The Chosen One

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The Chosen One Page 13

by Davis, Siobhan

  She’s still on my shit list, and I don’t know if I’ll ever trust her again, but I can tell she’s remorseful, and Daniel has been pleading with me to hear her out. “Okay.” I glance at the time, and I know I need to wrap this up. I stand, pulling Zara up and into a hug. “I’m sorry to rush you guys out—”

  “But you’ve got a planet to save and an evil alien to nuke,” Hunter says, cutting me off. “We got it.” He opens his arms. “Can I have a hug?” He glances over my shoulder, and his cocky smirk fades. His arms drop to his side. “Never mind.”

  I let Zara go and hug Hunter quickly. “Don’t mind those asshats over there.” I level a fake glare at Coop and Maddox. “They might be aliens, but they put Neanderthal man to shame.” I stop in front of Kenzie. “Are we okay?”

  She nods, looking uncertain for a split second before pulling me into a hug. “We’re good. I mean weird good, but good.” She worries her lip between her teeth. “I’m sorry for what I said about Jack. I know you’d never have hurt him, and I’m sorry for hitting on Jensen. I was just jealous.”

  “It’s forgotten, and whatever happens between you and Jensen is your business.”

  “Nothing’s going on, Tor.” Jensen is quick to assure me. “And nothing will.”

  “Way to dent a girl’s ego,” Kenzie says, tossing her hair over one shoulder.

  “I think your ego’ll survive,” Jensen adds.

  “Can you hang on for a second,” I ask him, and he nods.

  I walk my other four friends to the door. “Thank you,” I tell them. “For hearing me out and not judging me.”

  “It’s mind-blowing stuff, Tori,” Ethan says. “But it’s like your mom said. We’ve known you our whole lives, and you’re still the same Tori.”

  “Well, not quite the same,” Kenzie says. “But mostly.”

  “And Jensen’s clearly okay with it,” Hunter adds. “If he trusts you, I trust you. All that shit that went down in school adds up now. I couldn’t understand when he let you go so easily, but now, it makes sense.”

  “It wasn’t easy for me to let him go,” I admit, “but he doesn’t belong in this new world I find myself in, and I love him enough to let him find someone else.”

  Kenzie sends me a dubious look. “Pull the other one, Tor. I’d have ditched Jensen in a heartbeat for those four guys. Especially Dane, although, he’s kinda mean,” she adds, no doubt remembering how he scared her.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Jensen says from the door, and I wonder how long he’s been listening. I don’t blame him though, because that was remarkably disloyal of Kenzie. She’s still the same, and I think if I’d stayed here, stayed on the same path, we would’ve stopped hanging out because we’re just not on the same wavelength. She was a good friend, for a time, when we were younger, but that ship has long since sailed. It sounds smug to say it, but I’ve outgrown Kenzie.

  “Call me,” Zara says before frowning. “I mean, we can still call each other, right?”

  I nod enthusiastically. “I can and I will.” I’ve missed my girlfriends. “I’ve no clue where my cell is, but I’ll call you.” I wave them off and turn around as Coop and Maddox step outside.

  “Can I trust you to do this without pissing Jensen off?” I ask, having summoned them with a silent command while I was saying goodbye to the others.

  “Of course,” Coop says, like he doesn’t try to wind Jensen up any chance he gets.

  “What’s going on?” Jensen asks.

  “Coop and Maddox will go with you to your house. Can you get your dad to show them where the capsule is buried? They’re going to move it to the ship we have hidden in the outbuilding so we can take it with us.” Jensen is aware because he stowed on the ship, with Kylie, the last time we used it.

  “Sure thing. Whatever you need.”

  “Thanks, Jensen. For everything. I mean it.”

  He nods, shoving his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

  I turn to my guys. “Let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll join you.”

  I nod at Denzil who’s been discreetly hanging outside with the other two guards since everything went down. “I’ll let you know when it’s time to leave.”

