Once Upon a Bad Boy--A Sometimes in Love Novel

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Once Upon a Bad Boy--A Sometimes in Love Novel Page 14

by Melonie Johnson

  She cried out, and he was lost in her, riding out the wave of her orgasm, so close to fucking coming himself he thought he was going to burst into flames. But he didn’t stop, he continued to suck and stroke her until the last shudder crashed through her body, until her legs fell slack, ankles slipping from his shoulders. He pressed a final kiss to her swollen clit and collapsed against her, cheek resting on her belly.

  The rapid rise and fall of her abdomen began to slow as her breathing returned to normal. Bo shifted, rolling to his side and propping his chin up with an elbow. Sadie’s eyes were closed. He watched her in silence for a moment, wondering if she’d fallen asleep.

  “I’m not asleep,” she muttered, reading his mind, voice a little croaky, as if she’d been screaming. Which, he smiled, pleased with himself, she had.

  Sadie cracked open the eye closest to him. “What are you smirking at?”

  “Who me?” Bo asked, feigning innocence.

  “Yes, you.” Sadie rolled onto her side and faced him, mirroring his position, leaning her chin on her elbow, both eyes open now. “Don’t forget, I know you. I know that smug little grin of yours. You’re quite pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Did I please you?” he asked.

  “You know you did.”

  “Then yes, I’m pleased with myself.” He tried to contain it, but the grin stretched across his face again. “I like that about you.”

  “You like what about me?” She quirked a brow. “My orgasms?”

  He chuckled. “I like how you don’t hide your pleasure from me. I’ve always liked that. Always liked your honesty.”

  A shadow flickered in her violet gaze, but before Bo could question it, she was smiling at him, eyes bright and clear. “And I like your beard.”

  “I was wondering about that,” he admitted. “First time, huh?”

  Sadie nodded, eyes flashing with delight, like a child with a new toy. “First time a guy with a beard has kissed me … anywhere.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Bo grinned at her innuendo, but a dark thought crossed his mind like a storm cloud. What other baby-faced cabrón had kissed her … everywhere? Eleven years was a long time. Who had she slept with? How many others had there been? It wasn’t really any of his business, and yet, the need to know burned inside him, an angry jealous impulse.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he mumbled, struggling to push the possessive thoughts out of his head. He had no right to feel this way, no claim on her. But something about Sadie always turned him into a caveman. Made him want to pound his chest and drag her to his lair.

  “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” She glanced down between their bodies. “Ah,” she said, a sly smile slinking across her face as she tilted her chin to gaze back up at him. “I think I figured out what’s bothering you.”

  “It’s not that—” he began, but she cut him off, pressing a hand to his shoulder and shoving him onto his back, straddling him in one smooth rolling motion.

  “You were saying?” she asked, her lithe thighs pressing against his.

  Fuck, she was strong. “It’s not that bad,” he amended, finally managing to shove the questions and concerns away. He needed to get over himself. Especially with her body draped over his like it was now.

  “Not that bad, huh?” She glanced pointedly down, where his cock was pointing straight up.

  “You have a point,” he couldn’t resist saying.

  She laughed, settling herself more snugly atop him.

  Bo sucked in a breath, savoring the sensation of her slick heat against him, an acute reminder that he was naked, and, except for her bra, so was she. “Sorry about your panties.”

  “That was one of my favorite pairs.” Sadie glanced at the discarded scrap of silk “But…” She turned her gaze back to him, one eyebrow lifted. “I’d say it was worth it.”

  Again, Bo was struck with the urge to pound his chest, caveman style.

  “Though maybe I should take this off,” she added, reaching behind her and undoing the clasp on her bra, “just to be safe.”

  Safe. Shit. “Hey, before things go any further, I should get something.”

  “I think we’re okay for now,” she assured him.

  “We are?” His tongue felt thick in his mouth, his head fuzzy. He was having a hard time concentrating, too distracted by the sight of her pretty little tits bouncing in his face. “Wait. Are we talking about the same thing? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the fact that you don’t have to do anything but lay back and relax,” she purred, one hand wrapping around the base of his cock.

  “Oh,” he mumbled, brain completely useless now. “Okay.”

  She stroked his length, slowly moving up and down, her fingers covering every inch of him with painstaking care. Bo had done it too, when he touched her. Relearned her body. Adjusted to what felt completely familiar and yet so new.

  He closed his eyes and gave himself over to her, wanting to let Sadie take her time. He just wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep it together.

  When her hand was replaced with the hot wet stroke of her tongue, Bo jerked. His eyes snapped open and he stared down at her, mesmerized. She was bent over him, on her hands and knees, and in the dim light he could just make out the pink of her tongue as it slid along the rigid length of his shaft.

  Sweet motherfucking hell. Sweat broke out on Bo’s forehead. He fisted his hands at his sides, clenching and unclenching against the hardwood floor. He wanted to reach up, rake his fingers through the rough spikes of her hair, and guide her mouth down over him.

  But he held back, suddenly recalling all too well what had happened the first time she’d done this with him.

  Again, Sadie had the uncanny ability to read his mind. She froze mid-lick and glanced up at him. “You’re thinking about that, aren’t you?”

