The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 5

by Vivian Murdoch

  Perfect excuse! It’s probably not good enough since he wants to take me to dinner. Of all the ridiculous things. A vampire doesn’t woo his prey. They take what they want and damn the consequences. I can’t sit here and just listen to his lies. Pain zips through me. Father is right. They don’t want me. Just my blood. I have to stop acting like he actually cares.

  “I’m not going to be your fucktoy.”

  Of course, he only wants me as a one-night stand. What in the hell am I actually thinking? Before I can stop myself, a tear rolls down my cheek. I hate that I’m so weak. I despise myself more than I have before. And, as much as I loathe myself, I hate this monster before me even more.

  I take all of my energy and shove him away. Either I’m stronger when angry, or I take him off guard. Just one push is enough to get him off of me.

  He says something as I walk away, but I don’t care. I’m done listening to this fanger and his lies. I’m done letting my heart and pussy rule my brain. From now on, nothing stands between the mission and me. I will never let him play with my emotions again.

  Head held high, I make my way back to the bar. It’s time for me to actually get some work done around here. I don’t care how hot he is—he will never stand between me and becoming a full member of The Family, valued for my work. My conviction is high, but my confidence is shattered. I never expected to be such an easy target. Tonight, when I get home, I will spend the evening in prayer. Maybe then I’ll be able to purge his evil from my body.

  I wipe at the counter, waiting for someone to order a drink. It’s all my fault really. That one moment of weakness, and I am open for his evil to swoop in. I should have never taken my own pleasure earlier this week. I know better than this. It shouldn’t be so hard. Maybe if I truly repent, then I’ll be able to withstand the temptation of the Devil himself.



  Fuck this. There’s no way this night can end this way. She is supposed to be mine. Tonight was going to be the best night of both our lives.

  The anger keeps building in me, bubbling up so close to the surface. I don’t dare get near her right now. Not with my emotions in such havoc. I pace the club for a bit to calm my mind and body. She was afraid of me at one moment. I felt it. No blustering on her part will change that.

  If I have any hope of actually getting her, I can’t come in raging like a bull. After walking the length of the club and back, I figure it might be better to just go get some blood on tap and avail myself to one of the willing submissives. Then, as I prepare for sleep, I can formulate a plan to win her back.

  As I get closer to the coat closet, I see her in the arms of Tiberius. Rage fills my vision until I get close enough to hear the exchange.

  “I don’t care what you think you’re doing, you’re here to serve drinks not snoop around the coat closet.”

  Calmness washes over me. If I took just one second to think, I would remember that Tiberius is not a threat. It’s still surprising me how bent out of shape I’m getting over this one woman. Hell. She better be an excellent vintage. All this buildup better pay off.

  “What? You think I’m trying to steal something?”

  Her ire makes me chuckle. She’s definitely a pistol. Usually, I like my women demure, refined, and silent. I find it interesting that I’m drawn to this mouthy, loud woman. Hmm. I could always use my cock as a gag? Immediately, the member in question surges to the forefront. Apparently, he likes that idea too. I adjust the front of my pants and make my way over to rescue my damsel. I have no idea why she’s over here, but now is the perfect chance to pounce.

  “I don’t actually know if that’s your intention or not. That’s why I want you to leave before I toss you out.”

  “It’s okay, my man. No need to toss the wench out.” I slap Tiberius on the shoulder. “She’s with me.”

  The look of shock on her face as she tilts her head up to me makes this worth it. Now, she has nowhere to go. She can either deny my claim and lose her job or come down with me and let me get my fix. The ball is in her court, and I’m pretty sure I know exactly which choice she’s going to make.

  I may not actually know her, but I know enough. She will take my bluff and not back down. This is one of the reasons I cannot wait to break her. Have her willingly under my thumb. Thank the gods, I will finally be able to get this woman out of my mind. I meant what I said. This is for tonight only. One doesn’t make friends with food. That’s how it’s always been; that’s how it always will be.

  Tiberius shoots me a dirty look, but what do I care? I have my prize. He can judge me all he wants. As we make our way into the closet, he grabs my arm and growls low into my ear.

