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Aesthetics within evolutionary psychology, 118
expanded genres of the human, 99–101
Kant’s aesthetic taste, 98–99
nonhuman aesthetics, 97–99
Afrofuturism. See also “Message in a Bottle”;Splendor and Misery (clipping.) alternative futurities, 97, 127
Black Quantum Futurist movement, 127
Middle Passage settings, 100, 126–127, 138
slavery in, 126–127
Bergson, Henri, 2–3
Biology biopower, 64–65, 68–69
contemporary biotechnology, 66–67, 68–69
fear of animalistic reversion, 65
genotype/phenotype distinction, 66
genres of the human, 99–101
marketization of contemporary biotechnology, 73–74, 78
synthetic biology, 66–67
Black Quantum Futurist movement, 127
Blanchot, Maurice, 23–24
Brassier, Ray, 37
Capitalism. See also neoliberalism marketization of contemporary biotechnology, 73–74, 78
slavery-capitalism nexus, 135, 141–142
Capitalist realism, 95, 155
Carroll, Lewis, 23
Chalmers, David, 42
Chwistek, Leon, 15–16
Cichocki, Cristopher, 142–144
Clipping., 145
Conway, John, 17
Cooper, Melinda, 68, 121
Correlationism in “The New Reality” (Harness), 9–12, 18
factiality, 12, 18, 26
in Kantian thought, 10–11
in The Thing Itself (Roberts), 25, 26–27
Dark Eden (Beckett) alternative visions for society, 121–123
critiques of, 110, 112
David’s militaristic coup, 112–114
disability and ableism in, 105, 112–113, 121–122
Eden’s ecosystem, 103–104
Eden’s society as fallen, 106, 108, 114
exodus of John and his followers, 109–110
gender relations, 105, 113, 114–116
gossip-turned-myth, 107–108, 113
human population, 104–106
John’s disruptive persona, 110–112
as a narrative fabulation, 118–120
narrative structure, 109
(re)invention of rape and murder, 114, 115
societal break down, 108–109, 120–121
as speculative anthropology, 116–117, 118
Delany, Samuel R., 135
Derrida, Jacques, 95, 96
Diggs, Daveed, 131, 132, 134–135, 139–141, 146–147
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) discovery of, 42–43, 59
transgenic experimentation in Dr. Franklin’s Island (Halam), 61–62, 65–66, 67–68, 72–74
transgenic manipulation of, 68–69
Dr. Franklin’s Island (Halam) de-mammalization of the experiments, 71
duality of human/animal existence, 76
figure of Dr Franklin, 63–64, 69–70
marketization of contemporary biotechnology, 73–74, 78
narrative overview of, 62–63
parallels with The Island of Dr. Moreau, 61
research facilities, 71–72
resilience discourse in, 70–71
self-aware animal consciousness, 74–76
transgenic experimentation, 61–62, 65–66, 67–68, 72–74
Edelman, Lee, 88, 91, 95, 97
Eshun, Kodwo, 126–127
Ethics, fabrication of new types of human beings in “Shadow Show” (Simak), 39–40, 41–42, 47–48
Evolutionary psychology, 117–118
Fabulation defined, 2–3
science fictional, 1–3
Fisher, Mark, 95, 155
Foucault, Michel, 9, 64–65
Frankenstein (Shelley), 43–44, 46
Freud, Sigmund, 50–51
Futureways, 81
Halam, Ann, 64, 74
Haraway, Donna, 57, 72
Harman, Graham, 26, 29
Hopes, Addie, 99–100
Hopkinson, Nalo, The New Moon’s Arms, 99–100
Humanity biopower, 64–65, 68–69
evolutionary psychology, 117–118
human/animal dualism in The Island of Dr. Moreau, 48–49, 61, 64
Lovecraft’s fear of human mutation, 48
nineteenth century fear of reversion, 65
speculative anthropology, 116–117, 118
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Wells) biopower in, 64–65
fear of reversion in, 65, 70
figure of Dr Moreau, 46, 69, 70, 71
H. P. Lovecraft and, 65
human/animal dualism, 64, 74, 76
parallels with Dr. Franklin’s Island, 61
quasi-human beings, 48–49, 61, 64, 66, 72
James, Robin, 71
Jameson, Fredric, 123, 135, 147, 161
Jemisin, N. K, 110, 112
Kant, Immanuel aesthetic taste, 98–99
conditions of possibility, 1, 24
correlationism and, 10–11
the Ding an sich, 25, 27
on the form of external reality, 8–9
/> intuitions, 5
the Kantian categories in The Thing Itself (Roberts), 24–27, 29–30
the Kantian problem in “The New Reality” (Harness), 8–9, 10
necessary unknowability of things, 16–17
Knight, Nadine, 130, 137
Kochen, Simon, 17
Kuhn, Thomas, 6, 8, 12, 14
Leary, John Patrick, 70–71
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 2
Lopez Estrada, Carlos, 139–142
Lovecraft, H. P. coldness of the universe, 37, 38
cosmology, 96–97, 145
fear of animalistic reversion, 65
fear of human mutation, 48
hyperbolic horror of, 23
the monsters of, 29
Marx, Karl, 119, 120
McLuhan, Marshall, 6, 33, 53
Meillassoux, Quentin correlationism concept, 9–12
factiality of correlationism, 12, 18, 26
the great outdoors, 34, 37
positive noumenal ontology, 16–17
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 10
“Message in a Bottle” (Hopkinson) as a meta-science-fiction story, 92
capitalist realism, 95
expanded genres of the human, 99–101
“The Excavations” gallery installation, 83–85, 97–98
Greg’s feelings on children, 86–88, 95
Greg’s legacy through art, 88–89, 95, 97
Greg’s lifestyle choices, 85–86
ideas of futurity, 95–96, 97
Kamla, 87, 89–91
Kamla’s account of time travel, 92–95
narrative overview, 82
nonhuman aesthetics, 97–99
notions of the ahistorical authenticity of indigenous peoples, 82–83
reproductive futurism, 88, 91, 95, 97
the threat of radical, irreversible change, 91, 96–97
transport through time, 81–82
Miéville, China, 23
Myth defined, 2
gossip-turned-myth in Dark Eden, 107–108, 113
Neoliberalism. See also capitalism capitalist realism, 95, 155
cult of innovation, 121
inevitability perception of, 95–96
Extreme Fabulations Page 20