Lotto Men: A Reverse Harem Romantic Comedy (Lotto Love Book 1)

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Lotto Men: A Reverse Harem Romantic Comedy (Lotto Love Book 1) Page 13

by Ann Denton


  “Them’s the rules,” I shrug. “Sorry.”

  “But can I just—”

  I shake my head. “The plane’s already running.”

  Wu packs without another word. He does sneak in a text, but I pretend I don’t see, because he gets teary-eyed when he does it.

  We reach the plane and Alec opens the door and comes down the stairs. He greets us with a nod. Alec opens his stupid mouth, but I cut him off. “We’re down on flight hours, right?”

  Alec nods. “Yeah. After I take this guy, I’ve got someone else who scheduled some hours on this baby with another pilot. They need an emergency flight, so I have to leave the plane a couple islands over for pick up. We won’t have a plane for a few days.”

  I nod. I don’t ask where he’s staying, even though I’m tempted. “I’ll get online and re-up those hours—”

  “I’m taking the boat back here tonigh—”

  We both stop and awkwardly stare at one another. That annoying humming, high-energy buzz my body gets around him starts up. Dammit all. He’s like a stupid zaplight. The damn kind with a blue glow that draw the bugs in. Only he attracts women. A literal lady killer.

  I take a step back, trying to get away from the physical effect he has on me.

  Alec goes toward the steps of the jet. I turn around to walk back to the villas in the pink light of sunset, only to find Matt Rooney running down the tarmac full-speed, waving one arm wildly.

  I guess Heather was right. Matt and Tim did form a connection. Apparently, a strong one. As Matt gets closer, I realize he’s got a suitcase under one arm. So, he’s not just running up to say goodbye.

  “I think you might have a second passenger,” I turn and tell Alec.

  Matt rushes up to us. His black hair is windblown and he’s winded, but he gives us a smile as he asks, “Room for one more?”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “Tell Heather I really appreciate everything. Everything. But ...”

  I smile and nod up at the plane. “She’ll be thrilled you two found each other here. Go get your man.”

  Matt bolts up the stairs. I hear a wail from the plane. It sounds like a romantic movie reunion. The kind that make me cry. As it is, I get tears in my eyes.

  Alec, on the other hand, gets a stern face. “No sex on the plane, you two!” he barks as he marches up the stairs. “Just kidding. Put down a blanket so I don’t have to bleach the whole thing. You wouldn’t believe how hard cum shots are to get out of this upholstery.”

  Alec smiles at me before he pulls the plane door shut.

  I forgive him a little just then. He’s not a completely bad guy. Just bad for me. For whatever reason…

  I watch Matt and Tim fly off into the sunset and I feel a little ping of regret. Michael never would have run down a tarmac after me. And now, no one will. Damn. I shove that self-pity aside. Stupid hormones. Stupid female mating instincts. That’s all this is. Well, I’ll solve that problem.

  I yank my phone out of my pocket and dial the kitchen. Predictably, Kenneth doesn’t answer. It goes to voicemail, just like every other time I called his kitchen before the trip. Fuck it. I’ll just show up and rip off my clothes. I’m done waiting for the right time.

  I yank open the kitchen door to find Kenneth sitting at a worktable, hunched over what looks like a dress. What the hell?

  I step inside and can’t help asking, “Are you … sewing?”

  “Yes,” Kenneth’s face is screwed up in concentration.

  “I need sex,” I tell him. Might as well be direct.

  He grins but doesn’t look up. “I’m almost finished. Five minutes?”

  I nod and sit near him on a stepstool. “What is that?” I lean forward to look at his work. At first, I thought he was repairing his chef coat or something. But, he’s not. He’s carefully pulling thin slices of eggplant and sewing them together. “What kind of recipe is that?”

  “It’s called edible clothing.”

  “Oh. Um. Okay. What’s it for?”

  “Dinner,” he leans forward and tightens a stich before moving onto the next strip of eggplant.

  “Wait. What?”

  Kenneth straightens and holds up what looks like a flowy, short miniskirt. It’s white with the red seeds and the purple skin of the eggplant creating a playful pattern. The slices of eggplant are layered to create ruffles. It’s actually really fucking cute. I’d consider buying it if it weren’t made of food. But what the hell is with food clothing?

