The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 99

by Cami Checketts

  “It’s a great offer for a backup, and as hard as you work and talented as you are, you’ll work into a spot soon. I’ve got you on a flight out of Denver first thing in the morning.”

  Stetson’s stomach clenched. He wanted that contract, badly. Long seconds ticked by, and all he could see was the warm look in Teal’s eyes. He wanted her more, but she’d told him to figure out himself first. He could go find her after he had the contract in hand.

  “Thanks, Jake,” he heard himself say. “Text me the details.”

  “You got it, man.” Jake let out a cheer and hung up.

  Stetson stared blankly out the window. The Titans were everything he’d dreamt about. They were a solid team with numerous titles and superstar players on their roster, plus he’d really liked the head coach and the owner when he’d met them. But it wasn’t glory and honor in Dallas that he saw as he drove. It was Teal’s beautiful face.

  His phone rang and chirped, “Austin Strong, most studly nephew ever.”

  Stetson smiled and pushed to answer the call. “Hey, bud.”

  “Uncle Stetson! Are you coming our way with your hottie?”

  Stetson sort of choked on a laugh. “Naw, man, but I have great news. The Titans want to sign me!”

  “No way! Oh, that’s so cool!” Austin whooped and cheered. “I love you so much, Uncle Stetson. You’re seriously my hero. Is Teal so stoked?”

  “She’s not with me.”

  “What? Dude …” Austin’s voice dropped. “You kind of need her, right?”

  Stetson felt something rush through him. He more than kind of needed her. What did an NFL contract matter if Teal wasn’t by his side? “I’ll call you right back,” he said. Hanging up, he pushed call back on his agent’s number. It was tricky to focus on the road, as he was so scattered and excited and hopeful that he was making the right choice.


  “I’m sorry, Jake. Change of plans. I’m flying to St. Martin tonight. I’ll meet with the Titans next week sometime.”

  “Next week?” Jake exploded. “No way. This isn’t going to wait. You’re going to lose the dream of playing in the NFL for a vacation?”

  “This is so much more important than a vacation. I fell in love.”

  Jake pushed out an exasperated sigh. “If she loves you, she’ll wait for you.”

  “No.” He’d promised her he’d come to her first. He needed to follow through on that, or she’d never trust him. “I messed it up and I’m going after her.”

  “If you lose this contract, you’ll regret it the rest of your life,” Jake threw at him.

  “If I lose this woman, I’ll regret it forever.” Stetson headed up the mountains on I-70. There was silence on the line. He felt the truth of those words all the way through. Austin said that Stetson kind of needed Teal, but he truly needed her. Teal was the one for him. If he lost her, none of his other dreams mattered.

  Jake cursed and then muttered, “I’ll tell them you’re chasing true love and see if they’ll hold the contract. Monday morning. Is that enough time?”

  “Wednesday,” he countered. “It’s Friday, and I’m looking at a day’s travel time to get to St. Martin.”

  “Wednesday. You do realize you’ve probably lost this deal by being an idiot and chasing after some woman?”

  “Yeah, I realize that. But she’s not just some woman. Teal’s the one for me.”

  Jake swore again. “I’ll text you details, if I have any.” Stetson heard him muttering more choice words as he hung up.

  Stetson smiled, but it fell away quickly. The Titans wanted him. Maybe. NFL teams wanted to be king in a player’s life. They wouldn’t like him putting them off to chase Teal, but he wasn’t going to change his decision. He was going to find Teal and show her that she came first for him. Who knew if she wanted him? He was taking a huge risk not flying straight to Dallas. Teal wouldn’t know the difference if he went and negotiated the contract, then flew to find her. His hand tightened on the wheel as he debated. Miles passed, but no answers came to him. He didn’t want to lose that contract, yet he couldn’t lose Teal.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Teal was set up inside a small sea cave on Cupecoy Bay. It was a gorgeous, inspiring spot. The sand was soft as powder, the water was teal blue, and the cave had interesting formations and shaded her from the tropical sun. She’d found this spot the first evening on the island and spent all of Saturday, part of Sunday, and a few hours this morning trying to paint only the scenery.

