The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 8

by Cami Checketts

  “Oh, Ella,” Trey groaned. He released her face and sat back in the chair.

  Ella blinked in confusion, swaying on her knees. What had just happened? Why had he pulled away? That was not the way her dreams played out.

  “My mouth tastes like a garbage dump,” Trey muttered, staring longingly at her. “I promise that as soon as I brush my teeth, I’ll kiss you until Gavin pulls us apart.”

  His overconfident smile returned, but the reminder of her brother was not what she wanted to hear. She could imagine how Gavin would either scoff at her weakness, or—more likely—worry about her if he knew her desperate thoughts around Trey.

  Ella focused on taping up the bottom of the garbage sack, trembling from being so close to kissing him and him pulling away. Had he really pulled away because he wanted to brush his teeth? It was for the best, but it still hurt like someone had punched her in the abdomen. She’d wanted that kiss more than anything, and she chastised herself for being so weak, for forgetting so easily that he wasn’t sticking around and neither was she. She couldn’t even stay strong around him for twenty seconds.

  Climbing to her feet, she backed away and muttered, “I’m going to go finish dinner.”

  She let herself look at him. Trey was focused on her, begging her with his gaze. He used the chair to push himself up and then clung to the armrest and balanced on his one leg. He was glorious to behold with the muscles in his upper body all revealed.

  “So yes on the kiss later, or no?” he asked, far too somber. She didn’t know how to take a serious Trey.

  “No,” she muttered.

  Trey arched his eyebrows. “You’re going to break my heart, love.”

  She pushed out a huffy breath. “I highly doubt that.”

  He hopped toward her, and she should’ve backed away, but she couldn’t. Using the wall to steady himself, he studied her as if not sure how to proceed, but the determination in his eyes said he wasn’t ready to back down, not even close. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Stop acting like you’re interested in me,” she flung at him, standing as straight and tall as she could.

  “I am interested in you.”

  “For the weekend,” she spit out.

  “You’ve been talking to Gavin.”

  “Yeah. And I agree with him. Even if you think you’re interested in me right now, you’ll be moving on to a different spot next week and a different woman.” Her shoulders sagged. “I’m going back to Salt Lake Monday also, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “I have to move on because of my career, but it’s completely unfair that you won’t even give me a chance because I’m not the nine-to-five come-home-and-coach-Little-League guy.” He touched her arm, and it made her want to fling herself against that beautiful chest of his. “If you’d give me a chance, maybe I could be that guy.”

  That ticked her off. “No, you wouldn’t, so please stop trying to claim you’re interested or you think we have a future. I’m not twelve anymore, Trey. I know we have no future.”

  “What does being twelve have to do with it, and why won’t you believe that I’m not only very interested in you; I can see us having a future?”

  What did twelve have to do with it? When she was twelve, he’d been eighteen. She’d watched him date the angelic blonde Kaytlyn Klein his entire senior year and wished he would look at Ella like he did at Kaytlyn, like Ella was something other than a sister. She’d known she was much too young for him to notice, but she’d plotted and schemed for when she finally grew up and matured, and then Trey would look at her like he’d looked at Kaytlyn. It never happened. She’d given him the bracelet but hadn’t been brave enough to tell him how she felt. He’d packed up his bags and left for much more important things than a little girl who idolized him.

  Every time he’d come home over the next six years, she’d fallen more in love with him, and of course no high school boy could compare to Trey Nelson, the ultra athlete and handsomest, kindest, funniest, and most charming man in the world. Luckily, in college she’d worked extra hours, she’d been diligent about her studies, and she hadn’t come home to visit at the same times as him. She hadn’t seen him in over four years now, except as she followed him on social media.

  Now she was in a worst spot than she’d ever been. She was still hopelessly in love with him, and he kept saying things that made her think he could someday care as deeply for her, that they could have a future. But she couldn’t be naïve enough to fall for it. They were both leaving on Monday, and unfortunately for her fragile heart, she did follow him on social media. She knew he wasn’t going to stop dating. He wouldn’t be faithful to her in a long-distance relationship.