  My face must show Kenneth what I’m thinking, because he explains, “Heather requested a sensual dinner tonight. Something that would get the men riled up. So … after much consideration, I’ve decided she’s on the menu. Veggie skirt. Bacon bra. I used the new pineapple passionfruit flavoring from your hard candies and made some edible underwear. And …” he holds up a mini zucchini. “All natural, all edible butt plug.”

  I cringe and turn away. “I don’t think that’s—”

  “I set my own menu!” Kenneth’s voice smacks down my protest as he lovingly sets the mini skirt down. “Heather’s already been summoned. She’ll be here in a few minutes. I’ll help her get ready. And then …” his eyes glitter. “Then you’re mine.”

  I sink back on my stool. “I don’t know if I’m in the mood anymore after hearing about edible butt plugs.”

  He laughs. “Ah, pretty girl. I made some special things just for you.”

  “Butt plugs?” I widen my eyes and clench the sides of my seat. I’m half-joking, half-not. If he pulls out another zucchini, I’m booking it.

  “No, beautiful. Just jewelry.”

  “Oh.” Jewelry I can handle. I think.

  Kenneth goes over to another worktable. He picks up a short string of red beads and walks toward me. His eyes lock onto mine and don’t let go.

  My breath starts coming faster just at the look in his eyes. So intent on me. So focused. He stops just in front of me, his thighs touching my knees. Even that little touch sends waves of lust spiraling through me. My stomach tightens in anticipation. My mouth dries out. There’s a primal connection between us. Slowly, very slowly, he takes my right hand in both of his. He puts the red bracelet on my skin. It’s cold, almost wet-cold, to the touch.

  “What is it?” I breathe.

  He doesn’t answer, just lifts my hand close to his face so he can see to knot the tiny fishing line of the bracelet. Then his eyes go back to mine. He pulls my wrist up to his lips and kisses it. He keeps my hand at his mouth and his eyes search mine. Then his tongue snakes out and traces my pulse.

  My heart speeds up. My thoughts get hazy. I’ve never been seduced by someone like this before. He’s so slow. Methodical, measuring my reaction every step of the way.

  I watch as his eyes drop to see where my nipples have pebbled, as if he knew that’s what would happen when he licked me there. I didn’t even know that would happen. The wrist is a hot zone? But, every part of my body thrums in awareness as he traces kisses across my palm, all while maintaining eye contact.

  My nipples grow as hard as glass and I didn’t wear a bra underneath this dress. I know they’re straining against the cotton. I know he can see their peaks pressing out, begging for attention. But he doesn’t move toward them. No matter how much I want him to—no, Kenneth stays focused on my wrist.

  His teeth scrape the inside, right near my pulse. And that makes me feel vulnerable on a primal level. Which just makes me want to surrender to him all the more. He sucks my skin into his mouth and releases it. And then his lips trace a soft pattern down my wrist, wrapping around one of red beads. He crushes it in his teeth and a streak as red as blood runs down the inside of my arm.

  Kenneth points his tongue and lazily traces the red drops, pulling me off the stool and urging my body closer to his.

  “Pomegranete seeds,” he whispers.

  I can feel the heat of him now. And in my flip flops he’s taller than me in just the right ways. If I went on my tiptoes, I co
uld kiss him. If I bent forward and unzipped his pants, I could take him in my mouth. I feel his erection prod at my stomach and my free hand goes to stroke it.

  Kenneth stops me.

  “No, darling. Take off your dress.”

  I back up and whip my dress over my head. My hair gets a little stuck, (a far cry from a porno undressing), but Kenneth helps me untangle myself without laughing … so at least he’s not a jerk about it. Instead, he maintains that calm, intense sensual energy the entire time.

  He stares down at my breasts once they’re free. His finger comes up and traces the tan line on my chest, the triangles made by my bikinis. His finger slides up and down to where my creamy skin begins. His touch is light, it tickles like a feather and my knees go weak. He licks his lips and I try to tempt him into licking my breasts the way he just licked my wrist. I use my left hand to cup my left breast and point the brick-red nipple at him enticingly. He inhales sharply, drops his finger from my breasts, and strides quickly back to his worktable.

