The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 8

by Vivian Murdoch

  She stiffens on my shoulder as I open the door.

  “Don’t I need to get dressed first?”

  “I will not repeat your punishment again. If I am required to, I will have to add on to it. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A fresh trickle of arousal slides down her thigh and onto my arm. I cannot help it; a huge grin breaks out onto my face. Finally, I am winning the war with this spicy, sassy woman. It feels more genuine because it is so hard won. She is not a simpering princess; she is a force to be reckoned with.

  Easing through the door, I maneuver around to make sure nothing scrapes or hits her. Just a few more steps, and I can finally devour my morsel. I can feel her stiffening against me as we clear the stairs and into the underground room.

  Just as I thought. Only a handful of people are here, and most of them are already engaged with other partners. Making my way to the middle of the floor, I catch the eye of Lucius and Selene. I nod slightly, not wanting to tip my prize over yet. Her fingers clutch at me as I lower her to the floor. It is so adorable how fragile and human she is.

  As I finally right her, I see her eyes widen with what looks to be terror as she takes in the scene around her. Maybe I am pushing her too hard. It is clear that she has never been around others in a sexual situation, much less a kinky one.

  Her head whips back and forth as she scans the area. I follow her quick gazes. Truthfully, nothing looks too out of place. The only thing that looks slightly odd are the throne and dais,, but what is a dungeon without quirks? Finally, her eyes settle on a woman being flogged. The copper scent of her blood reaches my nose, setting my teeth to aching. She is not free bleeding yet, but that does not mean it will not happen at some point.

  I look down as Evangeline takes in a startled breath. It is not fear widening her eyes. It is arousal. I can smell it, thick in the air, overshadowing even the smell of blood. Mine, my brain snarls as I see other vampires taking notice. I pull her into me and stare down every last one gazing at her.

  Pulling her back, I tilt her head up and hold her chin to keep her from being distracted by everything going on. “You have earned a reprieve tonight, my pet. Several club members are already engaged with their submissives. It would be very rude of me to interrupt their scenes simply to prove a point with you. So, consider yourself forgiven.”

  Had I not been watching closely, I might have missed that look in her eyes that resembled disappointment. Interesting. What could she have possibly done that was so wrong that she felt an actual need to be punished? Another tale for another time. I would be damned if I denied the needs of my prize. Besides, the need for atonement is something I know intimately well.

  “Don’t worry princess. You still have punishment coming. Just not like I originally planned it. And you will submit for me, yes?”

  Her breath fanned over my face as she sighed in relief. “Yes, sir. I will submit.”

  Interesting. There’s definitely a story here, and I cannot wait to get to the bottom of it. I take a step back and motion to a club submissive. Her name escapes me because I didn’t actually care to learn it. One does not name their food before they eat it.

  “Show her how to kneel.”

  Without question, the submissive sinks to her knees, brings her hands behind her back, and grasps the opposite elbows. Bowing her head, her hair flutters down on either side of her face, obscuring it from view. Such a pretty picture of submission. However, it does not have my cock aching at the sight of it. Only one woman holds that honor tonight.

  “Excellent. Up.” In a fluid motion, she rises up. With her head still down, she gasps her hands behind her low back and waits for further instruction. “Bring my bag to the bar and leave it there for me. That will be all.”

  With a quick, “yes sir, “she heads off to do my bidding. Evangeline has a leery look in her eye.

  “I don’t think I can do that as pretty as she can.” A slight blush tinges her cheeks. “I’m not exactly a size two and graceful.”

  Frowning, I point the floor. “Kneel.”

  “But I...”

  “There are no buts here. Only master, sir, or god. Now, I said kneel.” It takes her a moment to get into position. Though she is right about not being quite as graceful, she still overwhelms me with how gorgeous she is. “You will remain like that until I order you otherwise. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I step away from her, gazing down at her kneeling form. Oh yes. I can get used to this. Pain lances through me as I force myself away from her head over to the bar. This is not a good sign. I cannot get attached. I canNOT get attached. Next to the bar, I see my bag all ready to go. Excellent!