  Daniel steps outside with a travel mug in his hand. “I’ll wait for you back at the car,” he says to his sister before addressing me. “Go easy on her, and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I wave him off without saying a word because I’m not uttering promises when I’ve no idea if I can keep them.

  “Later, beautiful.” Coop kisses me before Maddox reels me into his arms.

  “Stay safe, sweetheart.”

  “You too. See you in a bit.” I watch them trail after Jensen for a couple minutes before turning to my former best friend. “Do you mind if we talk outside? I could use some fresh air.”

  “I don’t mind where we talk as long as we talk.”

  We walk silently side by side out to the back field, sinking down in front of the old oak tree, pulling our knees up to our chests. “It’s just like old times,” she says with a sad smile.

  “Old times where you knew who I was and said nothing?” I blurt, unable to help myself.

  “I’m sorry, Tor. I’m so fucking sorry.” She turns pleading eyes on me. “I know I fucked up. I know I should’ve found a way to tell you long ago or at least confided in Dan, but I can’t rewind time. I was stupid and naïve, and I foolishly believed those assholes when they said they would protect you and not hurt you. I honestly thought, with everything that was going on, that you would be safest there, and I swear I was going to tell the guys.”

  “I believe you mean that, Kylie,” I admit, kicking at loose gravel with my sneaker. “But it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. You were my best friend, and you lied to me for years, and then you betrayed me.”

  “I’m still your best friend, Tor,” she quietly says, and when I look at her, tears glisten in her eyes. “And I’m still here for you. Please, please, give me a chance to make it up to you. I’ll do anything, but please don’t shut me out. I miss you. I miss you so badly.”

  “I miss you too,” I whisper, realizing the truth as the words leave my lips. “But I don’t know if I can ever trust you again, and how can we be friends if the trust is gone?”

  “I’ll earn your trust back. I’ll prove to you that everything we shared was still real. Just give me a chance. Please. I beg you.”

  It’s hard to say no to her. Especially when there’s so much I wish I could confide in her. I used to tell Kylie everything, but she fed most of that back to the authorities, and no matter how much I wish I could forget her betrayal, I just can’t. “I need time to process it, Kylie. And now isn’t a good time to do it because there’s all this other shit going down.”

  “I understand, and take all the time you need, but please promise you will consider it. You believe me, right? You can see I’m truly sorry? How much I want to make it up to you?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I see that. I just don’t know if it’s enough.”

  She nods sadly. “Well, I can’t ask for any more than that.” She stands, offering me her hand, and I take it, letting her pull me up. “I feel like time is running out for us. Like your life is moving forward without me whether you and I decide that or not, and I guess I just want to spend whatever time I can with you before you leave Earth for good.”

  I haven’t given much thought to what’ll happen after I awaken, when I have to head into the galaxy to prepare for the war to end all wars. Or what’ll happen after I defeat Arantu, but my people are relying on me to lead them into a new era of peace and prosperity, and I can’t do that from here. So, yeah, Kylie is right about that.

  Me leaving Earth behind is inevitable.


  “That’s it?” I ask, staring at the small oval, silver capsule now strapped into the hull of the ship. “I thought it’d be bigger.” And all rusted from years buried underground. While it’s caked in a layer of grit and mud, the outer hull looks
to be in pristine condition, and whatever alien tech it’s made of has sustained the passage of time.

  “You were only a baby, and it was more than adequately sized for your tiny frame,” Coop says.

  “Did you look inside it? Spot anything that looks like a key?”

  “It wouldn’t open,” Maddox admits. “And we didn’t try to pry it open in case we damaged it.”

  “I think it’ll probably open for you,” Coop admits, taking my hand and pulling me away. “We need to go. Dane says Glennev is gravely worried about the government trying to snatch you.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.” I follow Coop up the steps into the main cabin, and Maddox climbs out behind us, firmly locking the hatch.

  “Are you sure the guys will be able to defend my mom and my aunt?” I ask Denzil for the umpteenth time.

  “They will guard them with their lives. No harm will come to them. I promise you.”

