The Traveler

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The Traveler Page 15

by Xander Jade

  Emoli nodded. “Yes, but these purchases weren’t bought by Nikki. She couldn’t afford them, and…” she held up a thong and garter belt, “it would seem that she’s dressing up for someone.”

  Tianna smiled as she held up a pair of stockings. “So, he’s into lingerie.”

  “Wonder if we get the same treatment?” Celina asked while looking over all the clothing.

  “I hope so. My clothing has gotten a bit drab lately…”

  The three older women looked over at Emoli.

  “Have you changed your mind, hon?” Tianna asked.

  Emoli shrugged and looked at the ground. “Just being here the past two days has been great. I don’t want to miss anything.”

  The others chuckled. Lily smiled and said, “We need to get to the requests that Dom made.”

  Chapter 12

  We collapsed onto the bed, sweaty and breathing hard. Nikki did her thing and both of us were cleaned. She then scooted over and plastered her body to mine.

  The nephilim whispered in my ear, “That was fantastic, Dom. Even though I may be banished from here, it was worth it.”

  “I doubt they would do that.”

  She smiled and scoffed, “Getting pushed to the side by another woman is a big deal. Especially if there is a schedule and we agreed on it.”

  “We’re going to have a discussion about that.”

  Nikki didn’t say anything. I kissed the top of her head and changed the subject.

  “I know that it’s a bit late, but are you on a contraceptive?”

  I wasn’t sure we needed any little ones running around at this point.

  “Birth control?”

  I nodded and she continued, “We have a spell in place for that. Hmm… I may need to make sure it hasn’t lost its potency though. I’ll check with the others as well. If we need to put a new one in place, then it won’t be a big deal.”

  I sighed, and Nikki smirked. “Not wanting any kids, Dom?”

  “Eventually, but not this early.”

  Nikki kissed me tenderly. “Good, because I for one want children. I’ve been aching for years to be a mother. Don’t take that wrong though. We will take some time to get to know each other and then when the time is right…”

  “I agree to that.”

  “Hmm… the others will want kids as well, Dom.”

  I grunted and went another direction, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I have a question about your pubic hair.”

  She looked at me curiously. “What about it?”

  I answered carefully, “Is there a reason that you let it go without grooming or do you like it that way?”

  The blonde sighed and replied, “The blades nick me and sometimes pull the hair out instead of cutting it. It’s very uncomfortable afterwards and itchy. The same thing happens to my armpits and legs, but it’s bearable and I’m used to it. Matter of fact, every female on Risona has this problem unless they are without hair everywhere except their head.”

  “Would you groom down below if it wouldn’t hurt you?”

  She thought about it and was staring at me with narrowed eyes. “I would, but not going to happen. Why are you asking this?”

  I smiled and asked, “Would you try something out for me?”

  The nephilim sat up and asked hesitantly, “What?”

  I advised her to wait right there as I hurried to the kitchen to get the items needed. A few minutes later, I had a towel, a bowl of water, the bottles of shaving cream and moisturizer, and my blade. Setting the bowl down on the nightstand, I gestured for her to come to the edge of the bed and sit on the towel.

  I held up the bottles and my blade. “These three items are something that I made the other day. You’ve heard of shaving cream?”

  The blonde nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t get any because it felt unnecessary.”

  “You should always use it, but that is beside the point. The other bottle is a moisturizer, which should help with the razor burn if you have any. Now, the blade you see in my hand has a rune on it which only cuts the hair on the body.”

  I could see Nikki wanted to protest, but held her tongue and just nodded. I continued, “Would you like to try it out?”

  She just looked at it like the blade was poisonous.

  I sighed, thinking that I needed to shave today anyway. “Would you like for me to demonstrate?”

  She nodded and while I was watching her, my hand took the blade and without any cream, I went down my face quickly. Nikki gasped and yelled out, “Dom!” She took my face in her hands, expecting to see a gash.

