The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 14

by Cami Checketts

  Trey stared in shock. What had just happened? He knew he should run after her, see what was going on and how he could help his friend. As he entered the lobby, Kaytlyn was already to the exterior doors. Trey glanced wistfully at the restaurant. If only he could go and sit by Ella, hold her hand … but his dad had left his mom pregnant and alone. He couldn’t stand the thought of Kaytlyn being in the same situation.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ella chafed impatiently in her chair as they got their drinks and ordered. Luckily, Austin kept up a stream of conversation about the Harry Potter book he and Mama were reading simultaneously. Mama and Gavin kept glancing at her and then at the arched entryway into the restaurant from the foyer. Where was Trey? Was he reconnecting with Kaytlyn? Would anyone blame him? Kaytlyn was not only beautiful, but she was sweet, and the two had a lot of history together. The only problem was, it would kill Ella if they reunited.

  “I’m going to … use the restroom,” Ella announced to the table.

  Mama nodded. “Take your time, sweetheart.”

  Ella should’ve just used the restroom at the back of the restaurant, but she went out toward the lobby one instead. She didn’t even veer toward the restroom but instead searched around for Trey and Kaytlyn. They weren’t inside. She looked through the lobby windows and could see a flash of blond hair running toward a vehicle and then Trey’s golden-brown head following fast. Rushing toward the window, Ella pressed against it, staring. Trey caught up with Kaytlyn next to a sleek silver sport utility.

  Kaytlyn backed against the vehicle, shaking her head. A well-built man suddenly appeared, pushing his way in front of Kaytlyn, positioning himself between her and Trey. Ella thought Trey was tough, but this guy looked like he could snap somebody in half. He had that military or bodyguard kind of look, reminded her of her brother Nick. Kaytlyn tugged at the guy’s shirt, and Trey backed up with his hands up. Finally, the guy marched around the vehicle and climbed in the driver’s seat.

  Kaytlyn hurried to Trey and hugged him fiercely. Ella wanted Trey to push away, but he held her tenderly, as if she would break. When she stood on tiptoes and kissed him, Ella thought she would be sick. She backed away from the window, spun, and hurried out the opposite doors toward the mountainside. Pulling her phone out of her purse, she texted Gavin. I’m not feeling well. I’ll meet you at home.

  She had no intention of going home, though. Thankfully, she’d brought comfortable flats instead of heels to go with her dress today. She swung her purse across her chest so it wouldn’t bounce and headed for the closest trail behind the lodge. The trail that led to the waterfall. She needed to get away, and maybe the peace of nature could soothe her. Trey had ran after Kaytlyn as if he were in love with her and then Kaytlyn had kissed Trey. Gavin had said Trey had some kind of “responsibility” to Kaytlyn. Trey had claimed he wouldn’t hurt Ella, but obviously he needed to be with Kaytlyn right now. The despair and jealousy were so intense that she was afraid she was going to be sick.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Trey chased after Kaytlyn, though he wanted to be searching for Ella. She stopped next to the passenger side of a silver Porsche Cayenne.

  “Kayt?” he called.

  Her shoulders were shaking with emotion as she whirled to face him. Shaking her head, she backed into the vehicle, pressing against it as if for support. “I’m fine, Trey. I’m not burdening you with this.”

  Suddenly, a tough-looking guy with short, dark hair, a fierce expression in his bright blue eye, and loads of muscles stepped in front of her, going chest to chest with Trey. Where had he come from? “Mrs. Tarbet?”

  “I’m fine, Cameron.” She seemed irritated and exhausted. “You don’t call me Mrs. Tarbet,” she snapped at him.

  “You’re married?” Trey asked. He was so confused. “Wasn’t Tarbet your boss’s name?”

  She nodded shortly. “Please wait in the car for me,” she instructed the man.

  Cameron looked like he wanted to argue, but he simply said to Trey, “Hurt her and I’ll cut your hands off.”

  Trey arched his eyebrows. “Thanks for the warning.”

  Cameron sent him a threatening look, and Trey thought he honestly would cut his hands off if he disobeyed. The man finally stalked around to the driver’s side and climbed in.

