Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2)

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Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2) Page 11

by Harlow Layne

  “Today was so scary and Mason somehow seems fine.”

  “I think he is. He was scared, but you held yourself together pretty well given the circumstances.”

  “I didn’t even know you had a panic room, but if you hadn’t set a new alarm code or had the phone activated, I don’t want to think about what might have happened.”

  “When I first bought the house, I had no idea what the room was until I described it to someone on set. I figured it might be good in an earthquake, so I set it up just in case. Whoever lived there before was probably paranoid, but I’m glad they were because I can’t even bear to think of what might have happened if you weren’t in that room. If she’d broken down the door and gotten to you two.”

  “What set her off? Why go after you?” The rhythm of his steady heartbeat soothed me as I continued to rest my head on his chest.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. I only ever spoke a few words to her when I met her, and it was so long ago it makes no sense.”

  I closed my eyes and let Luke rock me back and forth as I listened to the waves crash. My eyes drifted shut. “I love you so much.”

  Right before the waves carried me off to sleep, Luke leaned back and held me tighter. “I love you more than you know, beautiful.”


  Two Months Later

  Driving back from taking Mason to school my phone rang through the car system announcing Luke was calling. I promptly hit to answer his unexpected call.

  “Good morning, handsome. How are you this morning?” I asked, excited to talk to him so early in the day.

  “Morning beautiful. I’m good, and you?”

  “Good. I’m on my way to the grocery store before I head home and start working. Where are you?”

  His early morning voice was a little gravelly as it came through the speakers. “We’re shooting on location today and taking a break while some things get set up. I wanted to share some news with you if you have the time.”

  “I always have time for you. What did you want to tell me? Wait. Give me a second. I’m almost to the store and I want to FaceTime you.”

  It only took another minute to pull into the parking lot, park, and to FaceTime with him.

  “You know how I couldn’t come home last weekend because I had to do a photo shoot and that was the only time available with my schedule?”


  How could I forget? I’d been so disappointed that I wouldn’t see him. Since Mason and I had visited in March, we’d been back to LA a few times when he wasn’t supposed to be at his dads and Luke wouldn’t be too busy to see us. Luke came every chance he had and although he wasn’t in Fairlane often, it did feel like he lived here. Each time he brought more with him to leave and fill his space. It wouldn’t be long until he finished shooting.

  “Well, it was for People Magazine and their Sexiest Man Alive issue. I was told there would be fifty men in the magazine, but not what category I would be featured in. Today I found out and I thought I should give you some warning.”

  It took my brain a minute to comprehend what Luke said to me. My boyfriend was going to be in the Sexiest Man Alive issue! “Okay?” I thought this was a good thing. Maybe they had cut him, but it didn’t sound as if that was the case.

  With a slight smile, he answered humbly. “I am this year’s People Magazine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’.”

  “Oh my God,” I cried out in excitement. “Of course, you are. Congratulations, Luke. I’m so proud of you.”

  He chuckled looking away, his cheeks pink. I didn’t believe that Luke thought he was ugly, but he seemed to have no idea how good looking he was.

  “When is the issue coming out? I’m going to buy every magazine I find. Can I get a big picture of your cover to put up in the office?”

  His head shook, but he was smiling. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Why did you think you needed to warn me?”

  “Warning probably isn’t the best word for it, but I wanted you to know before anyone else.”

  “Aww, my man is the sexiest. Thank you for telling me, Luke. Can I tell Taylor, or do I need to wait?” I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

  “You can tell her. There’s an interview also where I confirmed that you’re my girlfriend, but I didn’t say much just that yes, we are together and it’s serious. I told them I wanted to keep my personal life as private as I can.”

  “Which is understandable. After the whole Ashlyn debacle, I’m sure everyone understands.”

  He leaned forward resting his chin on his steepled fingers. “Most will, but there are always some that expect that our lives should be an open book. By the way, the director loved your cameo and wants you to do another one next season. They love the idea of you being one of my donors at least once a season.”

  “Are you kidding me? I only did it because the extra didn’t show up and I wanted to help. You can’t even tell it’s me under all that makeup and hair.”

  “You liked doing it, didn’t you? They’re excited by this new idea. Instead of me ending up with the main girl I’ve been pursuing the entire series, or so it seems, I’m going to end up with one of my donors, who they will find out has been the same person all along. It’s a little twist that will leave the fans happy for Nikolai.”

  “I liked doing it. It was incredible being on set with you and seeing you in your element, and I do want your character to have a happily ever after. Everyone but the villain should get a happy ending, even though I know that’s not always how shows work.”

  “If they are alive I’m sure they will, but I don’t know who lives or dies, and I won’t until the very end. I’m sure the ending will change a time or two between now and then too.”

  “Well, your character must have a happy ending and if I can provide that for you then I’m happy to help.”

  Even through the phone I could see his eyes soften and warm as he spoke next. “You are my perfect ending.”

  “You’re the fairytale that I never knew existed let alone hoped for.”