  “What did I do wrong—”

  He’s turning and striding back toward me before I can say his name. He has a bright yellow necklace in his hands, and he tosses it around my neck before I realize what’s happening. It bounces against my skin with a wet splash and then settles. It’s long. The beads fall below my breasts. I can smell the fruit immediately. “Pineapple?” I ask.

  Kenneth doesn’t answer. He’s too busy sweeping back my brown hair and licking at beads on my neck. He crushes a bit of pineapple and repeats his earlier torture. His tongue laves my collarbone, lapping up the fragrant juice. His head moves down between my breasts, his hair tickling them. His tongue traces the middle bead that lies just above my naval.

  I take his hair in my hands, ready to shove his head lower. But he gently pries my hands away from his brown locks and puts them down by my side. Then he uses his teeth to grab the very bottom pineapple bead; his mouth pulls the necklace up, away from my body and shifts it over, moving the necklace until it settles right on top of my nipple. The cold from the pineapple instantly makes my nipple incredibly sensitive.

  I gasp. I can’t help it. My head curves back. Oh my fucking God. I love this.

  I love it even more when Kenneth’s warm breath blows on my nipple. The cold pineapple blocks him at the center but the heat and cold on my sensitive skin makes my toes curl. Fucking hell. I could almost come like this. My breasts start to heave as my breathing speeds up.

  And that’s when Kenneth swoops in. His teeth clench around the pineapple on my nipple. He bites down on it, biting my nipple in the process.

  Lightning bolts of lust shoot through me. “Fuck!” I pant.

  Kenneth’s teeth release my nipple just as the pain gets to be a bit too much. He bites off that piece of pineapple, straightens and watches my eyes as he eats it.

  Shit, just watching him eat has my pussy fluttering in anticipation. My hands reach for him again, but he places them back by my sides and then dives back to my belly. He grabs the necklace with his teeth once more and moves the pineapple beads over so that it hangs between my breasts, so that no juice drips onto his bite mark. His mouth trails lazily up my chest, not so much kissing as just mouthing me. He traces up my neck, sending shivers down my spine. By the time he gets to my chin, my entire body is on fire with need.

  And that’s when he kisses me. Rough. Not soft like his tongue has been on my wrist and body. No, his tongue owns mine. His tongue battles with me, beats my mouth into submission. He tastes of pineapple and I know that the fruit has been forever ruined for me. Every time I eat it, I’m going to be reminded of this moment. The moment Kenneth claimed my body.

  My lust is so strong, I’m such a whirlwind of need and heat and hormones, that he has to grab my ass to keep me upright. I try to grind into him, but he backs his pelvis away. And then his lips leave mine.

  I seek his, whimpering in protest.

  He just chuckles. “Oh no, you’re not ready yet. It’s time for you to simmer.”

  His eyes—those damned deceiving sweet-guy-next-door eyes—spark as he slides down my body and removes my panties. He has me step out of them and my flip flops. His hand teases up my thigh but stops short of his goal.

  “Please,” I whisper. “I need it.” I’m at his mercy. I’m so crazy wet, and my spine is already tingling with those pre-orgasm shivers. Fuck me. I just need him to fuck me.

  He leads me over to a completely clear worktable and I’m so excited my hands are shaking. Yes. Yes!

  He helps me hop up onto the table, pulls off the pineapple necklace and tosses it aside. “Lie back.”

  Kenneth comes around to the back of the table and puts a warm towel under my head, so I’m not resting completely against the hard, polished wood. I smile in thanks and my heartbeat speeds up as he moves back around toward my feet. He bends my legs so that each foot rests on the table top.

  “Spread,” he commands.

  I spread. He grabs my ankles and pulls them further apart. I’m wide open, gaping.

  His deep intense eyes move from my face, down my breasts, and settle on my slit. Then his hand reaches up and cups my primed sex. His fingers rest on the very thin trimmed patch of hair there. My entire body tightens in anticipation.

  Kenneth leans forward between my legs and his voice is gruff as he whispers, “I’m gonna fuck you in ways you didn’t even know you could get fucked.”

