The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 18

by Vivian Murdoch

  “Do not move.” I pin her with my deadliest glare before leaving her to raid my refrigerator.

  Damnit. I have to consider moving now. I was really starting to like this area and the people. Sure, the vampire community is full of assholes and degenerates, but that is what we are. For who and what they are, they are actually some of the best people I have met, my current nest notwithstanding. Think, think!

  Before I can open my fridge, I feel and smell her behind me. Her scent sings to me, trying to lure me to this woman I do not even really know. It begs me to feast on what’s being freely offered. It’s not like I refused her blood when she had no clue what was even happening.

  “I thought I told you not to move.”

  Without an answer, her slender arms wrap around my waist. Her body is warm and vibrant against me. Very nearly, I consider marking her, making her mine forever. But that is a discussion better had when both parties are sober.

  “Please don’t hate me.”

  Her voice quivers and tugs at the heart I long thought to be dead. Hate her? How could I ever hate her? She exasperates me to no end and always keeps me on my toes. But there is something about her. Something that calls to me and makes me whole. The feeling is warm and uncomfortable at the same time.

  “Leave before I do not have the power to stop.”

  Her hands slide from around me, and I breathe, relieved that for once she is doing what she is told. However, as usual, I am dead wrong. The soft pitter-patter of her feet against my kitchen tile tells me that she is going in the opposite direction of where she is supposed to be headed. Instead, she walks over to the other side of the fridge and reclines into wariza, her knees spread, her thighs glistening. Gods but I will never get tired of that sight. Her scent slams into me as she slides her fingers down and spreads herself open. My nostrils flare as she begins moving her fingers back and forth over her clit.

  “You are the first man I ever truly came to the thought of. You’ve turned my world completely upside down. I know you have standards. If not, I’m sure you would have fed from me when we first got together.”

  A pang of guilt stings my chest. I rub the area, trying to rid myself of this foreign, unwanted emotion. But she keeps talking, and the feeling blossoms into love, lust, want, desire. All flowing through me at once. For the first time in my existence, I feel like I finally found my equal.

  “I trust you,” she says quietly, her head hanging low. “I don’t know why. I shouldn’t. Every instinct I have is telling me to run away and not look back. But the part of me, the empty part that you fill, wants to be yours body and soul.”

  My heart sings at her declaration. Maybe monsters can get a happy ending?

  “You are positive?”

  Her lower lip trembles for a moment, but she nods anyway. Growling, I scoop her up into my arms and take her to my bedroom. She is the first mortal and lover to ever cross the threshold, and the amount of trust this move places in her surprises even me. How can I trust that she won’t try to kill me in my sleep? Shaking my head, I rid my brain of those thoughts. Based on conversations with Marion and reviewing the tapes of their day together, nothing suspicious came up. Even after she found the blood, she didn’t try to do anything underhanded. Besides, it’s not like I’m a warrior, honed to kill and protect. There is no way this slip of a morsel can best me.

  Pausing to flick on the lights, I twist the knob to turn them down to a faint glow. I want my little mortal to see everything that happens to her. I want her to understand the full consequences of her action. Chuckling to myself, I toss my conquest on the king-sized, wrought iron bed. I stand there for a moment, admiring the curve of her hips, the fullness of her breasts. Finally, I gaze down at her thighs, still slick with arousal. Licking my lips, I kneel between her legs and begin to feast on what she is so graciously offering.

  My lips nibble their way up her thigh until they settle at her mound. Inhaling deeply, I slide my tongue up one side of her lips and down the other. Her body tenses and quivers under me. Her moans fill my ears as her flavor explodes on my tongue and fills my senses. I am overwhelmed by her as I worship at the temple of her body. Every whimper, every plea tightens my balls, but I am enjoying this feast way too much to attend to my own needs at the moment. Rising up on my knees, I lock eyes with my princess and make her watch me as I wipe her juices from my lips.

  “Now then. If you are quite sure you wish to be my sustenance tonight, you will stay there, perfectly still until I return to you.”