  His face softened, with his lop-sided smile filling the screen. I loved that smile. It always made my whole body fill with warmth.

  “God you are too sweet and perfect. Sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve you. I can’t wait until you come home. I’m counting down the days.”

  “Me too. Listen, I only have a few minutes before I have to be back on set, but I wanted to discuss something with you.” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “I got an email this morning which I’m going to forward to you once we’re off the phone. I’ve been asked to shoot a movie this summer in Hawaii. I’ll only do it if you and Mason can come. I know he won’t be able to stay the whole time since he’ll be with his dad and grandparents on vacation for some of it. Do you think since he’ll be with his dad for two weeks that he’d give up a couple of his weekends?”

  “Doubtful, especially when he finds out it’s so that we can spend the summer in Hawaii. Fuck that would be a long flight to have to make back and forth every two weeks.”

  I watched as his face fell for only a brief second before he wiped it away. I hated to see the disappointment on his face. “I know, but I wanted to ask.”

  “Thank you for asking. I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii. Fuck! Why does Decker have to be such an asshole?” I leaned my head back against the headrest with my eyes closed. “I’ll talk to him and see what I can do, but I can’t make any promises. Send me the info. Is it always like this with last minute casting?”

  “No,” he shook his head and then looked off for a moment. “I’ve got to go, but to answer your question, no. They heard that Night Shadows wouldn’t be shooting until next summer and wanted me for the part. I’ll call you tonight during my break. Love you and see you soon.”

  “I love you too. I’ll be the one with the big smile on her face.”

  “I couldn’t miss you for the world.”

  Blowing him a kiss, I sat back after disconnecting. How the h
ell was I going to convince Decker to give up his weekends with Mason? He wouldn’t give in, just so he could hurt me. He was still raging about finding out that Luke was still my boyfriend and an actor. He hated that he was handsome and good to me and Mason.

  He would especially hate that we were going to spend the summer in Hawaii. The place I had always wanted to go while we were married, but he was unable to take me.

  My work was cut out for me.


  Turning over, I tried to get comfortable, but it was impossible. It was day two of being sick, and I was miserable. Luckily Mason was at his grandparents for the weekend, so I didn’t have to feel bad about neglecting him while I stayed in bed.

  My eyes drifted closed as I wondered what Mason had done that day. The Nyquil was doing its job of pulling me back to sleep when I felt the bed dip. I shot up, looking around in the dark. My heart felt as if it was going to beat out of my chest. I started to turn on the lamp by the bed when strong arms encased me. As I started to fight out of the hold, I registered the smell of ocean and sandalwood.


  “Alex, it’s only me. I’m sorry to scare you.” He rasped in my ear.

  Pulling out of his hold, I turned to launch myself back at him. Wrapping my entire body around his, I kissed his neck as I felt his arms tighten around me.

  “What are you doing here? You’re a week early.” I murmured hoarsely against his warm skin.

  “You’re sick so I wrapped up everything early that way I could come home to take care of you. I wasn’t sure if I would be here tonight or not, so I decided not to tell you since I knew you wouldn’t get any rest waiting on me.”

  “How did you get here?”

  “Airplane.” He chuckled, kissing my temple. “How sick are you?”

  “Pfft, not that sick. I meant from the airport, smarty-pants.”

  “I called Josh to pick me up.” He rumbled in my ear.

  “I would have picked you up,” I pouted, as one hand rubbed up and down his back. He felt so good and so right. In my arms was where Luke was meant to be.

  “I know you would have, but then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He nuzzled into my hair placing kisses and inhaling every once in a while. “How are you feeling? Good enough to come downstairs?”

  “I feel a hundred percent better now that you’re here. What’s downstairs?”

  “Something I set up.” He answered as he pulled me up off the bed. His hand caressed my cheek as he took me in in the soft moonlight that escaped through the crack of the curtains. “I missed your pretty face.”

  “I missed your everything. Your smell. Your heat. Your eyes and that kissable mouth. I don’t want to let you go.” Tears welled in my eyes at the reminder of how hard it had been to be separated from him for so long.

  “You don’t have to let me go. I’m right here and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure we’re never apart again like we were these last few months. Now come downstairs with me so I can show you something.”

  I let Luke lead the way with our fingers intertwined and what I was sure was a big stupid grin on my face, but I didn’t care because Luke was here and nothing else mattered. When we got to the landing, he swept me up into his arms and made me promise that I wouldn’t look until he told me to open my eyes. Nuzzling my face into his chest, I had no problem keeping my eyes closed. I would have kept them closed forever if it meant I could stay in his arms.

  The first thing I noticed the moment he stepped off the final stair was the amazing scent of flowers. It filled the whole downstairs area and I knew that it was something Luke had done.

  Sitting me down on my feet, Luke kept his hands on my waist as I got my footing. With my eyes still closed, I waited as a few moments of silence passed. Luke hadn’t moved from his spot in front of me, but he also hadn’t told me that I could open my eyes yet. Were we waiting on something?

  One hand after the other let go of my waist for him to take my hand, squeeze, and place a kiss on it. “You can open your eyes now.”

