LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1

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LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1 Page 29

by Jenna Galicki

Waking up next to Lucas, and knowing that they didn’t have to spend the day in the studio, felt like bliss. Sindy was burnt out. Standing around, holding the guitar and repeatedly manipulating her fingers into various chords left every muscle in her body fatigued and aching.

  She looked at Lucas, still sleeping next to her. “Are you awake?”

  He didn’t bother to open his eyes. “Mm-hmm.”

  “No you’re not. Wake up. I want to talk about the tour next year. Is it going to be as grueling as the past two weeks?”


  “I can’t wait.” She rolled over and slung her arm across Lucas’ chest.

  He stirred, life slowly coming into his limbs, and a tiny kiss landed on her forehead. Then the tip of her nose. Then her lips. “I love waking up next to you. I close on my apartment next week. Move in with me.”

  She blinked. And then she forgot to blink again.

  “We’re great together, Sindy. I knew it the moment we met.”

  His memory obviously wasn’t working correctly. “We wanted to kill each other when we first met.”

  “That was our passion for one another, directing itself into another outlet because we wouldn’t admit how attracted we were to each other.”

  “Passion? I just thought you were an asshole.” She smiled and kissed him. It was a very tempting offer, but she wasn’t ready to give up her independence. “I waited a long time to move into my apartment. I have a lease. And I love my apartment. Let’s not rush into anything. OK?”

  He smiled with his eyes, as if he had every intention of changing her answer.

  “I mean it. So much is happening at once. My life has been a whirlwind since I met you. I need a minute to breathe.” She rolled back onto her pillow. “And sleep. I feel like I’ve been running a marathon for the last few months.”

  Lucas kissed her shoulder. “We have a meeting downstairs in an hour.”

  “With who?”


  “About what?”

  “Just a normal band meeting.”

  Now her mind was racing and she couldn’t sleep. “I need coffee.”

  “I got it.” Lucas made two cups from the Keurig in the adjoining kitchenette and brought them back to bed. “Do you want breakfast?”

  She was starving, but she knew going downstairs meant seeing Angel, and she wasn’t ready to talk about band stuff yet. Her head was just clearing from nonstop recording. “Do you have anything up here to eat? Cereal or a granola bar?”

  “That’s not breakfast.”

  Reluctantly, she pulled herself out of bed, dressed, and went down to the kitchen. She expected Angel to appear as soon as Lucas opened the fridge, since he thrived on cooking for his family, but it appeared that they had slept through breakfast and missed it altogether.

  “Scrambled eggs?” Lucas pulled a carton off the shelf. “They’re fresh from the farmer’s market.”

  “I’ll make the toast if you work the frying pan.”

  “Did someone say scrambled eggs?” Mason walked into the kitchen, a coffee cup in his hand. His eyes were dark and red at the same time, and his hair stuck out at odd angles, but he wore his signature smile.

  “Did you sleep in the guest room again?” Lucas asked.

  “Sleep? What’s that? I was up all night in the studio, making sure everything for the album was perfect.”

  Sindy spun around on the bar stool. “Mason, you didn’t have to do that. We could have helped today.”

  “I was in the moment.” He scratched the back of his head and stretched. “I think we may have to invest in a full-time sound tech, though.”

  “Sure, Mase.” Lucas cracked a few eggs in a bowl. “Whatever you need. Things are good financially. Are you sitting in on the meeting with my papi?”

  “Nah, I’m beat. You can fill me in later. I’m gonna crash for a few hours before I go home.”

  “No breakfast?”

  “Too tired.”

  “Any sign of Tessa?” Sindy asked him.

  “Nope. Just Tommy and Jessi heading out earlier. They said Angel was in his office. She’s probably still asleep.” He put his mug down on the center island and headed toward the hallway that led to the spare bedroom which had served as his room for the last two weeks while they’d been recording.

  “Um. Toast?” Lucas waved a spatula at Sindy.

