All the Powers of Earth

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All the Powers of Earth Page 97

by Sidney Blumenthal

  Clay, Clement, xv, 90, 150–51, 271, 544, 545

  Clay, Henry, 4–5, 13–14, 23, 31, 35, 74, 200, 227, 228, 272, 305, 420, 518, 617, 624

  Buchanan and, 208

  Fillmore and, 222

  Lincoln quoting, 380, 403, 407–8

  Clay, Virginia, 271, 291, 292

  Clemens, Jeremiah, 79

  Clements, Frederick, 436–37

  Clephane, Lewis, xxi, 95, 96, 100

  Cleveland Leader, 23

  Cleveland Plain Dealer, 547, 550

  Clingman, Thomas, 152, 154, 553

  Clinton Central Transcript, 520

  Cobb, Howell, xxii, 21–22, 104, 140, 270, 271, 316, 318–21, 320, 323, 324, 325, 343, 344, 445, 447, 455, 540, 545, 560

  Cochrane, John, 605

  Codding, Ichabod, 189, 204, 621

  Coffin, Levi, 112

  Coffing, Churchill, 250

  Coleman, E. A., 169

  Coles, Edward, 61

  Colfax, Schuyler, xvi, 121, 244, 333–36, 439–40

  Collamer, Jacob, 28

  Commentaries on the Constitution (Kent), 526

  Compromise of 1820. See Missouri Compromise

  Compromise of 1850, 3, 38, 320

  Douglas and, 11, 13, 14, 15, 223, 413, 450, 543

  Congressional Globe, 28, 33, 41, 83, 114, 140–41, 149

  Conkling, James C., 425, 596

  Conservative, The, 256

  Constitutional Democratic Convention, 556, 558

  Constitutional Union Party, 261, 438, 579, 608

  Baltimore convention, 1860, 559

  Bell as candidate, xiv, 261, 559, 571, 578, 604–5

  Conwell, Russell H., 530

  Cook, Burton C., 569–70

  Cook, Isaac “Ike,” 344

  Cook, John Edwin, xx, 159, 160

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 230

  Cooper Union, Lincoln’s address (1860), xiv, 82, 454, 526–38, 560, 620

  Lincoln’s preparation for, 526

  Lincoln’s speaking style, 530–31

  Lincoln’s writing of the speech, 526

  newspapers reprinting, 529, 538, 563

  right makes might and, 231, 537

  Copeland, John Anthony, Jr., xx

  Coppoc, Barclay and Edwin, xx

  Corcoran, W. W., 213

  “Courage” (Emerson), 495

  Covode, John, 548

  Covode Committee, 548-49, 615

  Craft, William and Ellen, 75

  Crawford, George A., 474

  Crawford, Martin J., 501

  “Crime Against Kansas, The” (Sumner), 106–13, 148

  Crimean War, 325

  Crisis, The (NAACP journal), 119

  Crittenden, John J., xv, 31–32, 135–37, 143, 147, 262, 342, 343, 378–79, 414–16, 438, 439, 559, 605

  Cuba, 131, 315, 445

  bill for invasion and seizure of, 212, 231

  Douglas visit to, 445

  Cullom, Shelby M., 54

  Cummings, Alexander, 585–86

  Cunningham, J. O., xvii, 186, 189, 196, 200–202

  Curtin, Andrew G., xxi, 581, 582, 590, 592, 595, 610–11

  Curtis, Benjamin R., xxii, 77, 277, 280, 285, 298

  Curtis, George William, 584

  Cushing, Caleb, xviii, 76, 546, 550, 558, 602, 603, 604, 605, 608

  Cutts, James Madison, 292, 293, 330

  Daily Missouri Republican, 376

  Dallas, Alexander J., 311

  Dallas, George M., 311, 313

  Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 59, 68, 148

  Dante’s Inferno, 118

  Danville, Ill., 183, 186

  Darling, Nathan, 138

  Davis, David, xvii, 184, 185, 190, 197, 235, 249–50, 252, 253, 353, 388, 416, 424, 425, 520, 569–70, 577, 591

