Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition) Page 10

by Melody Adams

  "It lacks a little bit of female touch, but it's very nice. Give me a little time and it'll be a really cozy home!"

  "You know what I've been dreaming about all this time"" I asked her.

  "No!" she replied, slowly approaching me with a seductive wiggle of her hips.

  I pulled her into my arms when she was close enough and looked at her demandingly.

  "I dreamed of making love to you in a real bed", I whispered and I saw the sparkle in her eyes as she raised her face towards me.

  "Then get on it already!" she said quietly.

  I lifted her straight into my arms and carried her into the bedroom. Since she had gotten the fever, we hadn't slept together and I was more than ready for her.

  I was hoping that she was ready too, because I wasn’t about long foreplay right now. I needed her. I wanted to push my cock hard and deep into her pussy. I would take more time the second round. Enjoy it. But now I needed it hard and fast! Once we arrived in the bedroom I put her down on the bed and started to undress hastily. Pearl was watching me. Her eyes were semi-closed and a soft blush covered her cheeks. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her breath was heavy and she moaned softly as I pressed her down on the bed.

  "I need you!", I whispered excitedly. "I have got to have you and this ... this will be brutal, Pearl."

  "I'm more than ready for you, Hunter", she said and looked deep into my eyes. "Take me! I am yours!"

  With a growl, I began to tear the clothes off her body. The red veil had covered my senses and I tried to keep myself under control. I could smell how excited she was and her scent only increased my raging lust. Pearl understood me without words as I turned her around. She went onto her hands and knees. With one hand, I held her upper body down, with the other I embraced her hips as I pushed hard into her. She screamed softly, but she moaned as I starting moving inside her. Feeling her warm damp narrow hole tightly around me drove me crazy. She was MINE! I would remind her over and over again to whom she belonged. Who made her scream. Pearl moaned when I took her hard. I knew it wouldn't take me long, but somehow even now in this state of mind, the thought that I had to take care of Pearl too, overcame me. I let my hand slide to her clit and rubbed her while I fucked her like a maniac. She quietly screamed, and I felt my climax drawing close. When her pussy tightened around my cock in rhythmic spasms, I came. I roared and my seed shot hard and deep into her.


  The waves of my orgasm still had me under their control. My whole body trembled and I closed my eyes exhausted. Hunter was still inside of me. His hand wandered from my back to my ass and patted me lovingly.

  "Are you okay?" he asked a little out of breath.

  "Yes, just exhausted", I replied with a grin. "Wow, you didn't exaggerate. That was brutal!"

  "Did I hurt you?" Hunter asked concerned.

  I laughed quietly.

  "No, Hunter. It was brutal in a good way. I told you I’m okay. But I definitely need a break before next time."

  Hunter slowly withdrew from me and gave my backside a light tap. I slowly turned to the side and blinked at Hunter, who was sitting on his heels looking at me.

  "I've never needed it so badly", he said shaking his head. "What are you doing to me? What is it about you that I can never get enough, although you satisfy me more than any other woman?"

  "I don't know, Hunter, but I feel exactly the same way. I haven’t been an angel in the past, but sex with you has a completely different dimension. I have never experienced anything like it before. I am not normally so ... submissive either. With you it seems so normal and right to me. I want ... I want to belong to you! I want to be yours! Knowing that I can just let myself go. It is somehow ... reassuring. It’s so simple!"

  Hunter stretched out beside me and pulled me into his arms. I put my head on his shoulder and swung a leg over him. I couldn't imagine a place where I would be happier than here in his arms. Even on the hard ground in the jungle I had felt this way. I realized something important: Where he was, I wanted to be, too. No matter where that might be!

  I had been on Eden for a week now and had enjoyed every second of it. Jessie had become my best friend and she was marrying her Rage in less than a week. That had given me the idea. I didn't need any more time to figure out what I wanted. In my heart I was already Hunter's mate and he himself had told me that he saw me as his mate and did not need another ceremony. But he had agreed to make me his wife according to the law of my home country and so I sat here in Michael's office waiting for a connection to the White House to be established. I finally saw the screen change and my dad's office come into view. Dad stepped into the recording area and sat down at his desk.

  "You wanted to speak to me, Pearl?" he asked and looked anxiously into the camera. "I was told it was urgent. Did something happen?"

  I shook my head laughing.

  "No, Daddy! Everything is all right", I assured him. "Sorry if I scared you. But I really have something important to discuss with you. Do you have any plans for the twenty-ninth yet?"

  "Nothing I couldn't postpone. What's the matter?"

  "Jessie and Rage are getting married", I said and took a little break before continuing: "And I want to marry Hunter that day!"

  "Are you sure, dear?" Dad asked with a serious look.

  "Yes, Daddy! As sure as I've ever been in my life."

  "Good, then I'll be there!" my dad replied with a smile.


  January 29, 2033 / 13:09 p.m. local time

  The ceremony had been wonderful. Michael had taken over the nuptials and the hall was bursting at the seams. It was even more crowded than at the hearing two weeks ago. After the ceremony, the party started behind the Community Center. The Alien Breed women had made every effort to decorate the garden festively and the men had built a dance floor and a stage. There was a hearty barbecue and the band Dad brought with him played on stage. Jessie and I sat a bit further away in the grass and were drinking a fruity cocktail.

