The Chosen One

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The Chosen One Page 15

by Davis, Siobhan

  “What happened?” he asks, unknowingly tugging on the light cover as he straightens up. The cover falls down my body, pooling at my waist, revealing my bare chest to the room. Beck blushes, quickly averting his eyes, while Dane’s dark gaze narrows in on my tits. My nipples harden under his attention, and my body heats up, aching between my thighs despite the pounding I received from two of my guys earlier. My eyes drop to the growing bulge in Dane’s pants with a certain sense of relief and pride, but it’s short-lived.

  “Cover yourself up, for fuck’s sake,” Dane barks out, glaring at me with undisguised venom. I shrink back from his hate-filled stare, dragging the cover up over me, tucking it securely under my arms as I fight an onslaught of tears. Dane can single-handedly ruin a moment in a flash, and it’s not a skill to be proud of. His lips pull into a sneer, and I lose control of my tenuous emotions. Tears stream down my face, and my eyes sting as the pain of his rejection tears strips off my heart.

  “You fucking insensitive bastard!” Coop hisses, climbing over me and stalking toward Dane with clenched fists. He squares off with him, uncaring that he’s completely stark naked. “Alinthia hasn’t done anything wrong, and if you don’t stop looking at her like you want to rip her head from her body, you and me have a big problem, dude.”

  “Fuck off, Coop. We don’t have time for this shit.”

  “You’re the one who started it. And we all know why,” he says before he punches Dane in the face. “That’s for hurting our girl.”

  “Fuck you, Coop.” Dane shoves him back a couple steps, dabbing at the trickle of blood seeping from his nose before lunging and grabbing him around the neck. “You know shit, and you don’t get to punch me.”

  “Stop.” Maddox stands—also butt naked—and he darts to the two guys, pulling them apart. “Fighting among ourselves will solve nothing. Let’s all just calm down.”

  “I second that,” Beck says. “I could use a shower and something to eat. I’m sure Dane could too. Why don’t we take a time-out to change and then grab a snack and sit down to talk?”

  “Sounds like a plan. I could use a shower too.” Wrapping the cover firmly around my body, I walk out of the room, swiping at the hot tears still coursing down my cheeks,

  A short while later, we congregate in Glennev’s massive blindingly white kitchen. Maddox is already at the counter, busy at work. “Whatcha making, and can I help?”

  “Grilled cheese sandwiches,” he confirms, kissing the tip of my nose. “And you could fix drinks. Beck brought hot chocolate back if you fancy that?”

  “Perfect. I’ll get right on it.”

  I watch Dane through the window as I make the drinks. He’s standing out on the deck, just staring at the pool, and I notice the rigid way he holds himself and how he bleeds anxiety and stress like it’s a tangible substance.

  “Missed you.” Beck slides an arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

  “Missed you too even though you were only gone a few hours.”

  The corners of his mouth tug up. “It seems like you found something to occupy your time while we were away.”

  I wind my fingers into his dark hair. “Does it bother you?”

  He vehemently shakes his head. “Not at all. It’s not my thing, but I’m glad you guys found a way to make it work.”

  A huge smile graces my lips as Maddox and I lock eyes over our shoulders. “Oh, that we did,” I tease. “It was one of the hottest experiences of my life.”

  Outside, Dane turns, walking toward the sliding doors, and my teasing smile drops off my face. “But let’s not discuss it anymore.” I nod toward Dane. “I don’t want to set him off again.” I’m not sure I can handle a second hostile look tonight.

  Beck squeezes my shoulder, helping me finish the drinks, and we float them over to the table as Maddox plates our sandwiches and does the same.

  “So, what’s the update with Arantu?” I ask as we’re seated at the long dining table, munching away on the cheesy goodness.

  “He’s outnumbered two to one, and when the rest of our supporters arrive tomorrow, he’ll be outnumbered three to one,” Dane says, sipping his hot chocolate but ignoring the sandwich. “Glennev has received intel that indicates he’s preparing to withdraw.”

  “By this time tomorrow, it should all be over,” Beck confirms, squeezing my thigh.