  She shook her head and backed up a step. “No, Trey. There’s no future for us.”

  He let out a low growl of frustration, then pointed a finger at her and said, “You stay right there.”

  “Excuse me? You don’t boss me around.”

  “Don’t move,” he commanded.

  “Ugh!” Ella threw her hands in the air.

  “You try to move, and I will hunt you down,” he threatened.

  “Hunt me down? What are you, a barbarian?”

  He smirked at her, but only said, “I’ll be right back.”

  Ella stared in frustration and confusion as he hopped to the bathroom. The striations of muscle in his leg were insane, and his broad back was also covered in beautifully formed muscles. She supposed that was what happened when you made a career out of sports.

  “‘Stay right there,’” she muttered to herself. “Who does he think he is?” She paced around the bedroom, but for some reason, she could not get herself to march right out that door and down those steps. “‘I will hunt you down’? Ugh! Men!”

  The bathroom door opened behind her and Trey came hopping out. She would think any other person couldn’t possibly make hopping attractive, but Trey was so athletic, it was like she was watching a performance of athletic prowess and how to move with only one leg. He moved toward her with determination, surprising speed, and a look in his blue eyes that said she was never going to be able to tell him no.

  Ella backed into the nearest wall. Trey reached her and braced both hands on the wall for support, but it was incredibly sexy as he framed her head and leaned close. “Now, where were we?”

  His freshly-brushed breath tickled her mouth. Not only smell yummy peppermint; his delicious sandalwood-and-musk cologne was a little stronger than it had been a few minutes ago. Not too strong, but just enough to make her as weak in the knees as she had been, especially when you added in him being close and the obvious intentions in his voice and eyes.

  “What?” Ella fumbled to ask. Where were we? Nowhere near a kiss, but suddenly she was right back to all her girlish visualizations, just dying to have him lean against her and kiss her until she somehow believed they did have a future.

  “Ella,” he murmured. His eyes brushed over her lips in a look as tantalizing as a touch. “You claim we don’t have a future, but I can’t be the only one feeling this. When I’m near you, it’s like coming home at Christmas: excitement, warmth, and happiness.”

  Ella all but melted into him. Who said beautiful things like that? Sadly, she knew the answer: an accomplished player who was used to women melting into him. She needed to duck under his arms and run. He’d claimed he’d track her down, but she could run fast and he had to hop on one leg.

  “Please, beautiful Ella. Say you’re feeling this too.” He searched her eyes, his own expression filled with pleading. If she didn’t know better, she’d say something in his gaze was stronger than interest and desire—devotion.

  “I …” She leaned back against the wall for support. She felt exactly what he was saying when they touched, when he looked at her, when she simply thought about him. She was gone over him. Maybe she just needed to give in, enjoy this weekend of being the woman Trey Nelson wanted. When they both moved on next week and her heart shattered from him not only moving on to a different l
ocation, but also most likely to a different woman, at least she’d have these memories to fall back on.

  No! She needed to be strong. If he truly wanted her, she should keep her distance and see if he kept trying after the weekend was over … but it was so hard when he was looking at her like that to even imagine resisting him.

  “I’ve got a deal for you,” he said in a husky tone that sent desire shooting through her body. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  She arched her eyebrows at his assumption, even though inside she was cheering from the combination of his decisive words and the anticipation of him kissing her.

  “If we don’t both feel that you and I have something special and that we need to give us a chance from this kiss …” He pushed out a breath. “I’ll back off and treat you like a sis— friend.” He moved so close that his strong body brushed against hers. Her stomach swirled with heat. “If you feel it, then you have to let me date you properly, give us a chance.” He arched an eyebrow. “What do you say?”

