Seeing Triple

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Seeing Triple Page 7

by Notabot

  The two continued their relationship as always, but mainly only the emotional side. That was plenty for the two of them in the meantime. Regardless of whether it was Fara snuck into his home or Maxine or Lisa, they were still pregnant with his babies and he liked stroking their bellies and feeling his unborn children move around in the womb. And Greg got along well enough with the two of them (before all this chaos broke out, that is) and so he could chat and hold a great conversation with them. So if it wasn’t Fara, it might take him some time to notice. But again, Greg had not been that good at noticing over the past months anyway.

  As far as a physical relationship, Greg was too spooked from the party and was more paranoid than ever Maxine or Lisa were masquerading as their identical sister. He still had the needs of any man with a pregnancy fetish living with a heavily pregnant woman and he had sex with Fara when he absolutely could not take it any longer. But he was only rarely having sex multiple times a day.

  At least, he hoped it was Fara. He didn’t get any sort of nervous feeling the way he did at the party that he was not talking to his wife. Greg told himself if he saw that sign, he would stop even mid-stroke, but deep down he didn’t know if his restraint was that strong.

  It gnawed and gnawed at him, filling him with dread as he felt his erection rise every time he saw this beautiful, big-bellied woman waddle toward him and stroked her belly and was tempted to kiss her right there in the hallway. Greg may have slowed down his sexual routine but he could not resist touching his lips to hers. Each time, he closed his eyes tightly, insisting that he was kissing Fara and loving the feel of her wet lips with his, her tongue lightly moving around just past his teeth.

  “You’ve been kinda distant,” Fara said with a giggle, both hands on Greg’s chest as her belly pushed against him hard. “I’m not getting too big for you, am I?”

  “No, no, you’re amazing,” Greg sighed and smiled, running his hand through her short, messy brown hair. It had grown out some more, making it to her shoulders. “You’re perfect, even.”

  “Then, how about we…” Fara said, taking his hand in hers and lightly tugging on it as she took two shaky steps back in the direction of their bedroom.

  He gulped and snuck his way out. “How about I finish setting up for the baby shower tomorrow and then, if you still feel up to it, we can make out and see where we go from there?”

  Fara pouted and started stroking her exposed, round stomach. “You know I’m going to fall asleep if I sit down and wait for you. Making six human beings is exhausting.”

  “Then I’ll tuck you into bed and we can cuddle,” Greg said, smiling and letting out a small sigh. “I’ll even bring you a popsicle.”

  Fara reluctantly smiled and turned around, her hips and enlarged ass swaying wide with each lumbering pregnant step. Greg sighed as he watched her. If he didn’t have these doubts hanging over his head and knew for sure this was his wife, he would run up and grab her by the rear, holding her close and feeling her kiss his hand as they headed for the bed and rolled around, embracing the incredible changes going on in her body.

  But those doubts were there and as awful as it was to say, he hated Maxine and Lisa for doing this to him. And he hated himself for knowing how thin his resolve was to having sex with each of them, especially now that they were pregnant. As Greg went out to the backyard and continued to hang up the decorations and stations for tomorrow’s triple baby shower, the wheels turned in his head of a way to correct all of this, now that all three of his baby mamas would be in the same place for a long stretch of time.

  Around noon, Fara’s, Maxine’s, and Lisa’s friends came to Greg’s house with big smiles. And if they dragged their husbands along, they tried not to look too bored.

  “Three baby showers at once is ambitious,” said Maxine’s friend Jenna, laughing and elbowing the beleaguered Greg.

  “It made sense. We’re all just as far along,” Maxine smiled, patting her belly and looking between her triplet sisters. “And I didn’t bring any of my ‘boyfriends’ so there’s no worry about arguments over who the baby daddy is or isn’t,” she added with winked at Greg.

  “Besides, we do everything together,” Fara said with a grin, not noticing her sister’s wink . “It wouldn’t feel right to have my first baby shower without my sisters.”

  The backyard had several tables set up, some for food, some for presents, some for games and activities. Greg surveyed the party, and felt sick to his stomach. All these people here to celebrate their pregnancies and no one knew the dirty secret that they were all caused by him. When Greg felt a hand on his back, he nearly had a heart attack and snapped up.

  “Whoa, someone’s on edge,” Katie laughed, giving Greg a quick squeeze on the shoulder. “You’re more scared about being a parent than I thought.”

  “What? Oh, no,” Greg said, smiling and trying to settle himself down. “I’m excited for that. Just being around so many people I don’t know, putting all this stuff together, and knowing in a few weeks, I’m going to be having a lot of sleepless nights.” He chuckled and sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Lot to take in. But our partners are going through the toughest parts so no reason to complain.”

  “Lisa’s the trooper. She insisted on being the one to get pregnant between us,” Katie said, smiling and watching her lover waddle around. “We said we’d trade off but with sextuplets on the first go, we’re still deciding whether we stop here or not. At least if I got pregnant, there’s a good chance I’d have a lot less than six.”

  “Yeah, we chose very fertile women,” Greg said with a laugh and a gulp.

  “Greg, babe, there you are,” Fara said, waddling over and giving him a side hug. “Fun so far?”