  “You better wipe her mind after this. I don’t care what you two are saying. She’s been acting suspicious since she’s gotten here.”

  A predatory smirk crosses my face. “Don’t give it one more thought. I clean up after myself. Once I’m done, she’s going to be floating so high, it will take nothing to wipe her mind. She might be stubborn, but she cannot resist me or my charms.”

  Tiberius crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow. It’s obvious that he’s unimpressed.

  “Be careful. My gut is telling me something isn’t right.”

  I glance over to Evangeline who isn’t even paying the least bit of attention to us. Instead, she’s trying and failing to surreptitiously inspect the coat area. That is indeed odd. I was expecting her to be bored out of her mind or vehemently arguing her case. Instead, she is feeling the walls, her nimble fingers smoothing over all the hard surfaces and ducking into the coats on the wall. I will get to the bottom of this. Once she’s under my control, she can’t resist telling me all her secrets.

  “I’ll handle her. I have more than enough tools in my arsenal to make her talk.” Pausing, I raise my voice to mortal hearing. “Tiberius, can you give us a minute alone?” I walk over to Evangeline. “Ready to go my darling?” I swear, if it were just us two, she’d be sticking her tongue out at me. Her pouty face is adorable, and I can’t wait to put those lips to good use.

  “Always dear.”

  I lean in and nuzzle her ear with my nose. She tenses and tries to pull away; however, she’s a mortal, and I’m a vampire. There’s no escaping my clutches. “Careful love. Your face will freeze that way.”

  She actually sticks out her tongue at me. The audacity of this woman. I throw my head back and laugh. Oh, tonight is definitely going to be a night to remember. I press forward until her back is against the door to the dungeon. Her hands press against my chest in a feeble attempt to push me off of her. “No, no sweething. You had your chance to back away. Now, you’re at my mercy. And you better pray to whatever higher power you have that I’ll actually let you go.”

  “You liar.” She spits out, anger blazing in her eyes. “You already said that this is a one and done. So, you will be letting me go as soon as I fulfill my duty.”

  My head cocks to the side. “You’re duty? Are you truly telling me you don’t want to know what’s down here? Can you really be so bold as to lie to my face and tell me you have no attraction to me?”

  Her arms cross in between us, giving her just a fraction of space. I’ll allow it. For now. I have no problem letting her think she has the upper hand at the moment. Maybe if she feels safe, she’ll let her walls down enough that I can figure out what makes her tick.

  What I do know is that there’s at least some measure of her that enjoys my dominance. I’m not crazy. Her arousal flooded my senses from the moment I laid my hand on her neck.

  “Honestly, at this point, it really doesn’t matter what you want now does it?” Her eyes widen as I lean in closer to her. “Here’s where we stand, Rapunzle. You were most definitely caught snooping around here. Why? I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t care. That’s not what interests me at the moment. What does interest me is that we are at a crossroads. The way I see it, you have a choice to make. You can choose me, or you can get fired. I’ve known Tiberius for a good min
ute, and I know for a fact he was one breath away from tossing you on your ass.”

  I lean back to give her some room. I don’t want physical domination to be the reason she chooses me; though granted, either way, she doesn’t really have a choice. Oh, how delicious. Her pulse quickens, but other than that, I can’t get a read off of her. What is she thinking? The wheels are clearly turning. She seems so torn, so unsure. Just how I like my prey.

  “You don’t know I’ll be fired.”

  Ahh. So that’s where she’s going with this. I can call her bluff and match it. “You know, you’re right. I obviously don’t. Why don’t we go back out there, and you can ask him yourself? Or, if you’d rather, we can just ask the owner what he thinks about employees who snoop about and act suspicious. I’m pretty sure once trust is lost, it will be hard-pressed to be regained.”

  Silence. She stands there, pondering my words, but everything is taking way too long. I reach out and grab her arm, prepared to take her back into the club.

  “No. No, it’s okay. I’ll stay with you.”

  A huge grin spreads across my face. “Final answer?”

  She hesitates. “Yes. Final answer.”