  My pussy flutters at those words. Literally flutters. Like possibly a level one orgasm. Like an earthquake that’s there, deep inside, a foreshock warning you that bigger, life-changing, building-toppling moments are coming. His hand presses into me. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “Fuck,” I whisper. My eyes close.

  Kenneth’s hand moves away, and I keep my eyes closed for a second, expecting to hear him tossing his clothes off. I don’t hear that.

  When my eyelids pop open, I see Kenneth setting a big metallic bowl of steaming corn on the cob next to me. He pulls one cob out of the bowl and slides it down my thigh. The heat and the texture are a new sensation. Hot, wet, tickles. If tickles could be wet. It’s … different. He slides it down the other thigh. I don’t think I like it nearly as much as the wrist or my nipple, until Kenneth rolls it right there. He slides it up and down the outside of my lips.

  The heat is delicious. It’s just as hot as a dick. But the texture. The soft little warm nubs trace up and down my inner lips. And it’s goddamned-frickin’-tastic. I go as mindless and as dumb as Frankenstein’s monster.

  “Oh. Ohhhhh,” I moan. “Fuck me.” What the motherfuck is going on? My brain starts to ask questions, but I shut that shit down quick. I don’t want to ask questions. I just want to feel. Kenneth knows what the fuck he’s doing with food.

  He slides the cob back and forth in a regular pattern until the heat dissipates. Then he sets that cob aside and grabs a new one from the bowl. The fresh heat sends a wave of pleasure right through me. It courses up my spine and sends my head spinning.

  My hands smack down onto the table and my pelvis lifts, seeking that heat, begging Kenneth to put that heat right between my lips. He does just the tip, teasing me before sliding it up and over. He uses other his hand to pull back my hood and the warm, wet heat bumps over my clit. Again and again and again. I melt into a mind-altering orgasm. My hips hump the air and I moan, clawing at the table.

  When I come back down, I’m not Katie anymore. I’m some weird, sex-crazed freak. Holy motherfuck, I realize. I like to fuck fruit.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kenneth uses his hand to help me up from the table. My legs are still a little shaky and my hands are asleep. All the blood has fled elsewhere.

  Kenneth turns me around so I’m facing the table. He places my hands on the wood and uses his feet to make me spread.

  Yes. He’s going to fuck me. I’m so ready. So fucking ready. At this point, after the orgasm he’s given me, I don’t even care if he wants to shove a zuchinni in my ass. I’m in such a sex haze t
hat I’ll do anything. Anything.

  Kenneth’s arms come around me and I feel the corn on the cob tracing down my belly.

  This time, I’m not weirded out. This time there is only anticipation about what mind-blowing thing he’s going to do to me next. He presses the cob against my nether region. And holds it there. Then one of his hands reaches up and grabs mine. He wraps my fingers around the corn on the cob.

  Then he whispers, “Keep a steady rhythm. You can come three times before I get back. But no more. And nothing better enter that gorgeous pussy before my dick. Not your fingers. Not that cob. You hear me?”

  Shit. I nearly come just at those commands. Goddamn.

  “Yes,” my voice is breathy as he helps me get a rhythm started.

  “I’m gonna get Heather ready. Then I’ll be back.”

  “Unh,” my response isn’t even a word. I’m so close to that next orgasm. Kenneth’s hand reaches out and closes over mine. He slows the pace, keeping me on the brink. “Only three,” he whispers.

  Then he steps away. I hear him gather up his things. The door opens and shuts behind him. And that’s the last thing I remember before I set myself off on a rolling orgasm that feels like it lasts for days.

  Kenneth takes a while to get Heather dressed. I go through four more corncobs. And I cheat and give myself one extra orgasm.

  When Kenneth comes back, I hear him slam the door and walk over to me.

  Smack! He spanks my ass hard. “I could hear you from the dining room. How many orgasms did I say you could have?”

  Fuck! I bite my lip, turned on but anxious at the same time. Is he really mad at me? I look over my shoulder to find him unbuttoning his shirt and grinning. “I knew you’d cheat.”

  His naughty smile makes me giddy. Giddiness turns back into lust when he pulls open his shirt to reveal very cut pecs and a thin set of abdominals. His happy trail looks enticing.


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