  “Sorry.” Kaytlyn folded her arms across her chest. “Cameron is my … protection.”

  “From who?” Trey’s confusion was growing by the second. She’d married the older gentleman, she was pregnant, he obviously was dead, and now she needed protection?

  “I can’t talk about it.”

  Trey stepped in closer. “Kayt. Let me help you. You’re in a mess.”

  She shook her head and surprised him by wrapping her arms around him, clinging to him. Trey held her close, trying to relay his strength to her. He felt so bad for her. If only she’d let him help. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, dangerously close to his mouth though he didn’t think that was her intention. Trey believed it was just a kiss of friendship and thought she needed the comfort, so he didn’t pull back. She finally fell back onto her heels and hugged him fiercely again. “Thanks for being there for me.”

  “You won’t even let me help you.”

  “It’s okay.” Her blue eyes glinted with emotion but also determination. “I’ve got Cameron, and I’m not backing down to them. I’ll be all right.”

  “You don’t seem all right.”

  Kaytlyn sniffled and pulled back from the hug, daintily touching the back of her dripping nose with her fingertip. “I probably don’t. It’s just all so recent. Jacob passed a few days ago, and at the funeral his witch of a daughter found out we were married, I was expecting his baby, and she’d been cut out of the will. It was an explosion. Our lawyer said if I’m engaged to someone great, it will help with the legal battle. So I thought if you and I could do a fake fiancé to …” She put a hand over her abdomen. “Protect my little man and my foundation from that evil wench, it would be good. But I can see you need to be with Ella.” She pushed at his arm. “Go. Be with her.”

  Trey wanted nothing more than to be with Ella, but Kaytlyn’s rambling explanation left a lot lacking, and he suddenly understood why Gavin had thought Kaytlyn was expecting Trey’s child. “You wanted me to pretend to be engaged to you?”

  She nodded shortly.

  “For legal reasons?”

  Another nod. “It’s a big mess, Trey, and I’m not pulling you into it, especially if you are with Ella. Whatever you hear about me, please don’t believe it.” She smiled sadly. “It was great to see you. I hope you’ll be very happy.” With that, she opened the car door, slid in, and shut it firmly.

  Trey stared at the car for a second, wondering if he needed to somehow help her more, but Kaytlyn lifted a hand to him, the vehicle started with a smooth purr, and it pulled away. The protector guy, Cameron, seemed more than happy to put distance between Kaytlyn and Trey.

  Trey pushed out a breath, turned, and strode back into the lodge. He hoped Kaytlyn would be okay, but he didn’t know how else to help her. He also hoped Ella wouldn’t be upset that he’d been gone so long. He wouldn’t have been thrilled if she was off connecting with her ex, even if the intentions were pure.

  Hurrying into the lodge, he passed some men who looked almost as tough as Kaytlyn’s protector guy, but there were always people moving in and out of the lodge, so he shook it off. He made it to the restaurant and saw Mama and Austin eating, but Gavin and Ella were gone. Austin popped a French fry in his mouth as Trey approached the table. Mama was sipping from her straw but hadn’t touched her salmon.

  “Where’s Ella?” Trey asked without preamble.

  “I don’t know.” Mama looked up with concern. “She sent Gavin a text about ten minutes ago saying she wasn’t feeling well and she’d meet us at home. He ran to check on her, but he just called and she’s not at home.” She shook her head. “I have this gnawing feeling in my gut, Trey.”

  “Where would
she go?” He knew what Mama meant. Maybe the push he’d felt to get back to Ella while he was out talking to Kaytlyn wasn’t selfish at all, but his gut telling him something wasn’t right.

  “I don’t know. Gavin said he tried to track her phone, but it was coming up unavailable, which usually means the phone is in the mountains, out of cell coverage.”

  Austin looked as concerned as Mama.

  Trey forced a smile at the little man. “You eat your fries. Gav and I will find Ella.”

  “They don’t taste that good, ’cause you’re all making me have stress in here.” Austin pointed to his stomach.

  Trey ruffled his hair. “It’ll be okay.”

  He nodded to Mama and hurried back out of the restaurant, fearing it wouldn’t be okay. He dug out his phone to call Ella; it went straight to voicemail. He called Gavin next.