  Lincoln’s nomination, Chicago convention, and, 576–78, 582, 583, 586, 587, 589–91, 593, 595–96

  Lovejoy and, 251, 252, 254, 354–55, 527

  Davis, Henry Winter, 591

  Davis, Jefferson, xv, 5, 10, 23, 123, 154, 207, 269, 271, 288, 297, 311, 313, 317, 326, 333, 406, 448, 448, 455, 541

  challenges Bissell to a duel, 198, 251

  as Douglas enemy, 25, 392, 448, 449, 543–45, 551, 599, 600–601, 605, 612

  as Fire-Eater, 553

  hanging of Douglas and Lincoln proposed, 610

  Kansas and, 309, 338

  national slave code and, 599

  presidential race 1860, and, 541, 549, 604–5

  secession and, 246, 449

  Seward and Wilson targeted by, 506–7, 511–12

  slavery and, 509, 512, 543

  speech on behalf of Lecompton, 339

  venereal disease of, 10, 338, 448

  Davis, John, 77

  Davis, Joseph, 311

  Davis, Reuben, 337

  Davis, Varina, 56–57, 292, 338, 544, 606

  Dawes, Anna Laurens, 109

  Dayton, William, xii, xxi, 234–35, 591

  Debates in the Several State Conventions . . . (Elliot), 526

  Decatur, Ill., xi, 186–87, 524

  Republican convention, 1860, 566–70, 580

  Declaration of Independence, xxiii, 37, 197, 272, 431, 606

  John Brown’s version, 477

  Dred Scott and, 283, 285, 294, 298–99, 300

  egalitarian promise of, 4, 38, 41, 73, 79, 260, 264, 295, 369, 393, 400, 403, 407, 458–59, 511

  Lincoln on, 300–302, 369, 444–45, 458–59

  Southern denial of, 407

  Delahay, Mark, xviii, 516, 517, 577, 582–83

  democracy, 68

  degrading of, by Douglas, 459

  equality and, 260

  Jackson as icon for, 26, 100

  Jefferson and, 458

  in Kansas, 27, 112

  “popular sovereignty” and, 15, 26

  slavery as antithetical to, 111, 146

  states’ rights as threat to, 98, 100

  Tocqueville and, 178–79

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 179

  Democratic Party, 93

  anti-Douglas Democrats, 415, 508, 543, 599–601

  anti-Frémont parade, 240

  anti-Lecompton Douglas Democrats, 444

  antislavery members, 76, 100–101, 102, 188, 219, 259, 454, 455

  Baltimore convention, 1860, 602–4, 605

  Benton and, 230

  Blair’s recruitment from ranks of, 96–97, 100

  Buchaneers, 213, 214, 365–66, 388, 391, 392

  California, Chivalry faction, 455

  Cass’s candidacy, 1848, 26, 207

  Charleston convention, 1860, xiv, 446, 452, 539, 539–42, 545–58

  Cincinnati Platform, 540

  Concord Cabal, 8

  convention, 1844, 312–13

  convention, 1852, 321

  convention, 1856, 205–15

  defections from, xi, 9–10, 94, 148, 215, 220, 269, 331, 345, 520, 527, 585, 594

  division in, 330, 334–36, 345, 392, 427, 452, 561–62, 600, 602, 603, 609, 617

  Douglas and, 11, 22, 25, 98, 188, 260–61, 330, 335, 413, 427, 451, 544

  Douglas’s 1856 Senate race, 21, 99, 101–4, 206–7, 213–15, 329, 363–416

  Douglas’s 1860 presidential race, xiv, 444, 446, 451, 507, 602–14, 616, 617

  Democratic Party (cont.)

