The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 11

by Cami Checketts

  Gavin chuckled, put one hand under Austin’s waist, and flipped him back right side up, setting him on his feet.

  Austin gave Gavin a quick squeeze around the waist and said, “I love you, my best bro.”

  Trey watched Gavin’s face soften as he replied, “I love you, too.” Trey didn’t know that he’d ever seen Gavin that soft, even for his sisters or Mama. The Gavin he remembered really didn’t like anyone touching him either, but he seemed comfortable with Austin.

  Austin darted away and scurried behind one of the couches in the adjacent living room. “But I had my fingers crossed! I’m not eating a squishy banana. I want bacon!”

  Trey and Gavin both started laughing. “I should’ve known,” Gavin said. “The little man hates bananas. Does orange juice work as a fruit?” he asked Trey.

  “We’ll count it.” Trey couldn’t be happier that he and Gavin were in a good spot again. “Have you seen Ella?”

  “She went out on a run. How’s the head this morning?”

  “Better, thanks.” He felt pretty good, considering. “Doc doesn’t want me to put pressure on the knee until he gets me in for an MRI. I might have to flake out on the rides this weekend, but I could still teach some seminars on Monday.”

  “No worries, man. I’ll have Johnathon cover today, and we didn’t have you scheduled for Sunday anyway. We’ll do a couple seminars on Monday before you have to fly out, let you sign autographs and kiss babies, that kind of thing.” He smirked at him. “I’m going to shower and then start breakfast.”

  “I need another shower too; then, I’ll help you.”

  “I don’t want help from a one-legged man,” Gavin teased, poking him in the stomach, then dodging away to the stairs. “Go shower yourself so you smell pretty for my sister.” He winked and pumped up the stairs, but he turned at the top to point at Austin. “You take a shower too, little man.”

  “Aw, showers are for sissies.”

  “Don’t argue.”

  “Yes, sir,” Austin mumbled.

  Gavin sauntered off to his room.

  Austin looked up at Trey far too perceptively. “Why do you want to smell pretty for Ella?”

  Trey ruffled his hair. “Because Ella’s so pretty.”

  “Well, duh.” Austin also dodged to the stairs.

  Trey hopped around the kitchen and found some more garbage sacks and tape. He pulled himself along the banister, hopping up the stairs and to his room, then covered his leg and the bandages again. The few times he’d forgotten and put pressure on his knee it hadn’t felt bad. He was betting that the ligaments were fine, but he wanted to follow doctor’s orders. Hopefully, they’d call about the MRI soon, prove everything was fine, and he could get back to work.

  Putting the garbage sacks and tape on wasn’t nearly as much fun without Ella. He kept checking out the huge windows, hoping he’d see her come running back down the trail. He felt uneasy with her out there by herself, although he knew that was silly. Ella had run these trails most of her life like a mountain goat and she knew how to take care of herself with any beast, but sometimes there were crazy accidents with a bear, mountain lion, or moose.

  He forced those thoughts from his head and hurried into the shower. The hot water felt good and helped clear his head even more. The only thing in his head right now was Ella. It was insane, because usually he was so focused on his tricks, his next ride, his next video shot, or a publicity event. Normally, he’d be livid about his knee being hurt. Yesterday he’d been pretty out of it, but today he was thinking clearly, and he knew that nothing mattered as much as spending more time with Ella and convincing her that she was the woman he was meant to be with.

  He got out of the shower and pulled off the plastic bags, only ripping a few hairs out; luckily, his legs weren’t very hairy. He got dressed in a T-shirt and some comfortable golf shorts and hurried to do his hair, brush his teeth, and put on cologne.

  Wandering back out to the bedroom, he checked his phone quickly, responding to a few sponsor emails, and informing his publicist about his injury. He’d let the publicist deal with the spin of the injury. They’d probably use it to bring even more attention to him and his brand. Last year, they’d started an active wear company, and it was doing extremely well.

  Setting his phone down, he glanced out the window again. Nothing yet.

