Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2)

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Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2) Page 20

by Mia Belle

  My eyebrows furrow as I try to figure out how the hell I got here. As far as I remember, the guys and I were fighting Josh’s friends in the park. They attacked Lia, and if we wouldn’t have gotten there on time…wait a minute…how did we win?

  It was Caleb who noticed Lia leaving her porch and heading to the park. He thought that was a little weird for her to be out at that hour and had a feeling something terrible was about to happen. He rushed to tell me and Zane and we chased after her. I don’t want to think what could have happened if we hadn’t arrived in time.

  But I still don’t understand how the four of us won against those football players.

  Mom gets the doctors, who check on me. Apparently, I had a blow to my head, but it wasn’t strong enough to cause any damage. They want to keep me overnight for observation, but they’re sure everything is okay.

  I don’t regret getting into that fight. I’d do anything to save Lia.

  I was unconscious for a few hours and apparently Mom hadn’t left my side once. It takes me a few tries to convince her and Dad to get something to eat from the cafeteria, to take a break from all the stress.

  As soon as they leave, I glance around at the guys and Lia. They look very concerned, but my girlfriend appears like her heart has been shattered to pieces. I reach for her hand and she slips it inside.

  “Can someone tell me what happened?” I ask. “How the hell we weren’t beaten to death?”

  Zane crosses his arms over his chest. “First of all, that was very stupid of you, man. You could have died.” His eyes narrow. “Don’t you dare try that shit again.”

  “Sorry. I’ll try not to.”

  Lia squeezes my hand. “What matters is that you’re okay now.”

  I smile at her before my eyes shift to Zane and Caleb. “Anyone going to tell me what happened after I blacked out?”

  Zane’s arms tighten on his chest. “We were about to be turned into dog meat, but my brother showed up. And five others.”

  I lift a brow. “Your brother?”

  He nods. “They did quite a number on those assholes and fled as soon as the ambulances pulled up.”

  “Who were those guys?” Lia asks. “His friends?”

  “Yeah. I always thought they were bad people who got into lots of crazy and illegal things. I bet they were the ones who trashed the house. But I didn’t know my brother was still around. Figured he ran off. I don’t even know why he helped us, or how he knew we needed help.”

  Lia places her hand on his arm. “Maybe you should talk to him.”

  A hard swallow makes its way down Zane’s throat. “Yeah. Probably should do that later.” He turns to me. “You feeling okay?”

  I rub the side of my head. “Other than this headache, I feel great.”

  Caleb smiles in relief. “You really scared us, you know.”

  “You guys can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  “Who said we want to?” Lia asks with a raised eyebrow. “Who else would make sure we’re all taken care of?”

  “And who’d steal my dumbbells?” Zane snickers.

  “And who’d devour my cookies like they’re candies?” Caleb adds to the smiling party. “We wouldn’t be the same with you gone, so you’d better take care of yourself.”

  I wave my hand. “You guys don’t mean that.”

  Lia bends close to kiss my cheek. “Of course we do.” I wish I could pull her down on the bed with me.

  “What happened to those assholes?” I ask.

  “Arrested,” Zane tells me. “Cops came in to question us while you were out cold and we told them the truth. That they came after Lia and we were protecting her.” He rolls his eyes. “They told another story, but there were witnesses who saw the guys go into the park after Lia. And they heard some scuffling and shouts about making Lia pay for what she’s done. They also found Josh’s knife.”

  “Good,” I say. “They deserve to be locked up forever.” I weave my fingers through Lia’s, bringing her knuckles to my lips and kissing them softly. “You don’t have to worry about those jerks coming after you again.”

  “I know. Thanks for saving me, guys. You’re the best things that could have happened to me.”

  “Same,” Zane says.

  “Likewise.” Caleb smiles.

  I kiss her knuckles again. “You taught us to be happy and have hope for the future. To live life to the fullest. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I stare at my phone as I sit on one of the boulders in the park. I texted my brother a few minutes ago to meet me here. He hasn’t responded and I have no idea if he’ll show up.

  I can’t help replaying the events from a few hours ago and wondering why he saved us from those assholes. I squeeze my eyes shut, my gut clenching. If Caleb hadn’t seen Lia enter the park, who knows what could have happened? Tears sting my eyes at the thought of losing her. She means the world to me and I don’t want to ever let her go.

  “Hey,” a voice says from behind me.

  Turning around, I spot my brother standing there with hands in his jeans pockets, legs spread apart. The stance is so similar to my own, it’s crazy.

  “Hey,” I return, my gaze shifting from him to the trees before me. I don’t know what to say to him. I’m too confused.

  Zack climbs up and sits beside me, taking up the rest of the boulder. Between the two of us, there’s hardly any room here. Zack’s pretty buff, though not as much as I am.

  “You’re probably wondering how I knew you guys were in trouble,” he says.

  I turn to him, finding his gaze on that tree, too. “Yeah.”

  “Truth is, I followed you after you left that pizza joint. Been watching you all this time.”

  “Watching me? Why?”

  “To make sure you’re okay.”

