“Oh Indeed… all too true sometimes…” responded Kitty whose own father had banned her from leaving the house much after Lydia’s elopement. Julia slumped back in a sulk as Henry sighed as if remembering something himself, he had, had firsthand experience a long time ago with their fathers’ ‘rules’. Fredrick rested a hand on his shoulder comfortingly, Kitty observed that there must be something going on here that not everyone knew about.
Chapter Twelve
Fredrick also had another letter that contained information about his recruitment into the Navy and he had returned to the family estate not long after to take care of that. Within a few weeks he had returned and was once again sat in the parlour. Kitty was sitting playing the piano, while Georgiana turned the pages for her. Julia’s leg injury was now healing nicely, and she sat drawing, wrapped up in a blanket on the window seat. Henry was intently listening to the piano his eyes rarely moving away from Kitty for more than a moment or two.
“And so, you just have to wait for your exams now then?” Georgiana suddenly asked looking over at Fredrick who was lost in thought.
“Sadly yes. With my father’s sudden sickness things have been postponed.” He answered gravely.
“Well at least we will be blessed with your company a little longer.” The young woman responded.
“Aye indeed.” Fredrick answered. “
What is it your drawing there Julia?” Kitty enquired.
“I was trying to draw that vase, but the angles are all wrong and I can’t get the shape right.” The other girl said impatiently putting the board down on the table frustrated. Georgiana crossed over to her and looked at the drawing
“Hmm it’s good, it’s just your curves are a little off.” She said. “I finding using my hand as a guide helps me with that” as she said this she placed her hand on the page and drew down the side of it. “Like that see? Then you have a good guide for the vase.” Julia looked at what she had done and imitated her on the other side.
“Oh... actually that works really well. Thank you Georgiana. I have my vase. Freddy, I have my vase.” She cried.
“Well done Julia.” Her brother responded with a laugh. “Miss Darcy you seem to have a talent for drawing.” He finished.
“I wish I could have learnt to draw”, Kitty added. “But my skills in anything past a little sewing and the basics of reading and writing are somewhat lacking.” She finished.
“Your piano playing is improving.” Georgiana added with a smile.
“Indeed, it is Miss Bennet. I’ve noticed a great improvement since Christmas and even then you played through that piece beautifully.” Henry added making Kitty blush.
“Oh, come now Mr Westwood don’t tease, you must have heard how often I slipped or played the wrong note and even when I missed a verse entirely.” She said.
“No such thing Miss Bennet. I have rarely heard anything that gave me so much pleasure.” The gentleman added with a smile.
“There you see, and Mr Westwood is an expert on the finer things in life.” laughed Georgiana.
“Indeed, he is my dear. I thank you sir. I shall continue to practice for you.” Kitty finished.
“Perhaps we could leave Miss Bennet my music book; there are some lovely songs in there.” Julia added to the conversation.
“I would not wish to deprive you of any of your songs.” Kitty responded.
“Oh, nonsense I won’t play it, I’m not too interested in music at the moment and so you may as well use it. There are some lovely songs in there. I insist.” The young girl was determined. Henry laughed.
“It seems decided then Miss Bennet, Julia is as stubborn as ever in her choices.” He said lightly.
“I am indeed so argument is fruitless.” His sister laughed. “Then there is little point in it. I thank you.”
The gentleman quite frequently would retire into the billiard room of an afternoon before dinner. Amongst themselves they were much more relaxed around each other. Their jackets would come off and they would just wear their waistcoats and shirts. There was often a decanter of port, or whisky or some other drink, and on one such occasion Fredrick and Darcy were at the pool table while Henry stood by window looking out in to the gardens where Kitty and Julia were playing with Mr Darcy’s bulldog.
“What’s up Westwood? You seem distracted. I trust you haven’t had any bad news about Sir Thomas.” Darcy asked.