  “Sorry!” She popped the bread into the toaster and filled glasses with juice while Lucas made the eggs and swept them onto two plates. She never saw him cook before and, although he lacked the finesse and grandeur in which Tessa and Angel cooked, he was at home in the kitchen. The eggs were fluffy and flavorful, filled with spices and gourmet cheese . They ate quietly, just the two of them. Never had a quaint meal of scrambled eggs, toast and juice, ordinary in its simplicity, felt so comfortable. “This is nice.”

  “It could be like this every day.”

  “Is that why you made me breakfast?”

  “No. I made you breakfast because you were hungry.”

  She smiled as she chewed her toast, unsure if she believed him or not. She decided it didn’t matter. Today she planned on relaxing and not thinking about anything. Except there was a meeting with Angel Garcia that she needed to get out of the way first.

  “Lucas, my boy! I’ve been waiting for you two. Good morning, Sindy. I’m glad at least half of Prodigy could make it,” Angel teased from across his large desk. “I’m sure Tessa hasn’t ventured from her room yet, and I saw Mason this morning. He looked ghastly. Do you know that poor guy was up all night finalizing the tracks for the album?”

  “Yeah,” Lucas nodded. “He’s sleeping in the guest room before going home.”

  “He has the tenacity of his father.” Angel looked off to the side. “I remember calling Jimmy when your dad wrote Without You. I made him listen to it over the phone and told him we needed to get into the studio first thing in the morning to finish it. Jimmy was up all night writing drum tracks. That’s the way those Wilders roll.” He paused to take a breath. “Anyway, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You kids must be exhausted. I want to commend you on your stamina and dedication. I’ve never seen people work so hard, and it has really paid off.” He smiled at Sindy and slipped an envelope across the desk. “This is for you.”

  Sindy’s hand shook as she took the envelope and turned it over. She knew what it was, but she didn’t know the etiquette. Was she supposed to open it in front of him, or wait until she left, like people did nowadays when they received a gift? “Thank you.”

  “Well, that’s all. I need to get back to work. And by work, I mean sitting in the hot tub.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “I’ll see you two at dinner?”

  “Of course, Papi.”

  Sindy waited for Angel to leave, never taking her eyes off the envelope in her hand. It wasn’t sealed, only held closed by a small piece of cellophane tape. She wanted to rip it off so badly, but she restrained herself.

  “Go ahead and open it.” Lucas had a gloating smile on his face.

  “You know what this is?” she asked.

  “Who do you think told him to issue it?”

  “Do Tessa and Mason know?”

  “Sure. We check with each other whenever something concerns the band.” He put his hand on her shoulder to show support and emphasis. “You deserve this, Sindy. There was no reason to wait 90 days.”

  She slid her finger under the flap and the thin strip of tape popped open. Her heart pounded as she freed the check from the confines of the envelope and turned it over. Tears sprung into her eyes and blurred her vision while she covered her mouth with one hand and stared at the largest check she’d ever seen.

  “We advanced your share of royalties for the single,” Lucas explained. “We underestimated first quarter earnings. You’ll most likely get another check at the 90-day mark.”

  The sob that left her throat turned into a giddy laugh as the tears rolled down her cheeks, and she fell into Lucas’ arms. Thi
s family had changed her life in so many ways, especially Lucas, and she never loved anyone more.

  The size of the promotional campaign for the release of the album was probably larger than anyone had ever seen. With an enormous amount of capital to hire one of the best PR marketing firms in the country, along with the connections formed by Immortal Angel and the Abelman name, they tapped into every resource available. Prodigy’s debut album landed at number one on opening week, fortifying the predictions of industry professionals. Nothing had ever felt more gratifying.

  Lucas re-read a snippet from one of his favorite reviews:

  When an unknown band bursts onto the music scene and dominates the charts within a matter of weeks, it leaves one wondering if anything could live up to the success of their first number-one hit. Wonder no more! Prodigy delivered a debut album that proves they are no one-hit wonder. Their self-titled album is a behemoth filled with the authentic hard rock of yesteryear. Prodigy is a true rock and roll band.