  His phone rang, and he startled. He wondered if it would be Kaytlyn again. He wondered what in the world was going on with his longtime friend. He would be shocked if she was really pregnant and alone like Gavin had assumed, but there was absolutely no way the child was his. He noticed he’d missed a bunch of calls and texts from her yesterday, but that was to be expected with the injury.

  The number wasn’t Kaytlyn’s. It was a Colorado number, judging from the area code.


  “Trey. It’s Doc Mullen.” Doc’s strong voice came over the line.

  “Great. I’ve been hoping we could get in for this MRI quick.” Trey stood and held on to the bed frame, searching out the window for Ella to appear on the trail that led to the lake. He was assuming that was where she’d gone on her run. The problem was that she also could’ve run down past the lodge, and then there were myriad trails she could have taken.

  “That’s the thing, son. I’ve got to eat some crow and beg you to keep a secret for me.”

  “Okay.” Trey was confused. “About what?”

  “You, son. Dagnabit, I was just trying to help my boy out.”

  Trey’s brow furrowed. “You always help people out, Doc.”

  “Thank you. I went home last night and told the wife the whole story about you and Ella and how I … stretched the truth about your knee, just a bit.”

  “Stretched the truth?” Trey knew Doc was a talker, but he was also a straight shooter.

  “Okay, here’s the skinny. Don’t sue me, all right? Your knee is fine. Put some pressure on it, and if it feels good, I’m sure you don’t need any further tests. When I saw how you were mooning over that girl and Gavin was trying to keep you apart, it reminded me of my brothers-in-law giving me a hard time, and I thought, ‘Well, if he can’t get around, he’ll have to rely on Ella, ’cause heaven knows Gavin and Mama Ruth have got their hands full with Pierce and Austin and the resort being so busy all the time.’ Anyway, your leg’s fine. You don’t need an MRI. I’ll never tell a fib again, and my wife probably won’t cook for me tonight, but I guess that’s the penalty we have to take, right? Are you gonna sue me, son?”

  Trey was coming off the shock of realizing his leg was fine, and he absolutely was not going to sue anybody. “No, sir, you had my best interest in mind.”

  “See! Why are men so reasonable and women so crazy?”

  Trey wasn’t responding to that one.

  “Forget I said that. I’ll get sued by someone for that too, maybe lose my home cooking for a month. How’s the head?”

  “Pretty good. I slept most of yesterday and through the night.” Missing out on his chance to kiss Ella, but at least he was feeling better.

  “Oh, good. Well, take it easy. No crazy tricks for a week or two, Doc’s orders.”

  Trey smiled to himself. He’d take a couple more days off, but if his knee was fine, he was going to be back in the game in no time. His head was getting clearer every minute. He glanced out the window and saw a figure through the trees, sporting a bright pink shirt and dark hair. Was that her? It had to be. She was still maybe quarter of a mile up the trail, but he could see her through his high vantage point.

  His eyes narrowed as he saw a man’s shape almost stalking her position in the trees. Gavin wouldn’t be heading out there to intercept Ella, would he? Trey thought he and Gavin were good now, but maybe his friend was still trying to warn his sister away. “I’ve got to go, Doc.” He pocketed the phone, slid into some shoes, and took off running down the stairs.

  Austin and Gavin were in the kitchen. So it wasn’t Gavin. Trey’s stomach churned. Something felt off, more than just hi
s selfish desires to not have another man around Ella. This canyon was private and gated. Who would be up here?

  “I’ll be right back!” he yelled as he ran through.

  “You can run now?” he heard Austin call out in surprise.

  He slammed through one of the patio doors, down the steps, and across the lawn. His knee didn’t feel great—the side of it ached—but it would be fine.

  Racing up the trail, he heard voices and prayed he could get there in time. He wouldn’t let anything happen to Ella, and no man had better trying anything, or Trey wouldn’t hesitate to take him out.

  Ella felt great as she flew down the trail toward Gavin’s house. The five miles uphill around the lake and then past it toward one of the mountain peaks had been slower going, but now she was all warmed up and cruising home. She hoped the time spent with Trey today would be the beginning of wonderful experiences with him, and starting it out with a run in the lush mountains was perfect. Nothing would make it better, unless Trey was running beside her.

