Christmas at Wynter House

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Christmas at Wynter House Page 18

by Emily Harvale

  'You can keep your flat,' Rowan said. 'I'm living here.'

  'It's fantastic,' Neva agreed. 'But it's the complete opposite of what I was expecting. You like older properties usually.'

  'True,' Dennis said. 'But we simply couldn't resist this house from the moment we saw the details. And we're not getting any younger. We may need all the help we can get. This has all the mod cons and we hardly need to lift a finger.'

  She grinned at him. 'Ask Carruthers if he's looking for a new job, and you won't even have to do that.'

  The back garden wasn't large, just fifty feet or so in length and behind the fence was a border of trees and an area of grass and shrubs that eventually met Coast Road. But who needs a back garden when your front garden opens onto the whole world? Or at least, the English Channel. And besides, there was that incredible roof terrace.

  Once they'd all had a good look around, they wandered back along Coast Road towards the small shopping arcade where the Christmas market was in full swing. There were rows of stalls selling everything from gifts to wrapping paper; from mulled wine to freshly baked mince pies.

  There was even a small ice rink. One that could be erected and dismantled pretty much anywhere. It was an ice cube compared to the iceberg-sized one at Somerset House, but it had lights and music and laughter, just like that rink had.

  To one side of the rink was an outdoor café selling hot drinks and hot snacks, served by some pretty hot-looking men and women, all dressed as Santa's elves. And at one of the tables, sat Adam and Rafe.

  'Look!' yelled Sasha. 'It's them.'

  For a second it looked as if Rafe was considering making a run for it. He sat bolt upright and cast his eyes around as if searching for the nearest exit. But he stayed put and even managed a sort of smile as Neva and her family approached. Adam beamed at them, although he also sat upright as if preparing for the worst.

  'Hello you two,' Dawn said, waving and smiling. 'Isn't this wonderful? A real winter wonderland. Oh my. Or should that be a Wynter wonderland as you two handsome young men are here?'

  'It's very festive,' Rafe said, his cheeks a pale red, although whether that was due to the cold or from embarrassment wasn't clear.

  'I'll get us all drinks,' Dennis said. 'Rafe? Adam? Would you like another.'

  'I'm fine, thanks,' Rafe said.

  'No thanks,' said Adam, grimacing as he peered into his tall, heat-proof glass mug. 'One merry mint hot chocolate is quite enough for me.'

  'I need to pee,' Nigel said, dashing off towards the signs that had male and female toy elves hanging by their fingers from the words: Ladies and Gents.

  'What's the verdict on the salon and flat, Neva?' Adam asked, getting to his feet along with Rafe and pulling up chairs for everyone to sit.

  Rafe gave both Adam and her a questioning look.

  Neva sat down. 'They're both perfect. More than I could have ever hoped for.'

  'You'll be moving to Merriment Bay in the near future then?'

  Now Rafe look stunned and his lower lip dropped.

  'You're moving to Merriment Bay?' There was a hint of something akin to desperation in his tone.

  'Yes. It seems I am. Along with my Mum and Dad. We'll all be moving down in January.'

  'Next month?'

  'Unless someone's changed the calendar and switched January to the summer. Yes. Next month.'

  He glared at Adam. 'You knew about this?'

  Adam grinned. 'I only heard about it when I gave them a lift here this morning. I was going to mention it, but I thought I'd wait and see if Neva was going ahead with it first. Besides, I didn't want to spoil the surprise.'

  'We're not moving here,' Sasha said, pulling her sulky face, before suddenly brightening. 'But we'll be coming to visit, so we'll come and see you and say hello. Maybe we'll even come and stay with you too.'

  'No, we won't, Sasha,' Rowan said, rolling her eyes, before smiling at Rafe. 'Don't worry. We won't inflict our delightful daughter and our dog on you after this Christmas.' She ruffled Sasha's curls and laughed.

  'You're welcome any time,' he said.

  Neva wasn't sure whether she was the most surprised by that, or if it was Rowan, Adam, or even Rafe himself.

  'Can we go skating, Mummy?' Sasha tugged at Rowan's hand.

