Message in a Bottle

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Message in a Bottle Page 4

by Nicholas Sparks

  Theresa hung the towel on a rack by the door. She spoke over her shoulder. "How's the book?"

  Deanna turned the book over in her hands and glanced at the cover. "Wonderful. It reminds me of how Brian used to look a few years back."

  Brian grunted without looking away from the television. "Huh?"

  "Nothing, sweetheart. Just reminiscing." She turned her attention back to Theresa. Her eyes were shining. "Are you up for some gin rummy?"

  Deanna loved card games of any kind. She was in two bridge clubs, played hearts like a champion, and kept a record of every time she won a game of solitaire. But gin rummy had always been the game that she and Theresa played when they had time, because it was the only game that Theresa actually stood a chance of winning.


  Deanna folded the page with glee, put down her book, and rose from her seat. "I hoped you'd say that. The cards are on the table outside."

  Theresa wrapped the towel around her suit and went outside to the table where they had eaten breakfast earlier. Deanna followed shortly with two cans of diet Coke and sat across from her as she picked up the deck. She shuffled the cards and dealt them. Deanna looked up from her hand.

  "It looks like you got a little color in your cheeks. The sun must have been pretty intense."

  Theresa started organizing her cards. "I felt like I was baking."

  "Did you meet anyone interesting?"

  "Not really. Just read and relaxed in the sun. Most everyone there was with their families."

  "That's too bad."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Well, I was kind of hoping you'd meet someone special this week."

  "You're special."

  "You know what I mean. I was kind of hoping you'd find yourself a man this week. One that took your breath away."

  Theresa looked up in surprise. "What brought that on?"

  "The sun, the ocean, the breezes. I don't know. Maybe it's the extra radiation soaking through my brain."

  "I haven't really been looking, Deanna."


  "Not much, anyway."

  "Ah ha!"

  "Don't make a big deal out of it. It hasn't been that long since the divorce."

  Theresa put down the six of diamonds, and Deanna picked it up before discarding the three of clubs. Deanna spoke in the same tone her mother did when they talked about the same thing.

  "It's been almost three years. Don't you have anyone on the back burner that you've been hiding from me?"


  "No one?"

  Deanna picked from the stack of cards and discarded a four of hearts.

  "Nope. But it's not only me, you know. It's hard to meet people these days. It's not like I have time to go out and socialize."

  "I know that, I really do. It's just that you've got so much to offer someone. I know there's someone out there for you somewhere."

  "I'm sure there is. I just haven't met him yet."

  "Are you even looking?"

  "When I can. But my boss is a real stickler, you know. Won't give me a moment's rest."

  "Maybe I should talk to her."

  "Maybe you should," Theresa agreed, and they both laughed.

  Deanna picked from the stack and discarded a seven of spades. "Have you been dating at all?"

  "Not really. Not since Matt What's-his-name told me he didn't want a woman with children."

  Deanna scowled for a moment. "Sometimes men can be real jerks, and he was a perfect example. He's the kind of guy whose head belongs mounted on a wall with a plaque that reads 'Typical Egocentric Male.' But they aren't all like that. There are lots of real men out there--men who could fall in love with you at the drop of a hat."

  Theresa picked up the seven and discarded a four of diamonds. "That's why I like you, Deanna. You say the sweetest things."

  Deanna picked from the stack. "It's true, though. Believe me. You're pretty, you're successful, you're intelligent. I could find a dozen men who would love to go out with you."

  "I'm sure you could. But that doesn't mean that I would like them."

  "You're not even giving it a chance."

  Theresa shrugged. "Maybe not. But that doesn't mean I'll die alone in some boardinghouse for old maids later in life. Believe me, I'd love to fall in love again. I'd love to meet a wonderful guy and live happily ever after. I just can't make it a priority right now. Kevin and work take all my time as it is."

  Deanna didn't reply for a moment. She threw down a two of spades.

  "I think you're scared."


