The Medicine Man, Book 2

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The Medicine Man, Book 2 Page 3

by Beverly Cialone


  Ashwin sighed as he wearily let himself into his darkened apartment, grateful that Silver Moon and her kids were asleep. He was in no mood for another long discussion like the one he'd had with her the night before, but his serenity was short-lived when Silver Moon stirred and slowly sat up on the sofa. “Ashwin? Is that you?”

  Ashwin sighed and set his keys on the counter. “Yes, it's me. Were you expecting someone else?”


  Ashwin opened the fridge and retrieved a bottle of water, and after removing the cap he inquired, “So how was your day? Did you have any luck finding anything?”

  Silver Moon sighed and got to her feet. “Not really.”

  “It's a slow process. You'll just have to keep trying.”

  “I suppose so.” She walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter as she studied his tired face. “How was your day?”

  Ashwin sighed and took a long pull from the bottle before he replied, “Long, tiring, and tedious. That's about par for the course in my line of work.”

  “I see.”

  “How was your day?”

  Silver Moon shrugged. “Oh, the usual. Tending to the baby and Sani.”

  “So what did you name the baby?”

  Silver Moon smiled. “Silver Wolf, after me and his father.”

  Ashwin nodded but said nothing else as he finished the bottle of water and tossed it into the trash. Silver Moon took a step closer to him and murmured, “Ashwin...”


  “Ashwin, I know a man has needs...why won't you let me fulfill those needs?”

  Ashwin set his mouth in a straight line and curled his hands around the edge of the counter as he prepared to ward off what he knew was coming next. “Silver, I really don't think that now is a good time to have this particular discussion.”

  “Why not? It's late, it's dark, it's quiet, the kids are asleep...we have all night to 'discuss' things.”

  Ashwin tightened his grip on the counter as he said through clenched teeth, “It's late and I'm tired. I think you should get some sleep so you'll be able to tend to the children tomorrow.”

  Silver Moon took yet another step closer, and Ashwin caught a whiff of her enticing perfume as she finally made contact with his body. He swallowed hard when he felt her brush against his thigh, and he couldn't stop the gasp that escaped him when he felt her fingers gently tease his crotch, which was slowly showing signs of life despite his loud mental protests. Her full, ripe breasts were pressed tightly against his side as she stood on tiptoe and whispered, “Please, Ashwin...we were so good together...don't you remember? It could be like that again.”

  Ashwin swallowed hard and closed his eyes as he prayed for the strength to make himself immune to her seductive advances, and he silently cursed the way his pulse quickened when Silver Moon stretched even higher so that her mouth was level with his ear as she breathed, “It's been so long, Ashwin...I have needs as were always great at satisfying those needs.”

  The feel of her warm breath tickling his ear caused him to shiver, and he tightened his grip on the counter as he said, “You just had a baby two weeks ago, Silver...your body isn't ready...”

  “Oh, it's ready, alright,” she whispered as she gave his crotch a gentle squeeze before she gently situated her knee between his legs. She savored the delicious heat she felt there, and as she slid her hand around the back of Ashwin's neck she added, “Please, Ashwin...I promise it will be well worth it...I will give you everything you want and then some...”

  Ashwin was aware of the hard, hot bulge in the front of his pants, but his resolve remained firm as his thoughts immediately went to Kasey. His sweet, innocent, loveable Kasey, who definitely wouldn't understand his weakness in a moment like this. He whipped his head to the side when he felt Silver Moon's lips brush against his, but his voice was nothing more than a faltering whisper as he said, “No...”

  Undaunted, Silver Moon increased the pressure of her knee against his crotch as she curled her fingers around his ponytail and gave a gentle tug. “ know you want it, know you want ME...just say it...”