  'I'm too old and tired. Ask your aunt.'

  Neva pulled a face. 'Me on skates? Really? Has hell frozen over? Surely you remember the devastation we caused when we were in our teens and went rollerblading in the park?'

  Rowan burst out laughing. 'Oh! I'd forgotten that. But it was a long time ago.'

  'And what? You think my skating skills could only have improved with time and absolutely no practice whatsoever? I like watching people skate. I don't want to be a participant.'

  'Oh go on. It's Christmas.' Rowan nudged her arm, still laughing.

  'Yes. The season of peace and goodwill to all men. Not the season of murder and mayhem. Thanks. But no.'

  'I didn't have you down as a woman who's scared to take risks,' Adam said, grinning mischievously.

  'I'm not. But I am a woman who knows that risks should only be taken once you've weighed up the pros and cons and calculated that more good than bad is likely to be the result. Nothing good could possibly come out of me putting on a pair of skates.' Neva laughed and shook her head.

  He leant forward. 'I will if you will.'

  She leant forward too. 'No. But you're more than welcome to take my place.'

  'Will someone please skate with me?' Sasha pleaded.

  'OK,' Adam said, getting to his feet. 'I'll do it.'

  Sasha slipped her hand in his and with a pleading look at Neva, he was dragged to where the punters were putting on their skates.

  Neva glanced at Rafe. He looked as if he were deep in thought and several miles away. Even when she said his name twice, he didn't respond. Finally, she clicked her fingers in front of his face.

  'Hello-o. Calling Rafe Wynter. Come back to planet Earth.'

  He flinched. 'I'm sorry. What?'

  'I want to ask you something.'

  He stiffened visibly. 'Ask away.'

  'It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and there's a staff Christmas party, isn't there? For former and current employees.'

  'Yes. But of course, given the situation, everyone who's staying at Wynter House is invited.'

  'Oh. That's very kind. Are you sure?'

  His brows drew together. 'Yes. Wasn't that what you were asking? I thought I'd already made that clear.'

  'That we were invited to the party? No. You hadn't. And I don't ask to be invited somewhere. I prefer to wait to be asked.'

  'I'll try to remember that. I really thought I'd extended the invitation to everyone. I'll have a word with Judith as soon as I get back and make sure everyone knows.'

  'Good. What I wanted to ask is whether you would mind if I gave everyone at Wynter House, who wanted one, a wash, cut and blow-dry in time for the party tomorrow? Or whatever they want. Or a manicure, pedicure, or whatever. I do those too.'

  'I'm not sure I understand. Why would I mind?'

  'Because you might not want me taking over a room somewhere and effectively turning it into a hairdressing and beauty salon. Although I wouldn't have to, would I? There's already a grand salon in Wynter House. I heard Taryn say earlier that she was taking coffee to Olivia in the grand salon. That would be perfect. I promise I won't make a mess.' She looked him in the eye and grinned broadly.

  He blinked several times and took a second or two to respond. When he did, his voice was halfway between surprised and patronising.

  'I'm afraid Olivia would have a heart attack if I allowed that. You see the grand salon isn't actually a-'

  'Oh bloody hell, Rafe. Give me some credit. I know I'm just a hairdresser, but I'm not completely thick. I know what a grand salon is, and I know it's got nothing to do with cutting hair. It's just another posh name for a room for entertaining guests. Although why your house has to have three such rooms, and yet not that many gu
ests, is beyond me. And none of them has a TV, but that's neither here nor there. It was a joke. Do you know what one of those is? It's a comment, story or quip intended to make people laugh. I won't give up my day job and try to become a comedienne then.' She gave an irritated sigh.

  'I'm sorry if I don't understand your sense of humour sometimes, Neva. But I can assure you I'm well aware that you're not “thick”. You're obviously an intelligent and career-focused woman who knows her own mind. And also clearly a woman who knows how to get what she wants.'

  'OK. Don't overdo it.' She threw him a little grin.

  He grinned back, albeit with a hint of sadness. 'Once upon a time, Wynter House was filled with guests. Kings and Queens have stayed there. Those days are long gone though. And it's probably just as well.'