  “We’re ready to go, Mr. Blade.” The mover stood in the doorway to the mansion and pulled off his worn canvas gloves.

  Unused to being addressed so formally, Lucas looked up, almost expecting his father to be standing next to him. “Thanks. I’ll be out in a second. We’re not going far. It’ll only take a few minutes to get there.”

  He clicked off his phone and shoved it into his pocket. He’d been looking forward to moving into his new apartment since the day he signed the contract, but now the moment was bittersweet. He looked at the staircase that led to the second floor, remembering the day the wing was added and he and Tessa raced up the stairs to see their finished suites for the first time.

  Footsteps made him turn his head to his left, where his mom, dad, and Papi were slowly walking into the entry foyer, ready to say their goodbyes.

  “I’m not going to cry,” his mom said emphatically. “You’re 10 minutes away. You’re coming over tomorrow for dinner. I’m visiting in three days after your furniture arrives. My daughter is still here for another week.”

  The last sentence did Papi in, and he rushed at Lucas with outstretched arms and enveloped him in a crushing hug. “My boy! I’m going to miss you!”

  “It’s OK, Papi.” Lucas patted his back.

  “I know.” Papi took a deep breath and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “You’re coming over for dinner tomorrow. We’re visiting in three days. Tessa is still here for a week.” He smiled, as he repeated what Lucas’ mom had just said.

  “Oh, please.” Tessa walked into the room, dismissing their parents’ sentimental display with the wave of her hand. “With us gone you’ll have the run of the house and can do whatever you want.” She gave Lucas a friendly punch on the arm. “Get out of here big brother. I’m planning on soaking up all the attention once you’re gone.”

  Lucas kissed his mom on the cheek, and she held the strong demeanor she always presented. Papi gave him another hug, but wore a teary-eyed smile. Lucas paused when he got to his dad. No words were necessary as they stared at one another for a long moment before embracing in a bear hug. One last look over his shoulder at the only home he’d ever known, and he slipped through the front door. When he sat in the Hummer, it hit him, and a lone tear slipped down his cheek.

  A few minutes later, he arrived at his new apartment and carried his most prized possession with him – his dad’s Les Paul. It would always be his dad’s Les Paul, no matter how long he carried it. Sindy had already arrived at the apartment, choosing to skip bearing witness to the heartfelt goodbyes between himself and his parents, and brought two more of his guitars with her. The rest of them would stay in the studio. If he needed them, they were only a few minutes away.

  “How’d it go?” she asked, leaving the door open for the movers who would be coming down the hall any minute.

  He took a pained breath. “My mom held her own. Papi was just as expected. My dad hid it, but I could read the pain in his eyes. And Tessa was her usual bratty self, telling me to get the hell out.” He looked around his new apartment, which contained no memories. It was a blank slate, an empty page, open and receptive, waiting to absorb every laugh, every milestone, every tear – happy and sad – that would transpire between its walls.

  Noise from the hallway indicated that the movers had arrived with Lucas’ things, ready to create his first memory in his new home. He spent less than an hour directing them into different rooms with furniture and boxes before he was officially moved into his new apartment.

  “Are you sure they got everything?” Sindy asked, checking the labels on a stack of boxes near the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I watched them load everything in the truck.”

  “But are you sure they brought everything inside? Maybe they left something in the hallway.”

  He held up a sheet of paper. “They gave me an inventory.”

  “Let’s check. Just in case.” She opened the apartment door and peeked outside. “See? I told you they forgot to bring some things inside.”

  He looked over the checklist again. He’d marked off each item himself as they brought them into his apartment. Puzzled, he stepped into the hallway to see what Sindy was talking about. There were a stack of boxes and three large suitcases against the wall, which he didn’t recognize. “This isn’t my stuff.”

  “No. It’s mine.”

  He stared at her for a second before a wide smile burst across his lips. “Does this mean you’re moving in with me?”

  Sindy laughed and nodded. “Yes. If the offer still stands, roomie.”