  Air whooshes out of my mouth in grateful relief. “That’s the best news ever.”

  “And there’s more where that came from,” Beck adds, kissing my cheek. “We know how to open the travel pod.”

  Warm liquid trickles out of my open mouth as I stare at him, excitement bubbling in my veins. “How?!” I swipe at the hot chocolate dribbling down my chin as Maddox chuckles.

  “Glennev brought me to meet the only other elder in the compound. Guy’s as old as dirt, and he knew what to do.” He taps the screen on his iPad, pushing it to me. “You just have to recite those words with your hands on the capsule, and it will open.”

  My chair scrapes as I push it back.

  “Easy, princess.” Maddox gestures at my half-eaten sandwich. “Finish eating, and then we’ll take a look.”

  Grabbing the remains of my sandwich, I stuff it into my mouth, chewing fast, hoping I don’t choke as Coop grins, Maddox narrows his eyes, Beck shakes his head, and Dane stares impassively at me.

  “C’mon,” I say, already walking away, my mouth still half full. “Let’s go.”

  I’ve swallowed the rest of the sandwich by the time we make it to Glennev’s storeroom where we stowed the capsule. I pull back the sheet covering the capsule and kneel in front of it.

  Beck holds his tablet out, and I squint as I read the unfamiliar language. “I’ve no clue if I’m pronouncing this right, but here goes.” I place my palms on the cool metal, reciting the line of prose, and it flows off my tongue easily, as if I’m fluent.

  Nothing happens, and my euphoria fades until a subtle click rings out, and I gasp as the capsule moves under my hands. Another click resonates around the cavernous space, and acting on instinct, I press my palms into the metal. It yields, folding inward before springing outward, opening in the middle, both halves widening until the pod is fully exposed before us.

  A lump the size of a bus wedges in my throat at the sight of the heavy blanket lining the interior. It’s as unblemished as the outside and soft to the touch under my fingers. Tears stab my eyes as I pull it to my chest, rubbing my hand over the velvety material, clinging to one of the last things my parents most likely touched.

  “What are we looking for?” Maddox quietly asks Beck, peering inside with a frown.

  “It could be anything,” I say, remembering what Tav told me. “It could be a physical key or a tattoo or a word etched somewhere.”

  “I don’t see anything,” Coop says, his eyes skimming the pod on all sides. “It looks blank to me.”

  Beck chews on his lip, looking deep in thought. “This is just a hunch,” he says after a few beats, “but place yours hands inside the pod, Alinthia, and feel every part of the interior. If it only opened to your DNA, maybe the key only displays at the touch of your DNA.”

  “Good thinking, Batman,” I joke, placing my hands inside the pod, starting at the left-hand side and running my palms all over the cool metal with my eyes peeled for a sign.

  “There!” Dane crouches down. “Go back a little.” He points at a very faint marking that’s suddenly appeared on the inside of the hull.

  “Hold your hands over it,” Beck suggests, and I do that. The mark grows darker, and butterflies flutter in my chest as a fresh wave of excitement washes over me.

  “Is that?” Coop asks, as the drawing becomes more visible, casting a glance in my direction.

  “It’s our pentagon tattoo,” I confirm, as a sharp sting pricks the exact place where my tattoo resides on my wrist. “Agghh!” The pain intensifies, and an invisible hold reels my wrist in until it’s hovering just above the etching. Searing-hot pain races through my veins, and I cr
y out as my wrist throbs. I attempt to wrench it back, but my arm is immobile, trapped by whatever magic is at work.

  “Shit.” Coop reaches out for me.

  “Don’t,” Dane warns him. “This is how it must be.”

  “Does it have to be fucking painful?” Maddox growls, running a soothing hand along my spine.

  “I’m okay,” I force out through gritted teeth, clamping my eyes shut and practicing some of my meditation exercises in an attempt to restrain the scream dying to rip free from my lungs.

  As fast as the pain appeared, it disappears, and my arm drops to my side. “Fuck, that was painful,” I admit, flipping my wrist around and gasping. The etching from the hull of the capsule has embedded over my existing tattoo, making it appear thicker, and it’s now stained a dark shade of red. “It’s a perfect fit,” I exclaim, leaning in and examining it in more detail.