  “No marks or blood, just a clean path.”

  She took the blade from me and looked it over. A minute later, she put shaving cream on a spot below one of her knees. The blade went slowly up her leg, she smiled after realizing that the blade wasn’t going to hurt and before I knew it, Nikki had shaved her legs and armpits. After that, she shaved my face as well.

  Cleaning up the shaving cream and drying off, Nikki applied the moisturizer as well. She shook her head. “Fuck, Dominic. Another invention that has the capability to take the world by storm.” She took a breath and stood up, showing me her nice legs. “Thank you for that, hon. It’s a wonderful blade. … Will you step out while I shave downstairs?”

  I chuckled. “Are you serious?” I could see her naked right now, what did it matter if I stayed in the room or not?

  “Yes. Please?”

  I rolled my eyes thinking that it was crazy, but I nodded.

  “Alright. Just put the items on the dresser when you’re done. I’ll clean them and put them up in the cupboard later.”

  Guess it’s a good thing that I enchanted two more razors. The others will want to use them too.

  I got dressed and she winked as I stepped out. I got some water and drank my fill.

  The items that we purchased were on the table. We could get the cream, cheese, and butter made now. The saddlebags and the packs were also inside. Heading outside, I saw everyone working on different tasks. Emoli was over by the smokehouse, Tianna at the house, Lily and Celina were in the garden. I didn’t see William.

  Lily saw me first and started my way, Celina and Tianna right behind her. Emoli finished what she was doing and came up last.

  “Where’s William?”

  “In the barn, feeding the horses. We’ll need to let them out and graze in the field. Feed is running out as well,” Lily replied.

  Celina butted in, “Tell us what happened.”

  I told them about going into town. Tianna and Emoli asked about Felicia and Isabella, they didn’t know who they were but were nervous now. I stopped the conversation. “Ladies, you have no need to be worried. You’re here and they aren’t. The daughters are acquainted with me, they want me to talk to Isabella to see if we can patch up the relationship. Not sure what will happen, but this happened before we met.”

  They nodded and I went on, telling them about the journey home, minus the tryst on the wagon. About us being attacked. At that point, Nikki walked up. “Ladies, please forgive me. I…”

  Holding up my hand at the argument that was about to happen, I took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m not used to this, but I will not become some play thing for you women to pass around. If you want to use a schedule, then I won’t fight it, but during the day if the mood catches me, or any of you, then it should just happen normally and without any friction between you ladies. Everyone understand?”

  They looked at each other and nodded before looking down. Lily voiced her concern, “We just went with what was custom, please don’t think that we see you as a fuck toy. That’s far from the truth, Dom.”

  Celina came over to me and wrapped me in a tight embrace. “Honey, we are very sorry. We should’ve known that things would be different with you. Please forgive us.”

  I hugged her back and said, “There isn’t anything to forgive. If you ladies live here, then we need open communication and no fighting amongst ourselves.”

  They nodded.

  Lily changed the topic. “Dom, we’ve been thinking. We don’t want you to sell any enchanted items yet. We’re not ready.”

  They all nodded and Nikki put in her two cents’ worth, “I agree. And you’ll be even more convinced when I tell you what happened with those bandits. What Dom hasn’t told you yet, is how we killed them.”

  They nodded and I rolled my eyes.

  “Why are you about to spill my secret?”

  She smiled and batted her eyes at me.

  “Because… you said we need to communicate. I'm just following your commands.”

  The others chortled at her statement. I grunted as she continued, “Ladies, it wasn’t me who took out most of the gang. It was our man here. He took out five elves that were wielding magic with arrows.”

  The group gasped and started talking all at once. I glared at the nephilim, she just smiled and winked at me. Putting my hand up, I tried to calm them down, but to no avail.

  Tianna asked, “Dom, how is that possible? They had to have magical shields.”

  The ladies all looked at me with concern, maybe fear? Even William was nervous. I sighed, “Because I enchanted all of my weapons with a rune called nullify.”