  election results, 1860, 628

  “Freeport Doctrine” and, 392

  funders, 212

  of Illinois, 101–2, 188, 189, 344–45

  Illinois state election results, 1858, 415–16

  “Indomitables,” 76

  “irrepressible conflict” and, 538, 551, 561

  Jefferson and, 431–32

  of Kentucky, 312

  Locofocos, 361, 586

  midterm defeats, 1854, 212

  midterm defeats, 1858, 443, 444

  National Democrats, xiv, 345, 447, 545

  Northern Democrats, 22, 25, 98, 101, 129, 327, 330, 343, 443–44, 451, 461, 605

  “old fogies” and, 8, 14,
208, 330

  Pennsylvania and, 94–95, 207, 213, 267–70, 311, 545

  Pierce and, 10, 11, 24–25, 205–7, 321

  presidential hopefuls, 1860, 540–41, 546, 549, 558

  presidential race 1848, and, 70, 103–4, 118

  presidential race 1856, and, xii, 206–7, 211, 222, 225, 238, 249, 293, 329–30

  as pro-slavery, 40, 213, 215, 303–4, 560

  Southern Democrats and, 22, 23, 129, 444, 508, 540, 544, 616

  Southern Fire-Eaters and, 58, 88, 129, 130, 222, 271, 333, 342, 373, 516, 550, 552, 553, 554, 558

  Southern nominations, 1860 and, 604

  Southern secession and, 604

  Sumner attack, effect of, 148

  36th Congress and, 500

  Tyler and, 312

  in Virginia, the Chivalry, 496, 497

  Washington Union as main newspaper, 277

  weakness of, 261

  Whig defectors joining, 261

  Democratic Party, New York, 9–10, 22, 25, 70, 71, 206, 345, 452, 527

  “Albany Regency,” 540, 608

  antislavery faction, 9, 76, 101, 188, 452

  Barnburners, 10, 70, 71, 206, 214, 345, 452, 527

  Charleston convention, 1860 and, 557–58

  Douglas 1856 nomination and, 206, 214

  Douglas 1860 presidential campaign, 452, 608

  Fifth Avenue Hotel Committee, 492

  Pierce and, 10, 206

  Tammany Hall, 9, 452

  Van Buren nomination and, 10

  vice presidential nomination, 1856, 214

  Wall Street Democrats, 492

  Democratic Review, 330

  Denton, Sally, 241, 243

  DeWitt Courier, 250–51

  Dickey, T. Lyle, xvii, 197, 203, 252, 253, 254, 354, 356, 379, 414, 416

  Dickinson, Daniel S., 452, 558

  Dictionary of the United States Congress (Lanman), 526

  “Dirge” (Sanborn), 495

  Disney, David T., 22

  “Dissertation on Slavery, A” (Tucker), 87

  Dittenhoefer, Abram J., 581

  Dix, John A., 10

  Dixon, Archibald, 38

  Dodge, Henry, 79

  Dole, William P., 583

  Donaldson, J.B., 50

  Donati’s Comet, 394

  Donelson, Andrew, 219

  Don Quixote (Cervantes), 110, 111, 116

  Dorr, J. B., 451

  Dougherty, John, 365

  Douglas, Adele Cutts, xvii, 291–92, 293, 346, 446, 544, 602, 614

  Douglas, Martha, 14, 25

  Douglas, S. Ford, 394

  Douglas, Stephen A., xii, xv, 13, 14–15, 25, 37, 38–40, 42–43, 48, 75, 188, 329, 365, 443, 455, 529, 575

  ambition of, 9, 11, 13–16, 21–23, 26, 27, 37, 43, 101, 108, 192, 311, 359, 413, 542

