Omega's Savior (Omega Destiny, International Book 3)

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Omega's Savior (Omega Destiny, International Book 3) Page 1

by Kian Rhodes

  Omega Destiny, International

  Book Three

  Omega’s Savior


  Kian Rhodes

  Nom de Plume Publications, LLC

  Omega’s Savior

  ISBN: 978-1-945854-92-7

  All content including, but not limited to, characters and situations are the intellectual property of the author and may not be used in any way without prior written approval.

  Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven




  “Come on, baby,” Hudson cajoled me, arousal pitching his voice higher than normal as he pinned me against the wall in the tiny supply closet we were hiding in. A couple of months earlier one of the other Omegas, Cielo, had caught me blowing Hudson in the library stacks so we’d had to start being creative about our hiding spots after that. “I drove all the way out here to see you and you’re gonna leave me with blue balls?”

  I blew out a sigh and tried to rein in my annoyance. “I offered a blow job,” I reminded him. “When you said you were coming to see me, you never told me you expected to fuck me in a storage closet. Besides, we don’t even have a condom and my cycle will start in the next day or two. It’s not safe.”

  “I’ll just put the tip in.” Hudson bent down to kiss my neck. “I’ll bust my nut all over your sexy ass instead,” he promised. “You know the last thing I want to do is knock you up before you get out of here and we can be together, don’t you, baby?”

  I sighed again. “Yes, but..”

  As soon as he heard the yes Hudson quit listening. He yanked my jeans and underwear down over my hips and spun me around, shoving my face into a mildewed mop hanging on the rack. Before I could argue or tell him he misunderstood, there was a blinding pain in my ass that had me gasping for breath as my body tightened against the intrusion.

  “Oh, yeah, baby,” Hudson grunted as he continued to force his way into my body, completely oblivious to my agony. “You’re so fucking tight.”

  I was literally frozen in pain and tears began to stream down my face. Luckily, Hudson was so keyed up that it didn’t take long. A few more teeth-grinding jabs into my body and Hudson stiffened behind me, the wetness dripping down my crease telling me loud and clear that he hadn’t bothered to pull out before he finished.

  I wiped my tears on my shirt and tried to fake a smile, but there wasn’t any need. Jerking his pants up, Hudson already had one hand on the doorknob when he kissed my cheek. “That was good, kid. Thanks.”

  Letting himself out of the closet, Hudson left me standing in the dark with my jeans around my ankles and a sinking suspicion that I had just fucked up royally.


  Six Weeks Later

  Sitting in the tiny jack-and-jill bathroom that I shared with the room on the other side of me, I stared at the two pink lines on the stupid stick.


  How the fuck had I been stupid enough to get pregnant my first time having actual sex? I groaned; the sound drowned out by knocking on the door from the other room.

  “Can you hurry up? I really need to go!”

  Stuffing the test in my pocket, I flushed the toilet and flipped the lock, shoving the door open. “It’s all yours.”

  I’d never been so glad to be in-between roommates -not like I was really ever thrilled to have one-as I sat down on my bed and stared at Hudson’s number in my phone, wondering how to explain to him that we were going to have a baby. Maybe crack a joke? Tell him that since he’d liked my ass so much I’d decided to let him keep it? Or aim for serious and mature? Calmly explain that there were consequences of the decision we’d made? Or, rather, the decision he had made for us. I was still working through the options when I tapped his name to dial the call.

  The call that went dead nearly immediately.

  The call that ended as though I’d been blocked from calling him.

  I dialed again and then a third time, moving from spot to spot in the room in case a bad signal was the culprit, but nothing worked.

  My head began to spin as I realized the enormity of the situation, of the trouble that my lack of self-control had landed me in, just as my father had always said it would. Dropping to my knees in the center of the room, I barely even noticed when my phone slipped from my fingers to land lightly on the beige carpet.

  I spent the rest of the day wandering around in a haze, alternating between knowing that I’d been used and discarded and then a minute later reassuring myself that it had to be some sort of mistake. If I could only speak to Hudson, I was sure we could resolve everything, but the call withered and dropped every time I dialed.

  I was lying in bed, trying desperately to sleep when an unwelcome thought assaulted me. I’d been shipped off to the Omega Destiny, International program to keep me out of my father’s way. Now that I was pregnant and still three months from my twenty-first birthday, there was nothing to keep him from pulling me out and sending me to a work program or worse. Or even forcing me to hand the baby over to the courts for placement, branding me incorrigible, and dumping me in a fucking convent for the rest of my days.

  If I could somehow manage to keep my condition a secret, I could use the time before my birthday to plan my escape -our escape, I silently corrected myself, laying one hand on my still-flat belly. Laying in the dark and pondering my situation, the perfect way to avoid detection came to me.