  “Tasha dropped that off for you, but she didn’t say if you wanted something to drink, sir.”

  I glance back over at my charge. From what I can tell, she is still kneeling and keeping still. I let myself sit with that feeling of pride for just a moment before coming back to reality.

  “You know what, I will take what is on tap.” Normally, I do not like to drink and play. However, I can tell this is going to be a long session, and I need all my faculties around me.

  “Here you go, sir!”

  I give the blonde a passing nod before grabbing the shot glass and turning back around to face my beautiful princess. The lights hit and bounce off her body, showing off every luscious curve and dip. Bringing the glass to my lips, I take it in one gulp. The blood hits my tongue and rolls through me. I needed that more than I realized.


  I keep my eyes trained on my prize as the next glass is handed to me. One more gulp. The blood fortifies me. Turning back around, I set the glass carefully on the bar before picking up my bag and heading back over.

  She is a vision, just sitting there waiting for me. If I am honest with myself, and less than selfish, it would be prudent to leave her there for someone else. Or better yet, not even engage in the first place. The moment I set my gaze upon her though, I knew I was destined to have her. She is my forbidden fruit, and I demand my taste.

  Standing in front of her, I contemplate how this evening should go. Normally, when I choose a meal, it is a quick affair. Blood slaves do not require coddling or conversation. They’re there to serve and service me. This morsel, however, will need to have care taken. I can’t just take my fill of her without giving her something in return.

  I’m conflicted. If I were back with my nest, there would be no need to train a woman in what I like or need. They would already know. They would be trained for it. Maybe that is why she draws me so. She is fresh and able to be molded in the image I want. I circle her kneeling body, ideas and scenarios swirling about in my head. What to do with her. If I knew we were together for the long haul, I would commence with training her in the manner of a true bake-onna. However, we have both concluded that today is our one and only. Is there a point in training her then?

  My cock answers that question with a hard thump against my pants. The idea of training her, molding her, bending her to my will is an aphrodisiac I have not tried yet but want to desperately. My last pass about her body leads me to stand right in front of her. Kneeling down, I flatten out my feet and sit on my heels. My knees are about two or so fists apart.

  "Look at me."

  Her head tips up, her eyes shining in the light. Has she been crying? I brush my fingers against the soft skin of her face to find it dry. Thank goodness. The last thing I need is to cajole my dinner. A slight pang goes through my chest. She's more than just dinner though, isn’t she? There is still a part of me that wants to drink my fill and leave her be. The greater part, the lonely part, wants to snatch her up and make her mine forever.

  Never in my centuries have I ever wanted to make another vampire. Yet, here we are. Just one look into her eyes is enough to make me want to cast all my beliefs aside and claim her as mine. It is an uncomfortable feeling. So I sit there, eyes closed for just a moment, to do some breathing of my own. Meditation
is my go-to for calming me. Funny enough, it doesn't help so much right now.

  She’s too close to me. Her scent invades every pore. The longer I sit there, the more I have to have her. It’s as if the blood I drank earlier did nothing to satiate me. Her. She is the one. I am sure of it. I open my eyes back up to see her staring everywhere except at me. Chuckling, I grab her chin and force her gaze back to mine.

  "When you are with me pet, you will keep your eyes on me unless instructed to do otherwise. I am your center of focus. Your God. Remember?"

  She delights me with one of her many blushes. Before this moment, I haven’t felt the intense need to cause embarrassment or mental discomfort; however, with her, it’s as natural as taking blood for breakfast. I live for these small moments and count them as victories in tearing down her defenses.

  "Yes, sir.” She tries to avert her gaze, but I cannot allow it.

  "Eyes on me."

  Her arms twitch behind her as her whole body squirms. "But I…"

  “You were so trepidatious about your punishments earlier. Are you really so eager to add to them?"