  Emoli and Tianna put hands over their mouths, Lily and Celina backed up. William was confused at my statement and the movements of the others. He asked, “Why are you all acting that way? What does the rune do?”

  FInally, Emoli broke the silence. “When the rune is activated, it cancels out magic. Making any weapon that is inscribed with it, very dangerous for magic users.”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t have to be a weapon. It could be on anything, like a rock or a tree. I’m not sure what the affected area will be, but within a certain radius, magic will not work. If our kingdom broke out in war, most of the battles would be won because of magic. If that rune was implemented, it would end the war because both sides would be forced into combat, without magic. The mages, wizards, and sorcerers would have no defense unless they were armed, which most aren’t,” Tianna said in a low voice.

  Wow, I didn’t think of that happening. Huh. That one rune could change the world if a tyrant had access to it.

  I closed my eyes and took a few breaths before opening them again.

  “Dom, can you give me some time to talk with the girls?” Nikki asked.

  I looked over at the nephilim, and her eyes were pleading with me to say yes.

  “William, let’s get dinner started.”

  We entered the cabin and he worked on getting the stove lit while I went and got some meat to cook, thinking about what was discussed. I shook my head. I wasn’t going to worry about that shit right now.


  Nikki waited to make sure Dom and William were inside before voicing her concern, “We have some decisions to make ladies. Dominic didn’t tell you the whole story of our battle. I watched him through the whole ordeal. He didn’t have bloodlust, the man was calm and collected. Now, I’m not an archer, but in my logical mind, this is how I think it would happen. If five different targets were far apart then it would take time to aim. That isn’t what happened. He took out five arrows and shot them all within five seconds. He didn’t even wait to see the result, but jumped from the wagon with his sword, walking towards his prey. I got down when he did and killed the barbarian and gnome, mostly because they were in shock to see their people taken down so quickly. … Dom is a scary fucker, he had me leave the two lamias alone. He knew one of them, it was the chick who helped heal him. I thought he was going to kill both of them as well, but he gave them money to leave and to never return.”

  The nephilim let them stew on those words for a minute before continuing, “The first item to discuss is whether or not we stay.”

  “Why the hell would we leave?” Celina demanded, still thinking about how it was her turn to spend the night with Dom.

  “Because… we’re all in danger at the moment,” Lily replied.

  The others thought about it and nodded.

  Tianna spoke out, “I for one will stay. I’ve been looking for a male like Dominic my entire life. Some of his methods are definitely unorthodox, but I can’t fault him for wanting to change society today. Hell, maybe if more males acted like him, then our world would be better. Not sure if that statement is accurate, but that’s how I feel. I’ll be by his side unless he tells me to leave.”

  Lily and Celina agreed with her. They all looked at Emoli, she didn’t say anything.

  Nikki sighed and spoke her concern, “Alright, I’m with you on this. The second item is this, I have put myself on his side and will protect him in any way I can. But we’re going to need help, ladies. The man is an enchanter and an inventor, look at the stuff he has made. … How are we going to keep him safe?”

  None of the group spoke up to answer her. After a minute or so, Emoli asked to verify, “Are you saying we should get more people involved?”

  Nikki nodded. “Yes. Not necessarily more people in his bed, but to help guard and even work for him. Just like the booth he wants to open, who will run it?”

  Celina answered without hesitation, “I would think we would all pitch in.”

  The others nodded.

  Nikki shook her head. “Not sure, maybe, but Dom shouldn’t be there. Something will come up about one of his products. Maybe someone will say that it is extraordinary and ask where he came up with the idea or how he accomplished it. Dom will laugh then act like it is no big deal before he shrugs and says that he made it. Now, what will happen when people hear of some of his inventions? The portable cold box for example.”

  They all sighed, and Lily replied in a low voice, “Everyone will know within a day or two, then it will spread all over.”