  In that instant, he had a vision—a vision of Kasey watching them through a thick glass window, her hands pressed against the glass, a look of utter defeat and hurt on her sweet, innocent face. Ashwin gasped and opened his eyes, then glanced down at Silver Moon and fought down a wave of nausea when he realized just how close he'd come to committing an unforgivable sin. He finally unclenched his hands from around the counter and placed them on Silver Moon's shoulders, and as he firmly set her away from him he shook his head and said, “No, Silver. This is wrong. You DO know I'm involved with someone else, right?”

  Ashwin felt a twinge of sympathy for her as he watched a mix of emotions cross her face, but he suddenly realized that he no longer loved her and never would again. Silver Moon took a faltering step backwards and stammered, “I—I'm sorry, Ash...I had no idea...”

  “She's in the hospital, Silver. That's why I've been moody these last few days. I just figured it was only fair to let you know.”

  Despite what he'd just told her, Silver Moon refused to believe that she would never again be able to have Ashwin the way she'd had him ten years ago. She stepped closer and pressed herself against him again, then murmured, “Please, Ashwin...give me a chance...just one more chance...for old time's sake?”

  Any sympathy that Ashwin felt for her suddenly disappeared then, and his anger was evident as he pushed her away from him again and exclaimed, “No, Silver! Did you not hear what I just said? I am involved with someone else. Things are over between you and I, and have been for the last ten years! I'm sorry, Silver, but I just don't feel that way about you anymore, and sex isn't going to change my mind.”

  “But Ashwin...we have a child together!”

  Ashwin shrugged, clearly unmoved by her statement as he responded, “Fine, then. I'll order a paternity test for myself and the boy, and if he is indeed my child, then I will do the right thing by him and make sure he is well taken care of.”

  “But Ashwin...don't you think he needs his father in his life on a regular basis?”

  Ashwin gave a short, derisive laugh before he said, “Looks like the two of you have managed just fine for the past ten years without me. Why bring something like that up now?”

  Full of hurt and anger, Silver Moon stepped back and folded her arms across her chest as she spat, “Fine. You go right ahead and go running off to your poor, pathetic, sick little girlfriend. But despite what you say, things aren't over between us by a long shot!”

  Ashwin sighed in disgust and shook his head. “It's late and I'm tired. Goodnight, Silver.”

  Silver Moon watched as Ashwin disappeared into his bedroom, and for several moments she stood rooted to the spot, convinced that he would somehow have a miraculous change of heart and come back out into the kitchen to take her up on her offer. When that didn't happen, she walked over to the sofa and sat down hard on the plush cushions, her mind churning with questions that she had no answers to. Knowing that sleep would be a useless pursuit, she walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, grateful for the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore that hid her sobs of defeat and despair.


  Silver Moon was fast asleep when Ashwin left for work the next morning, and for that he was grateful as he replayed her catty actions and their disastrous conversation in his head. He wasn't normally mean-spirited, but she had pushed him to his limit by acting so out of character. The Silver Moon he used to know would have never done what she'd done last night, nor would she have waited ten years to inform him that he had a child. He sighed and shook his head in an effort to clear it of his troubled thoughts, and after grabbing a much-needed cup of coffee from the hospital cafeteria, he felt well-prepared to face the challenges his day would likely bring. By the time his shift was over, he was more than ready to go upstairs and see Kasey. As usual, the nurse
allowed him through the huge double doors into the psychiatric ward, but the sight of Dr. Hall standing at the foot of Kasey's bed was cause for concern as he casually walked into the room. “Good evening, Dr. Hall. How is Kasey doing?”

  “Much better, actually. Her vitals are stable, and her pupils are responsive to light. It's safe to say she's simply sleeping now.”

  Ashwin's heart jumped into his throat as he hesitantly inquired, “Are you saying that she's out of her catatonic state?”

  Dr. Hall sighed. “That's a tough call to make, Dr. Ross, but I would hesitantly—and I mean VERY hesitantly—say yes. She has shown no characteristic symptoms of catatonia all day.”

  “Has she opened her eyes?”

