokes. “But really, he’s the best. Not when it comes to guys, but in general. He’s trying to pull himself together. He wants to be strong for me, but I told him to take care of himself first. I’m fine.” I smile. “And I have you guys.”

  “Sure do. You shouldn’t take your dad for granted. I tell that to Aidan all the time. Craig’s my dad, too, but it’s not the same. Caleb knows what it’s like to have a dad and lose him.” I shake my head. “Sometimes I think I have it bad, but then I think about how Caleb must feel.”

  Her eyes burst with curiosity. “Do you want to talk about your biological dad?”

  I shake my head. “Sorry, no.”

  “That’s fine. And you’re right that we shouldn’t take our parents for granted. You never know when you’ll lose them.” A dark cloud descends on her face.

  I nod, trying to swallow, but it feels like a rock is stuck in my throat. I can’t even remember a time when my childhood—before I was adopted—wasn’t shitty. I’m pretty sure I was born to people who weren’t meant to be parents. I don’t know why they bothered having a second kid. I was probably an accident.

  My thoughts travel to my older brother Zack and how hard he tried to keep us together, to keep us alive after my parents died. Is that why he’s so messed up? Why he can’t take control of his life? Am I an asshole for pushing him away? He’ll only drag me and my adoptive family down. Same as he nearly did three years ago.

  “Zane?” Lia asks, her voice laced with worry. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  I nod, tossing those memories into the soft breeze outside. I push a smile on my face. “I’m perfect because you’re here.”

  “You don’t need me in order to be perfect. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  If only she knew just how messed up I am. No. It’s good she doesn’t know, and I hope to never tell her about my past. I want to look forward, not backward, and I certainly don’t want her to think differently of me.

  Caleb’s dad might be a murderer, but mine were not that far off.

  “Are you really okay, Zane?” she asks, her gorgeous green eyes locked on mine. “Do you want to be alone?”

  “No.” I reach for her, wishing to take her hand, but she’s too far. She leans a little closer, I lean a little closer, and the tips of our fingers come into contact for less than a second. It’s enough to cause electricity to surge through me, providing me with the strength I need to forge on. To forget my past, or at least not let it define me.

  Lia’s eyes brighten. “Oh, I almost forgot.”

  She disappears from the window and opens a drawer near her bed. After slipping something out, she returns to the window. Her eyes still gleam as she stretches her hand, holding out a sheet of sketch paper. “I finally finished it. It’s not good, but…”

  I take it from her, turning it over. The drawing she made of my face. My eyes are a bit too large, but oddly, it works. I look good. “This is amazing.”

  She frowns. “You’re just saying that. I messed up the mouth. It’s crooked. And your hair…” She expands on her mistakes, but I’m not listening to her. I study the drawing like I’m going to be tested on it tomorrow.

  This is how she sees me. A guy with a large smile and expressive eyes. She sees me as a normal, pleasant human being. Not like the screwed-up bastard I know I am. She makes me realize I can make something of myself.

  “What?” she asks. “What’s wrong?”

  I raise my head and smile. “I’m hanging this up in my room.”

  “But it’s not good.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  She laughs shyly. “I worked hard on it.”

  “Thanks. It’s really great and it means a lot to me that you put so much work into it. One sec.”

  I grab some tape and pin the drawing on the wall. Then I clutch my sketchpad and move to the window.

  “This is a little embarrassing,” I tell her, “but I want to show you what I’ve been drawing the past few days.” I flip through the pad until I find the correct page. Lia’s eyes are yelling in excitement and curiosity as she waits for me to turn it toward her. It’s the drawing of the two of us, with me holding her hand and staring at her as though she means the world to me.

  She examines it carefully. “I think you have the ability to draw the future. Whatever you draw comes true. First the smile and now this?”

  I laugh. “Nah. It’s just my…dreams, I guess.”

  She lifts a brow. “You didn’t dream for me to smile.”

  “No, but I dreamed for us to be together. Amelia, you don’t know how much I’ve wanted this, but I kept my distance because I knew you weren’t ready. Are you sure you’re ready now? Because I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She nods vehemently. “I’m sure. Remember when we stood before the mirror? I told myself that day that I’m done being scared and hesitant. I want to be with you.”

  A feeling I’ve never felt before enters my heart, bathing me in a cozy cocoon. It’s like Lia and I are the only ones inside. Our own special place.

  I tear out the page and pass it to her. “You can have it.”

  “Thanks, Zane, I love it. But I’ll have to put it in a special drawer so my dad won’t see it. Are you sure you don’t want to keep it?”

  I rub the back of my neck as I turn the next few pages. “Got a few more.”

  Her eyes widen as she takes in the rest of my drawings. They’re different variations of the two of us together. I haven’t crossed the line and drawn us kissing. I want to experience that for the first time without using my drawings.

  “Is it a little creepy?” I ask. “Me drawing you like that?”