  'I bet you wish you didn't have guests now, either. Seriously though. What about a utility room or something? You must have somewhere you can stick me to do a few washes, cuts and blow-dries. And paint a few nails. You can even put me in the cellar, if you like. Although not if there're spiders. I'm terrified of spiders. And not if there's any chance I might get locked in. I'm not as brave as Sasha.'

  The grin now spread across his face and he shook his head. 'I don't think I've ever met a woman quite like you.'

  'Is that a good thing or a bad thing?'

  Did she detect a twinkle in his eyes?

  'It could be either. It could be both. It's a question I've been asking myself since the moment we first met.' The twinkle and the grin both vanished and he stood up abruptly. 'I have to go. I'll speak to Archie and Judith. We'll find you somewhere for your hairdressing.'

  'Thank you, Rafe,' she said, as he disappeared into the throng of happy, laughing people without so much as a backward glance.

  And the minute he had gone, it started snowing.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Snow continued to fall at a steady pace and by the time Sasha and Adam had finished skating and they had driven back to Wynter House, the grounds of the estate were a vista of pristine white, broken only by a few tell-tale signs of robins and other garden birds going about their daily business.

  After lunch, George took Tempest, Boris and Duchess out to play, and Sasha and Neva went too. The grounds didn't look quite so pristine after that. But everyone had fun. George helped Sasha and Neva build a huge snowman and he taught them some commands to use on Tempest as well as the other two dogs. All three dogs obeyed him immediately but when Sasha and Neva tried the same commands, the dogs seemed to think obeying them was optional.

  There had been no sign of Rafe at lunch, but Adam had been very attentive and he even joined Neva and Sasha outside and had a snowball fight, which he clearly let Sasha win. The more time Neva spent with him, the more she liked him. One thing did surprise her though, as she told Jo later when she called.

  'I don't know why, but I'd assumed Adam worked here along with Rafe. He doesn't. He's an investment banker in the City. He lives in London from Monday until he comes back here on Friday evening. He says he's “got a little place in town” that goes with his job, which probably means it's one of those swanky, company apartments several of our previous clients used for their affairs.'

  'Hmm. Not sure I like the sound of that. But just because he wears the T-shirt, it doesn't mean he plays like the rest of the team. Now give me an update on what's been happening.'

  Neva told Jo everything and when she got to the bit about being in Rafe's bedroom, Jo got very excited until Neva explained.

  'Olivia definitely sounds weird. Do you honestly think she broke the glass because Adam was flirting with you?'

  'I don't know. I'm pretty sure I won't be on her Christmas card list though.'

  Neva told Jo all about the salon, the flat and Merriment Bay.

  'Oh, Neva. It sounds like heaven, and Merriment Bay sounds lovely. I'm so happy for you. I hope you took lots of photos. Send me some when you get a chance. And I take back what I said about you needing more than two weeks to sort out your life. It's only been a few days and it seems everything is falling into place. And now it's snowing too. You're going to have the perfect Christmas. I just know you are.'

  'I don't know about that. But it's certainly getting there. I'll send you some piccies later. I'll send some of this place too. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. But enough about me. How're things with you and Charmaine?'

  'She's still alive, so I suppose that's something, right? But it's touch and go, believe me. Especially now I can't even hide in the shed. She can follow my tracks in the snow! And Rob seems to be constantly arguing with his sister, which is driving me insane. If we run out of Baileys, well, let's just say, you'll be hearing about me on the evening news. I'd much rather talk about you and those sexy-sounding brothers. Have you made up your mind which one you want in your Christmas stocking?'

  'I don't think it's as simple as that. But there's a party tomorrow night and who knows. Something might happen then.'

  'Make it happen. It's Christmas and you know what that means? Mistletoe! Make sure there're bunches of it everywhere. That way you're bound to bump into one or other of them under a sprig or two. And they're not allowed to say no to a kiss under the mistletoe. It's bad luck.'

  'I'll do that and let you know how it goes. I've got to go now and help put up some decorations. Call you tomorrow. Love ya.'

