The Traveler

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The Traveler Page 9

by Xander Jade

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything over here,” Helen Brighton said as she looked down at us.

  Felicia immediately brightened up, “Helen, how are you doing tonight?”

  The mature woman smirked. “I do well, Felicia. Jen and I are taking Paul out, he’s had a hard week with the kids.”

  I looked over at the man and saw him blush. What the fuck? The guy seemed fragile or at least sensitive. No, that’s not the right word, submissive would be how I would label this male. I’m not into that shit, I mean don’t get me wrong, others can get off on that crap, but not me. Although, thinking on what the women said, it would seem to be a role reversal compared to my world. Yes, of course I know not everyone was that way, but the dad wasn’t usually the stay at home caretaker. The history book of this world did say that the females were running it and calling the shots; it would seem that I had a lot to learn. Damn, I actually felt sorry for the guy.

  Felicia smiled at the guy warmly and said, “Hello, Paul. How are the kids doing?”

  “They’re doing great, though a few times during this week I wanted to throttle them,” he mumbled.

  The ladies laughed and ignored him after that. I shook my head, trying to decipher what was happening here. The women carried on without us. Soon Felicia became engrossed in a conversation with the two women, completely ignoring me. I continued eating, not giving a fuck about them. Helen and Jen glanced my way a few times, but didn’t ask me anything. One bit of the conversation brought me back to attention.

  Helen asked, “The Summer Festival is coming up. Have you given any thoughts about joining a family this year?”

  What the hell does the festival have anything to do with joining a family? Felicia for some reason looked at me and said, “It’s looking that way.”

  The mature blonde narrowed her eyes at me and said, “I see. Well, we better get on to a table. Paul gets cranky when he doesn’t get fed by a certain time. We’ll see you later.” They left, not even once saying anything to me.

  “Bye, Helen!”

  The redhead smiled and looked at me before going back to eating. The woman never even thought about involving me in the discussion they had, not that I cared. After that it became evident that Felicia thought her boss, Helen, hung the moon. It was Helen this or Helen that, when something regarding her job came up. That to me was weird, it even seemed like she may have feelings for her boss. Wonder if Bella knows? Something to keep an eye on. The festival and joining a family were in the front of my mind and I didn’t really pay a great deal of attention to what she was saying at that moment. I shook my head, not wanting to dwell too much on the implications of those words.

  We finished our dinner and I took her home and helped her down off the wagon.

  “Thank you for a wonderful time, Dominic.”

  I nodded and replied, “It was my pleasure, Felicia.”

  I took her hands in mine to bring her closer, then kissed her tenderly.

  She smiled and said, “Goodnight.” I said the same and she walked up the steps into the boarding house.

  Grunting, I got up onto the wagon and rode out of Capena, thinking what a different world it was from mine. I tried to think about how I treated the women folk back on earth and didn’t think it was like what just happened. One date came to mind. I took out Carla, my girlfriend at the time, to an Italian restaurant. We ordered and were talking when friends of mine, Brian and Celicia stopped by our table. The four of us chatted back and forth, even to the point of having them join us. We talked and laughed with each other. I sighed.

  This place is different and since I’m living here now, I will have to get used to some of it. At least, until I find a way home. If I can.

  I made good time and when I arrived at the house, I put the Jutlands into their stalls. When I felt they were comfortable, I went inside the cabin to see William at the table working on his letters. Good boy.

  “William, did you eat?”

  “Yes, sir. Working on my letters.”

  “Awesome. Let me know if you need help.”

  He nodded and I went and grabbed a book to sit down and relax. After a few minutes, he asked, “How was your date?”

  I put down my book and thought about my answer before replying, “It was okay.” I told him what we did and the conversation we had and being interrupted then ignored.

  “Yeah, most of the women do that.”

  “What about this festival?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure, but from what I know it’s a celebration for the town and a chance for people to join with families. You can join at other times, but it lets others know if a family has grown or not.”

  “Huh. Well, not going to care at the moment. I’m headed to bed. Tomorrow we’ll continue working on the house.”

  He nodded and I went to my room.


  It was a couple of days after her date with Dominic and Felicia was at work. It was a slow day and Helen had her in the back to work on paperwork. As she was concentrating on getting all the data correct, she didn’t hear someone come up behind her.

  She jumped as two hands began massaging her shoulders and then a familiar voice whispered in her ear, “It’s okay, dear. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Felicia relaxed and smiled. “Helen. You don’t have to do that.”

  The older woman chuckled and responded in a low voice, “You look tense, just sit there,” Helen started kissing lightly on her neck, “and enjoy.”

  Felicia stammered out, “What are you doing?”

  Helen kept at it and started kissing further down to her breasts. Felicia gasped and moaned.

  “It seems you need some release, hon. Let me take care of that for you.”

  Felicia didn’t know what to do, it was wrong. She was trying to get into Dominic’s family, not Helen’s. But this woman was making her melt. She let Helen pull the chair out and kneel in front of her.

  Helen spread Felicia’s legs and pulled her panties off and licked her lips as she gazed at her sex. “Mmmmmm. What a beautiful pussy. Isabella hasn’t been a very good friend, keeping all this to herself.”