  It wasn’t working. At all. The only thing she could see was Stetson’s face. She missed him, and she was regretting walking away. How could he have known how deep-seated her trust issues were? So he hadn’t told her about football. She hadn’t told him that her parents were narcissistic liars who’d ruined her ability to trust. She truly didn’t think he was trying to lie to her, but oh, how she wished he’d been up front with her and she didn’t have to work through these stupid trust issues.

  She heard footsteps approaching on the rocks that had to be traversed to get into the mouth of the cave. Tourists had come and gone over the past few days. Most were friendly and wanted to shoot some pictures in the cave. Very few wanted to linger, as they’d rather lie on the sunny beach close by. Normally, she wouldn’t love the interruptions. Right now, she didn’t mind so much. Talking to other people kept her mind from stewing over Stetson. She’d second-guessed leaving Colorado a dozen times an hour. Why hadn’t she simply gone back to her cabin and meadow? She could’ve given herself and Stetson some time to sort things out, then tried again.

  Yet he’d told her he’d come for her when he figured things out. He’d promised. She rolled her eyes at herself. Did she expect him to find her here?

  She glanced up at the latest intruder and saw a well-built man’s shape haloed in the bright sun. “Hi.” She shifted her paintbrush to her left hand and lifted her right in greeting, but as the man’s handsome face came into focus, she clapped the hand to her mouth as her stomach dropped to her toes. “Stetson?” she whispered through her fingers.

  He slowly approached, wearing only a pair of swim trunks as he held his shirt and sandals. He looked incredible, and she nearly knocked her paint supplies over as she rushed to throw herself into his arms. She barely held herself in check.

  He smiled softly. “Hey.”

  “What are you …? How did you …?”

  His smile grew as he dropped his shirt and sandals. “It wasn’t easy. Jade told your mom you were on St. Martin. So I flew here, and then I went to every steak house, cabana house, doghouse, and henhouse on the island. Showing them your picture, pausing while they raved about how beautiful you are, and then searching for clues to find the ‘artist.’”

  She moved her hand to her throat, hardly able to draw a breath. He’d come for her?

  “Finally, some tourists told me they’d seen you in this cave.”

  “You came for me?” she managed to say.

  He nodded seriously.

  Her brain scrambled for a response. He said he’d come for her. He’d promised. Did this mean he’d figured out his life? Did this mean he was always going to be up front with her? Stetson was staring deeply at her, begging her with his incredible dark eyes to say something, to make both of their dreams come true.

  His phone rang, and they startled. “Austin Strong, most studly nephew ever,” the phone chirped.

  Teal smiled and stepped back. “You should get that.”

  “He’ll call back,” Stetson insisted.

  “Please get it.” She needed time to think.

  He blew out a frustrated breath and pulled his phone out of his shorts pocket. “Hey, Austin.” A pause. “Yeah, I found her … Okay.” He stepped in closer and handed over the phone. “He wants you.”

  Teal chuckled uneasily. She missed Austin. She missed all of Stetson’s family. “Hi, Austin,” she said, putting the phone to her ear.

  “Future aunt, he found you!” Austin said by way of cheerful greet
ing. “Can you believe this guy?”

  Teal glanced at Stetson, who was watching her steadily. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, giving up the Titans! They want to offer him a contract, but he said he promised you he was coming for you first. Crazy! But girls like that junk, right?”

  Teal’s heart was racing so hard she pulled in quick pants of air. “Yeah. Yeah, we do.”

  “Well, go kiss on my uncle. I’ll keep praying the Titans don’t ditch him. Bye,” he chirped.

  The phone went dead, and Teal handed it over. “You … told the Titans no?” she squeaked.

  “I told them to wait. I had a more important meeting to get to.”

  Teal’s eyes widened and her stomach swooped. “The Texas Titans? Stetson! I can’t believe they offered you a contract. Did you mess it up by coming here?”