  “You trashed my house,” I say, not hiding the betrayal and anger from my voice.

  Zack raises his hands in defense. “That wasn’t me, bro. I know you’ve got no reason to believe me, but I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t trash your house.”

  I narrow my eyes, studying him. My brother is many things—he’s even lied to my face countless times. But he’s not lying right now. There’s something in his eyes that makes me believe him.

  “Then who did?” I ask.

  He shrugs like he has no clue.

  “And those guys in the park,” I continue. “They your friends?”

  He nods. “I know you think they’re bad people, and while they might not be these good Samaritans, we watch over each other. They watch over me and the people I care about.” He lifts a brow. “Why do you think they helped me take those jerks down? Because I was protecting you and they protected me. We’re like a family.”

  I don’t say anything for a few seconds. “What were they doing here? Thought they were back in Ohio.”

  He shakes his head. “They accompanied me here. We like to move in packs.”

  Again, I don’t say anything. While it’s great Zack found people he can depend on, I’m worried about him.

  He claps me on the back. “I know what you’re thinking. But it’s safer for me to stick with them than be on my own. I know what it’s like to be alone and it sucks. I feel safe with those guys.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know, man. I can’t judge you or make decisions for you. I just wish you’d…” I puff out air. “Straighten yourself out. Get a job. Then maybe we could be in each other’s lives.”

  “I know, man. I want that, too. But I can’t ditch my guys.” He tilts his head to the side. “We can still text and call each other. No harm in that, right?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m not a bad person and neither are my friends. We just live a different lifestyle than you.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “One involving drugs and stealing?”

  He twists his nose.

  I jump off the boulder. “I get that this is the life you’
ve chosen for yourself, but I don’t know if I can accept you into mine. Not unless you change.”

  His lips press in a tight line. “I am trying to change. But maybe I’ll try harder. For you. You know everything I tried to do after our parents died was for you. I just did a shitty job of it.”

  “I’m thankful to you for taking care of me. But I think it’s time you take care of yourself. Your lifestyle will either land you in jail or get you killed.”

  He’s quiet as he mulls it over.

  “Unless you change, I…” I shut my eyes, shoving the pain aside. “I don’t want you contacting me. If you text me in the future, I want it to be because you’re in rehab or that you got a job. Just something to convince me that you’re getting your shit together. Sorry, Zack, but it’s got to be this way.”

  He nods slowly as the words sink into his head. “I’ll try, bro.” He holds out his hand for a slap. “Was nice seeing you again.” He smiles, though it’s full of sadness. “It’s great seeing you living a good life, with people who care about you. I won’t bother you again.” He hops off the boulder. “The guys and I are heading out, so you don’t have to worry about me watching over you anymore. I see now that you’re in good hands. And that girl you saved?” He gives me a crooked smile. “She your girlfriend?”


  “She’s cute. I’m glad she’s fine. And what about Aidan? He okay, too?”


  He claps me on the back again. “Have a good life, man.” He turns on his heels and walks out of the park. I watch him leave, the memories of my past swarming my mind. My brother and I have been through a lot of shit. I hope he decides to straighten himself out. I really do want him in my life again.


  I enter Aidan’s hospital room and find Caleb sitting on a chair near his bed. Both guys are watching sports on TV, which I’m sure Caleb only agreed to because Aidan’s the patient.

  I drop down on the empty chair next to Caleb. He turns his head, seeming glad to be busy with something that’s not related to football. “Talked to your brother?” he asks. “How did it go?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I sink down a little. “Fine, I guess. He told me he and his friends didn’t trash the house. I believe him.”

  Caleb and Aidan exchange a glance. “If he didn’t do it, then who did?” Aidan asks. He focuses back on the TV as if worried he’ll miss something important.

  “I don’t know,” I say. “Could be random.”

  “Or it could be related to my dad,” Caleb says, eyes a little wide.

  Aidan twists his mouth. “Unlikely. If he knew where we lived, don’t you think he would have come after you by now?”

  He thinks for a few seconds. “I guess so.”

  We’re quiet, our attention on the TV because there really isn’t anything else to do. I didn’t bring my sketchpad with me and Caleb can’t bake right now. I know he’s itching to, though.

  “Where’s Lia?” I ask.

  “School,” Aidan says.

  Right. Craig and Julia let us skip today. But I’m sure they’ll want our asses there tomorrow.

  I shift in my seat. “I keep replaying what happened in the park over and over in my head. Guys, if anything would have happened to Lia…”

  They nod, their minds seeming to return to last night, too. “Same with me,” Aidan says in a hollow voice.

  Caleb swallows. “At least she’s safe now,” he says. “Josh and his friends won’t bother her again. She deserves only good things.”

  “And we’ll give it to her,” I say. We’ll give her the world.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  Zane and Caleb help me up the stairs to my bedroom. No matter how many times I tell them I can walk, they refuse to let me. I know they feel bad about what happened, but it wasn’t their fault. There are five people to blame for that, and they’re behind bars.

  Zane places a soda can near my bed, glancing around like he’s wondering if I have everything I need.