  backers, 213, 214

  Blair’s denunciation of, 97–98, 100

  Bright’s treachery against, 213–14, 290

  Brooks and, 136–37, 143, 154, 543–44

  Buchanan and, xiii, 216, 289–93, 329–47, 406, 427, 444–47, 451, 508, 545, 548–49

  Calhoun and, 338

  campaign managers for, 22

  campaign of 1852, 101

  Chicago and, 223–24

  Compromise of 1850 and, 11, 13, 14, 15, 223, 450, 543

  in Cuba, 445

  Davis as enemy of, 25, 392, 448, 449, 543–45, 551, 599, 600–601

  as debater, 42, 57

  Democratic Party and, 11, 22, 25, 98, 99, 188, 213–15, 260–61, 330, 413

  Democratic presidential try, 1852, 14, 23, 207, 213, 330

  Democratic presidential try, 1856, xii, 14, 21–23, 25–34, 37, 101–4, 206–7, 213–15, 329

  dislike of, 250, 261, 543

  Dred Scott and, 389, 391–92, 403, 453, 454

  Dred Scott speech, 1857, xii, 293–97, 313–14

  as drunk, 14, 25, 260, 292, 346, 398, 560, 602, 610

  first formal address to 36th Congress, 507–8

  Fitch conflict with, 447

  “Freeport Doctrine” and, 391, 392, 422, 443, 450, 455, 542, 601

  health issues, 346, 602, 609

  Healy portrait, 451, 451

  Hecker as opponent, 257

  Herndon meeting with, 350

  Illinois Central Railroad Act, 413, 450

  Jackson admired by, 100–101

  Kansas and, xi, 19, 22–23, 26–28, 30, 37, 329, 330, 343–44, 406, 450, 456, 457

  Kansas’s Calhoun and, 308–9, 330

  Know Nothing Party and, 255

  life mask and statue, 575, 599

  on Lincoln, 346

  Lincoln rivalry with, 29, 192–93, 347, 375, 429–31, 463

  Lincoln’s Cincinnati speech and, 461–62

  Lincoln’s criticism of, 458

  Lincoln’s diminishing of, 413

  Lincoln’s pyramid metaphor and, 421

  Lincoln’s views on, 331, 358–60, 456–57

  Lincoln warns about, 192

  as “Little Giant,” 13, 14, 192, 251, 292, 305, 314, 365, 543, 600

  marriage to Adele Cutts, 291, 292, 602

  Mississippi plantation, 25, 414–15, 447, 609

  Nebraska Act and, 6, 15, 21, 22, 23, 30–31, 81, 87, 93, 105, 193, 293, 313–14, 335, 356, 358, 375, 382, 392, 413, 450, 542, 543, 609

  newspaper attacks on, 102–3

  newspapers supporting, 250, 304, 327, 330, 344, 366, 437

  as Northern Democrat, 25, 98, 101

  political power of, in Illinois, 413

  political tour, 1858, 444–45

  politics of race and, 295–96, 300, 380–81, 393–401, 406, 411, 445, 459

  popular sovereignty and, 15, 18, 23, 25–27, 30, 117, 206, 264, 277, 286, 293–94, 296, 313, 330, 333, 343, 364, 365, 380, 382, 389, 392, 403, 406, 411, 453, 454, 459, 532, 542, 561

  “Popular Sovereignty in the Territories,” xiv, 453–54, 458, 529

  public style of, 544

  race-mixing charge against Wilson, 40–41

  Republican Party denounces, 197

  Republicans and, 333–35, 347–52, 360, 376, 426, 428, 430, 456–57, 536

  in Senate, as pariah, 35th Congress, 446–50

  in Senate, Committee on Territories and, 15, 23, 332, 372, 446, 455, 543, 545

  Senate achievements, 413

  Senate floor diatribes, 30–34, 43

  Senate floor leader, 13

  Senate speech on Lecompton controversy, 332–33, 334, 342, 348–49

  Senate speech on Yancey, Davis, and Southern secession, 599–600

  slavery and, 333, 349, 359, 380, 402, 410–11, 455, 458, 544

  Slidell as political enemy, 415, 446–47

  Southern dislike of, 25–26, 391–92, 450, 454

  Southern sympathies of, 198

  Stowe’s observations of, 42–43

  Sumner and, 28, 30–31, 33, 34, 79, 81–82, 87, 88, 105–7, 109–12, 116–20, 140, 146, 178