  “As long as you and your sisters are happy, I’m happy,” Greg said, forcing a smile and nodding.

  “Fara!” a new woman’s voice called. Fara turned and shrieked with glee, hugging her friend Nina. Nina was Fara’s college roommate and they lived about an hour away from each other now. Through the hug, Nina had to bend forward, standing about a foot taller than the pregnant woman. “Look at you!”

  “Look at me,” Fara sighed as they stepped back and gestured at her stomach. “Bet you didn’t think I’d be like this back in school.”

  “I dunno, you always had a lot of noise coming from your bedroom. I wouldn’t be surprised if one slipped past the goalie,” Nina said, smirking and tapping one finger against her chin. “Oh, sorry Greg. You probably don’t want to hear about that.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t care about that stuff. As long as we’re together now,” Greg said, smiling at Fara and leaning over to give her a quick peck.

  “I think she’s got me confused with Maxine anyway,” Fara giggled, blushing.

  “Oh no, I’d remember. Having all three of you at the same school was confusing but when Maxine was getting laid, the whole residence hall would know it,” Nina laughed. “I never expected when you got pregnant you’d get this big though!”

  “I know, I know,” Fara laughed.

  “But if you’re going to be this big, y’know, show it off!” Nina said, putting her hands on Fara’s belly and tugging on her light blue maternity dress. Fara giggled and fought back at first but then shrugged and went with it, rolling up her dress and showing off her huge, round, smooth pregnant middle. “You don’t have any stretch marks and you’re hiding all this?! You’re crazy!”

  “Now it’s a party,” Maxine cackled, pulling down her elastic belly bra and rolling up her 2XL Nick Cave “Your Funeral” shirt. Lisa followed suit with her own dress and the guests all laughed at these three impossibly large pregnant women all waddling around with their bellies on full display.

  “I thought this kind of thin was common at baby showers,” Katie joked. “None of our friends are really into having babies, though a few guys have adopted.”

  “Seriously, look at all this,” Nina gasped, touching her hand to Fara’s belly and rubbing it vigorously. “It’s so firm! Ther
e’s barely any give, but it sure is soft.”

  “Believe me, it’s a shock every morning waking up with this,” Fara chuckled, turning to Greg and Katie. “Do you both get tired rubbing our bellies for us?”

  “No, it’s fun,” Katie chuckled.

  “N-nope,” Greg said. Fara just grinned wider at him as she glided off with her sisters, all of them inviting the guests to touch their naked stomachs. Katie turned to go chat and visit around the baby shower but Greg stopped her quickly. “Hey, when the party starts winding down, come find me. I’d like to talk some more.”

  “Sure, about what?” Katie asked.

  Greg sighed and smiled. “You know, we’re about to go through the same big change. We should talk more about what’s going on.”

  “Okay everyone, let’s start some games!” Fara called out, cupping her hands to her mouth. Maxine and Lisa waddled over beside her, all three pregnant sisters standing in a line, their exposed belly skin touching. “Thank you all for coming out. I don’t know all of you-”

  “Same,” Maxine and Lisa said in unison, laughing.

  Fara giggled and brushed her brown hair back over one year. “But if you’re a friend of either of my sisters, you’re a friend of mine and welcome to my home! It’s about to get a lot more crowded now.” She rubbed one hand over her belly, stroking where everyone could see a clear bulge and tremble of a baby stirring. “Now, I’m one of the first in my group of friends to come down with a case of ‘the pregnant’ but I know games are supposedly a tradition. Babe?”

  “Hmm?” Greg said. He spaced out for a moment with a lot on his mind but snapped back quickly when he felt all eyes on him. “Right! I, uh, came up with these last night after setting everything up so they’re not...super unique.”

  He stepped to a set of tables with baby dolls and diapers on them.

  “This is a race to see who can change a diaper the fastest. I had a hard time finding velcro fake diapers so we wouldn’t keep throwing out new pairs but it’s the same basic principle.”

  He moved to a new table with lots of small jars and bandanas.

  “This is a kind of blindfold taste test for baby food…could be fun.”

  Next was a large, crudely drawn poster of a pregnant woman and a nearby bucket of tassels and pins.

  “This is pin-the-tail-on-the-pregnant-woman. I…it was late and I got tired.”

  “I had a feeling this would happen,” Fara laughed, patting him on the chest and grabbing a paper bag behind the tables. “So I whipped up some other games over the past weeks just in case.” Everyone began to laugh and even Greg had to sigh and grin. “I’ll pass them out.”

  “You’re always the neat freak out of the three of us,” Lisa snickered as Maxine reached into the bag and pulled out a binder. “Maxie, what’s that one?”

  “Whoa!” Maxine said, bursting out laughing. “Nice pick.”

  “What?” Greg said, looking over. He blushed when he saw a grid of 25 women’s faces, all of their faces in some kind of rictus; their mouths open wide, their eyes clenched or wide open, all seemingly drenched in sweat. The top of the grid said it all: “Labor or Porn?”

  “It’s one of those baby showers, huh?” Nina said, taking the binder and gathering a group of her friends to take a crack at it as Fara handed out the other games. “Did you have to do a lot of research for this one?”

