The Azophi Academy Complete Series Boxed Set: Unique Military Education

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The Azophi Academy Complete Series Boxed Set: Unique Military Education Page 84

by TR Cameron

  Athena replied, “No, but you might be able to have the most important things. On your eleven.”

  He looked up and over in the direction she indicated and spotted Juno walking toward him. Her face lit up as she drew near, and he was sure that he wore a stupid smile. They hadn’t had much time together since his return, and all of it had been as doctor and patient. He asked, “So, have you figured out those indestructible arms yet?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You get state-of-the-art prosthetic technology, and all you do is complain. Honestly.”

  He laughed and captured one of her hands with his. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to get too comfortable resting on your laurels. I mean, I’m pretty awesome as-is, but I’m sure that you can find a way to make me better.”

  Juno snorted. “I think a lobotomy might help.”

  Athena observed, “You know, if done right, they could maybe wipe out your personality and leave me in charge. That would work.”

  Jax shook his head. “My brain friend is on the zombie kick again.”

  Juno replied, “I know, she asked me about it yesterday.”


  Athena sounded smug. “When you were sleeping. With access to your comm, I can accomplish all sorts of things during your stupid rest periods.”

  Jax raised a hand. “Never mind. So, I have news.”

  “You’re being promoted.”

  He threw up his hands. “Why is it everyone knows about everything, and I don’t?”

  She laughed. “I was watching when you talked to Stephenson. I saw your face. It doesn’t take a genius, although I am one.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “So, genius, what did I say?”

  “You said you’re staying at the Academy, based on both of your body language.”

  He sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. Think we can go on another date sometime?”

  Her face broke into its widest grin yet. “I’ll commit to two, but nothing past that, so you better make those count.” She leaned forward and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I’ll catch up with you in a while.” She walked past him, and as he turned to watch her go, he saw why she’d left so suddenly.

  Cia strode up and punched him in the arm, hard.

  “Ow, damn. Jerk.”

  She laughed and clapped her hands. “You’re the jerk. So, I hear that I’m stuck with you.”

  He scowled. “This place is like a cesspool of gossip. What the actual hell?”

  “I corralled Stephenson when the beautiful Dr. Cray distracted you.”

  “Ah. That makes sense.” He grinned. “Yeah, I’ll be around. Think you could teach me to pilot the Grace?”

  The pilot frowned. “That’s a pretty big ask.”

  “What if I said please?”

  She shook her head. “More.”

  He sighed. “Pretty please?”

  “Now you’re talking.” She grinned. “I’m thinking of doing a little work for the family. You can help me not kill them all in the process.”

  “Done deal.”

  She excused herself and ran to Ethan Kimmel. He shook his head. They make a really cute couple.

  Athena replied, “I’ll never admit to having said this, but you and Dr. Cray do as well.”

  He nodded. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’m glad that she and Cia, and you will be a part of it. Now, I have to tell my Special Forces team that I’m not coming back.

  Athena laughed. “So they can start celebrating, you mean? Sounds good, liven up the party. Also, we need to discuss getting me an android body to control. I mean, imagine the possibilities if there was one of me in your head and another at your side.”

  Jax shook his head and laughed as he headed off to rejoin the party, confident that whatever lay ahead, he’d be in fine company to meet it.


  A Defender Rises

  Have you read the new series from T.R. Cameron? Book one of the Magic City Chronicles is A Defender Rises and it’s available at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

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  Author Notes - TR Cameron

  October 10, 2020

  What a ride! This was a fun one to write, especially after the reversals Jax and his team faced in book 3. I hope you’re satisfied with the ending. I especially enjoyed seeing how Athena grew and developed. I switched back to narration for this book, and was again reminded why I prefer to draft with my voice. I think the dialogue is snappier and the description thicker when I can get it all out faster. There’s no real time savings in the long run, because editing takes longer, but I do like the results.

  I’d love to write a spinoff buddy comedy with Jax, Athena, and Cia. I think it’d be hilarious. Won’t happen anytime soon, though, because we’re headed in a different direction – more on that below.

  The anticipated battle for Nintendo Switch time manifested, resulting in a second Switch in the household. Naturally, as soon as we did that, the kid discovered that Fortnite is even more fun on a PC. But, you know, things go around. Eventually the Switch will be back in household vogue.