  She hoped his knee was okay and he hadn’t torn a ligament. She wanted more time with him, but not because he was injured and couldn’t go back to his career. The darkness of them leaving each other soon and the fear that he would indeed break her heart swept over her, but she pushed the worries away and focused on the sunshine sparkling through the thick greenery. The stream that she’d followed along her route made it picture perfect. The sun had crested the mountains as she ran, and its warmth and the birds chirping felt like she was in an idealistic movie in Switzerland.

  A man darted in front of her, and Ella slammed into him. She cried out in surprise as they fell into a heap on the rock and twig-strewn ground.

  “Oh my, I’m sorry,” she rushed out, trying to push out from under him, but he was on top of her and his body weight was pressing her back into the rocky ground.

  The man was smiling at her with an almost leering expression, and she recognized him. “You almost ran me over in the parking lot yesterday,” she said.

  “It’s Marcus.” He grinned broader. “You trying to get back at me?”

  “No.” She pushed at him, but he was thick and strong. She couldn’t budge him. “Get off … please get off.”

  He just smiled. “Maybe I like where I’m at.”

  He was starting to scare her. She was so close to home, and if she yelled loudly, Gavin might hear her. She wished Trey could run to her aid, but hopefully this guy would just leave her alone. “Get off,” she insisted. She tried to reach for her pepper spray, but he was pinning her too tightly for her to reach into her pocket.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, acting like she hadn’t even spoken.

  “Ella!” Trey’s bellow came from just down the trail.

  Marcus scrambled off of her and popped to his feet. Ella stood shakily, staring in awe as Trey raced toward them. He looked glorious, so tough and strong, and the expression on his face was that of a fierce warrior who would protect what was his. She’d never wanted to be anything so much as she wanted to be Trey’s at this moment.

  He didn’t slow down, plowing into Marcus and knocking the guy off his feet. Trey slammed his fist into Marcus’s face and threatened, “Don’t you ever touch her again!”

  Marcus put his hands up to protect himself and whined, “I’m going to sue you for attacking me.”

  Trey got in a couple more hits, but then his shoulders deflated as he realized the guy wasn’t going to fight back. He stood and yanked Marcus to his feet. “You’re on private property, assaulting the owners’ daughter and sister. I don’t think you have any rights here, you loser.”

  “I didn’t attack her,” Marcus protested. “I was running the trail, and she ran into me. We fell in a heap and we were just … flirting, when you came and attacked me.”

  Ella rolled her eyes. This guy was unbelievable.

  “Is that true?” Trey turned to her, still gripping Marcus’s arm tightly.

  “I didn’t see him, and the part about us running into each other and falling is true, but then he was on top of me and I asked him to get off, several times.”

  Trey’s eyes narrowed, and his jaw became hard as flint as he turned back to Marcus.

  “I wouldn’t have hurt her,” Marcus insisted. “I just thought she was hot and was flirting with her.”

  “Ella is my girl, and you will never come near her again, unless you want me to come after you and expose to all the world what a loser you are.” Trey sort of shook him. “And if a woman tells you to get off, you get off. How stupid are you?”

  Marcus’s jaw worked, but nothing came out.

  Trey shoved him back toward the house. “Get out of here. I’ll expect you checked out of the lodge and on your way home before I can tell Gavin that you pinned down his sister while trespassing on his property.”

  Marcus ran down the trail, not looking back.

  Trey turned to Ella. The storm in his blue eyes calmed, and he murmured, “Ella.” He opened his arms, and that was all the invitation she needed.

  Rushing to him, Ella wrapped her arms around his firm upper back as he enfolded her against his chest and cradled her close.

  “You’re okay?” he whispered into her hair.

  “Yes.” She leaned back so she could look into his handsome face. “How’d you know to come?”

  “I saw you out the window.” He inclined his chin toward Gavin’s house, just visible through the trees.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  Trey released one of his hands from her back and tenderly cupped her cheek. “I want to be there for you, Ella, always.”