  Ella’s throat was dry, and her pulse was racing. She couldn’t find her voice to answer him. Her gaze didn’t waver, though, as she focused on his handsome face and the intensity in his blue eyes. She let herself wrap her hands around his warm, broad back, let her fingers explore the gloriousness of the muscle in that back, and let herself savor the soft moan that escaped from Trey’s lips and the lick of craving that ran through his eyes.

  It wasn’t a bad plan, not at all. She let him kiss her, and if it was as unreal as she knew it would be, they’d date. That sounded like he wanted more than just a fling. She prayed it was so and gave up on any illusion of strength. Licking her lips, she gave a short, decisive nod. Trey grinned, but he sobered quickly as he leaned closer. Ella’s heart leapt and she arched toward him.

  She heard the front door open and then slam, and footsteps pounded through the house. “Ella?”

  “No,” she groaned.

  Trey paused, so close his lips brushed the side of hers as he muttered, “Gavin.”

  That brush of the lips was too much; even that miniscule touch was beautiful and had her craving more. The footsteps pounding up the stairs were all that kept her from pressing her mouth to Trey’s and showing him exactly how desperately she loved him, proving to him with her kiss that she absolutely wanted to date him and give them a chance. Had he truly referred to them as “us”? She loved that so much. All illusions of strength and worries about him hurting her flew out the window.

  “Trey!” Gavin roared as he slammed into the room. “Let her go!”

  Trey smiled grimly down at her as Ella forced herself to unclamp her hands from around his back. He slowly pivoted to face Gavin, balancing on his left leg and keeping his right hand on the wall, next to Ella’s head. Ella clasped her hands together, still catching her breath from the beautiful interaction with Trey and staring at her brother’s furious face.

  “Hey, Gav,” Trey muttered. “Rotten timing.”

  “Rotten timing?” Gavin spit out. “You told me you’d stay away from her! Now you’ve got her in your bedroom, with no shirt on?”

  “No, I absolutely did not say I’d stay away from her. I told you I’d let her decide.” Trey glanced down at her tenderly. “I like her decision.”

  Oh my. She just liked him. Their interaction wasn’t like Gavin was implying, and she wanted to shove her brother out the door, slam it, and try that kiss.

  “Only because you can manipulate her because she acts like a sappy teenager where you’re concerned,” Gavin said.

  “Now you just hold up,” Trey started.

  “I am not a child who can be manipulated,” Ella put in, glaring at her brother.

  “Ella.” Gavin stared at her, begging her to understand. “You know what we talked about.”

  Ella really appreciated that he wasn’t spelling out her longtime crush nor her desperation for Trey that had Gavin so concerned. But she was a full-grown woman. She had the right to choose who she dated and when, and every cell in her body was choosing Trey. She glanced up at him and he was staring at her, his eyes full of adoration and longing. They did have something special, and his very look gave her strength.

  “Gav,” she started. “I really appreciate you being concerned about me, but I’m all grown-up now and I promise I’m capable of making my own decisions about who I date.”

  Gavin’s dark eyes sparked dangerously. “Ella, you have always been the most adorable, funny, feisty girl. All I’ve ever wanted to do was protect you from being hurt, especially after Papa’s accident.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it, but you don’t need to protect me from Trey.”

  Trey let go of the wall, balanced on one leg, and reached down, wrapping his hand around hers and squeezing. They turned together to face Gavin.

  “I actually do,” Gavin said. “Do you want to tell her, or should I?” He looked at Trey with that dangerous glint in his eyes, as if he were ready to tackle him away from Ella.

  “Tell her what?” Trey demanded, his good humor gone. “I love you, man, but you are ticking me off. Ella is choosing to date me, and you have no right to come between us.”

  Gavin’s jaw clenched. “I keep getting phone calls today that I’ve tried to ignore, but she was so persistent my assistant finally made me talk to her.”

  “What phone calls?” Trey was holding her hand tighter and tighter.

  Gavin’s eyes narrowed. “Kaytlyn Klein.”

  That name sent a chill down Ella’s spine. The exquisite blonde with a face like an angel. She had been Trey’s high school girlfriend. Oh, how Ella remembered jealously watching the two of them together. Even the memory made her stomach roll.