  The quick back and forth whip of her head makes me chuckle again.

  "Now, moving on to your next lesson. Though we are only together tonight, I will still teach you how to act and behave in my presence. It is going to be a long night, and I wish to have some semblance of decorum from you.” Her brows draw together, and I cannot discern if she is upset or confused. "Objections? Questions?"

  "Sir, I have decorum. You just haven't been acting like a gentleman, sir."

  Ahhh. She is upset. No matter. She will still bend to my will either willingly or forcibly. The choice is ultimately hers.

  "I am the one in charge. I can act as I please. You, however, have agreed to be my submissive tonight. As such, you will act as I tell you and not as you think you should. Now, do you see how I am sitting?" I lay each hand on the corresponding knee and straighten my back. "This is called kiza; however, I’m going to modify this and have you do it a little differently.” I shift my hips until my butt is against the floor then slide my hips to the side. “This is called wariza. When I tell you to get into wariza, I want you in this exact position. I’ll save kiza for when you’re extremely naughty. Now. Wariza."

  My cock starts aching again as her luscious body starts moving around in position. I see her glance over to make sure her posture mirrors mine. The moment she spreads her knees, I know I'm lost. Her thighs are slick and glistening in the light. The smell of her arousal hits me hard, drawing a growl from me. Her gaze flies back up to mine, her pupils widening slightly.

  "Don’t worry pet, you are pleasing me greatly. Now," I shift back up into kiza before bringing one leg up and resting my weight on one flat foot. My knee is bent at a ninety degree angle and my other knee is pressed against the floor. "This position is called tatehiza. You will now get into this position.”

  As I watch her unsteady movements, I make a mental note to work with her on her balance. Delicious ideas flow through my brain of how to make this pleasurable for us both. However, I stop short, knowing that she considers tonight to be a one-night stand. I have to convince her to be mine first. Then, I can daydream of how to torture her.

  I look down at my prize. Her gaze is soft and inviting. Gone is the look of suspicion and spite. For now, at least. I cannot be foolish enough to hope that I have tamed the mighty beast.

  Smiling, I stand and curl my finger towards her in a motion to get up on her knees. I have waited long enough to sample her. It is time I make her pay her penance. Besides, if this can help take the edge off, I will finally be able to concentrate.

  "Normally," I say, unbuckling my belt, "my submissive would be the one undressing me and preparing me for the activities to come; however, based on our mutual agreement, this is a one night only situation.”

  Her eyes are trained on my fingers as they slowly ease the belt through. I will not correct her since though her focus is not on my face or what I am saying, it is on me.

  "Unless you wish to change that agreement.” Damn it. Do I have to sound so hopeful? So wistful? Get it together. Honor at all times.

  "No sir. Tonight only, sir."

  Is that a look of regret in her eyes? Or is that my hormone addled brain looking for any sort of opening to claim her forever? If I am honest with myself, her rejection hurts. Just a touch. It’s for the best anyway. Vampires don’t make good companions with humans. The dark chuckle rumbles through me. It’s not like she even knows what I am to make an informed decision of who she would be dating. This woman is turning me into a softie. And I don’t like it.

  "It’s agreed then.” I finish unbuckling my belt and pull it fast through the loops. She flinches and rocks backwards on her heels in an attempt to put distance between us. "What is it?"

  "N-nothing.” She rights herself back into tatehiza . "I'm fine. You just startled me. That's all."

  My eyes narrow. Bringing the belt back, I hold it in a striking position. She immediately throws her hands up to protect herself before quickly bringing them back down, playing it off as if it never happened.

  "Nothing, is it?"

  I toss the belt to the floor, furious. Who dared to cause this beautiful woman to fear my belt. I will kill them, rip them limb from limb. I take deep breaths until the haze of fury passes. I cannot allow her to think this is her fault for her reactions. Lying to me? Oh yes. That will get a different reaction but not the unholy fury that hit me.