  “Holy shit.” I jerk my head up at Dane’s tone. He’s staring at the new red tattoo on his wrist with something close to awe.

  I jump up as the other three rush to examine their own wrists for changes. I’m not all that surprised to learn our tattoos are interlinked. Without thinking, I line my arm right up alongside Dane’s, intent on inspecting the tattoos to see if they are mirror images of one another. My skin is on fire the second it comes into contact with Dane’s arm, and the most all-consuming need to touch him overwhelms me. I run my fingers down his arm, toward his wrist, marveling at the sensations coursing through me, when he yanks his arm away, pushing me a little in the process, causing me to lose my balance. I land on the hard ground on my butt, wincing as pain rattles up my spine.

  “What the hell, man?” Coop roars, instantly jumping to my aid. He helps me up as Dane hovers over me with his hands balled into fists, jaw tense, and eyes burning as he fights some internal battle. Coop tucks me protectively into his side, glaring at Dane. “Get the fuck away from me, man, because I won’t hold back this time, and Maddox can’t save you,” he spits. “Why are you punishing Alinthia?!” he yells, holding me even closer. “This shit isn’t okay, and it’s got to stop.”

  “Go cool off,” Maddox says, wrenching Dane away by the shoulders, before Coop clocks him again. Dane shoves Maddox away, stalking toward his room without uttering a word.

  “Don’t be angry with him,” I quietly say. “It’s my fault for touching him.”

  “Fuck that shit, babe.” Coop shakes his head. “It’s not your fault. He fucking wants to touch you. We all see the way he looks at you.”

  “It’s not that simple, Coop,” Beck says, propping his butt against the corner of the couch. “It’s all tied up with what they did to him.”

  The air thickens with tension. The guys usually run for the hills anytime the subject of Xzanthar and what happened to Dane arises.

  “He just needs time,” Maddox says, rubbing his temples. “And he’s stressed. We all are, but snapping at one another won’t help.”

  “Eh, guys.” My gaze dances between them and the holo image I’ve just projected from my mind. I’d been idly rubbing my wrist while they were speaking, and I seem to have unlocked something.

  “That’s your parents,” Beck gushes in a reverent tone.

  “Yes.” I rub my wrist again, and the holo image springs to life. None of us move as the recording starts.

  “My darling Alinthia,” my father says, smiling at me in hazy form. “This day has been a long time coming, but you are finally ready to fulfill your birthright.”


  Dane comes dashing back into the room, standing silently behind me. I clutch Beck’s hand, my heart in my mouth, as I listen to my father continue. “For reasons I’m sure you’re aware of by now, it was necessary to hide the memories of who you were until the time was right.”

  He clasps his hands in front of him, and I notice he’s wearing the same black and gold uniform that Glennev was wearing when I had visions of the ceremony of light. My mother is seated beside him, wearing a stiff-looking gown in a vibrant purple. Her hair is down this time, and the resemblance is striking.

  “You look so much like her,” Beck says, picking up on my thoughts.

  “Yes.” I hadn’t really noticed before, but we share a lot of the same features.

  “I’ve also embedded some information you need,” my father continues. “To access it, just think about the subject matter, and then press your fingers to the pentagon on your wrist.”

  “We thought it would make it easier if we relayed the message,” my mother says in a lilting tone, “so we will appear to you in this form every time there is something you need to know.”

  “Your memories will return gradually, and I trust, by now, you have reunited with your protectors. Dekten, Carpov, Brint, and Manzar,” he says, addressing the guys by their Veronnian names. “Please take care of our daughter. Protect her and love her, and keep her safe from those who would do her harm. Together, the five of you will restore peace to the galaxy, but only after General Arantu is defeated.”

  My mother visibly shivers.

  “Alinthia. You are the only one who can stop him.”

  “How?” I ask the thought in my mind, as my father described. “How can I stop General Arantu? How can I remove the immortality spell so he can be killed?”

  “The only way to remove the dark magic protecting him is to obtain the Rune of Delethra and touch it to his skin.”