  Her bottom lip pokes out in an adorable pout, and I chuckle as I lean forward to brush it with my thumb. She shivers beneath me, and I grin. After watching her for a few more moments, I ease off of the bed and start to pad over to my closet. After a few steps, I turn and pin her with a glare.

  “I mean it. Not a muscle.”

  Going into the closet, I head quickly over to a large chest in the far corner. Opening the lid, I try to hold back the wave of nostalgia that threatens to hit me as I look upon all the accoutrements of my old life. True, I still keep in contact with my nest, but it’s not the same. My fingers linger over my samurai gear for the briefest of moments before I reach in and grab my tantō. My fingers grip the familiar weapon as I leave and go back to my princess. Surprisingly, she is laying right where I put her. Perhaps there is hope for this succulent brat after all.

  “Hands above your head and grip the headboard.” My voice is gruff and tight with the unleashed arousal that flows through me. I want nothing more than to set upon my prize and devour. However, she still needs to learn the lesson that she is not in any way in charge of this relationship. She feeds and pleasures me at my order and not her whims.

  Her arms shake as she reaches up above her, but she obeys immediately. I can taste her nervous energy on the air as she eyes the sword in my hands. Sheathed, it does not look like much, but knowing her, she probably has no clue what it is, and that’s the cause for the nervous concern.

  “You say you wish to feed me, yes?”

  Her head nods rapidly.

  “Words pet.”

  “Y-yes sir.”

  “Very well. We shall begin.”

  Kneeling back onto the bed, I bring her legs closer to her body so that her knees are bent, and her feet are flat on the bed.

  “Whatever you do, do not move. I am very skilled at what I do, but even I am not a mind reader. If you move, it may cause more harm to your body than I intend. Is that clear?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Her voice trembles, but her arousal perfumes the air even stronger. Gods, but I think I love this woman.

  “Look at me, and do not look away.”

  Once her eyes lock onto mine, I bring the tantō up into her field of vision. Slowly, I pull the sword from the sheath. Granted, it is not nearly as big as a katana, more like the length of my forearm, but it is an impressive blade, nonetheless. The low lights glint off of the razor edge, and for the first time since I’ve known her, real fear shines in her eyes, and heaven help if my cock does not twitch at that sight.

  “Now is your chance to refuse the offer. I am a generous man after all.”

  My lips curl up into a smile as the wheels turn about in her head.

  “No sir. But, do you have to cut me? I thought your kind bite.”

  Laughing, I slide the blade fully out and rest the tip between her breasts. Her breath hitches, and she lies there motionless.

  “My kind? That is very speciesist of you.”

  Her eyes widen as I let the weight of the blade sink further down

  “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry, sir, that was thoughtless. I just...”

  “Shhh, my sweet,” I chuckle, “Am I really such an ogre that I cannot tease you?”

  “You’ve never teased me before, ya stuff shirt, sir” she grumbles.

  “True.” I lean back, bringing the blade with me. “But then again, a man can change if he wishes, can he not?”

  A look of sadness sweeps across her face. What nerve did I just hi

  “I suppose.”

  This will not do. Putting the tantō back on the bed, I slide my fingers down her opening and slip them inside. Her gasp of pleasure and fluttering eyelids replace the look of sadness. Perfect. I want her to remember this time with me with fondness and not let anything taint it.

  After pumping for several moments, I feel her walls clench down on me rhythmically. If I keep this up, she will come again with very little provocation. This will not do at all. Pulling out, I give her mound a short, sharp slap. Groaning, her eyes fly open, her pleading wordless but clear all the same.

  “Not without permission. You know the rules. Besides, you’ve already had your pleasure once tonight. I feel that I am due a little of my own. Pulling the tantō back up, I level her with a stern look.

  “Again, do not move. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispers, her fingers tightening again around the rough iron.

  “Good girl. And eyes on me.”

  She bites her bottom lip but does not look away as I slide the flat side of the blade across her stomach. Her ab muscles tense and ripple underneath my ministrations, but other than that, she remains a perfect statue, my own porcelain doll.