  Cracking one eye open and then the other, I saw candles lit everywhere my eyes could see. Even outside on the deck. But what I noticed most was that the most gorgeous man in the world, my Luke, was down on one knee in front of me.

  Tears instantly sprang to my eyes as I took him in. It was finally here. The moment I’d been waiting for, but never knew when it would happen.

  He let out an amused breath, smiling up at me. “I wanted this moment to be perfect. To find the perfect time and setting, but I realized yesterday when we were talking on the phone and I heard how miserable you sounded, along with how much I missed you, and all the opportunities that I’d let pass me by, I didn’t want to wait for the perfect moment any longer. I’m sorry that you’re sick, but I want it now.” His face grew serious. “No, I need it now. I want to marry you as soon as possible and the longer I wait to ask you, the longer I have to wait for you to be my wife.” His eyes glittered up at me, filled with tears of his own. “I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to find ‘the one’, especially in Hollywood, but there you were, shining like a beacon in that restaurant, and I didn’t know what to do with you at first.” Luke let out a chuckle. “I wasn’t sure if you would take a chance on me or want to be subjected to everything that is involved when dating a celebrity, but you were always so strong. The moment we kissed in New York, I knew you were it. You are ‘the one’. My everything. My soulmate. The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he pulled out a jewelry box and gazed up at me with all his love for me shining back at me.

  Nestled inside the box was an emerald cut, pink diamond ring, with two smaller stones on each side, blinding me even in the candlelight. He kissed the ring and then the back of my hand. “Alexandra Scarlett Sloane, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  The last time I was engaged I never got a proposal. The engagement was a weekend long formality before we were married. From the first time Luke had mentioned marriage, I never imagined what he would say when he asked, and nothing I could ever have thought of would have been anywhere near as perfect as what he said tonight.

  Happy tears swept down my cheeks as the biggest smile I’d ever worn prevented me from speaking. I couldn’t stop smiling or looking at his perfect face until his eyes dropped for a moment, breaking our contact.

  “Yes! I would be honored to marry you and be your wife.” Falling down onto him, I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and placed kisses all over his face until I reached his kissable lips. “I love you so much, Luke. I still can’t believe you’re here. This feels like a dream. I’m going to be so mad if I wake up in the morning and you’re in LA, and there’s no ring on my finger all because of some Nyquil induced dream.”

  He laughed against my lips, sweeping me into his arms once again and placing us on the couch with him above me. “I love you and I can promise you this is not a dream.”

  Cupping his cheeks in my hands, my thumbs swept along his stubble. “This is all so perfect. I don’t care that I’m sick or whatever else you were waiting for. You made it perfect. Thank you.” I nearly sobbed out.

  “Anything for you.”

  He kissed the juncture of my neck and shoulder as his hands slid up the camisole I wore breaking the kiss only to remove it. Taking his time removing each piece of clothing left me panting with need.

  Peering down at me, Luke asked with concern. “Are you up for this? If not, I can take you up to bed.”

  “Don’t you dare.” I threatened. My body felt as if it would combust if he stopped. “I want you to make love to me. We need to consummate our engagement.” Holding my hand up, I wiggled my fingers, watching the diamonds flash in the candlelight. It would take a while before this didn’t feel like a dream. Sitting up, I pulled Luke’s shirt off over his head and ran my hands down his chest. His warm skin over tight muscles rippled at my touch.

  “I believe we’re supposed to consummate the marriage not th
e engagement, but I’m not going to argue with you. I’ll happily consummate anything you want.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me causing me to laugh.

  “I missed you so damn much. I can’t explain to you how happy I am that I get to fall asleep with you by my side.”

  “I think I have some idea,” he murmured as he trailed kisses down my neck.

  My hands delved underneath his waistband to meet his smooth, taut ass. Grinding myself against the ridge of his jeans, I wanted his pants off and to have the real thing. I was desperate for him. To feel his skin against mine. For him to stretch and fill me.

  “Luke,” I panted in his ear. “I need you inside of me now.” I tugged on his jeans to no avail. “You have too many clothes on.”

  He stood, taking his body heat away, but in that moment I didn’t care. I watched as he quickly undid the button on his jeans and slowly slid the zipper down. Taking his cock in his hand, he stroked a few times, moaning with each rotation. “Is this what you want?”

  “I want all of you.” I writhed as he nudged my opening.

  “Ask and ye shall receive.”

  Luke pushed in and I thought he was going to slam into me. That our joining was going to be fast and hard after being apart, but instead he took his time filling me inch by inch. One hand found mine and laced our fingers together over my head as the other pulled one leg high up on his back for a deeper angle.

  In and out he filled me, never taking his eyes off mine. He didn’t speak, but his eyes said everything.

  I love you.

  I’m home.

  You’re mine and I’m yours.



  In his arms.

  In our house.

  My head rested on Luke’s chest and as I listened to his heartbeat, falling asleep, I knew what I wanted. “I want to get married this summer while we’re in Hawaii.”


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