“No Darcy, my brother assured us that our father is well cared for. The doctors have moved him to town. No, I was merely observing the scenery.” He turned away from the window “summer should be a scorcher when it comes.” He finished.
“Perhaps with father and Tom in town it would be a good time to invite the party back to Maplebrook for a couple weeks. What say you?” his brother Fredrick asked him.
“Do we know if Jo’s home for the summer?” Henry asked warily. Josephine had been in contact very little since Caroline had left earlier that year.
“I doubt it. I suspect she’s in town and will likely remain there for some time.” Fredrick answered dryly. “I’m sure Mrs Darcy and the girls would love to visit Maplebrook. They’ve yet to see it” responded Darcy, not wishing to talk about either Miss Westwood or Miss Bingley. “It’s settled then.” Said Fredrick sharply , handing the cue to Henry
“Now come brother, join the game. I insist.” His brother said. Giving in , Henry joined the others at the table, they would announce their trip to the ladies at dinner that evening.
Chapter Thirteen
The Westwood’s of Maplebrook , like the Darcy’s of Pemberley , owned a very fine estate deep in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside. Sir Thomas’s estate was worth 12,000 a year. It was further north than Pemberley, almost touching the Yorkshire border and at this time of year the peaks were a hive of activities; deer and hare as well as foxes and wildcats frequented the moorlands surrounding the narrow winding path that took them through field upon field of wild flowers in full bloom. The young women rode in the carriage with Julia, while the gentlemen had mounted fine bay horses and rode alongside the carriage. “Oh, I wish I were a man” Julia had exclaimed when Fredrick had galloped off into the distance, taking some sort of route around the hills and appearing again up on the hill in the distance. Even Elizabeth laughed at this statement. Julia was being entirety serious about it though and was only stopped from heading off on another of her rambles about unfairness by Bill Dorson, the Westwood’s driver who suggested to Mr Henry Westwood that perhaps the young lady would be happier beside him. Julia agreed instantly, and the carriage pulled over, so she could climb up top. This, however made the others feel a little left out and after much discussion , it was agreed that they would take it in turns to sit up with the driver, and so it was that the journey passed.
They had left the house a little after breakfast and arrived at Maplebrook around 4 in the afternoon. The journey had taken a little longer than expected because of the constant swapping of passengers with the driver but on such a fine day , and on such a pleasant trip , no one could complain, and everyone arrived at the estate in good spirits. Kitty wrote in her diary that evening about the magical experience.
What a delightful day. We must have been on the road since 8 o’clock. The chests went outside before breakfast having been packed the night before. I told Alice to include all my best dresses for the Westwood’s estate is grander even than Pemberley . The Westwood’s carriage was a grand dark wood with carvings of vines and roses and the seats were blue satin with velvet cushions and fully closable curtains. I’ve never seen such as beautiful carriage. I felt like a princess stepping into it. It was a long journey, but I loved every minute of it. Mr Dorson, their driver , suggested that we take it in turns riding up top with him where we could observe the Derbyshire countryside at its finest. I rode on top the carriage three times and each time there was such a difference in the scenery.
Around mid morning we passed throug
h some hills and valleys that stretched as far as the eye could see and there was still a faint layer of snow atop the highest hills that had not melted yet. There was a light mist on the horizon and the sun was shining bright in the sky.
When I was up there again, we were heading through forest and countryside, the sun was at its highest and mist had cleared revealing a beautiful cloudless blue sky. The grass was a lush dark green and there were deer and hare scampering across the land. They were nowhere near the road and you couldn’t see them from inside the carriage but on top we could. When I returned again it was late afternoon and Henry Westwood rode alongside the carriage. He told me we were now on their land and I could see the farmers and the smoky cottages of their father’s tenants and the smell of fresh bread drifted towards us. Quite frequently a child or good wife would pass us by and would greet us with a friendly wave and Mr Westwood would toss a silver coin in their direction.