  Ella couldn’t even swallow down the emotion in her throat. Was this for real? She and Trey were together like she’d always dreamed about. Before now, her dreams had been fantasies and lacked substance, as it was all one-way idolization. The strong, amazing man holding her had more than enough substance in every way possible. They were both grown-up now, and her feelings had grown into something as beautiful as the man holding her. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but right now, she was finally, finally going to kiss him.

  “I think I might consider letting you be there for me,” she said.

  “Oh, yeah?” A teasing glint appeared in Trey’s eyes, but he was also staring at her with such adoration and devotion that Ella could hardly stand up straight. “What do I need to do to convince you?”

  Ella slid her hands up his back, wrapping them tight around his neck and lifting up onto tiptoes. Trey wrapped his hands tight around her lower back again, tugging her even closer.

  “Kiss me, Trey,” she all but begged.

  Trey grinned. “Gladly.”

  He bent swiftly toward her, and their lips met. Delight and joy rushed through her as Trey’s mouth took command of hers. He’d told her yesterday that he would convince her with his kiss that they should be together. Wow. He was convincing her and then some. His strong body overshadowed her with protection and devotion as their lips danced in synchrony—tasting, sharing, giving, and loving.

  Trey pulled back slightly and smiled down at her. “Did that convince you?”

  “Try it again,” Ella begged, panting for air.

  Trey laughed, framed her face with his hands, and kissed her until she could hardly catch a breath. She clung to his very firm biceps and was certain her feet weren’t touching the ground. He slowly, tenderly deepened the kiss, and all the nerve endings in Ella’s mouth tingled.

  “Ella! Trey!” Gavin’s voice yanked them apart.

  Ella refused to leave the circle of Trey’s arms, but she didn’t want her brother to witness that kiss. She laid her head on Trey’s chest and tried to slow her breathing.

  “We’re here,” Trey called back. He gently lifted her chin. “We will continue the convincing later.”

  “I’m planning on it.” She grinned up at him as she repeated the words he’d said to Mama last night.

  “Oh!” Gavin stopped a few feet away from them on the trail. “Everything okay

  “Yeah.” Trey kept an arm around her but turned her to face Gavin. “That loser Marcus ran into her and wouldn’t let her up when she asked. I might’ve hit him … a few times. I told him to go pack his bags so we didn’t prosecute him for assault and trespassing.”

  Gavin’s dark eyes flashed dangerously. “I’ll make sure he knows never to come back. Do we need to press charges?”

  Ella shrugged, though her stomach still churned at the memory of Marcus’s weight on top of her. “I actually ran into him, and we fell down. He wasn’t really trying to hurt me; he just didn’t let me up when I asked. I think in his twisted mind he was flirting.”

  Gavin’s jaw was tight. “Well, he’d better be running, or I’ll show him what happens to anyone who doesn’t listen when my sister asks.”

  Trey chuckled. “Noted, man.”

  Ella smiled up at him, knowing she would always be safe with these two around. “So you’re going to give me anything I ask?”

  Trey’s blue eyes twinkled, but there was depth there that she loved. “Yes, I am.”

  “You two ready for breakfast?” Gavin interrupted. “Or do you want to keep … hugging in the woods?”

  “I guess we can take a break for breakfast.” Ella sighed dramatically.

  Trey and Gavin both laughed. Gavin walked in front of them, and they followed him to the house. Trey kept his arm around her and leaned down to whisper against her hair. “It had better be a short break.”

  Ella smiled up at him. “I’m planning on it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  At breakfast, Austin had to hear the story of Trey knocking down the “bad guy” over and over again. Trey laughed along with everyone else as Austin reenacted his interpretation and showed how he’d take out any bad guys who tried to hurt his Ella. Sneaking a glance at Ella, Trey hoped she was really his Ella and they’d find some time alone today—not only to kiss a lot more but also to chat and figure out how they were going to start dating officially while she went back to Salt Lake and he kept up his traveling schedule. He’d be in Park City next month, but that wasn’t soon enough. He’d definitely give up some—no, all of his plans for her, but he’d never failed to follow through on a commitment. Yesterday he’d been pretty out of it, but today he would be chafing to get back to riding, doing tricks, and working with people, if he didn’t have time with Ella to look forward to.


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