  “If so, she did it when no one else was in the room with her.”

  Ashwin sighed as he glanced down at Kasey's pale but otherwise peaceful face. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply and evenly, as if she were simply sleeping. He sat down in the chair beside the bed and continued to gaze at her as Dr. Hall said, “I'll perform another EEG tomorrow and let you know what the results are.”

  Ashwin nodded, not taking his eyes from Kasey's face as he wondered if what the owl had instructed him to do had actually worked. If so—and he had no reason to doubt the creature, as he had trusted its knowledge, wisdom, and advice for the past twenty-two years—then he knew what he had to do next. He kept his intentions a secret from Dr. Hall, though, who would more than likely scoff at his plan since it wasn't considered part of a “normal” medical procedure. He sighed and propped his chin on his palm, although a small smile danced at the corners of his mouth. Such was the life of a Shaman in the twenty-first century.

  “Go away,” Kasey grumbled when Ashwin gently shook her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. Ashwin simply laughed at her response, and in an amused voice he gently inquired, “Why?”

  Kasey opened one eye and squinted up at him. “Because I'm sleeping, that's why.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “I dunno. Long enough to fall asleep on my rock.”

  Ashwin laughed again and teased, “Your rock, huh?”

  “Do you see anyone else sleeping on it?”

  “Well, no, but--”

  “Then it's my rock. Go away.”


  “But I'm tired, Ashwin. So tired.”

  “Why are you tired, sweetheart?”

  “I don't know. All I know is, I want to stay on my nice warm rock and sleep. For a long time.”

  “Don't you think my bed would be much more comfortable?”

  Kasey opened one eye again. “Now you're just teasing me.”

  “No, I'm not.”

  “You're being a big meanie.”

  Ashwin laughed and echoed, “A big meanie, huh? That's a new one on me.”

  Kasey sighed and squirmed around on the rock in an attempt to find a comfortable position, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now that Ashwin was here. She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, then glared at Ashwin, who was standing beside her with an amused smile on his face. She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest as she indignantly inquired, “What's so funny?”

  “You are.”

  “How am I funny?”

  Ashwin gave a nonchalant shrug. “I thought you were tired. I thought your rock was all nice and warm and comfortable.”

  “It is.”

  “So then why aren't you asleep?”

  Kasey slowly got off the rock and stood so close to Ashwin that she could feel his body heat. She gazed up into his enigmatic brown eyes and replied, “Because I miss you.”

  Ashwin gently pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head as he murmured, “I've missed you too, sweetheart.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “I thought you liked it here.”

  “Well, I do, but--”

  “But what?”

  Kasey sighed. “That rock hurts my butt.”

  Ashwin couldn't help the wild laughter that exploded out of him at her statement, and after wiping tears from his eyes he grew serious again. “You'll be home soon, I promise.”

  Kasey sighed as she contemplated what he'd just said. She cocked her head to the side and gazed up at him as she inquired, “Will you rub my butt?”

  Ashwin laughed again and said, “I will rub anything you want me to, sweetheart. I thought you already knew that.”

  Kasey smiled at his answer, but there was still a trace of sadness in her eyes as she softly inquired, “And why would you be willing to do that?”

  Ashwin pinned her with an incredulous look as he replied, “Are you serious?”


  “I will do that, and anything else you need or want me to do, because I love you, Kasey.”

  Tears welled in Kasey's eyes at his tender statement, and in that moment Ashwin partially understood why it had taken Kasey so long to return from the brink. She'd just needed to hear him say it. All things considered, he had no trouble forgiving himself for failing to see that simple fact as he crushed her against his chest and breathed deeply of her soft, silky, sweet-smelling hair.

  Ashwin arrived home just in time to see Silver Moon setting the table, and he inwardly groaned when he realized that he was expected to sit down and have a pleasant dinner with this woman as if last night had never happened. Despite the fact that he'd barely eaten all day, he was in no mood for her cooking or any of her questionable ploys to be allowed into his bed. He sighed and wearily placed his keys on the counter, then said, “I'm not really hungry, Silver. I appreciate the effort, but I think I'm just going to shower and call it a night.”