  Finally, I can feel something off of her; however, it’s not at all what I want. Terror rolls off of her for a few moments then just stops. I’m puzzled. Why is she so afraid? I reach out to stroke her hair, and she flinches back from me. This is not good. Growling, I pin her to the door with my hand at her throat. She goes a little limp in my arms. Bingo.

  “Is this what you want, little girl?” I tighten my grip. She’s silent, and yet, I feel the tremors of her whimpers through her delicate neck. Power and arousal flow through me. “You want me to have my way with you? To take it from you? Leave you with no choice but to quiver in need beneath me?”

  Her eyes open. Need, more powerful than I’ve ever felt before comes pouring out of her. That’s it. She can’t let go. Well, I’ve got the perfect remedy for that. I pull her away from the door, my hand shifting to grab the back of her neck. “While we are down there, I’m in charge. You will obey me the moment I give you a command. Fail to do so, and you will be punished.” I feel her tense up. “Don’t worry my pet. I’m sure you’ll like the varied and delicious ways I can punish you. Just be forewarned, not all punishments are physical.”

  She tries to turn her neck in my grip. Releasing slightly, I let her turn her face to meet mine. Her brows are drawn up. Clearly, she’s trying to puzzle through my words. Smiling, I run my palm up the back of her skull, navigating my fingers under her braid until I start applying a slight pressure.

  “For instance,” I tighten my grip. “I can refuse to allow you to orgasm.” The moment my hand palms her scalp, her eyes close. However, they fly open at my words. “What? You don’t like that idea?” She just watches me and remains silent. “Well? Answer me.”

  She looks down, her voice soft. “No. I don’t think I like that idea.” Squirming, she tries to pull away from my hand. I merely tighten my grip.

  “Then I suggest you be a good girl and obey me. First rule of business. As stated before. You obey me the minute I give you a command. Hesitation counts as disobedience. You are not to think, just act. If you do not understand a command, say so. I am not a tyrant. I may be demanding, but I am also reasonable. Second, from this moment out, you are to address me as sir. Any other response results in instant punishment. I fully expect you to test these rules, and I cannot wait to deliver your punishment.”

  I feel her squirm beneath my hand. Leaning down, I smile at her. This isn’t some sweet, sappy smile. This is predatory. She knows it. I can see it in her eyes, in her body. From what I can gather, I’m walking that fine line between fear and exhilaration. Good. Let her be afraid of me. I am every inch the monster her mother warned her about.

  In a matter of moments, I pull my hand from her hair and grab her throat again. She squirms against me. “Quit moving,” I growl, tightening my grip. My free hand slides down into my jacket pocket. I smile as I remove a small hank of rope. “I’m going to release you now. Stay put. Do you understand?” She nods. “Use your words pet.”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  I cannot keep the wide grin off of my face. In fact, it’s so large, my jaw muscles twinge just a touch. “Tsk tsk. Is that how you’re supposed to answer me?”

  Her eyes widen. “Sir! Oh, yes, sir!”

  “Too late dearest. That one is going to cost you.” My cock strains against the front of my pants as I watch the shifting emotions play over her face. She bites down on her lip, and a hint of fear wafts under my nose. Poor thing. Not really, but some part of me feels sorry for her. No. Actually. Not really. I gave her the perfect out to all of this. She chose to be here with me. Now, is it really fair to hold one’s employment in the balance? Well, no one has ever accused me of being fair.

  But either way, this has to stop. I don’t want her fear tainting my dinner. That, and there’s no way in hell I’m bringing a fearful female down into Lucius’ dungeon. He’d have my head for sure. I step back, giving both Evangeline and I some breathing room while I uncoil the length of rope in my hands.

  “I can see you’re ill at ease. If I tell you what your punishment will be, will that make you feel better?” She looks up at me again, a faint sheen to her eyes. Is she about to cry? No, this will not do. I reach out and cup her cheek, her skin like silk beneath the pads of my fingertips. It takes every single ounce of restraint not to haul her beneath me and sink every bit of me into her.