  “Have you seen Ella?” Gavin demanded as soon as the call connected.

  “No. Do you think she went up one of the trails?”

  “Maybe. I’ll check behind the house toward the lake, but her running shoes are still in her room, so she couldn’t have gone too far in her church clothes, right?”

  Not unless someone had taken her. Trey hated the thought. Their valley was mostly safe, but the resort attracted all kinds of people. “I’ll start on some trails behind the lodge. Isn’t Angel Falls her favorite?”

  “Used to be,” Gavin said.

  “Okay. I’ll go there. If you don’t find her on the lake trail, call search and rescue when you get high enough to get service again.”

  “Will do,” Gavin said grimly.

  Trey hated that they were both going to worst-case scenario, but something just felt off, and all he wanted was Ella safe in his arms.

  Ella plodded up one of the many biking and hiking trails behind the lodge. She wasn’t really watching where she was going; her mind kept replaying the scene of Trey and Kaytlyn holding each other, then her kissing him. Had it been on the cheek or the lips? From her angle it was hard to say for certain.

  Her empty stomach churned. She and Trey hadn’t eaten any breakfast this morning, but she hadn’t even cared. Now she was feeling weak and sick to her stomach, but that was probably due more to seeing Trey with Kaytlyn. Tears ran silently down her face. He’d promised he wouldn’t hurt Ella. He’d failed on that one, but it seemed like Kaytlyn needed him and he’d chased after his old girlfriend as if he needed her. Ella wanted to be selfish and claim that she needed him, but the body language was obvious: Kaytlyn needed him more.

  Footsteps pounded behind her. Ella whirled to face whoever was coming. She didn’t have her pepper spray on her like she usually would hiking. When she pulled her cell phone out, she saw it had no cell service. After a moment of trepidation, she walked back down the trail, prepared to meet whoever was coming head-on and be confident and unafraid. Most likely, the person was just on a run and would have no bad intentions at all.

  The man rounded the corner, and when Ella saw it was that Marcus guy, she stopped and backed up a step. He didn’t stop, though. He grinned, rushed at her, and tackled her off of her feet.

  Ella screamed, hitting the ground hard. The breath was knocked out of her. Marcus pinned her to the ground with his body. His lips turned up in a vicious smile as he said, “I’ve been hiding out in my friend’s room, waiting since yesterday to find you alone.”

  “Get off of me!” she screamed, trying to squirm out from under him.

  “Not until I take what Trey Nelson thinks is his.” He pushed his lips on hers and forced his tongue into her mouth.

  Ella bit down as hard as she could on his tongue. She tasted blood, but the reward of hearing him yelp and yank away from her was worth it.

  Marcus howled and cursed, blood streaming from his mouth as he rolled to the side. Ella scrambled to her feet and dodged around him, running down the trail. She could hear more cursing and screaming and the pounding of footsteps after her.

  Frustrated with her dress and the fancy flats she had on, Ella tried to increase her speed, but her foot slipped out of her shoe and she tripped and went down flat on her face. She groaned and pushed herself to her feet, but Marcus plowed into her from behind. Her face slammed into the dirt path, and Marcus’s body weight pressed her so hard into the ground she felt like she was suffocating. Warm blood, most likely from his tongue, ran down her neck, and she gagged.

  He yanked on her hair. “You’re going to regret that.”

  Ella yelped in pain and screamed, “Help!” as loud as she could.

  Footsteps pounded toward them, and she felt a stirring of hope. Marcus clamped his hand over her mouth, grabbed her, and rolled them off the trail and under some thick brush.

  The footsteps approached and Ella fought to get free of his grip, but he was too strong. What if the person ran right past them? Ella dug her elbow into Marcus’s neck. He shoved her arm away and released her mouth.

  “Help!” Ella yelped, struggling in Marcus’s strong arms.

  “Ella!” Trey barreled through the bush and reached them.

  Marcus wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her on top of him as if to use her as a shield. She grabbed his arm with both of her hands, brought it up, and bit hard into the forearm. It tasted disgusting, but he cried out and yanked away from her. Ella scrambled off of him, out of the way. She was finally free, and Trey wasted no time pouncing on Marcus.