  "Absolutely. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because I know how much David hurt you, and I know I'd be frightened of the same thing happening again if it were me. It's human nature. Once burned, twice shy, the old saying goes. There's a lot of truth in that."

  "There probably is. But I'm sure if the right man comes along, I'll know it. I have faith."

  "What kind of man are you looking for?"

  "I don't know...."

  "Sure you do. Everyone knows a little bit about what they want."

  "Not everyone."

  "Sure you do. Start with the obvious, or if you can't do that, start with what you don't want--like... is it all right if he's in a motorcycle gang?"

  Theresa smiled and picked from the stack. Her hand was coming together. Another card and she'd be done. She threw down the jack of hearts.

  "Why are you so interested?"

  "Oh, just humor an old friend, will you?"

  "Fine. No motorcycle gang, that's for sure," she said with a shake of her head. She thought for a moment. "Um... I guess most of all, he'd have to be the kind of man who would be faithful to me, faithful to us, throughout our relationship. I've already had another kind of man, and I can't go through something like that again. And I think I'd like someone my own age or close to it, if possible, as well." Theresa stopped there and frowned a little.


  "Give me a second--I'm thinking. This isn't as easy as it sounds. I guess I'd go with the standard cliches--I'd like him to be handsome, kind, intelligent, and charming--you know, all those good things that women want in a man."

  Again she paused. Deanna picked up the jack. Her expression showed her pleasure at putting Theresa on the spot.


  "He would have to spend time with Kevin as if he were his own son--that's really important to me. Oh--and he'd have to be romantic, too. I'd love to receive some flowers now and then. And athletic, too. I can't respect a man if I could beat him in arm wrestling."

  "That's it?"

  "Yep, that's all."

  "So, let me see if I've got this right. You want a faithful, charming, handsome, thirty-something-year-old man, who's also intelligent, romantic, and athletic. And he has to be good with Kevin, right?"

  "You got it."

  She took a deep breath as she laid her hand on the table.

  "Well, at least you're not picky. Gin."

  After losing decisively in gin rummy, Theresa went inside to start one of the books she'd brought with her. She sat in the window seat along the back side of the house while Deanna went back to her own book. Brian found yet another golf tournament and spent the afternoon watching it avidly, making comments to no one in particular whenever something caught his interest.

  At six that evening--and, more important, after the golf tournament had ended--Brian and Deanna went for a walk along the beach. Theresa stayed behind and watched from the window as they strolled hand in hand along the water's edge. They had an ideal relationship, she thought as she watched them. They had completely different interests, yet that seemed to keep them together instead of driving them apart.

  After the sun went down, the three of them drove to Hyannis and had dinner at Sam's Crabhouse, a thriving restaurant that deserved its reputation. It was crowded and they had to wait an hour for seats, but the steamed crabs and drawn butter were worth it.
The butter had been flavored with garlic, and among the three of them they went through six beers in two hours. Toward the end of dinner, Brian asked about the letter that had washed up.

  "I read it when I got back from golfing. Deanna had pinned it to the refrigerator."

  Deanna shrugged and laughed. She turned to Theresa with an "I told you someone would do that" look in her eyes but said nothing.

  "It washed up on the beach. I found it when I was jogging."

  Brian finished his beer and went on. "It was quite a letter. It seemed so sad."

  "I know. That's how I felt when I read it."

  "Do you know where Wrightsville Beach is?"

  "No. I've never heard of it."

  "It's in North Carolina," Brian said as he reached into a pocket for a cigarette. "I had a golf trip down there once. Great courses. A little flat, but playable."

  Deanna chimed in with a nod. "With Brian, everything is somehow connected to golf."

  Theresa asked, "Where in North Carolina?"

  Brian lit his cigarette and inhaled. As he exhaled, he spoke.

  "Near Wilmington--or actually, it might even be a part of it--I'm not exactly sure about the boundaries. If you're driving, it's about an hour and a half north of Myrtle Beach. Have you ever heard of the movie Cape Fear?"