  Sighing, I look deep into her eyes. “I will not harm you. I can’t. Not that I want to. But you’re surrounded by people. That alone should make you feel safe.”

  “How can I feel safe when all these people are probably just like you? Sir.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “What do you mean by that?” She shuffles in place for a bit before biting down on her lower lip. She really needs to stop doing that before I start biting down on her. It’s such a distraction. Before I can stop myself, I reach out and pinch her lip with my thumb and forefinger. “Stop stalling and answer me.” I release her and cross my arms.

  “Well, you’re completely taking advantage of the situation, sir. Not only that, you’re doing so in my place of business, sir. I’m assuming that means management is completely fine, sir, with how you treat their employees, sir. So, in that regard, I’m safe to assume that these people, sir, are just like you. Sir. Just checking, sir, is that enough sirs for you? Sir? Or, sir, shall I add a few sirs on for safety measures? Sir?”

  Oh. So that’s how she’s playing it. I stand back, uncross my arms, and study her for a few moments. It takes just a moment for me to put the rope back into my pocket. The smell of fear is still lingering, but it’s not nearly as strong as it was a few moments ago. The bravado she’s putting up is impressive; however, I’m not going to let a lowly human sass me like this and get away with it. What to do though?

  The longer I watch her, the more she starts squirming. Good. Let her squirm. “Well, if you had been a good girl and not sassed me just now, I was going to tell you your punishment. It was going to be a nice, quiet affair before I gave you the most intense orgasm ever. Now, that’s all changed.” I lean in close enough that my breath stirs the wisps of hair at her temple. “Now, you are going to publicly apologize for privately antagonizing me. I do love the challenge of a brat, and you are welcome to try it whenever the mood strikes you. Just know that I can and will take you in hand. And rest assured, you will not like it.” I smooth her hair back and run my fingers down her throat. “Or maybe you will,” I murmur. “I cannot wait to figure out what makes that cunt of yours soaking wet, my darling Rapunzle.”

  Her eyes dilate and widen. Her breathing comes in soft gasps. Already her tantalizing scent perfumes the air. Excellent. Tonight’s dinner will be satisfying after all.

  “Tiberius,” I call out, stepping back from her. “I require your assistance.” Her eyes widen, and she pushes herself hard against the door, as if
by some miracle the wood will swallow her up. It’s a struggle to keep from laughing. Humans are always so much more amusing when cornered.

  I hear him enter behind me, but my focus is solely on the beautiful morsel in front of me. “Don’t fear. He will not touch you. No one will lay one finger on you while you’re in my care.”

  “Care,” she gives a derisive snort. “Some care you’re showing.”

  My eyebrow raises. Instead of changing her tone or amending her words, she stands there with the gall to raise her eyebrow back at me.

  “Again, we are at a crossroads, my dear. You are the one making these choices. I suggest, for your sake that you limit your sass to a more moderate amount. You don’t want to use all of it up at once. Now. I was going to have Tiberius watch the door while I started your punishment. But now, he’s going to be a spectator.”

  “Like hell he is!”

  If looks could kill, I’d already be dead. “Tiberius, I’m afraid dear, little Evangeline doesn’t know how to sheathe her claws in yet. Do you mind handing me a stool from outside?”

  He grins and crosses his arms. “I don’t mind at all.”

  The moment the door closes behind him, I am back on top of Evangeline. My fingers twist in her hair, close to the scalp. She’s not going anywhere. “Now then, this is the last time this offer will be extended to you. You have until Tiberius comes back to make your decision. You will either come clean and admit to snooping around, or you will submit to me and whatever I decide to do to your body. I admire your spirit, but know this, I will always win.”

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she whispers, her voice barely reaching above the pulsing music.

  I pull her closer to me. “Dear one. I will hurt you. A lot. But you will enjoy it and ask for more. That, I can promise you.” Her breathing quickens as the door opens. “Thank you, Tiberius. Please put it next to the door. I can feel Evangeline tense as he draws near. “As I said, love. He will not touch you without my say so. And trust me, tonight I’m keeping you all to myself. Now then,” I release her and look at Tiberius then back at her. “Decision time, pet.”


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