  “What’s the Rune of Delethra?”

  “It’s an ancient, powerful stone that contains the essence of the dark magic used in the immortality spell that protects him. If you touch it to his skin, that essence will be sucked back into the stone, leaving him void of the protection and mortal like other beings.”

  “Where is the Rune of Delethra?”

  “The Rune of Delethra is buried in the caves at Kovul.” Beck sucks in a sharp gasp. “You must go there to retrieve it,” my father continues. “But you cannot attempt it until after you have awakened because the rune itself is protected by powerful magic, and you’ll need supreme power to break through the magical shield.”

  “What will happen when I awaken?”

  “No one knows what will happen when you awaken, my child. All the prophecy has told us is that you will assume ultimate power and become the most powerful being in the universe. Use that power to do good, daughter. Do not be swayed by the dark side.”

  “How do I avoid being swayed by the dark side?”

  “Be true to yourself, Alinthia,” my mother says, standing. “Be true to your heart.”

  “Embrace your bond fully,” my father adds. “Because true power comes from the connection you five share. United you are strong. Divided you are weak.”

  You could hear a pin drop in the room, and tension descends over us like a thunder cloud.

  “It’s time for us to go, darling,” my mother says.

  “That is enough for now,” my father agrees. “Be brave, Chosen One, and never forget who you are.”

  The image disappears, and I flop down onto the couch, both drained and delighted. “At least we know how to defeat him now.”

  “Yeah, about that.” Beck rubs the back of his neck, scrunching up his nose.

  “What is it?”

  “Kovul has been the subject of many urban legends over the centuries,” Beck explains. “It’s this shadowy, derelict, forgotten land that is said to be haunted by the spirits of evil overlords.”

  “When we were at the academy, the elders would scare the shit out of all us kids by threatening to banish us there if we stepped out of line,” Maddox says.

  “The fear is real,” Coop adds, nodding.

  “But no one really knows what’s in Kovul because no one’s been brave enough to venture there in a long time,” Dane says.

  “Because it’s said those who travel there never return,” Beck coolly states.

  “Well, this is just awesome.” I prop my bare feet up on the coffee table. “If we don’t go, we have no way of defeating the general. If we do g
o, we may not make it out alive to end him. We’re doomed either way.”

  “Not necessarily,” Dane says, purposely avoiding looking at me. “Your father said to wait until you awaken. If it’s as he said, then you will be strong enough to go there and make it out alive.”

  “But what about all of you?”

  “What about us?” Maddox asks, frowning.

  “I can’t ask you to go in there if it’s that dangerous. I’ll have to go it alone.”

  “The hell you will!” Coop snaps. “You heard your father. He said true power comes from the connection we share. You’re going nowhere without us.”

  “It’s a moot point, for now,” Dane says. “I suggest Beck digs up as much information as he can on the place, and in the meantime, you focus on preparing your body and mind for awakening.”

  “But I don’t know what I’m preparing for because no one seems to know anything.”

  “I’ve trawled through every reference in the true prophecy, and there is nothing on what to expect,” Beck admits.

  “I have to expect the unexpected and hope for the best,” I deduce, dampening down my latent fear.

  “Learning to use your powers fully, both physically and mentally, can only stand to you,” Dane says. “As soon as this threat on Earth is dealt with, that is what you must focus on.”

  I nod, yawning, as a new layer of tiredness accosts me.

  “It’s late and we’re all tired,” Dane says, still avoiding eye contact. “Let’s try to get some sleep, and we can reconvene in the morning.”

  “Here,” Beck says, handing me a patch. “I picked up some supplies like I promised. Apply that, and you’ll have no trouble sleeping.”

  I reluctantly take it, still unsure if I’m going to use it or not. “Thanks.” I throw my arms around him, giving him a good night kiss before he leaves the room. Dane has already crept out, but that’s no surprise. “Night, babe.” I rest my head on Coop’s chest, and his arms automatically wind around me.

  “Good night, beautiful. And don’t worry. Apply the patch and get some sleep. Maddox will be there to keep you safe.”


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