  "I do not nor will I ever tolerate lying. I want to make it very clear that I am upset and disappointed that you did not tell me the truth. I do not blame you entirely as you and I don’t have that type of relationship. However, for tonight and future reference, if you do ever decide to engage in this sort of play with another.”

  I have to take another deep breath. Like hell anyone else will get to play with her. You are being unreasonable. You do not own her. She can play with whomever she wishes. Over my dead body, I growl inside my head. A few more seconds is needed to calm down.

  "You will need to disclose any triggers. I want to tease and torment you, yes. But I never want to harm you. There is a huge difference. Now, go back to wariza wariza with your head bowed until I instruct you otherwise."

  I need this moment away from her to tamp my feelings back down. I am not one to normally rage at anything. What is this human doing to me? Making my way over to the bar, I motion for another drink.

  "Tell Trish I need a fresh ginger and a paring knife. I will peel it myself.”

  I take the waiting shot glass and down the blood. How many more times will I have to do this before the night is over? I’m trying to take my time with her, but my body demands I feast as I’m owed.

  I stand at the bar and watch her, her shoulders quivering. I know she’s crying; however, I cannot and will not comfort her at this moment. She needs to learn the proper way of interacting in these situations or she could get seriously hurt or killed. My heart hurts at that thought, more than it has any right too. I thought that useless organ to be dead for centuries now. Why decide now to make an appearance.

  "Trouble in paradise?"

  I tamp down the snarl forming in my throat. Lucius has done nothing but earn the highest respect from me.

  "I feel conflicted."

  "Well, I can see that," he chuckles, leaning back against the bar and staring at my submissive.

  Another snarl begins to rise. "She is not what I imagined an untrained human to be like."

  His chuckles turn into actual laughs as he slaps me on the shoulder. "Untrained or not, most women are not what you expect. I'm just glad this one is giving you a run for your money. I've watched you sitting alone in the bar, poring over your phone. You need some excitement. Something tells me that she will give you way more than you bargained for. But it will be worth it in the end. Ah!" he motions to the club submissive coming up to my side. "So that's the direction you plan to take. I can't wait to see how this plays out. "

nbsp; The twinkle in his eyes burrows under my skin. Until this moment, I have never felt so possessive of a woman, much less a human, in my life. I have to walk away now before I say or do something I’ll regret. Taking the knife and ginger, I stalk back towards my prey. The closer I get, the better I can see that she is indeed crying. Not loud enough for humans to detect but crying all the same. I have to fight the urge to kneel down next to her and gather her into my arms. That is for later. Right now, she has to understand the consequences of her actions.

  "Tatehiza.” With a wipe to her face with the palm of her hand, she gets up onto the balls of her feet. "Look at me my pet.” Her tearful expression guts me. At that moment, I know I’ll protect her against the world. Even me if I have to. "Ahhh, my dear one, " I soothe, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "Is it that very bad?"

  In a lunge, she hurls herself at me and wraps her arms around my waist in a vice grip. Fresh tears fall onto my chest, and each one burns my conscience. I have indeed pushed her too far. Her hair is soft underneath my hand as I stroke it. I gather her closer and hug her tight, no longer worried about who is watching and who is judging. This little princess is mine, and no one will take her away from me. She doesn’t know it yet, but she will never be free of me.

  "Tell me what ails you pet. I will soon set it to right."

  "I'm-I'm sorry," she sobs, clutching me tighter. "I don't mean to lie. I just can't tell you things. If Fath-if I. I just can't!" she wails.

  My brain clicks, trying to puzzle out all the pieces. She is truly terrified of someone. But who? My gaze whips around the club, noting that everyone is doing their own thing and not paying us a bit of attention. Nothing seems out of place, and yet, the air feels much heavier than it had. I pull her in even tighter. I will slay whatever monsters are hunting her, and they will rue the day they laid eyes upon her. At this point, I don't even care that she didn’t end with sir. Times like this need no formality. I certainly will not hold her accountable for forgetting in a time of weakness.


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