  After ringing off, Neva, along with her family, spent the rest of the afternoon helping decorate a couple of the 'family' rooms in Wynter House. These were smaller and cosier than the rooms Neva had seen so far, and the furniture and furnishings gave the impression that these rooms were lived in. Really lived in. Like any other sitting room in any other house. Only larger and with more expensive ornaments. One even had a TV. So the Wynters were fairly normal after all. Thank goodness for that.

  Taryn also helped and instead of listening to Christmas music from a playlist, Neva and the others were treated to Taryn's melodious voice as she sang all their favourite songs and carols. She encouraged everyone to join in, and they did so cheerfully. Even Cecil and Ronnie, to Neva's great surprise.

  In one of the rooms there was a piano and now that they were in the swing of it, Cecil and Ronnie proved they had hidden talents. And after a few glasses of mulled wine, made by Penny and served in huge, silver punch bowls, people weren't just singing - they were dancing.

  'Is it Christmas Eve already?' Rafe queried, standing at the door, a smile on his face.

  'Come and join us,' Neva said, as she danced with Adam.

  Rafe's smile disappeared. 'I'm afraid I can't. But I did want a quick word.'

  She gave Adam an apologetic smile; he gave her a mock bow, and she walked over to Rafe.

  'Can't dance? Or simply don't have time right now?' She smiled up at him.

  'I can dance. Especially with the right partner. But Sean's waiting for me downstairs. I merely came to tell you that further to our conversation, Judith's found a room. When you've got a moment to spare, no doubt you'll have a word with her and she can show you where everything is and help you set up your things.'

  'Thank you. Isn't the snow beautiful? It really feels like Christmas now, doesn't it? Have you been a good boy this year?'

  What on earth was she going on about? Was she so desperate to keep him talking that she'd say something as stupid as that? Yep. From the expression on his face, he was thinking something similar.

  'Excuse me? Have I ...? Oh I see. Another one of your quips.' He looked thoughtful for a moment. 'I suppose that depends on one's definition of “good”, doesn't it?'

  'Does it? Is there a grey area? No pun intended as my surname is Grey. You know what I mean. Surely you're either good, or you're bad?'

  'Over the course of a year, it's possible to be both. Several times. It's possible to be both in one day. But now I'm being pedantic. On the whole, I think I've been good. Although as it's not yet Christmas Eve, there's still time for me to be bad. I'm beginning to think that might be a good idea.' />
  He gave her the most devilish smile she had ever seen.

  And if that was anything to go by, she had to agree.

  Rafe Wynter being bad might be a very good idea indeed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  There was no sign of Rafe at afternoon tea and Neva was a little disappointed. He didn't show up for drinks at 8.p.m., and his seat at the head of the dining table was empty at dinner that night. So was Olivia's, but Neva didn't care about that.

  Adam was not quite so attentive, or as flirtatious as he had been but he did sit next to her at dinner and they chatted about what was planned for Christmas Day.

  'We have breakfast a bit later, at 9.a.m. That's to give Penny and Roger some time on their own. We're going to do that as usual. Then Olivia goes to the chapel and after that we have coffee and mince pies. Again, that'll remain the same.'

  'How far's the chapel? Is that in Merriment Bay?'

  He grinned at her. 'No. It's towards the back of the house.'

  'This house? You've got a chapel in your house?'

  He laughed. 'Doesn't everyone? Only joking. Yes, we do. Several houses like ours have their own chapel.'

  'Do you have your own priest or whatever?'

  'No. But we do have one we can call and he'll come here to officiate if we need him.'

  'I've got an electrician like that. Sorry. I'm not religious. And the electrician's my best friend's fiancé. Anyway. Did your priest officiate at Rafe's wedding?'

  'Rafe's wedding? What makes you ask about that?'

  Neva shrugged but heat spread across her chest right up to her cheeks.

  'Just curious.'

  He gave her a doubtful look. 'Rafe got married in a Registry Office in Oxford. I'm not sure Olivia has forgiven him yet for that. But as she didn't approve, and flatly refused to attend, it didn't matter to him where the ceremony was held.'


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