  "The Cape Fear River is in Wilmington, and that's where both of the movies were set. Actually, a lot of movies are filmed there. Most of the major studios have a presence in town. Wrightsville Beach is an island right off the coast. Very developed--it's almost a resort community now. It's where a lot of the stars stay while they're on location filming."

  "How come I've never heard of it?"

  "I don't know. I guess it doesn't get much attention because of Myrtle Beach, but it's popular down south. The beaches are beautiful--white sand, warm water. It's a great place to spend a week if you ever get the chance."

  Theresa didn't respond, and Deanna spoke again with a hint of mischief in her tone.

  "So, now we know where our mystery writer is from."

  Theresa shrugged. "I suppose so, but there's still no way to tell for sure. It could have been a place where they vacationed or visited. It doesn't mean he lives there."

  Deanna shook her head. "I don't think so. The way the letter was written--it just seemed like his dream was too real to include a place he had only been to once or twice."

  "You've really given this some thought, haven't you?"

  "Instincts. You learn to go with them, and I'd be willing to bet that Wrightsville Beach or Wilmington is his home."

  "So what?"

  Deanna reached over to Brian's hand, took the cigarette, breathed deeply, and kept it as her own. She had done this for years. In her mind, because she didn't light it, she wasn't officially addicted. Brian, without seeming to notice what she had done, lit another. Deanna leaned forward.

  "Have you given any more thought to having the letter published?"

  "Not really. I still don't know if it's a good idea."

  "How about if we don't use their names--just their initials? We can even change the name of Wrightsville Beach, if you want to."

  "Why is this so important to you?"

  "Because I know a good story when I see one. More than that, I think that this would be meaningful to a lot of people. Nowadays, people are so busy that romance seems to be slowly dying out. This letter shows that it's still possible."

  Theresa absently reached for a strand of hair and began to twist it. A habit since childhood, it was what she did whenever she was thinking about something. After a long moment, she finally responded.

  "All right."

  "You'll do it?"

  "Yes, but like you said, we'll use only their initials and we'll omit the part about Wrightsville Beach. And I'll write a couple of sentences to introduce it."

  "I'm so glad," Deanna cried with girlish enthusiasm. "I knew you would. We'll fax it in tomorrow."

  Later that night, Theresa wrote out the beginning of the column in longhand on some stationery she found in the desk drawer in the den. When she was finished, she went to her room, set the two pages on the bedstand behind her, then crawled into bed. That night she slept fitfully.

  The following day, Theresa and Deanna went into Chatham and had the letter typed in a print shop. Since neither of them had brought their portable computers and Theresa was insistent that the column not include certain information, it seemed like the most logical thing to do. When the column was ready, they faxed it in. It would run in the next day's paper.

  The rest of the morning and afternoon were spent like the day before--shopping, relaxing at the beach, easy conversation, and a delicious dinner. When the paper arrived early the next morning, Theresa was the first to read it. She woke early, finished her run before Deanna and Brian were up, then opened the paper and read the column.

  Four days ago, while I was on vacation, I was listening to some old songs on the radio and heard Sting singing "Message in a Bottle." Spurred to action by his impassioned crooning, I raced to the beach to find a bottle of my own. Within minutes I found one, and sure enough, it had a message inside. (Actually, I didn't hear the song first: I made that up for dramatic effect. But I did find a bottle the other morning with a deeply moving message inside.) I haven't been able to get it off my mind, and although it isn't something I'd normally write about, in a time where everlasting love and commitment seem to be in such short supply, I was hoping you would find it as meaningful as I did.

  The rest of the column was devoted to the letter. When Deanna joined Theresa for breakfast, she read the column as well before looking at anything else. "Marvelous," she said when she finished. "It looks even better in print than I thought it would. You're going to get a lot of mail from this column."

  "Do you think so?"

  "Absolutely. I'm sure of it."