  Helen went down on Felicia, who was shocked still but this didn’t deter her from anything, the pleasure was too great. Before long, Felicia was hollering out in orgasm. The older woman got up and kissed her passionately.

  Felicia could taste herself, as they swirled their tongues together. Helen broke off and looked into her eyes. “Feel better?”

  Felicia gulped and nodded, not knowing what to say. Helen smiled and walked out leaving her to figure out what was going on. What was she going to do now? Isabella wouldn’t care, she’d probably join in. At least, she thought so… Dominic wouldn’t like it though. She sensed it. Felicia put her panties back on and took a couple breaths, pushing the incident out of her mind for now. It probably wouldn’t happen again.


  The next few weeks flew by. The construction on my home was coming along fine. The walls were up, as was the second floor. The two of us were working on the trusses now. I changed my plans. Instead of four rooms, there would be six. The two extra rooms were there for extra space or I could make them into workrooms. Two bathrooms, one on each floor, right above each other.

  During this time, I went back to my rune book to learn some new runes. On a few pages, I discovered that the author left me some gifts, intermediate runes. The inscription said that I would need these and they were right, though to be careful because the runes would take more mana to accomplish. A couple in particular that caught my eye were magic enchantments of heat and waste removal. The heat enchantment could be used for many things but would be placed for a shower or bath. I would install a concrete well with the waste removal runes for my toilets to use and even trash.

  The next group of runes that I was interested in were nullify, displacement, and disintegration. I particularly wanted to try nullify. This rune would cancel out any magic it touched. For instance, if you placed the rune on a
weapon, magic would have no effect on it. Awesome, right? I thought so too.

  I immediately etched the rune on all my blades and arrows. The one drawback was that you couldn’t put any magic enchantments on anything that had the nullify rune on it.

  I had now gone on numerous outings with both Felicia and Isabella, separately of course. I guess we were trying to figure out if we wanted to continue or not. We’d had numerous make out sessions, but hadn’t gone any further. I was still picking up a weird vibe from Felicia. Isabella was great and we seemed to mesh well.

  I was on my way to get some supplies one day, hoping to stop by and check on the two women. Grabbing the items that we needed, I stopped Coal and tied his reins to a post outside Felicia’s workplace and went in. No one was manning the counter. I walked outside to try and locate Felicia, but didn’t see anyone. It was lunchtime, so I guessed they were eating somewhere.

  I started back towards the entrance and had almost made it back outside when I heard some noises coming from the office area. Maybe they were in there. I turned and strolled over. Coming up to the entrance, I saw the door was ajar so I pulled it completely open. To put it mildly, I was caught off guard.

  At first it was just a blur of bodies and sounds as I tried to register what I was seeing, possibly the last thing I’d expected to see behind the office door. Isabella was on the desk, naked, her legs spread open so that Helen – I assumed it was Helen though I mainly had a view of her round ass – could bury her face in her pussy. Felicia was bent over the desk, tits bouncing up and down as Helen’s little husband fucked her from behind. There was a whole lot of moaning and grunting going on. I didn’t know how to feel about this at first, this orgy was so far removed from the staid world of work and supplies I had just come from. I watched for a few moments and then walked away.

  I was about to get up on Coal when a voice called out my name.

  “Mr. Dominic!” I looked over to see Abby and Julia walking over. I chuckled to myself. This ought to be good.

  They came up and Abby started speaking at once, “Have you come to take our moms out on an outing?”

  “No, I was in the area and just came to check on them.”

  Julia nodded. “They both have been talking about you a lot.”

  Abby smiled and asked, “Are you guys talking about joining yet?”

  I shut my eyes and sighed, “We haven’t.”

  Julia went on, “Well, we really hope it works out for you guys.”

  I nodded and thought, Not a chance in hell.

  When I didn’t say anything else, Abby tried again.

  “How is your week going then, Mr. Dominic?”

  “I do well, this week has brought me lots of eye opening experiences, especially today.”

  They glanced at each other, Julia asked, “Have you seen our moms?”

  “I have, they are in Helen’s office. Better hurry though, you may miss them.”

  They told me good day and walked off. I grinned and shook my head as I left the area.


  Abby and Julia walked in, not knowing how to take the conversation they had with Dominic. They just shrugged it off and moved over to Helen’s office, but stopped when they heard moans coming from inside.

  The duo glanced at each other before looking in, wide-eyed when they saw what was happening. Helen and her husband had teamed up to pleasure their moms. The two teens walked away.

  “How stupid can they be?” Abby hissed, clenching her fists.

  “Very, it seems. I suppose that was what Dominic meant about eye opening,” Julia replied as they walked back towards the wainwright building.

  “Maybe they changed their minds? The festival is coming up,” Abby responded, trying to think of reasons they would do this. Julia shook her head and shrugged, she didn’t know.

  Both were cleaning the counter and in their own thoughts when Isabella came in. She was smiling, seemed in a good mood.

  “Girls, did you have a good lunch?”

  They both nodded but didn’t look up, just kept on with their cleaning. Isabella cleared her throat and asked, “Is something wrong, ladies?”