  “But Ashwin, I made your favorite!”

  Ashwin sighed again as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “Silver, you don't even know what my favorite is anymore.”

  A triumphant look crossed Silver Moon's face as she replied, “A thick, juicy rib eye steak cooked to perfection. Medium rare and topped with Portabello mushrooms, just the way you like it. A fresh salad, garlic bread, and your favorite steak sauce and salad dressing on the side.”

  Ashwin wearily rubbed his chin as he took in the tempting spread of food before him, but as he glanced across the kitchen, he noticed the bag from Thoroughbred's peeking from the corner of his trash can. Before he could stop himself, he began to laugh heartily, and after a few moments of his deep laughter he said, “That's a good one, Silver. You really had me going there for a minute.”

  Silver Moon frowned up at him and inquired, “What are you talking about?”

  Ashwin spread his hands in front of him and said, “I know you ordered this from Thoroughbred's. Nice try, but I am definitely not interested.”

  “But Ash--”

  Ashwin shook his head and said nothing more as he quickly strode toward his bedroom. Moments later he firmly shut and locked the door, then leaned against it and sighed in relief to be away from her. Why on earth had he agreed to let her stay, and how on earth was he going to make her leave without seeming like a total ass? He shook his head and pushed away from the door, then headed straight for the bathroom in the hopes that a long, hot shower would help clear his head. He emerged half an hour later and donned his underwear and pajama bottoms, then climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.


  Ashwin groaned and sighed at the feel of Kasey's warm, gentle fingers firmly stroking up and down his manhood, and as he reached out to pull her closer, he sighed again before he drowsily murmured, “God, I have missed you SO much...”

  “I've missed you too, Ashwin,” Silver Moon purred as she snuggled against his warm body and gently increased the pressure of her fingers against his member. Ashwin blinked in surprise before the fog of sleep fled from his brain, and after vacating his side of the bed, he switched on the lamp and stood staring down at Silver Moon. His face was dark with raw anger as he realized what she'd been trying to do, and his teeth were clenched as he slowly pointed to
wards the door and growled, “GET OUT. NOW.”

  “But Ash, you were obviously enjoying it! Why do you insist on refusing to let me pleasure you? Why do you insist on this self-inflicted torture of abstinence, when it's clear what you want?”

  Ashwin was breathing so hard that his nostrils flared, and as he walked around to the other side of his bed he pointed at Silver Moon and dangerously intoned, “I want nothing from you, Silver, except for you to get the hell out of my apartment, get the hell out of my life, and stay there! Is that clear?”

  “Ash, surely you don't mean that!”

  Ashwin swallowed hard and clenched his hands into fists in order to keep from striking her. He didn't know if she was that desperate, or if she had some kind of mental issue that prevented her from taking his words at face value. Whatever her reason, he refused to play this game with her, because he was well aware of what the consequences could be. He stood beside the bed, stony-faced and still breathing hard as he waited for Silver Moon to get out of his bed. Instead she simply picked up the photo that featured Ashwin and Kasey at the Blast From the Past Beach Bash, and her voice was cunningly soft as she gently traced the outline of Kasey's face in the photo. “Is this her, Ash? Is this the woman who has stolen your heart?”

  Ashwin said nothing as he watched Silver Moon stroking the photo, but he knew that her intentions were less than noble as she suddenly stopped stroking the image of Kasey's face and instead began stroking his. Tears welled in her eyes as she continued stroking his face, and even though her voice remained soft, Ashwin felt a chill creep up his spine as she said, “Do you know how long I've loved this face? How long I've dreamed of being able to wake up to this face every morning? How many times I've yearned to see this face gazing down at me during lovemaking? Do you, Ashwin?”


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