  threats against and bodyguard hired, 447

  Trumbull as opponent, 28–32, 34, 40

  Walker and, 313, 314, 315, 329, 330, 331

  Washington home “Mount Julep,” 292

  white supremacy of, 40, 296, 364, 379–80, 390–91, 399, 400, 445, 459, 511

  Douglas, Stephen A., 1858 Senate race, 21, 363–416

  attacks on Lincoln for abolitionism, 292–93, 369–71, 384, 389–90, 399, 402–3, 405–6, 412

  attacks on Lincoln for negro equality, 379–81, 384–85, 388–90, 393–94, 396–98, 412, 415

  Buchanan’s opposition to, 381

  Douglas, Stephen A., 1858 Senate race (cont.)

  campaign funds raised by, 345–46

  campaign launch, Chicago, 363–64

  Eastern Republicans and, 347–52, 360, 376, 426, 428, 430, 456, 457, 536–37

  election won by, xiii, 414–16

  entrance to events, 381–82, 389, 395, 399

  final campaign event, 414

  Kansas and, 330, 331

  Lincoln associates supportin
g, 377–79, 414–16

  Lincoln-Douglas debates and, 43, 371–414

  Old Whigs and, 365

  political issues of, 364, 365

  private train car for, 370, 414

  race baiting by, 364, 370, 380, 395, 406

  as referendum for, 365

  rich supporters of, 370

  slave holders campaigning for, 392

  as step to presidency, 293, 296–97, 365, 422

  Trumbull’s accusations and, 372

  white-only government and, 381, 414

  See also Lincoln-Douglas debates

  Douglas, Stephen A., 1860 presidential campaign, 215, 334, 347, 446, 525, 552, 599, 602–14

  announcement of, 451

  attacks Lincoln’s “house divided” speech, 508

  Baltimore convention, 558, 602–4

  blames Republicans for Harpers Ferry, 508

  campaign biography, 539, 542

  campaign headquarters, 541

  campaigning for, 607–14, 617

  Charleston convention, 539–42, 547–58

  conspiracy theory of, 609, 612

  Constitutional Union Party and, 559

  convinced Lincoln will win, 609, 610–11, 613

  Davis and, 605, 612

  as Democratic candidate, 507, 560, 602–4, 605

  Democratic Party and, 616

  desire to preserve the Union, 609, 611, 612

  election results, 614, 628

  failing health, 600, 602, 609, 610

  as “fallen star,” 601, 602

  Freeport Doctrine and, 422

  funding problems, 607, 611

  a government of white men and, 511

  lack of challengers, 540

  Lincoln’s arguments against, 526

  mistrust of, 542

  Montgomery speech, 611–13

  in New York, 452

  as Northern Democrat, 293, 430, 451, 605

  opportunism of, 511

  platform, 451–52, 509, 540, 550

  positioning himself for, 444

  running mate for, 540, 604, 610

  Seward opposed, 511

  Southern campaign of, 611–14

  Southern opposition, 452, 508, 509, 543, 560–61, 599–602

  strategy, 451, 540

  supporters, 451, 540, 541, 542, 552, 607

  Douglass, Frederick, xix, 34, 100, 163, 164, 167, 468, 493

  John Brown and, 159, 163–64, 167, 468, 478, 493

  Douglas uses against Lincoln, 292–93, 389–90, 396, 402

  Lincoln and, 493, 620

  Douglass, Margaret, xx, 113

  Doyle, James, 168

  Doyle, William, Drury, and John, 168

  Drake, John B., 576

  Drayton, Daniel, 78, 80

  Dred Scott v. John Sanford, xxii, 3, 95, 96, 226, 264, 273–88, 332, 357

  attorneys, 276–77, 288

  collusion suspected, 282, 287, 339, 359

  concurring opinions, 284

  consequences of, 286, 325

  dissenting opinions, 284–85, 298


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