  “Maybe they should come with us,” Coop says, gently pushing me into a seat as Maddox breezes past us into the cockpit, motioning for Denzil to join him.

  “You think I didn’t try?” I roll my eyes as Coop fixes the harness around me, copping a cheeky feel of my breasts in the process.

  He winks at me, pecking my lips briefly as he sinks into the seat beside me. “Dane is right. You’re definitely your mother’s daughter.”

  “And like I told him, that’s not an insult.”

  “It wasn’t meant as one.” He kisses me once he’s strapped in. “I don’t think I’ve told you today that I love you, so, I love you.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “I love you so much.”

  His words fill me up, but I can’t help the small snigger that escapes my mouth. “Did you guys agree you were going to tell me you loved me every day because you’re all getting very familiar with those three little words.”

  He arches a brow as the engine purrs to life. “Does that bother you?”

  “Hell no.” This time, I kiss him. “I’ll never tire of hearing those words. I’m just not used to you guys telling me so much.”

  “I can’t speak for Mad Dog or Beck, except to say we made no such pact, but I spent time believing I’d never get to see you again, and it changed me. I vowed if we were reunited that I was holding nothing back anymore, so I’m not.”

  He laces his fingers in mine. “Being with you is my every dream come to life, Alinthia,” he adds, his expression more solemn. “Every second I spend with you only makes me love you more, and I know I frustrate you with my possessiveness, but I just want to be near you, touching you, kissing you, every minute of every day, and while I can deal with my brothers putting a claim on your time, I absolutely cannot deal with your ex or Dan or Hunter or any other asshole putting his hands on you or attempting to divert your time. If that makes me a selfish bastard, so be it, but I have spent long enough without you in my life, and it’s made me needy and greedy, and I’m not apologizing for that.”

  “Fuck, Coop.” I swivel in my seat, as much as I can behind the harness, and cup his face, drawing his mouth to mine and kissing him deeply. In the background, the ship takes off into the nighttime sky, and my tummy pivots and spins. We kiss for ages, and I wish I could crawl into his lap, pull out his cock, and ride him. “I love you too,” I say in a breathy tone when we finally pull our lips apart. “And I want you to make love to me tonight. All night long.”

  “It would be my absolute pleasure, beautiful.” He kisses me again, lowering my hand to the giant bulge in his pants. “I’m always hard for you. Always ready and raring to go.”

  I giggle into his mouth. “You’re horny as fuck. How the hell have you been coping these past few months?”

  “I’ve been jerking off at least three times a day,” he admits, and I pull back, eyeing him to see if he’s telling the truth.

  “I am,” he replies to my silent thought. “I want you all the time, and that was the only way I could get relief.”

  I ease back in my seat, thinking back to those early days. “I don’t know why I was holding back.”

  “You weren’t over Jensen, and you were struggling to adjust to your new identity and grappling with your powers. It wasn’t the right time, and we all knew it. It wasn’t a chore to wait for you, and it’s been worth the wait and some.”

  “You make me very happy, Coop.” I raise our conjoined hands to my lips. “And I couldn’t do this without all of you. I may have doubts about certain things but never about the way you love me and take care of me. Thank you for always being there for me.”

  “There is nowhere else in the galaxy I would rather be than by your side.” He proved that tonight. All of them did when they supported my decisions without question. Even Dane has proven his trust is genuine, and I can’t describe how happy it makes me. Moments like that—when we’re a formidable cohesive unit—are so encouraging because it gives me hope I can win Dane around completely.

  I guess I nodded off at some point because the next thing I know Coop is shaking me awake, confirming we’re back at the compound. “I’m sorry to wake you, beautiful, but Dane needs us at the conference room asap.”

  “’Sokay,” I mumble in between yawning. “Duty calls.”

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Maddox presses a kiss to my head as he saunters out of the cockpit with Denzil in tow. “Last night is catching up to you.”

  “Yeah.” I yawn again. “You’re probably right.” At least I didn’t have any horrid dreams of creepy males with red eyes and a clammy touch.