  Trey released her hand, wrapped his arm around Ella’s shoulder, and leaned against her. “What does she want?”

  “Apparently, she’s been trying to track you down today as well, but you haven’t answered her texts or phone calls. She saw on social media that you were home this weekend and knew she could get ahold of you through me. Kaytlyn has something really important to tell you.”

  “What does that mean?” Trey glowered at Gavin.

  “It means you get your hands off my sister and stop toying with her. Step up to your responsibilities with Kaytlyn.”

  “Responsibilities? I have no responsibilities with Kaytlyn. She and I have dated off and on when I’ve been close to Sun Valley where she lives now. I haven’t seen her in months.”

  Gavin shook his head, his gaze heavy on Ella as if he wanted to rip her away from Trey. She’d never liked seeing Trey and Kaytlyn together, but Gavin was acting psychotic. Responsibilities with Kaytlyn? The way Gavin was acting, it could only mean one thing, but Trey wouldn’t … would he?

  The door opened and shut downstairs, and Ella heard the most melodic alto call out, “Halloo? Where’s my beautiful girl?”

  “Mama.” She glanced up at Trey, needing to run to her mother but not wanting to desert him to whatever Gavin was accusing him of.

  “Go hug her.” He smiled down at her, but his blue eyes were stormy. “I need to talk to Gav and then shower; then I’ll be down.”

  “Good luck.” She gave him a squeeze around the waist, not sure what was happening between them, why Gavin was being such a hardheaded jerk, or what she should think about Kaytlyn being part of the equation.

  He chuckled and nudged her. “Go. I can handle him.”

  Ella thought Trey was the most confident person she knew. She’d never seen anyone, except Mama, win a battle with Gavin. She strode past Gavin, muttering, “Chill out, all right, bro?” as she passed.

  Gavin just shook his head at her. His entire body was in battle stance, engaging all of his muscles. Ella would’ve been worried about anyone but Trey. He could hold his own with her brother, but she did throw out before she left the room, “He does have a pretty bad head injury. Don’t hit him in the head too hard.”

  Gavin and Trey both stayed focused on each other, neither laughing at her lame joke. “I’ll go for
the body,” Gavin said. “Thanks, sis.”

  “Good plan.” She tried to think positive thoughts. They’d been friends for a long time and wouldn’t kill each other. She didn’t mind leaving so the two of them could work things out, but she really minded the thought of Kaytlyn and the interruption of what would’ve been the most amazing kiss of her life. She’d finally committed to giving him a chance. Would she and Trey get back to that spot?

  Ella hurried down the stairs, hearing the bedroom door shut firmly behind her. She saw her mama in the kitchen, tasting her soup. “Mama!”

  Her mama looked up, dropped the spoon in the sink, and ran at her. Mama was still a beautiful woman with her dark, curly hair framing her face; her wide, dark eyes bright and clear; and her skin smooth and naturally olive toned. “Ella!”

  They met at the bottom of the stairs and hugged and hugged.

  Mama pulled back. “Aren’t you beautiful?” She grabbed Ella’s hand and tugged her to the couch. “Come sit, sweet girl, and talk my ear off.”

  Ella laughed and happily obeyed. As Mama peppered her with questions about the end of school, her date with some Tommy guy last month that she could hardly remember, and her new job, car, and apartment, Ella was thrilled to have Mama’s attention, to bask in her smile, and to just chat. Yet the one person she really wanted to talk about was probably upstairs getting pummeled by her big brother. Normally, Trey could hold his own, but he was injured. She tried to focus on Mama and prayed that Trey would be okay, prayed that the two of them together had a chance.

  Trey stared evenly at Gavin after he shut the door and turned back to face him. “I don’t need Mama hearing we’re fighting and coming up here to break it up,” Gavin told him, “so keep it down.”

  Trey arched his eyebrow. “I will if you will.”


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