  "Even more than usual?"

  "Tons more. I can feel it. In fact, I'm going to call John today. I'm going to have him place this on the wire a couple times this week. You may even get some Sunday runs with this one."

  "We'll see," Theresa said as she ate a bagel, not really sure whether to believe Deanna or not, but curious nonetheless.


  On Saturday, eight days after she'd arrived, Theresa returned to Boston.

  She unlocked the door to her apartment and Harvey came running from the back bedroom. He rubbed against her leg, purring softly, and Theresa picked him up and brought him to the refrigerator. She took out a piece of cheese and gave it to Harvey while she stroked his head, grateful that her neighbor Ella had agreed to look after him while she was away. After he finished the cheese, he jumped from her arms and ambled toward the sliding glass doors that led to the back patio. The apartment was stuffy from being closed up, and she slid the doors open to air it out.

  After unpacking her bags and picking up her keys and mail from Ella, she poured herself a glass of wine, went to the stereo, and popped in the John Coltrane CD she had bought. As the sound of jazz filtered through the room, she sorted through the mail. As usual, it was mainly bills, and she put them aside for another time.

  There were eight messages on her recorder when she checked it. Two were from men she had dated in the past, asking her to call if she had a chance. She thought about it briefly, then decided against it. Neither of them was attractive to her, and she didn't feel like going out just because she had a break in her schedule. She also had calls from her mother and sister, and she made a note to call them sometime this week. There were no calls from Kevin. By now he was rafting and camping with his father somewhere in Arizona.

  Without Kevin, the house seemed strangely silent. It was tidy as well, though, and this somehow made it a little easier. It was nice to come home to a house and only have to clean up after herself once in a while.

  She thought about the two weeks of vacation she still had left this year. She and Kevin would spend some time at the beach because she had promised hi
m they would. But that left another week. She could use it around Christmas, but this year Kevin would be at his father's, so there didn't seem to be much point in that. She hated spending Christmas alone--it had always been her favorite holiday--but she didn't have a choice, and she decided that dwelling on that fact was useless. Maybe she could go to Bermuda or Jamaica or somewhere else in the Caribbean--but then, she didn't really want to go alone, and she didn't know who else would go with her. Janet might be able to, but she doubted it. Her three kids kept her busy, and Edward most likely couldn't get the time off work. Perhaps she could use the week to do the things around the house she had been meaning to do... but that seemed like a waste. Who wanted to spend their vacation painting and hanging wallpaper?

  She finally gave up and decided that if nothing exciting came to mind, she would just save it for the following year. Maybe she and Kevin would go to Hawaii for a couple of weeks.

  She got into bed and picked up one of the novels she had started at Cape Cod. She read quickly and without distraction and finished almost a hundred pages before she was tired. At midnight she turned off the light. That night, she dreamed she was walking along a deserted beach, though she didn't know why.

  The mail on her desk Monday morning was overwhelming. There were almost two hundred letters there when she arrived, and another fifty arrived later that day with the postman. As soon as she walked into the office, Deanna had pointed proudly at the stack. "See, I told you so," she had said with a smile.

  Theresa asked that her calls be put on hold, and she started opening the mail right away. Without exception, they were responses to the letter she had published in her column. Most were from women, though a few men wrote in as well, and their uniformity of opinion surprised her. One by one, she read how much they had been touched by the anonymous letter. Many asked if she knew who the writer was, and a few women suggested that if the man was single, they wanted to marry him.

  She discovered that almost every Sunday edition across the country had run the column, and the letters came from as far away as Los Angeles. Six men claimed they had written the letter themselves, and four of them wanted royalties for it--one even threatened legal action. But when she examined their handwriting, none of them even remotely resembled the letter's.

  At noon she went to lunch at her favorite Japanese restaurant, and a couple of people who were dining at other tables mentioned that they had read the column as well. "My wife taped it to the refrigerator door," one man said, which made Theresa laugh out loud.


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