  “Such a very, very good girl,” I murmur, following each cold slide of the knife with my hands. I cannot offer much warmth, but it’s at least a small comfort. A grounding between us. I feel the energy humming through her, and delirium swirls in my brain. My fangs pulse as I keep the edge away from her skin. Just a nick. Just one small puncture, and I can feed. I know the blood will be simply divine and have been lusting for it since the dungeon. Lifting the blade back into the air, I make her watch as I take the sharp edge and bring it towards her fragile skin. Moments before it touches her, I smirk and bring it back up, loving the quick change from nervousness to relief.

  “This blade is far too much for your skin.” Her sigh of relief brings another smirk to my lips. “Instead,” leaning back down, I pull up the scabbard and draw out my much smaller kogatana. “This will serve my purposes much better.”

  The wary look returns as I lower it down to her skin. I only allow the weight to touch it, bringing a cutting sensation without truly marring the skin. Her gasps fill my ears as I drag the knife then follow it up with my tongue across each spot. Her body holds taut against my blade, every inch of her trying desperately to obey. Each muscle I drag the knife across tenses and holds until after I swipe my tongue. Her unease wars with her arousal, and by the smell of it, the arousal is winner.

  “Relax pet. It will feel much better if you just let go.”

  “How would you feel if you had gashes all across your skin!”

  Ahhh. Still mouthy. Excellent. Setting the kogatana to the side, I lean up and slide my hand up the back of the skull to grip her hair.

  “You did not say sir,” I murmur against her lips before sucking in her bottom lip and dragging a fang across the sensitive skin. Until this moment, I did not realize how amazing it felt to finally be out of the shadows. To finally be myself, fully, with a woman. “Besides,” I lift her head up so she can observe her skin. There are the odd light streaks where the knife opened up her capillaries, but no damage near as to what her mind made her think.

  That is the beautiful thing with knife play. It tricks the senses in such a way that even a butter knife feels like it's cutting through skin.

  "As I see it, your skin is still very much intact. No gashes to be seen."

  Her eyes wander over her flesh, the look holds a mix of awe and incredulity. "You must have healed me then."

  "Healed you? Why would I want to do that? If I were attempting to feed from your delectable body, it would not be prudent to heal before I’ve gotten my fill. And trust me, I am still ravenous.” Chuckling, I watch the play of emotions over her face. "Besides, I don’t know what you’ve learned about vampires, but we don’t just go around licking people to heal them. That's the sort of thing you’d read in a fantasy."

  A look of panic flashes across her face, but only for a moment. I am fairly certain I would have missed it if I weren’t watching for every twitch.

  "Now, lay back down, and I'll go back to playing with you."

  Nodding, she settles back onto the pillow, her breathing a lot less erratic now. Now, I can begin to take my sustenance. For several more minutes, I lull her into a false sense of security by resting the knife on her skin and barely letting the weight sink down into her tender flesh. After her breathing turns into moans, I let more and more weight settle on the knife. In her mind, all the sensation feels the same. I know for a fact the knife is razor sharp, enough to glide through flesh like it was butter. What my delightful princess doesn't know is that just this evening, upon waking up, I went through my nightly ritual of sharpening my weapons. Every night, like clockwork. It relaxes and soothes my mind. Almost like a meditation.

  Keeping a keen eye on her breathing, I let the knife rest just a bit more heavily. Her groans fill the air as blood wells up from her thigh. Perfection. Leaning down, I lick the thin trail. Sweetness explodes onto my tongue. She squirms beneath my mouth, and I latch on, sucking and licking. Her groans turn to moans as her hips buck underneath me. I curl my lips against her hot flesh.

  "No, no, sweeting. You are not getting off so easily again tonight. I was kind before, but now, you are going to have to work for your release. Beg for me. I want to hear your sweet pleas fill the air."

  I half expect her to turn shy and refuse me and her own pleasure. But she surprises me by moaning loud and long.

  "Please, sir. Please," she begs.