  „I can’t believe it yet“, I said, grinning from ear to ear. How about you?“

  Jessie also grinned and shook her head.

  "Look at our men", she said, and we looked at the table where some of the male wedding guests were arm wrestling. "Like little children!"

  I giggled. Then my gaze slid down, and I thought of the life that was growing inside of me. Life that Hunter and I had conceived. I still couldn't believe it. It was a miracle. The first baby of an Alien Breed and a human. No one knew what would come of it, but I was in good spirits.

  "Have you been hiding something from me?" Jessie asked, and gave me a little nudge with her elbow. I blushed.

  "I've only known since the day before yesterday.” I admitted. “I went to see Doctor George. He confirmed it. Hunter and I will have a baby. It's the first mixed baby and we don't know what to expect yet. The Alien Breed women who have children were all pregnant for around thirty-six weeks."

  “I’m so happy for you!” said Jessie.

  “Thank you“, I replied with a smile. I looked at my friend thoughtfully when a thought came to me. "Do you know that you are to blame for my happiness?”

  "Me?" she asked perplexed.

  "Yes, you! If you hadn't taken the photos of Rage back then and turned them over to the press, there wouldn't have been a free Alien Breeds, and Hunter wouldn't have saved me. We wouldn't have fallen in love, I wouldn't have celebrated a double wedding with you today, and I wouldn't be pregnant!"

  Jessie laughed.

  "I didn't see it that way." she said.

  "Hello girls", we heard Hunter's voice and looked up from our seat on the lawn. Hunter and Rage stood in front of us smiling.

  Rage offered Jessie his hand and he pulled her up and into his arms.

  He whispered something into his wife's ear.

  "Wonderful", I heard her answer quietly and then she added something even quieter. Rage growled and I looked at Hunter who was grinning at me.

  "I can't wait to b
e alone with you", Hunter, who sat down behind me, whispered into my ear.

  I turned around in his arms and put my arms around his neck.

  "Neither can I!" I admitted blushingly.

  "These two apparently can’t either!" Hunter said, laughing quietly, and I turned around just to see Jessie and Rage in the distance sneaking away from the party hand in hand, like two teenagers.

  I laughed.

  "Maybe we should get out of here, too," I suggested.

  "I'm all for it", Hunter growled. "Let's get the hell out of here before somebody comes up with the idea of signing us up for one of those silly games."

  Chapter 6


  West-Colony, Eden

  March 2, 2033 / 09:38 a.m. local time

  My life on Eden had taken on a certain routine. I was now working as a nurse in the hospital, which gave me a lot of time to spend with Jessie. Hunter had an office in the Community Center, was supporting Michael and was forming the Council with some other Breeds. At this time the Council was working out the conditions for self-government. On my way to the hospital a jeep with three soldiers next to me stopped and a soldier approached me.

  "Pearl! We need you. One of the men was injured on the construction site. Jessie is already on her way, but she might need your help. Get in the car. I'll drive you there."

  "Oh my God! What happened?" I asked concerned. "Is it bad?"

  "Unfortunately I have no accurate information. But it seems to be bad. Sturdy was hit by a scaffold."

  I hurried to get into the jeep and the car left quickly. I was just about to draw the driver's attention to the fact that the construction site for the new supermarket was in the other direction when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my left arm. I turned my head and noticed the syringe in my upper arm before everything went black around me.


  When I woke up, I was tied to a chair and the three soldiers I had gotten into the jeep with looked at me with a grin.

  "Among the living again, sweetheart?" asked the soldier who had approached me. He had red hair and freckles. Actually, he almost looked a little boyish and innocent, if it weren't for the cruel look on his face.

  "What is going on?" I asked angrily. "Why did you kidnap me? My father will punish you hard for that!"

  The soldier with the red hair laughed mockingly.

  "Your father won't be in charge much longer, bitch! Tomorrow morning he will unfortunately become the victim of a mad assassin!"

  My heart felt like it stopped. With my mouth wide open, I stared at the soldier in disbelief.

  "What?" I asked and desperately tried to make sense of what I had witnessed so far. "What are you talking about?"

  "Your father is a fucking mutant buddy. The damn Alien Breeds have no right to life and certainly no right to touch our women!" the soldier shouted angrily.

  He grabbed me brutally under my chin and raised my face so I was forced to stare into his hateful eyes. Fear came over me. Not only for my sake. I was afraid for my father, afraid for my unborn child, afraid for Hunter, afraid for the whole Alien Breed race. These people were crazy. They were led by their hatred. Fanatical haters!

  "As soon as I receive the news of the successful attack, I'll cut that mutant bastard out of your belly and then we'll deal with your arrogant mutant. He thinks he's better than us? That he's in charge here? We will show him what we think about that. All Alien Breeds will die! Just as they should have immediately after their discovery. They're nothing but annoying lab rats!"

  When he mentioned my baby, I put my hand on my still flat stomach protectively. Never before in my life had I felt such fear as I did at that moment. Not even in the hands of the rebels.