  He stepped so close that she had to release her hold on her neck and arch her head back to focus on his handsome face. “I know we haven’t known each other very long,” he started. “And I know I hid things from you, but I’d already decided to go after you when my agent called about the Titans.” He tenderly brushed her hair back from her neck. Teal trembled from his touch and leaned closer. “I realized that my lifelong dream of playing in the NFL wouldn’t mean much if a certain gorgeous artist couldn’t trust me. And I promised you I’d come to you first.”

  Teal swallowed hard.

  “I might have lost the contract by coming here, but it doesn’t matter. Things with football will work out, but all that matters to me is that you and I work out.”

  Teal dropped the paintbrush she’d been clinging to in the sand and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed him long and hard, drinking in the warm sweetness of his lips, the strength of his body, and the joy of knowing that he wanted to be with her as much as she’d been longing for him.

  She pulled back, drawing in quick breaths and tugged him toward her painting. “I’ve been working in this cave for three days,” she explained in a rush. “And look what I’ve painted.”

  The cave and ocean were roughly outlined, but the main focus of the painting, the only part she’d been able to flesh out and add details to, was the handsome, perfect man leaning against the cave wall and gifting her his charming smile.

  Stetson jerked in surprise and stared down at her. “You don’t paint people.”

  She laughed. “Maybe I’ll have to change that. I’ll paint you in all of these beautiful locations. I’m sure my stock will go up.”

  Stetson lifted her off her feet and held her tightly. “Your stock is already through the roof.” He chuckled and lowered her to her feet, taking her mouth in a slow, lingering kiss. “I don’t want to rush you, and I doubt you want to paint in Texas, but would you please give me a chance? Teal Leah Jardine …” He drew her name out, so sexy and appealing that even if he prematurely asked her to marry him, she might say yes.

  He dropped to one knee, and her stomach swooped. Would he really ask her so soon? What should she say? Oh, no!

  His eyes twinkled as if he knew what she was thinking. “Will you please, please date me?”

  Teal laughed, relieved that it wasn’t marriage he was thinking of, not yet. “Yes, yes, I think I will.”

  He stood, wrapped her up tight, and kissed her soundly. Long-distance didn’t sound like much fun right now, and she’d heard that the locals claimed Texas was as beautiful as anywhere in the world. She might have to order in some extra-big canvases, since everything was bigger in Texas. She smiled. Painting would work out, just like Stetson’s NFL career would. All that mattered right now was staying close to this man.


  Teal was surrounded by Strong family members in the suite the Texas Titans had provided for Stetson’s family and friends. The past year had been filled with fun memories, lots of kissing, but also lots of FaceTime calls as Teal traveled for her painting and Stetson made a name for himself on the Texas Titans defense. In his first season he hadn’t gotten much playing time, but he’d worked hard and proven how talented he was. This year he was starting at defensive end, and they were all so proud.

  Teal had painted a lot of spots in Texas and everywhere else in the world. She still loved what she did, but she took more time off to be here for Stetson and didn’t regret it for a minute. Over the past year, he’d proven not just how much he loved her, but also that he would always be up front and honest with her about everything.

  The game finished, and the crowd went wild cheering another Titans victory. Stetson’s family was all leaning forward, searching for him on the field. He took his helmet off and waved up at them, then headed for the locker room. He’d shower and come straight to them. Teal waited impatiently; there was nothing she liked better than being with Stetson.

  She held one of Gavin and Kari’s twins and teased with Will and Austin about girls as they waited. The Strong family was growing, and everyone but Nick and Mary had multiple children. Mama had confided in Teal that Nick and Mary were working with the orphanage in Cozumel where Izzy had been adopted from to adopt a couple of little ones.

  The door burst open and Stetson rushed in. Teal felt all lit up as her stomach hopped and her pulse danced.

  “Let me take my baby before you drop him,” Gavin grunted, stealing the little man from her arms.