  I lift my face from her thigh. "Please what?" I growl.

  "Please let me come. Please. Oh, please, sir."

  Chuckling, I lap at her leg again, watching the blood slow to a light trickle. Switching tactics, I turn my tongue back to her dripping pussy. Resting my thumb at the base of her hood, I gently pull backwards, revealing her clit, tight and swollen with need. I fan the tight nubbin with my breath, watching in delight as her entire body leaps towards me in response. "I thought I told you not to move?" Before she can answer, I tap her clit several times with my fingers, making her squeal and shift under me.

  "I'm so sorry, sir. I'm trying. I'm trying really hard."

  "Are you?"

  She cranes her head forward, still holding onto the bed. Desperation lines her features, drawing them tight.

  "I promise I am."

  The light plays over Evangeline's face as I stare at her. Bringing my fingers back down, I drag my nail against her hypersensitive bud, resulting in a full body shudder. Beautiful.

  "Tell me Evangeline, should naughty little girls who cannot obey their masters be allowed to come?"

  She lays there, silent, only her haggard breathing fills the silence.

  "Answer me, pet," I order, pinching her clit between my thumb and forefinger.

  Her face scrunches up, and her whole body goes taut. Other than that, she does not move.

  "N-no sir," she whimpers.

  "But you would like to?"

  "More than anything master," she breathes, trying desperately to hold still.

  Smiling, I continue to hold her hood back as I dip my other fingers into her channel, coating them with her wetness. Sliding back up, I rub her juices over her clit. Her moans litter the air as she moves her hips just a touch to chase my fingers. Pulling back, I tap her clit again, harder this time, just to remind her who is boss. She puts her hips back down and whimpers loudly.

  "Now then, do you think it is fair for you to get off yet again when I haven’t even had my own fill of you?"

  "No sir," she wails quietly, her fists opening and closing around the iron.

  "Good girl," I whisper against her swollen flesh before teasing her with the tip of my tongue.

  She groans and whimpers but does not move. My sweet girl is learning. Pulling back away, I pick up my kogatana and go back to the light drags that leave no marks. When I am sure that her head is high above the clouds
, I slash down, quick and efficient. Blood pools from the wound and into my mouth as I latch on and suck hard. Her moans get louder and louder, but her body remains relatively still. Reaching up, I take my thumb and brush it rapidly against her clit. Her moans turn to wails as her body tightens against me. She is close. So very close. Pulling back, I grab part of my bedding to hold against the weeping wound for a moment before pulling her thighs up and apart. With one swift thrust, I am in her to the hilt.

  She squeals and looks up at me in shock. I knew she would be tight, but even this was beyond my imagining. This beautiful woman grips me tight enough that it’s hard to thrust forward. Pausing a second, I look down at my pet, the sweat glinting off of her body, every line, every curve poised for release. She is holding so still, even though I can feel the strain vibrating through her. Pulling back out, I slide my fingers in between us, first teasing her opening, then easing inside. Her wetness coats my fingers.

  "Look at me pet."

  She lifts her head up from the pillow and stares at my cock. I am hard enough to burst as she stares at me, watching as my fingers spread her wetness over my shaft and begin stroking. Her eyes widen as they follow my movements up and down. Then, she bites down on her lower lip and blushes a tinge. That is almost my undoing, and there is no way I am going to come outside of her again. Leaning down, I kiss my way up her stomach until I am face to face with her. Gingerly, I take her fingers and unwrap them from the bed.

  "Move as much as you please, little one," I whisper, angling my neck down to kiss her. Before our lips meet, she throws her arms around me and pulls me the rest of the way. Her lips are hot and desperate on mine. For this moment, I am okay with her taking the lead. Her passion keeps stoking my own as I pull her legs up again to seat myself deeply inside of her. Her groans mingle with mine as my tongue dances with hers in the same manner as my cock thrusting into her hot body. I know I am not going to last long. Reaching down, I find her clit again and rub hard, swallowing her moans into my mouth. Gritting my teeth, I try my hardest to let her come first.


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