  “Guys,” I say, looking from one to the other, “I appreciate you taking care of me, but I’m fine.”

  “We should have watched over you,” Caleb said. “You’ve always protected us, but we did a shitty job protecting you.”

  My eyes move from one to the other. “We were protecting Lia. Her safety is what’s important, not me.”

  Zane flops down on my bed. “Those kids at the hospital were something else. They couldn’t let go of you as I wheeled you to the elevator. Never pegged you as a guy who likes kids.”

  I smile as I think back to the little friends I made. They were all so strong, so inspirational. What stood out most was one of the nurses who cared for them. He gave his heart and soul to every child, went that extra mile to make sure every kid was happy and comfortable. Something stirred in my chest, and I saw a possible future flash before my eyes.

  Zane slugs my shoulder. “What are you smiling at?”

  I just smile wider. I’ll tell the guys about it, but I want to tell Lia first. She’s set to come home from school in about an hour.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  I plop down at a table in the cafeteria. It feels a little lonely, a little too quiet without the Armstrong boys around.

  I stab my fork into my spaghetti that looks like worms. I wish I had some of Caleb’s food right now, because this looks anything but appetizing.

  “You took the spaghetti again, huh?” Sophie slides onto a chair, dumping her plate of unappetizing pizza onto the table. “What is it about school lunch, anyway?”

  I shrug. “Beats me.” I twirl some spaghetti around my fork and force it down. It’s not that terrible, but I’d rather eat something else.

  “Where are the boys?” Sophie asks.

  “They took off to be with Aidan.”

  “Is he okay? I heard he hit his head pretty badly and is unconscious and will never wake up.”

  I laugh lightly. What do they say about how rumors start? “No, he’s fully alert and okay. I think he’ll be discharged later today.”

  She sighs in relief. “I’m so glad to hear that.” Her hazel eyes widen. “Is it true that Josh and his friends attacked you in the park and the guys saved you? Like a group of superheroes or something?” She squeals. “So hot!”

  I laugh again. Sophie will always be Sophie.

  Her smile drops as she takes my hand. “Are you okay, though? It must have been so scary.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. I don’t want to think what would have happened if the guys and Zane’s brother hadn’t arrived in time.

  “It was terrifying,” I tell her. “But I’m okay. I don’t really want to talk about it, though.”

  She nods in understanding. “So let’s talk about those three hot boyfriends of yours.” Her voice lowers. “What’s it like kissing all three of them?”

  I give her a look. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  She groans. “Come on, Lia. Please. Please. Please. Who’s the best kisser?”

  “All of them.”

  She groans again.

  “I’m not going to choose,” I tell her. “I like kissing all three of them.”

  My phone pings with a text from Zane, asking if we can meet outside to talk. Apparently Aidan forced him and Caleb to leave the hospital to take some time for themselves. I text that I’m on my way. I have only half an hour left for lunch, but I don’t care if I’m late. I know whatever Zane wants to tell me is important.

  Outside, I find him leaning against the wall of the school building, his arms crossed over his chest. When he spots me, he pushes off, wrapping an arm around me and tugging me close.

  “Hey,” he says as he presses his cheek to mine. I feel his heart pounding.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Is it Aidan?”

  He shakes his head, running his hand through his hair. “Aidan’s fine. I just spoke to my brother.” His head whips around. “I know it’s school hours. I just had to
talk to you.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Are you sure? What about class?”

  I wave my hand. “It’s fine. Whatever you have to tell me is more important.”

  With his hand in mine, we walk away from the building, turning toward the park. Zane’s heartbeat has slowed down, but the expression on his face tells me his mind is crammed with thoughts.

  We continue our journey in silence for a few minutes before he says, “Zack told me he didn’t trash the house and I believe him.”

  I freeze in place. “Then who did?”

  “No clue.”

  We reach the entrance to the park and lower ourselves on the grass. “He wants to be part of my life,” Zane says, eyes clouded with regret and pain. “I told him I wasn’t interested unless he cleaned himself up.”

  I scoot closer to him, resting my head on his chest. “That must have been so hard. He’s your brother.”

  “It was really hard, but I know I did the right thing.” His unsure eyes meet mine. “Was it the right thing?”

  “Of course it was. If he wants you in his life, that’ll push him to change. He’ll have something to work on.”

  He’s quiet as he thinks it over. Than a small yet appreciate smile forms on his face. “That’s why I love you. Well, there are many reasons, but this is one of them.” He bends close. “You always know how to make me feel better.”

  I dip my head toward his. “I know another way to make you feel better.”

  He smiles crookedly and bends his head, kissing me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing myself closer to him as the kiss intensifies.

  Eventually, I need to return to school. Neither Zane nor I want me to leave, but I have to. Hand in hand, Zane walks me back to school. It’s a little hard to part with him, but if anyone catches us out here together, my secret will get out. I’m not ready for anyone to find out I have more than one boyfriend.


  I rap my knuckles against Aidan’s bedroom door before peeking in. He’s slouched against his bed’s headboard, snacks and drinks opened before him. He’s yelling at the football game on TV.


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