  Nikki grunted before continuing, “Yes. With the inventions he is making, all hell will break loose sooner or later. He created a razor that only cuts the hair on your body. Doesn’t nick or cut anything else. Did any of you know that?”

  They all shook their heads. Nikki pulled up her dress exposing her legs, “No cuts or nicks, not even razor burn. The bastard also makes his own shaving cream and moisturizer.”

  The women looked at and felt her smooth legs. After a few moments, the nephilim went ahead and pulled her dress further up with one hand to show off her freshly shaved cunt. The shameless nephilim didn’t put any panties back on. Emoli gasped when she first saw it and the others did as well a few moments afterwards. They were all stunned.

  “Yes, as you can see, my pubes are gone. No pain or cuts either.” She stroked her smooth skin before letting her dress fall back into place. “He’s a genius. That razor he enchanted is amazing.”

  Lily cleared her throat, knowing she needed a good trim as well. “When did you learn of this?”

  “He had me try it after we, umm… you know.”

  Celina hissed but didn’t voice her opinion about being slighted. Instead she said, “So, where can we find this razor?”

  Nikki giggled and pointed towards the cabin. “In his bedroom.”

  The ladies that hadn’t used the razor all huddled together and lifted their right hands, then looked at each other. They nodded and started moving them up and down for a few moments before settling on their selections. Rock, paper, or scissors. They repeated this until they had a winner.

  “Yeah! I’m next, bitches!” Emoli yelled out with glee.

  “Alright, get it done. We’ll play again until we’ve worked out the order,” Tianna grumbled.

  Emoli moved over to Nikki. “Will you show me where it is? And maybe tonight we could play together?”

  Nikki smiled and winked at the elf. “That would be great. I almost summoned you to come and eat Dom’s cum out of me. The man shot a big load.”

  Emoli kissed her and they went inside. Dom and William were getting dinner together as they walked by. Nikki got his attention. “Emoli is going to use that amazing razor that you have.”

  Dominic nodded and they hurried into his room.


  I was getting dinner together when they came inside to wash up. William pulled the steaks off of the stove and placed them onto their plates. I pulled the baked potatoes off and put one on each before grabbing the pot of beans that was boiling. I doled a helping on to each plate and put the pot to the side on the cooling grate.

  The women got the glasses and filled them with water or milk, whatever everyone wanted. I grabbed the bread and sliced some for the women before sitting down.

  Emoli and Nikki came out of my bedroom. I looked up and saw them smile at me. I wasn’t sure what that was about but nodded to them when they walked over to the table. As we were about to dig in, William asked, “Where are the condiments, Dom?”

  Everyone was confused at his question and before I could answer, Lily asked, “What are condiments?”

  He explained to the ladies with a smile, “They’re flavor enhancers.”

  I gestured for him to get them. He walked to the cold room and got the jars of ketchup, mayo, and barbecue sauce. Bringing them to the table, he sat them down and opened the lids.

  “Ladies,” I announced, “these are condiments. You can put them on bread for sandwiches or really anything that you want flavor on. For instance, the one to the right is barbecue sauce. It can be used on steak and other meat. I would rather have steak sauce but haven’t figured out the right ratio for it. Anyway, sample them and tell me what you think. I’ll cut up some of my steak for you to use.”

  I cut up pieces and sat them on a separate plate then spooned some of each condiment on the plate. They all looked at the plate, but didn’t many any moves towards it. I got up and grabbed some toothpicks, then set them by the plate of steak pieces. Picking a toothpick up, I poked a piece and dipped it into the barbecue sauce and placed it into my mouth and ate it. In my opinion, it was good. Celina mimicked my move, then hesitantly put it into her mouth.

  At first, she didn’t show anything, but as she chewed, the feline beastkin started smiling and reached for another piece. The others were curious then and started sampling as well. All of them were making sounds of approval. Before I knew it, they had spooned their favorite into their plate to start on their steaks.


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