  By Tommy Blade

  Bonus Scene – This epilogue is a sexy read for the die-hard Immortal Angel fans who have begged for more of Angel, Tommy and Jessi. If m/m/f isn’t your thing, please feel free to skip it. But, you might just like it.  This epilogue doesn’t affect the story, however, you should probably read the last two sentences.

  Tommy Blade sat in the middle of the couch in the great room, his wife on one side, his husband on the other. It had only been a few days since Tessa moved out, and they were all still getting used to the empty house. Tommy missed his daughter’s boisterous chatter and bouncy personality. Tessa’s energy had always filled the house, leaving no speculation as to whether or not she was at home. Lucas, on the other hand, had always been more low key than his extroverted sister and had spent much of his time in his suite or in the studio. The lack of loud music always reminded Tommy that his son no longer resided under the same roof. He couldn’t call his son in from the other room to share a song on the guitar or collaborate on a riff anymore, and it felt like a piece of him was missing. He often felt as if someone punched him in the stomach, and he wondered if a parent ever got over not seeing their kids on a daily basis. He let out a sigh. Probably not.

  He reminisced about the day Lucas was born. His son was a cherub with platinum blond curls and signature Blade blue eyes. He didn’t think he could love anyone as much as he loved his son, until Tessa came along with her doe eyes that could melt a glacier and a personality twice her size. Never had he known love as pure as the love he had for his kids.

  Tommy turned to his wife, still as beautiful as the first day they’d locked eyes. And then he turned to his husband, whose smile filled him with the same allure that they’d shared since the day they met. Jessi suddenly stood from the couch and Tommy reached for her, but she was too quick, and his hand merely brushed the back of her jeans. “Don’t go, hon. Sit here with us.”

  “I’ll be right back.” As Jessi left the great room, she and Angel shared a smile and their own personal affectionate gaze. Their triad hadn’t always been as balanced as it was today. It wasn’t until after the kids came along that Angel and Jessi had become lovers. Tommy was still the center of attention, but now there was parity. They were each an independent third that formed a whole, all showing their physical love for one another without restraint and without jealousy.

  Angel picked up Tommy’s hand and placed a warm kiss in the center of Tommy’s palm.
“What should we do today, mi amor? We can visit the festival at the Nautical Mile in Freeport. Or we can go for a swim in the ocean. Maybe go into the City for—” Angel stopped, mid-sentence, his jaw slack and brows raised, as he looked straight ahead.

  “What’s wrong? You look like you just saw—” Tommy’s words cut off as he followed Angel’s gaze and his eyes rested on Jessi. She sauntered through the great room wearing six-inch stiletto heels – and nothing else. As she headed to the bar, she glanced at the both of them with half closed lids and a provocative smile tucked into the corner of her mouth. Her gate turned into a strut, and she purposely swung her hips to accentuate the hourglass figure that graced her body. The light caught something around her waist and Tommy leaned closer. It was a thin gold belly chain that hung loosely around her hips. His eyes traveled upwards to the platinum piercings that skewered her perky nipples, and he bit his lower lip.

  “Good Lord,” Angel sighed, “That woman gets more gorgeous every year. What did we ever do to deserve such a goddess?”

  Tommy couldn’t answer. His voice was stuck in his throat, incapable of forming words.

  Jessi poured herself a glass of wine, leaning over to project the perfect globes of her ass at both Tommy and Angel. They looked at one another for a moment, mouths agape, before turning back to their wife. She drained the glass, leaning her head back to expose the beautiful arc of her throat. Her tongue made an appearance and licked the rim of the glass. Then she vamped across the room, her long legs leading the way, and threw the glass in the hearth where it shattered with a splash.

  Angel flinched. “You hellion.” He deepened his voice with a sultry rasp. “I like it.”

  Her smile widened, as she locked eyes with Angel, and an erotic chuckle left her lips.

  Tommy’s hormones had his body tingling and he couldn’t sit still any longer. He rushed at her and grabbed at her breasts while he buried his face in her neck, inhaling the beautiful intoxicating aroma of her perfume. His erection strained painfully against his jeans, growing harder and thicker the moment he touched her body.


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