  A while back we got an Oculus Quest to play Beat Saber, because Beat Saber is phenomenal fun. Then they made it possible to hook it up to a PC. So now, as soon as I can pry the kid away from their machine, I’m going to try out Half-Life: Alix. It’s been a long time since my last Half-Life game, and I’m eager to fix that. I’m also eagerly awaiting Cyberpunk 2077.

  So, passive entertainment wise, you must watch Amazon’s The Boys. It’s rude, crude, bloody, and phenomenal. Seriously. Also, a little show I love called The Expanse is coming back in December. I’m so very excited for that.

  Those who follow me on Facebook know that we’ve added two more kittens to the house. Again, we wanted one. We picked two that didn’t look much like each other out of the set of photos, and naturally, they were brothers. We couldn’t split them up. So, two. They act more like baby goats than cats, hopping around and chasing each other all over the place. The others aren’t so welcoming just yet. Lots of hissing. But they’ll be in one-room quarantine for a while longer, so there’s time.

  The kid and I are watching movies in the car a few evenings a week. Kind of a homebrew drive in. My wife brings us snacks. It’s proved to be more fun than I thought it would be when Dylan suggested it. I should have known better. So far, Onward, Angry Birds, and Shark Boy and Lavagirl. I was dubious about the last one until I discovered it was Robert Rodriguez, who I pretty much love.

  So, next up is a trip back to the Oriceran Universe. I’m working with Martha Carr to build out a formerly secret race of elves, some new fantastical creatures, and a killer storyline. I’m really excited for this one. It’ll be in the same part of the timeline I’ve been writing in, so there’s some potential for familiar characters to show up from time to time.

  Finally, if you enjoyed this book, you might like my other science fiction series, and maybe even my Urban Fantasy. It’s all filled with action, snark, and villains who think they’re heroes. The Sci-fi series in particular has some great spaceship combat stuff, a lot of politics and machinations, and some cool technology. Plus so much snarky banter, you can’t even believe it. Drop by and take a look!

  Until next time, Joys upon joys to you and yours – so may it be.

  PS: If you’d like to chat with me, here’s the place. I check in daily or more: Often I put up interesting and/or silly content there, as well. For more info on my books, and to join my reader’s group, please visit

  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  October 23, 2020

  I recently had curtains made for the living room. Not exactly big news. But I realized
once they were hung that this was the first time I had treated a home like I play to stay. Really stay.

  This is not a house I bought, this is a home where I have roots.

  Roots are not something I’ve always been particularly good at cultivating. I’m a late-blooming wanderer who doesn’t travel lightly. I take everything I own with me.

  Frankly, most of the time I’ve preferred to live as if I could get up and go at any time. The first time I bought a piece of furniture that would be really difficult to move I had to sit down and breathe deeply for a little bit. I felt trapped by that piece of furniture.

  I’m not sure when that idea started with me. Probably when I was very small and constantly wishing to be rescued, which never happened. That is until I was forty-seven years old and finally found the courage to leave everything I knew and just go. I packed up a U-Haul with what I could, sold the rest and drove north humming the theme song to the Mary Tyler Moore show.

  I was unleashed on the world and I’ve never looked back.

  I’m not looking back now but I’ve also stopped looking forward to the next spot. It turns out that when it came to picking a spot there were a few requirements (it helps to find a place where you’re one of many who are just like you and not the only one – tip for those of you still searching), but it also takes a conscious choice to say, this is where I’m staying.

  Instead of the anticipation of the new, there’s a richness that comes from getting to know the deeper layers of people and places. Sure, some people still move on and we lose touch and some places, particularly in 2020, disappear and are replaced. But knowing who or what was there before still adds to the experience. Plus, I’ve found it takes on average about two years to really just settle into a new place, and trust me this one I know. If I’m not doing that grand move anymore, there’s no longer a steep learning curve. I can focus on other things instead. Learn a hobby, find cool places to hang out, hidden nooks of Austin, and really create a nest.

  My new motto is I’m going to make this house so personal it will be an issue for the Offspring once I’m gone. First up, besides curtains, will be the gardens coming in the spring. The plans for them are awesome and HOA approved and of course pictures will be forthcoming in the fan group on Facebook. It will be my secret garden complete with singing cartoon birds and small rabbits (I kind of hope – the dogs may find that too interesting).

  This new life plan is so radical for me that I wonder how it will affect other things. I’ll let you know. More adventures to follow.

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