A delightful little girl with golden hair handed him a flower that she’d picked freshly from their garden as thanks and he took it so gallantly from her and presented it to me. I felt my cheeks flush and in true feminine style I opened my fan and hid my face, he just smiled. We started making a slow ascent up the hillside after that and farm houses disappeared and were replaced by tall trees and open fields. At the top of the hill I caught my first glimpse of Maplebrook and it took my breath away. It sat in a picturesque setting of lush green grass and a babbling brook ran along the left side of it, the building was a golden shade; whether that was the stone or the sunlight I couldn’t tell. It must have had at least 6 floors and there were 2 actual towers in sight on either side of it. All around it I could see a low stone wall and beyond it a neat array of pebble paths and gardens; they were a glow of colour. Julia had mentioned her mother’s gardens and I longed to explore them as we approached the grand estate.
The days that followed remained bright and sunny. Julia’s description of her mother’s gardens had been accurate. They were the most beautiful Kitty had ever seen. The late Mrs Westwood had collected a dazzling array of plants and flowers. Kitty’s personal favourite was the rose garden which sat at the end of a beautiful maze with perfectly preserved carved stone statues in the figures of angels marking the way to go with their arms. It was on this day she and Henry were enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the gardens. She was skipping on ahead of the gentleman lost in her own world. She was so young and beautiful, and he could hardly take his eyes off her as she stopped to look up into a tree watching a bird taking flight. “Oh, I just love Derbyshire in the summer. There’s so much life and energy, and this estate, it’s beautiful. How can you leave it as often as you do?” asked the young woman. Henry laughed and caught up with her taking her arm gently.
“I’d be happy to stay my whole life here, Miss Bennet, but alas business and of course the constant expectations of society tear me away from the place.” He said as they turned up the last leg of the maze towards the rose garden.
“Aye, indeed, boring old society” laughed Kitty. “That’s why I’m glad I’m a younger sister, society expects nothing from the likes of me” she said spinning round her arms spread out. “I’m free as a bird me!” she cried out laughing but feeling a little dizzy now from spinning and laughing she sat down on the low stone bench just inside the entrance. “Lizzy says I’m too immature.” She said after catching her breath. “You’ll have to grow up sooner or later” she scolds. I’m sure she never grew up. I’ve seen her running through the grounds when she thinks no one’s looking. Mr Darcy is a very generous man but sometimes he’s too serious. Lizzy says when I marry I’ll no longer be able to act like a child and will have to grow up very fast.” Kitty exclaimed impersonating her sister.
“And will you?” Henry asked holding out his hand to her and pulling her up to her feet again.
“I seriously hope not. I’d like to think my life partner will love me for who I am you know?” responded the young woman.
“If it’s any conciliation Miss Bennet I think you’re lovely, just the way you are.” Henry said warmly. “Now come, I want to show you something.” He added with excitement, keeping hold of her hand and leading her through the garden and onto the main path towards the south of the estate. A little further down Kitty observed a small dirt path leading up the hill.
“Where does that lead?” she asked curiously.
“Follow me and I’ll show you.” The gentleman responded letting go of her hand and making his way up the hill. “Carful of your footing just up here.” He called back down to the young woman who had lost sight of him now .
“Where are we?” responded she stopping a moment to catch her breath for the hill was very steep.
“You’ll see.” Henry answered reassuringly appearing once again and helping Kitty up the rest of the way. Once at the top of the hill Kitty looked down to see the rectory of Maplebrook, it was just down a small winding path. She let out a gasp of amazement.
“Oh Mr Westwood, it’s beautiful. Is that…” she began.
“The rectory?” he answered. “Yes, it is. I take up residence there at the beginning of next year. Do you like it?” he asked warmly.
“I do, yes. Can I see inside the place?” Kitty asked him.
“Miss Bennet!” exclaimed Mr Westwood in mock surprise. “Imagine if your sister heard you say such a thing!”