  "This is an innocent baby. How can you do something like this?" I asked stunned.

  The face of the redhead turned to a grimace. He put one hand around my neck and squeezed. I automatically raised my hands to try to loosen his grip. Even if he didn't squeeze hard enough to suffocate me, it was painful and uncomfortable and created a feeling of panic inside of me.

  "For me ...", he began menacingly and suddenly hit my stomach and made me cry out loud in pain and horror." "... this is not a baby, but the seed of the devil! The fact that you fucked with one of these animals is simply disgusting!"

  With these words the soldier let go of me and left the room together with the two other men. I put my arms around my stomach and began to cry. I prayed that nothing had happened to the baby. It was still small and had a lot of space in there. It was possible that the blow had not hit the baby at all. But if a miracle didn't happen, this bastard would make his threat come true. I knew he was capable of it. I had seen the insane hatred in his eyes. I could soon lose everything I loved. My father, my child, my husband and lastly my own life. A frightening thought that caused me to feel nauseated.


  Confused, I was staring at the letter in my hands. I didn't have any handwritten papers from Pearl, but I was pretty sure this letter wasn't from her. It just didn't make sense! Why would she write me something like that? Even if what she claimed in the letter was true, I would consider Pearl a woman who would tell me to my face instead of secretly running away.

  "What is it?" Rage asked when he burst into the room. "I came immediately. Happy says it's very urgent and that it's about Pearl?"

  I nodded grimly and handed the letter to Rage. He took the paper and looked at me questioningly.

  "Read it!" I said angrily.

  Rage began to read and his facial expression became darker and darker. I almost knew by heart what he was reading because I had read the letter about twenty times since I found the envelope on my desk about an hour ago.

  Dear Hunter

  It's hard for me to write you these words because I know they will hurt you. Since we arrived here in Eden I have noticed how different our worlds are and how much I miss Washington. I miss my dad a lot, too. Maybe it's the hormones that make me so melancholic, but I couldn't take it anymore. I took a shuttle to Earth and I won't be coming back for the time being. Please give me time to think about everything before you contact me.

  Since it is also safer to give birth on Earth, I will definitely stay there until after birth. I'll get back to you when I'm ready. Please accept my decision.

  With love


  Rage looked up from the letter and shook his head.

  "I don't understand", he said. "I thought you two were so happy? She told Jessie just a few days ago how much you were looking forward to the baby."

  "I agree with you. This whole letter doesn't sound like Pearl at all. I sent Steel out to inquire about the shuttle Pearl was supposed to have traveled on."

  "When was the last time you saw her?" Rage asked.

  "This morning, when she left for work. That was six hours ago. I had to discuss something with the Council members and only got back to my office an hour ago. The letter was placed on my desk. Unfortunately, it must have arrived during Ellen's lunch break because she didn't let anyone into my office."

  The door was pulled open and Steel entered the room.

  "What did you find out?" I asked with my heart pounding.

  "Well, the guard said that a military vehicle with three soldiers and Pearl passed through control to the shuttle and after the shuttle had started, the vehicle returned without Pearl. Looks like it really flew out. I'm sorry!"

  My heart sank. I got up from my chair and angrily cleared my desk. I was sure my roar must have been heard all over the building.

  "Today of all days Michael is on his way to the East-Colony," Steel said.

  "I don't like this", Rage said. "Let me call Jessie. I want to hear what she has to say. Her and Pearl spent a lot of time together."

  I nodded silently.

  I hoped that Pearl had nothing to do with this letter because the idea that she had left me was too painful. But it was then, that I consciously thought that there was only one other logical explanation for this situation an
d it made my blood boil.

  "What's the matter, Hunter?" Steel asked worriedly. "You're pale all of a sudden."

  "If ... if Pearl didn't write this letter, if she didn't take the shuttle to Earth ... then where is she? What happened to her? And who is behind it?"

  Steel and Rage looked at me in horror.

  "Fuck!" said Rage. "I told you, we have to talk to Jessie, then we'll see what to do!"

  Jessie dropped the letter and looked at me.

  "No way in hell!" she said firmly. "She didn't write that! She loves you, Hunter. She would never do this to you. Besides, in the time she's been here, I never got the slightest hint that she was missing Washington. On the contrary. She told me yesterday how wonderful it is here on Eden and that she is glad to have finally escaped the stress and strict control of her father in the White House. Whoever wrote this letter has probably have kidnapped her and won't want you to look for her! The question is who, where and why?"

  "Where could she be?" I asked desperately.

  Everyone looked at me helplessly. They had no idea.

  "We can't show that we suspect the letter, is fake", Steel said. "Whoever is behind it must think they are safe, otherwise they may do something to hurt Pearl."

  The thought filled me with panic. I couldn't imagine losing Pearl. She was my life and she was carrying our child under her heart. I hoped that wherever she was now, she was doing well. Once I had her safe with me, I would see to it that the pigs who had done this would pay for it. I would tear them to pieces for trying to take away the best thing in my life.

  "Steel", I said and turned to my friend, "Do you think it's possible that Pearl was hiding somewhere in the car on the way back from the shuttle?


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