  “No, of course not. You draw what inspires you. Or what you yearn for. Actually, it surprises me how much you…”

  “Care about you?”

  She nods.

  “You mean the world to me, Amelia,” I say, my voice soft. “The second I saw you when you came over that day, I knew there was something special about you.”

  She twists her mouth. “Is that why you didn’t leave me alone?”

  I laugh. “Pretty much. I wanted to knock down the walls you built around yourself.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  I smile, she smiles, and seriously all I want to do is gather her in my arms and hold her. Hold her tight and never let go. Too bad I don’t have the ability to fly into her room. Or that there’s no tree between our houses that I can climb.

  Lia and I talk for a little bit and I show her some more of my drawings. Then we stare at the night sky with the stars twinkling and I imagine she’s right beside me, snuggled close.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Monday morning, the guys are sitting on the ground before the school building when Dad pulls into the parking lot. After wishing him a good day, I jump out and rush over to them, my book bag bobbing along as I run.

’s busy drawing, his knapsack thrown at his feet like he doesn’t give a damn about it. Caleb’s reviewing his notes, probably preparing for a pop quiz. Aidan’s eyes are locked on mine. A bright smile forms on his lips as he takes me in, and he shoots to his feet, heading my way. The others glance up and also smile.

  “Hey,” he says once we’re facing one another. He wraps his arm around me, tugging me close to his body. I feel the muscles of his chest expand and contract as he breathes. It’s very relaxing.

  Zane and Caleb join us and I wish their arms were around me, too. It’s like Zane said—why shouldn’t we flaunt our relationship in front of everyone? Why can’t we do what makes us happy? At the same time, there’s something nice about keeping it hidden and private.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” I say, taking in the guys and girls walking in and out of the building. Dad has already entered, so I don’t have to worry about him seeing me with Aidan. Yet. Of course I’ll have to tell him he’s my boyfriend at some point.

  Aidan’s arm tightens around mine. “Are you sure you’re okay with everyone seeing us together?” His eyes flick in the distance, and I catch Alexis, Sophie and their friends hanging out with senior guys who look like they’d rather pour hot oil over themselves than deal with a group of giggling sophomore girls.

  “Yeah,” I answer as my gaze meets Alexis’s. She stares at me and Aidan, her eyes lingering on his arm wrapped over mine. I can’t help the small smirk pricking my lips as I note the jealousy in her eyes.

  Sophie’s jaw practically sweeps across the ground as she glances from me, to Aidan, and to Alexis. I remember when I asked her what would happen if Aidan chose one of them. Looks like he won’t come between them now. Not that it matters. Sophie and I aren’t friends anymore. Oddly, it doesn’t bother me, not one bit.

  Aidan steers us toward the school doors, with Caleb and Zane trailing behind. Caleb’s hand brushes mine from behind and I grin because he did that on purpose. Zane pushes my crazy curly hair that must be striking him in the face, and I know he did that on purpose, too, sending me a little message. I hear him chuckle from behind.

  Eyes pin on us as we strut down the halls, Caleb on my left, Zane on my right. Aidan’s arm is still wound tightly around me and I breathe in his Aidan smell that sends tingles down my spine.

  People murmur around us as we make our way toward my locker. Girls frown, some snarl. But I pay no attention to them. It’s just me and my three boyfriends.

  At my locker, the guys fizzle out to theirs, promising they’ll return soon. I know they’re being extra cautious because of Josh and his friends, and I want to tell them I’m safe here, but I figure that won’t do any good.

  As strong as I want to be, it’s nice having three guys watch over me. I don’t know what I did to deserve them, but I won’t question it anymore. I’ll just revel in it.

  As I’m rummaging in my locker for my books, the door slams shut, nearly slicing my hand off. Alexis glares at me, her eyes set to kill. Sophie and the others linger behind, Sophie averting her gaze.

  Alexis continues to glare at me so strongly her eyes will pop right out.

  “What?” I say.

  “How dare you?” she spits. “How dare you go after him when you know I like him?!”

  I pull my locker door open, but she once again slams it shut, throwing her body before it so she’s right in my line of vision. “I’m talking to you, bitch.”

  “I told you Aidan can choose whoever he wants. Looks like he chose me.”

  She lets out an unidentifiable sound from deep inside and lifts her hand, ready to smack it across my face. I catch her wrist, glaring at her.

  “Just try and hit me,” I warn.

  “Alexis,” Sophie says. “Let’s go. I need to touch up my makeup before class starts.”

  Alexis yanks her hand out of my clutch. “Go without me,” she growls. “I’m not done here.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “I think you are.”

  Her face flashes red with anger. “He’ll come to me.” She lifts her chin as if she’s trying to convince herself. “You’ll see. When he realizes how lame and boring and inexperienced you are, he’ll beg me to take him.”

  I look deeply into her eyes. “This proves that you don’t know him. Aidan’s not like that.”