  Trey pummeled him with his fists over and over again. When Marcus was the one begging for mercy, Trey glanced up at Ella. His blue eyes serious and full of concern. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. Marcus hadn’t hurt her, not really.

  Trey stood and ripped Marcus to his feet. Wrenching the guy’s hands behind his back, he said, “Why don’t you go in front of us, El, and go get Gavin?”

  She nodded quickly. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Marcus, and truthfully, she didn’t want to be near Trey either. He’d come for her, but he’d also betrayed her by kissing and holding Kaytlyn. She probably shouldn’t have revealed last night how long and desperately she’d loved him. He thought he could get away with anything. What did she expect from a renowned player? He was probably so used to women throwing themselves at him and declaring their devotion like Ella had done last night, he thought nothing of saying he wouldn’t hurt the women. What did it matter to him? Trey had never told her he loved her, though she’d told him a couple of times. She was such a sucker.

  Ella ran as fast as she could, only slowing when she had cell service. She called 911 and wasted far too much time telling them everything. Finally, they put her on hold, and she hurried to call Gavin. She kept plodding down the trail, wanting more distance between herself and Marcus and Trey.

  “El?” Gavin breathed out. “Are you okay?”

  A sob wrenched out of her throat. “That Marcus guy attacked me. Trey came,” she managed to get out.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m almost to the lodge.”

  “Okay. I’ll meet you there.”

  Ella kept walking until the trees parted and the lodge came into view. Suddenly, she saw Mama and Austin. Her vision grew blurrier, but she ran to them.

  “Ella!” They both grabbed her and hugged her, Mama worrying, making a big fuss about her being so beat up and dirty.

  Trey and Marcus cleared the trees not too far behind them. Ella glanced toward them, but Marcus’s angry glower and Trey’s worried expression were too much for her. She focused back on Mama, and a few minutes later, Gavin was holding her and she was crying into his shoulder. She hated, hated to leave her family, but she had this pressing need to get far away from Trey. He knew how desperately she loved him, and he’d still kissed another woman. She didn’t think she could handle being around him any longer.

  Trey hated that he had to sit and hold the whining loser Marcus while he waited for the police when all he wanted to do was hold Ella. At least her family was surrounding her and she was all right.

  The police arrived, and ever
yone got separated and taken into different rooms in the lodge for questioning. When Trey finally got done, he searched the lodge but couldn’t find Ella or any of her family. He hadn’t driven this morning, so he walked around the side of the lodge and up toward the Strongs’ canyon.

  A few minutes later, he walked into Gavin’s house. It was silent and empty. He didn’t like that at all. Jogging up to his room, he changed out of his ruined church clothes and put on a T-shirt and some shorts. He tried to call Ella, but it rang and rang and she never answered. He left a short message: “Ella, it’s Trey. Call me, please.” Then he tried Gavin’s phone. It also rang and rang. Where were they?

  He walked down the stairs and out around the backyard. Could they have gone on a hike? He’d think that after the nightmare with Marcus, they’d want to just hunker down and hold each other. He knew that was all he wanted to do with Ella. He wanted to tell her about the crazy story with Kaytlyn and see if she could understand it better than he did; maybe she could come up with ideas of how to help. He really just wanted to make sure she was okay and kiss her and then make a plan for how they could be together when they had to go separate ways tomorrow afternoon.

  Walking around the yard, he heard the thump of a basketball. He hurried across the grass and toward the sound. Austin was in Mama and Papa’s driveway, dribbling and then shooting. “He shoots, he scores!” he cheered.

  “Austin,” Trey called.

  “Hey. You want to play?”

  “I do, man, but I’ve got to find Ella first.”

  Austin’s lower lip poked out. “Ella left.”

  “Left where?” Trey whipped around, searching for her Camry. He hadn’t even noticed that it wasn’t in Gavin’s driveway. Gavin had parked Trey’s Escalade in his garage because of all his expensive bikes on it.

  “Back to Salt Lake, I guess.” Austin pounded the basketball against the cement. “She didn’t even see one of my games.”


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