  “Sorry,” Teal murmured.

  “It’s okay. I like when Kari looks at me like that.”

  Stetson stopped to kiss and hug his mama, but then he was focused on getting to Teal.

  Austin and Will stepped in his way. “Uncle Stetson!” Austin hollered. “You’re a stud. You tackled so hard! I can’t believe you made Jackson’s helmet pop off and he had to leave the field for that huge fourth-down play!”

  Stetson smiled at his nephew and gave them each a quick fist bump. “Thanks, man. You ready?”

  “Yes, sir.” Austin looked to Will, who pulled a phone and speaker combo out of his pocket. Will pushed a button and a song started playing.

  Teal recognized the song by the Features, “The Idea of Growing Old.” “I can make you angry, you can make me smile …”

  Teal laughed. Stetson had played the song at what he said was a “romantic dinner.” She’d teased him that he didn’t know romance. The song was silly, and she loved it.

  Austin hurried to a table in the corner and came back with a bouquet of flowers. He thrust them into Stetson’s hand. “You got this, Uncle Stetson.”

  Stetson smiled and then focused on Teal. Her breath rushed out. The force of those dark eyes and that irresistible smile was always incredible. He crossed the distance between them, confident and in charge of the world. That was her Stetson.

  Dropping to one knee in front of her, he set the flowers on a side table, took her hand, and said, “I know you’ve been waiting impatiently for me to ask this question.”

  She shook her head, laughing. “So impatiently. I’ve been begging for it every day, practically.”

  His family tittered around them.

  “I didn’t want to make you wait any longer.” He winked and squeezed her hand. “Teal Leah Jardine. Will you let me love you forever and be my wife?”

  “Yes,” Teal said, surprised at how solemn she was. They teased a lot, but this was serious stuff. They were committing to forever. With Stetson Strong, there was no halfway commitment. It was all or nothing, and she loved that about him, along with a hundred other things that made up this hardworking, fun, and incredible man.

  Stetson popped open the lid of the ring box. Inside it, a light shone on a sparkling princess-cut diamond in a simple white-gold band. She loved it. He slowly slid the ring onto her finger, and his family cheered. Stetson stood, handed the box off to Austin, and swept her into his arms. He kissed her long and thoroughly, and they ignored the hoots and laughter from his family.

  Finally, Austin tugged them apart. “Come on. I love the ladies, but you’re embarrassing even me.”

  Stetson smiled down at his nephew and said, “Get used
to it, bud.” Then he was kissing her again, and not even Austin could pull them apart.

  Teal’s story is now available!

  Do Marry Your Billionaire Boss

  Don’t Abandon the Superstar

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for the many requests that Austin have his own story. I love him too. If you’ve read all of the other Strong family romances you’ll realize I had to jump into the future to tell Austin’s story. After working with my editors on the issue, we decided to simply set the book as if it were the present day, even though we leap ten and then another five years forward. I hope that works all right and you love the story.



  Chapter One

  Austin Strong strode through the UMass Campus Center building, responding to calls from friends and fans alike. He grinned as his name was hollered over and over again, and he made sure to acknowledge each greeting with a wave, a chin lift, or a verbal response. Where was a hockey superstar without his fans? Nowhere. He’d worked hard to get here, and he thoroughly enjoyed being at the top.

  “Hey, man.” Jace Wurthen, his goalie and close friend, approached from the side. They clasped hands and pounded each other on the back. “Stoked for the game tonight?”

  “Always. UConn doesn’t even know what’s gonna hit them.”

  “Yeah.” Jace whooped. “UConn is going down!”

  Austin laughed. He loved his teammates and friends, loved college, loved his life. He was a senior, and though he’d signed a contract with the Boston Bruins as a sophomore that would guarantee him over two million dollars a year with signing and performance bonuses, he’d opted to finish college first. He had a lot of years to play in the NHL, and he wanted the degree and the time to enjoy college. He wanted to savor sauntering through campus center and feeling everybody’s love.


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