  Abby glared at her. “You tell us. I’ll ask the same questions to you, Mother.”

  Isabella looked taken aback by her daughter’s attitude.

  “Nothing is wrong and I had a great lunch.”

  The teens glanced at each other and mumbled, “We know.”

  Isabella sighed. “I can’t help with what is going on if you don’t tell me.” She looked from one to the other, trying to figure out what was the matter. “Well, let me know if I can be of assistance.”

  The duo didn’t answer, so Isabella turned and went outside to check on a couple of orders that needed to be filled.


  I rode out of Capena, still wondering why the situation didn’t affect me. It was because of the strange vibe I was getting from Felicia. Huh, oh well. At least we didn’t join up as they say. I would’ve had to take matters into my own hands and do some immoral things.

  As I was riding down the road, a movement to the right caught my eye. Someone was waving me down. I stopped Coal when we got near. A small, unkempt woman out of breath, came up to me. My mind spat out, gnome.

  She gasped and said, “Please help us! My friend was attacked, she needs assistance!”

  Without hesitating, I dismounted and grabbed my pack with the first aid equipment inside before tying Coal to a tree. “Show me.”

  The little woman nodded and took off into the woods. We didn’t have to walk far before we came across the woman in need. She was wearing trousers and a blue tunic with blood all over it. I pulled the pack off and dropped to my knees to assess the wounds on the woman. I tried to find cuts and gashes as the small woman kept sobbing and asking me to help her friend. My eyes couldn’t see any wounds to explain all the blood. I lifted my head and was about to ask the gnome what was going on, when something bit into my shoulder. I groaned and turned to look, but fell to the ground after a few moments. My eyes closed and darkness took me in.

  I heard voices around me, but my eyes wouldn’t open, so I went back to sleep. Later on, I finally did open them, but didn’t recognize the rock formation that I was gazing upon. I groaned as I tried to move, it felt like I hadn’t done that for a few days. The first thing that caught my attention was that I was surrounded by iron bars, the next thing was that I wasn’t alone. There was another being beside me. He looked like an elf. What the hell was going on? Not knowing how much time had passed, I tried to lift myself up off the ground.

  The elf saw me and looked over before going back to staring at the wall. I scanned the area. We were in a cavern.

  My voice was scratchy, and I swallowed a few times before asking, “Where are we?”

  He laughed bitterly before responding, “Hell.”

  The guy didn’t go on. I asked in his language, “Can you elaborate?”

  “How do you know my language?”

  I shrugged and smiled, “Educated, I suppose.”

  The elf scoffed, knowing it was a bullshit answer. “We’re prisoners. Look around you, see those other cages? These bitches kidnap and sell us to the highest bidder.” He stared back at the wall. “If they like you well enough, then they will pin you down on that table over there and have their way with you.”

  Well, shit. Rapists and slavers. Fuck, I let myself get caught. Trying to do the right thing and someone takes advantage, sounds like my old world.

  I sighed, “How long have you been here?”

  He didn’t reply at first, but relented and answered, “I believe two weeks. Two females were here but have been gone for a couple of days. Who knows if they will be back or not? Doubtful.”

  I went quiet and meditated. I didn’t look up until someone banged on the bars, well over an hour later.

  “Well, our hero has awoken.”

  Others around laughed at her comment.

  Four females stood before me. The gnome that s
uckered me into their scheme and an elf with blonde hair and pale skin. The other two, a green female with pointy ears and muscular body and one who had a human body from the torso up, but instead of legs, a long, serpentine tail, were surely orc and lamia.

  The orc grinned. “He’s a handsome one, Espa. Can we keep him?”

  Espa, the elf, smirked and replied, “I was thinking the same, Mikra. At least for a little while. The elf has run his course. Dolly, see if we can find a buyer for him.”

  The gnome looked at the elf and shrugged. “Will do.”

  Espa looked back at me and winked. “We’re going to have lots of fun with you, human.”

  They all snickered and left, except the lamia. She stared at me for a few moments before leaving. Bitches.

  The male elf sneered, “It would seem my time here is up. At least I’m done with those skanks.”

  I didn’t respond. I went back to meditating. The night went on and the skanks came back sometime later. Espa and Mikra opened the cage door, the orc had a weapon in her hands.

  Lightning started flowing over the elf’s hands. “Don’t try anything funny or I won’t have any issues using my magic,” she advised me sweetly.

  I rolled my eyes and stood up. They escorted me out to a table on the other side of the cavern, lit up by torches and candles. They strapped me down. Espa made sure the straps were snug.

  “Chalia, give him a dose.”

  The lamia came over with a vial of something in her hands. She pried opened my mouth and a few drops of the liquid landed inside. I started to feel like I was drugged in no time. Whatever she gave me, it made me feel lightheaded and things became cloudy.

  “You should feel good right about now. Chalia’s venom has different reactions, depending on how much she gives you. You know, she’s the one who bit you, making you pass out for a couple of days. If she wanted you dead, then you would be. Those drops she gave you will leave you aware of your surroundings, but you won’t be able to do anything productive. Luckily for us, your lower body will remain highly responsive. Especially your cock.”


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