  “Not much. I have a good visual memory,” Fara smiled, flashing Greg a wink as she waddled out into the crowd, gesturing for everyone to pick a game station. Greg followed after her, the two stopped by the tables of gifts. “I didn’t embarrass you too much, did I?”

  “Just enough. And you’re right, my games suck,” Greg said with a sigh. He looked over at her and saw that Fara was still gazing at him. Greg moved one hand over hers.

  “I love you. You know that,” Fara said, smiling and speaking with a little voice.

  “I sure hope so. Otherwise, this would all be pretty awkward,” Greg said. Fara snorted with a laugh and bumped her hips against him.

  “You can’t take anything seriously,” she said.

  “With a laugh as cute as yours, can you blame me?” Greg said, leaning over for a kiss. He rested one hand on her belly, giving it a light stroke with his palm on her belly button. He let it linger, savoring the feel of her pregnant body as much as he could. He didn’t know how much longer he would have the pleasure.

  The baby shower went on for a few more hours, with everyone getting to touch the three moms-to-be on the belly at least once, either because they asked or, in the case of many of the guys there, their partner egged them on to play along. Fara, Maxine, and Lisa were laughing and smiling through all of it, having a great time drinking in the adoration for their pregnant bodies.

  Once it wound down, Greg saw he had his work cut out for him and started taking down the decorations and sets in the back yard. With three pregnant women carrying sextuplets around, he couldn’t complain about doing any heavy lifting in front of them, especially considering it was his fault they were carrying babies in the first place.

  Once the presents and the food were inside, the work got easier as all Greg had to do was pack up the tables and move them into the storage space. Point A to Point B. Katie helped with taking care of the decorations themselves and bundling them up but told Greg she was driving Lisa’s share of the presents back to their house, leaving her partner to hitch a ride with Maxine.

  “Are you all set here?” Fara asked, stroking her belly as she waddled and watched Greg moving things back inside.

  “More or less. Why?” Greg asked.

  “My people at the library couldn’t make it out and wanted to see if I would stop by,” Fara said. “I’m fine to make it over there. I can still waddle well enough and I can feel these babies are going to be stubborn. They aren’t going anywhere.”

  “That’s fine. Say hi to them for me,” Greg smiled, bending down to get a quick goodbye kiss from his wife before she left. He sighed watching her go and grabbed a big box of decorations to return upstairs. They were supposed to be for Christmas but by turning tablecloths upside down and spacing out the colored ribbons, Greg had made them pass as generic “celebration” trimmings.

  He went to put the box up in the closet in the bedroom but Maxine and Lisa were already there waiting for him, wide smiles across their faces as they stroked their bellies in slow, sensual circles. “I thought she’d never leave,” Maxine cooed.

  “Come on. This is our own house. Don’t do this here,” Greg said, feeling himself start to tremble.

  “That never stopped you before,” Lisa said, removing her clothes and stripping down to her bra and underwear. Maxine followed suit as Lisa strode over to Greg, pressing her belly against his hips. “It doesn’t feel like it’s stopping you now.”

  Greg gripped his fists, feeling his erection rub against her firm, warm belly. “It’s because you look so much like Fara…”

  “No, that’s not it. You know exactly who I am,” Lisa whispered in his ear, making her voice as breathy and gentle as possible. “You know I’m your wife’s sister and you know you fucked these babies into me and you know I looked damn good the whole time you did it.”

  Her hand wrapped around Greg’s wrist and she slowly pulled him toward the bed. Greg wasn’t going to wrestle away from a woman 35 weeks pregnant with his children, but he couldn’t have resisted it anyway. Lisa brought him in close to Maxine, pressing the father of their children in between their bellies.

  “You don’t really care, do you?” Maxine purred, sliding one hand down his side, spreading her hands out across his ribs. “You must think you hit the jackpot. Three beautiful women, all look the same, and all of them pregnant with your babies. You have a thing for pregnant chicks and we all want you. What’s the problem?”

  “It’s not right,” Greg whimpered as Lisa leaned forward, cupping her breasts and pushing them together, accentuating their size.

  “Oh please. You barely bat an eye when one of u
s starts hinting that we’re horny. You probably don’t even know if I’m Lisa or Maxine because you don’t care. We’re just sexy, swollen pieces of ass to you,” Lisa cooed. “But for now, that works for us.”

  “Except lately, you have been so gloomy,” Maxine pouted, pushing Greg’s arm in between her breasts, letting his hand dangle onto her naked, smooth stomach. “These babies kick and fuss inside us when their Daddy isn’t around to make Mommy feel good.”

  Lisa snickered. “But I feel bad for Maxine. None of her crop of guys are even into pregnant women. She’s had to rely on you and my Katie.”

  “So it’s not just me then. You’ve pulled this with other people too,” Greg said.

  Maxine and Lisa looked at each other, smirking. “Oh, like you, she must know in the back of her head but we don’t make it obvious for her,” Lisa laughed. “The only reason we told you up front was when we got these baby bumps. You were more out of the loop then so we figured we should speak up.”


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