  “You want me to carry you,” Maddox asks, stretching his arms out.

  “And have everyone see the Chosen One being carried around like she’s too precious to walk? Eh, no.”

  Coop chuckles. “No one would think that.”

  “And most people are in their chambers at this hour,” Maddox adds as we exit the cabin.

  “Besides,” Coop says, ignoring me and scooping me up into his arms. “We’re not walking. We’re taking your favorite mode of transport.”

  I squeal as he teleports us, burying my head in his chest as familiar nausea churns in my gut. I slap his chest when we arrive in the conference room, jumping to my feet. “Jerkface.”

  “Now, now, that’s no way to speak to the love of your life.” He puts his hot mouth to my ear. “Especially if you want me to fuck you all night long.” I slap his chest again for whispering that loud enough for the others to hear.

  Maddox waggles his brows. “Enjoy it, Casanova, because you get her tonight and tomorrow night, and then she’s all mine.” His eyes glimmer with sultry promise, and my lady parts swoon.

  “Can we focus?” Dane barks, slanting us with a sharp look. “In case you’d forgotten, we have a serious situation on our hands.”

  “Keep your hair on,” Coop says, strolling to the table and holding out a seat for me.

  I sink into it gratefully. “What’s been happening in my absence?”

  “Firstly,” Glennev says, leaning his elbows on the table and pinning me with a formidable look. “You do not take chances with your safety. You should’ve been back here the instant I demanded your presence.”

  “Nothing happened to me, and we had to stay to get the capsule. That’s every bit as important as what we’re dealing with.”

  “That could still have happened without you,” Glennev argues. “You need to apply more priority to your safety. It’s not just your life that’s at stake if anything happens.”

  “I get it,” I bark, dragging my hands through my hair. “I don’t need a lecture. I’m doing the best I can, so just lay off.”

  “Glennev is correct,” Dane says from his position at the top of the room. He’s changed into black combat pants, heavy boots, and a black fitted shirt, and he looks badass. “That little meet and greet with your friends could’ve waited. Next time, I’m putting my foot down.”

  Huh, so much for supporting my decisions. I guess limitations are still in effect.

  “You do that, and see how you get on,” I challenge, tired and cra
nky and pissed that he’s siding with Glennev over me.

  “Can you fucking grow up and stop acting like a brat,” he hisses, and I see red.

  I jump up, slamming my hands into his chest and pushing him against the wall. “How dare you speak to me like that! You, of all people, have no right to speak to me like that. You sulk, pout, argue, and generally stalk around the place like a spoiled toddler, so I’m not taking that shit off you.”

  Maddox peels me off him from behind. “Calm down, baby. He doesn’t mean it like that. He’s just stressed.”

  “We’re all stressed. That’s not an acceptable excuse.”

  Glennev sighs. “I’m not taking this shit off either of you,” he says, cursing in a most uncharacteristic manner. “And what I’m about to say is nonnegotiable, Alinthia, so sit back down, both of you, and listen to the plan.”

  Maddox steers me back to the table, while Dane drops into a chair across from me, deliberately avoiding eye contact. “The director has asked for a meeting in the morning. He says it’s to discuss tactics and how to respond to Arantu’s demand, but we all agree it’s a trap, and there’s no way we can risk it. I’m also concerned our position here may have been compromised during the transportation of the prisoners, and we need to get you to someplace safe where they can’t get to you.”

  “No! I’m not abandoning ship and leaving Earth to a fate like that!”

  “If you stay here, you risk your own safety,” Dane says in a clipped voice. “Riots have broken out in most every major city across the States and in multiple countries around the world. It’s not just the US government you have to worry about. Other governments are sending teams here to find you. The people on the street won’t shield you. Director Tanner won’t protect you. There is a bigger picture here, Alinthia, and the only way we can ensure your safety is to leave Earth.”

  “I can defend myself! I have a lot more control over my powers. No one is taking me against my will.”


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