  The most recent rescued Omega, Bari, was pregnant with twins and his scent was so strong that it overshadowed everything around him. If I could simply arrange to sit near him when we were in groups, there was a very real chance that I could actually keep my condition a secret long enough to finally be my own man.

  Giving up on sleep, I switched on the bedside lamp and reached for the pen and paper I kept on the nightstand, beginning a list of everything I knew about Bari’s schedule and where I’d seen him in his free time. If this plan was going to work, I’d need to spend as much time around Bari as possible and God knew I needed the plan to work.


  “You want to run that by me one more time, Chuck?” I switched the phone from my left shoulder to my right and reached for the rag I was using to polish the hubcaps on my vintage Chevy truck. “I’m pretty sure you lost me somewhere.”

  Specifically, where the favor he wanted was for me to come sex up a pregnant Omega, if I was going to be honest.

  Chuck’s sigh came through my receiver loud and clear. “We caught a case where the Omega is pregnant and suffering from a severe case of neglect.” His voice softened slightly. “He’s carrying twins, Sy. If I can’t find a willing Alpha, we’re going to lose all three.”

  Pain flared through my heart. “Not a fair play, Chuck.”

  “I know,” my old friend agreed, “but we’re desperate, Sy. He tried to commit suicide, Sy. I’ve got a volunteer working with him, but the Alpha already has a mate and it isn’t taking well. I need an unbonded Alpha from a strong line.” Chuck paused. “By the time I can submit a formal request for services through the council, it will be too late.”


  “Where’s the sire?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Well, crap.

  I glanced at the huge old-fashioned wall clock next to my shop door. “I can be there in three hours.”

  I swore I could feel Chuck’s relief radiating through the phone.

  “I appreciate this, Sy. There’s more to the story than I can tell you and some of it really needs to be his choice to share, but this is a huge favor that you’re doing us.”

  “Not us,” I corrected with a snort. “You. And it’s not a favor. You had my back more times than I could count, likely more times than I even knew. This is a small attempt at repaying the debt.”

  “There is no debt, Sy. There never was,” Chuck’s voice had thickened slightly. “But I appreciate this so much. You’ve always been one of the good ones and I know how hard this is for you. Thank you.”

  I waved his comments off even though I knew he couldn’t see me through the phone. “The sooner we hang up, the sooner I’ll be there.”

  "Möge das Mondlicht deinen Rücken bedecken."

  A smile crossed my lips at the sound of the homage that hadn’t reached my ears in too many years. "May the moonlight cover your back as well, my friend. I’ll see you before the sun sets.“

  Disconnecting the call, I shoved my phone into my pocket and headed for the house, mentally running through the contents of the go bag I always kept packed by the front door. With the addition of a few small items, it was entirely possible that I could be on the road in under twenty minutes. After all, I had a friend to help, my past be damned.

  Chapter One


  “Why are you here again?”

  Looking up from the magazine I was thumbing through, I scowled at Abel standing in the doorway to the solarium. “It’s your business why?”

  From across the table, Bari surprised me by butting into the conversation, something he rarely did. “He’s keeping me company. Is there a concern with that?”

  “Um, no,” Abel stammered, his cheeks turning red as he continued speaking to Bari. “I, ah, was asked to check on you. By the director.” He hesitated again. “He, ah, was wondering if he could have a word with you.”

  “He may,” Bari agreed. “I’ll be here for another hour or so, if you’d care to inform him.”

  “Um, right.” Abel shuffled his feet for a moment, his eyes widening when Bari raised a curious brow at his continued presence.

  “Did you need something else?”

  “No, I guess not,” Abel said. “I’ll, um, go tell him.”

  I barely managed to hold back my laugh until Abel was out of sight.

  Bari raised a brow in that imperious manner he had. “Something amuses you?”

  “Oh, it does,” I chuckled. “You know that the director was summoning you to his office, right?”

  The flash of irritation in Bari’s eyes made me wince. Damn. The last thing I wanted was to offend the Omega I needed to be my new BFF for the next few months. I actually sighed in relief when he just shrugged instead of seeming upset.

  “No, I suppose I didn’t realize that,” he acknowledged. “As long as I’ve lived in this country, some of the intricacies still escape me at times. As I’ve already sent word of my location, there is no point to changing it,” he mused before turning back to his book with a yawn.

  Bari read for a moment and then looked up at me curiously. “Although rude, his question did hold merit,” he pointed out. “While I’m certain my scintillating personality and rapier-like wit are extremely appealing, I have to wonder if perhaps another reason for you to have begun seeking out my company could be for camouflage?”