“Aye indeed. She’d have a heart attack at me even suggesting such a thing. Oh, but it looks so pretty, I do so wish I could get a closer look” Kitty said with a sigh. Henry hesitated for a moment letting go of her hand and taking a step back. “What is it Mr Westwood?” she asked.
“Miss Bennet…” Henry began.
“Yes …” the young woman said slowly.”There is a reason I brought you up here…” he continued.
“Go on…” Kitty pressed.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about this and…um…” he was stumbling and fumbling with his gloves.
“Yes…” she said again.
“There was something I wanted to ask you…” he continued finding a little more bravery.
“Mr Westwood…” her heart was beating really fast now as the gentleman continued.
“Miss Bennet…I have nothing to give you. The rectory on the estate is spacious but it is old, and the pay is substantially less than what you’ve been used to but...” Kitty laughed warmly cutting him off “Sir...I am not as spoilt as you may think. My own father’s estate is end tailed on to a Mr Collins, even our family estate and income is substantially less than the Darcy’s of Pemberley and the Bingley’s of Blakewood. I am but a guest at my sisters...” she said reassuringly.
“Miss Bennet…” he continued again. turning to face her. “I have no romantic speeches to give you, no grand announcement. I can never think of such things, I know we haven’t been acquainted very long, but almost since the moment I met you I thought…” he trailed off again unsure of how to continue. “You thought…” Kitty pressed again her heart feeling like it was about to jump out of her chest at any moment. “Now I haven’t spoke n to your father yet… but…”
“But…” repeated Kitty.
“I have one thing to ask you, quite simply, quite straight forwardly”
“Go on...” she pressed again.
“Miss Bennet?” he asked as he took her hand once more. “Will you marry me?” he finished. Kitty hesitated only for a moment her face changing as she swallowed and blinked, a tear rolling down her cheeks.
“Oh Mr Westwood...” she said choking back tears.
“Henry” he corrected her, wishing there to be no more barriers between them.
“Henry” she repeated with a gulp.
“I sincerely hope those are tears of joy and that I am to expect the answer I dream of. ” The gentleman said softly.
“They are...” the young woman responded. “I will marry you Henry, with all my heart I will.” She said embracing him warmly. They clung to each other for what seemed like an age before eve
ntually pulling apart.
“Come my dear” Henry said practical now. “Let us get you back to the house before your sister thinks I’ve kidnapped you or something.” And with that he bowed, offered her his arm once more and the newly betrothed couple made their way back down the hill towards the house.
Chapter Fourteen
“Oh, it’s not fair!” exclaimed Kitty throwing the cards down on the table.
“Ha, and I win again really Miss Bennet you’re not on top of your game tonight are you?” joked Fredrick. The two had been playing cards quite a while but since her betrothal had just been announced and she knew Henry would be leaving for Longbourn to speak with her father very shortly Fredrick was right. But she was determined to challenge him.
“Hmph! You just cheated.” She exclaimed.
“Up on my honour I swear I did not. Just luck I guess.” Replied the young man indignantly.
“I don’t want to play anymore.” Replied she sulkily.
“Well what would you like to do instead?” asked Fredrick amiably.
“Something energetic. Oh, shall we not have a dance? I’ve not danced in ages. Mr Westwood you will dance with me won’t you?” Exclaimed Kitty going over to Henry and pulling him to his feet. Laughing he obliged. “Of course, dear lady, but I’m a bit rusty.” replied the gentleman.
“Oh, me too, I can’t remember the last time we had a ball. Lizzy will you not join us?” she asked her sister. “Shall we dance my dear?” Mrs Darcy said to her husband.
“Oh, dear god must we?” he responded lightly.
“Aye indeed you must, you have not danced with me at all these past few months and I feel quite unloved I tell you!” his young wife scolded playfully.
“Well we could not have that now could we?” Darcy replied holding out his hand to her. “Mrs Darcy, would you do me the honour of dancing the next with me?” she smiled and was led onto the floor
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