  She laughs. “All guys are like that.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t dump all guys into one category.” I did that, claimed all guys were jerks and pigs. But they’re not. You really need to get to know a person before you invent all these theories about them. “Aidan would never go for a girl like you.”

  Alexis laughs again. Then she flicks her hair and stalks off, her friends scurrying after her. Sophie turns around and our gazes connect. It only lasts a second before she rushes after the others.

  Shadows creep up from behind before the Armstrong boys come into view. “You put that bitch in her place,” Zane says, chuckling.

  I roll my eyes. “I’m so sick of her crap. Hopefully she’ll shut up now and find some other guy to annoy.”

  The guys laugh. Aidan watches the popular girls turn the corner. “I thought Sophie would have abandoned her by now. Sorry you guys aren’t friends anymore.”

  I wave my hand. “I’m okay with it. I’m not going to let anyone drag me down.”

  Aidan flings an arm over my shoulder and leads us to algebra, where once again everyone stares. Well, they can stare all they want. Aidan’s mine now.

  And so are Caleb and Zane.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Are you sure you want my help?” Lia asks as she stares at the items on my kitchen table.

  I hand her an apron, which she puts on and spins around, motioning for me to tie it around her waist. When I’m done, I rest my hands on her waist, pressing my nose to the back of her neck. “You smell good,” I whisper.

  A small shudder goes through her. She turns around, giving me a smile and wrapping both arms around my neck. She gazes into my eyes and I gaze into hers.

  “You know,” she whispers. “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Like the sky.”

  I tear my eyes away from hers. When I was little, I used to love the color. But once I shared those eyes with a murderer, I came to hate them. Now hearing Lia tell me they’re beautiful, I once again love the color.

  “Not as beautiful as yours,” I tell her, stroking her cheek with the back of my finger. “They’re so expressive, so full of emotion. They draw me in.”

  She shuts her eyes as I continue to run my finger along her cheek. I rest my forehead on hers, also closing my eyes and reveling in this moment. This moment with this girl who means so much to me. I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and I’m glad Lia is my first. And hopefully my last, because honestly, I’m two hundred percent sure she’s the right one.

  “Your heart’s pounding,” she says, her voice soft.

  I lift my forehead off hers, once again gazing into her eyes. “Because of you.”

  “Mine is also. That’s never happened before.”

  I smile, then slowly bend my head toward hers. I search her eyes to make sure she’s okay with this. Her response is dipping her head toward mine, our mouths only a few inches apart. Her breath is warm on my cheek, eyes dead locked on mine.

  I move my head, she moves hers, and the next second, her lips sweep across mine. I wrap my arms around her, tugging her close and kissing her gently, but a bit desperately at the same time. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a while, but never imagined it would be as wonderful as this.

  “Lia,” I whisper, resting my forehead on hers again. “My feelings for you are driving me crazy.”

  She laughs softly, running her fingers through my long hair. She grabs me by the front of my shirt and presses her lips to mine. I don’t know how long we stand there with our lips fused together before it hits me that we’re not alone. My aunt and uncle are due to come home from work soon.

  We kiss for a few more se
conds before reluctantly getting to work on the cheesecake. I’ve been trying to come up with different versions and have settled on this one. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, and I’m glad I can share it with my girlfriend.

  “Okay,” she says, standing straight and serious. “I’m your sous-chef. Whatever you say, I’ll obey.”

  I shake my head, pulling her toward me and tucking her body close to mine. “No way. You’re in charge.”

  She gapes at me. “But I don’t know what to do. I’ll mess the whole thing up.”

  “Nope. I’ll tell you what to do, but your hands will be working magic this afternoon, not mine. And maybe we can make dinner and invite your dad to eat with us. And we’ll have the cheesecake for dessert.”

  “That sounds perfect. My dad’s been trying hard to put his life in order and I know it’s hard for him. Having dinner with your family is exactly what he needs.” She eyes the items on the table. “What do I start with?”

  I give her specific instructions, which she follows perfectly. In between baking, we sneak in a few kisses. Luckily Craig and Julia haven’t arrived yet, and we can make out as much as we want.

  But half an hour later, when we’re bent over the stove with our arms wrapped around one another, the front door opens. We yank apart like we’ve been struck with electricity. Then we giggle as Julia enters the kitchen, dropping her bag on a chair and fetching some orange juice from the fridge.

  “Hey, kids,” she says, flopping down on a chair. Her eyes move to Lia and she beams. “Lia! I didn’t see you there. It feels like ages since we’ve talked. How are you? Your dad?”

  Lia gives Julia a kind smile. “We’re good. How’s the new job?”

  She exhales. “A lot of work, but it’s very rewarding.” She gets to her feet with her cup of orange juice. “Excuse me while I change into something more comfortable.” She gestures to her button-down shirt and a suit skirt.

  “Julia?” I stop her at the door. “Is it okay that I invited Lia and her dad for dinner?”

  She smiles. “Of course it is.”

  Lia watches her leave the room, then turns to me. “She seems really happy about her job.”


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