  Choking for air, I couldn’t stop myself from glancing at the door, afraid we’d be overheard and my secret revealed. “What?” The word came out as a weak croak.

  Bari just smiled and patted my arm. “Your secret is safe with me, dear. I’m simply curious as to why there is a need for discretion when this charity doesn’t seem to be averse to assisting pregnant Omegas,” he explained, resting one hand on his pregnant belly.

  I began to chew my bottom lip, a stress behavior left over from childhood. “How did you know? My scent shouldn’t have changed yet.”

  “My senses of smell and hearing are both much keener than most shifters,” Bari explained. “I could hear the infant’s heartbeat before I noticed their scent.”

  “Really?” My jaw dropped. “You can hear him?”

  “Or her,” he laughed.

  “Her?” My eyes widened and I swallowed hard. I was having a girl?

  Bari laughed again. “I was just saying it’s a possibility,” he said soothingly. “It’s much too soon for me to be able to determine gender.”

  My sigh of relief made him laugh again. “I won’t push for an answer to my questions,” Bari assured me, “and you’re more than welcome to shadow me for as long as it works, but you know that eventually others will notice, yes?”

  I was still worrying my lip and began to taste blood. “I know, but my situation is a little complicated.” I shrugged helplessly. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “I understand and if you decide you want to talk about it, I am willing to listen.” Bari dropped a handful of colorfully wrapped candies on the table. “Try these when your stomach is bothering you. The taste is strong, but they will help.”

  The simple act of kindness made tears well up in my eyes. “Thank you.” I impulsively leaned over to hug Bari just as Director Keir stepped into the room. Another man, a stranger, was close behind him. He was shorter than the director, stocky without being overweight. His dark blond flattop framed a classically handsome face and his oddly silver eyes seemed to shimmer as he took me in with interest, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Bari, would you mind if I had a word with you?” Keir looked past me, assuming he’d even noticed I was there.

  “Of course, sir,” Bari agreed, handing his book to me. “Do you mind running that back to the library? You’ll excuse Paul, won’t you, sir?”

  “Hm? Oh, yes, of course,” Director Keir agreed promptly. “There’s someone I’d like to introduce to you.”

  I could have happily kissed Bari for finding me a quick exit before one of the two Alphas could pinpoint that there was something off with me, instead I seized on the excuse and ran.

  Chapter Two


  The drive to the Omega Destiny, International compound took less time than expected and I arrived well before dark. Actually, I arrived well before dinner -a fact that Chuck wasted no time teasing me about.

  “I guess I should have known you wouldn’t miss a hot meal,” he snickered, reaching out to clasp my hand, his thumb brushing over the small, stylized sun tattooed on my inner wrist before he pulled me in for a hug.

  I snorted. “Please. I learned how to cook a thousand years before you were born.” When Chuck’s grin widened, I rolled my eyes. “An
d, no, I’m not talking about the usual steak or burger on the grill and scrambled eggs in the microwave.”

  “A likely story,” Chuck smirked as I hoisted my duffel over my shoulder and we headed for the building.

  We bullshitted and traded barbs as he saw me settled into a large guest suite on the second floor of the administration building. I swiveled my head to take it in and whistled under my breath. With walls painted a pale silver, carpet in charcoal gray, and touches of pale yellow and pink throughout, it was classy and understated. “Fancy digs, man.”

  Chuck grinned. “We usually save this room for the bigwigs whose donations keep us going,” he admitted, “so it’s nicer than most, but there’s a festival in town this weekend so all of our standard guest rooms are spoken for by family members of students.”

  Tossing my bag onto the chair by the door, I raised a brow. “If the situation is as dire as you suggested, maybe we should get this show on the road?”

  Chuck grimaced slightly but nodded his agreement. “Did you want to freshen up or anything?”

  “No. Better keep those pheromones stacked until after your ward has his first dose.”

  “Right,” Chuck agreed with an apologetic smile. “I should warn you that this Omega is, well, a little different than most. He tends to be a little cool and bossy.”

  I laughed. “You want me to snuggle with a Dom Omega? Is he going to want to spank me or tie me up?”

  Chuck laughed with me. “No, nothing like that. He’s just not the simper and fall all over an Alpha kind of Omega, I guess is what I’m saying.”

  “Got it.”

  As he led me through the halls, Chuck filled me in a little more on the situation, but when we reached a small sunroom furnished comfortably with cushioned patio-style furniture, I was surprised to find not one but two Omegas sitting at a round table in a sunny patch. Both pregnant and, to my immense surprise, both in neglect, yet Chuck seemed to key in on only one.

  When the older and more obviously pregnant began to speak, clearly dismissing the younger who happily fled the room, questions began to mount. Filing them away for the moment, I waited for Chuck to introduce me.


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