  “No!” Bo protested, too quickly.

  She sat up, lips pursed.

  “I mean, yes, it crossed my mind,” he amended, “but only for a second.”

  “That was a long time ago, you know,” she said peevishly.

  “Right. You’re right,” Bo agreed, desperate for her to continue what she’d been doing.

  “I’m pretty good at it now, actually,” she added, tone growing defensive.

  “Ah, okay.” There was that rush of jealousy again.

  “I’ve even given lessons.”

  “Lessons,” he repeated. Had he heard her right?

  “Well, I helped Ana give a lesson. With popsicles.”

  Bo didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. He was struck speechless. Instead, he laid there, flat out on the floor of his apartment, while she straddled him and defended her talent for giving blowjobs. This had to be the singularly most bizarre experience in this department he’d ever had.

  What the hell did he do now?

  Studying her from beneath his lashes, Bo was struck by a realization. Sadie was embarrassed. Which was silly. It had happened, as she said, a very long time ago. And with practice, they’d eventually managed to figure things out just fine. He couldn’t say why that particular memory had surfaced. Maybe because, in some ways, this was like their first time all over again.

  She needed to get out of her headspace, forget he’d been thinking about her mortifying first attempt at this. Bo propped himself up on his elbows, looking Sadie straight in the eye. “Go for it, then.”


  “I dare you,” Bo said, voice laced with challenge.

  “You’re daring me.” Her eyes narrowed. “To do that?”

  “Sí.” Bo relaxed, lying back with feigned casualness, crossing his arms behind his head. It was a bold move. A gamble he was betting she couldn’t ignore. He gazed up at her. “I dare you to give me the best fucking blowjob of my life.”

  Her eyes blazed, and for a second, Bo feared he’d calculated wrong.

  But then Sadie smiled, licked her lips … and damn, if she didn’t d


  SADIE FINISHED WASHING up and turned off the water. As she dried her hands and face with a towel, she studied her reflection in the mirror over Bo’s sink. She was still getting used to seeing herself with the new haircut. Still had to take a moment to remember that the person staring back was her.

  She glanced around Bo’s bathroom. The space was surprisingly neat and clean. Maybe not that surprising. He’d always been tidy. A minimalist who liked everything organized. Meanwhile, she was a clutter bug and a bit of a slob.

  She tried to picture her stuff spread out on the bathroom counter. Her toothbrush next to his. Her piles of makeup and skin-care products and hair stuff beside his aftershave and razor. Wait, does he even have a razor?

  His beard was growing on her, especially after what had just gone down on his apartment floor. That had been a new experience for her. It was strange to be with Bo again. Not unlike the sensation she had when looking in the mirror. The same, but different. New … yet not.

  Strange and scary. But thrilling too.

  With a sigh, Sadie folded the towel and hung it back on the rack. She had to be careful. Locked in a subterranean chamber of her heart, she could sense her feelings for Bo stirring. Still contained, but yearning to break free. What they’d shared today had been fun, but it was physical. Something they could still step back from. The trick was not letting her emotions get involved.

  Being with Bo was a risk, like standing on a cliff, a raging river churning far below. As long as she didn’t get too close to the edge, she was safe. The problem was, Sadie wasn’t sure how far she could flirt with the edge before the ground gave way beneath her feet, before she fell into the river and was swept away. The only thing to do was watch her step.

  With one last look in the mirror, Sadie smoothed her dress over her hips and opened the bathroom door.

  “C’mon, dude, don’t give me that face.” Bo’s voice carried across the open space of his loft, apologetic and cajoling.

  Who is he talking to? Sadie looked around the room but didn’t see Bo anywhere.

  “Hey, I get it, you’re annoyed with me.”

  There was a light on in the kitchen area. She followed the sound of Bo’s voice and discovered him crouched down behind the island, head inside a cabinet.



  “Who are you talking to?” Sadie came around the side of the island.


  “Who’s Clark?” she wondered, trying to see past his broad bare shoulders into the cabinet.

  Bo eased back, resting on his heels and glancing over at her. “Clark is my grumpy-ass cat.” He directed his gaze back inside the open cabinet. “Aren’t you, buddy? Aren’t you my crabby tabby?”

  Sadie bit her lip, holding in the idiotic grin threatening to split her face. Crabby tabby? A decidedly grumpy yowl sounded from inside the cabinet. “What’s his problem?”

  “What isn’t his problem?” Bo grumbled. “For starters, His Highness is pissed I’ve been gone all day, annoyed I didn’t feed him the second I walked in the door, and likely irritated I allowed you, another human, to invade his domain.”

  “Is that all?” Sadie laughed. She scooted closer, poking her head into the cabinet.

  “Careful,” Bo warned. “He’s got a wicked right hook.”

  “So do I.”

  Bo’s chuckle rumbled behind Sadie as she peered into the dark interior of the cabinet. The space beneath the island was deeper than she’d realized, and it took her a moment to spot the ball of black-and-white fur curled up in the far corner, feline face peering at her from between a stack of stove pots. “Oh, you do look pissed,” she told the cat.

  Clark just glowered at her.

  “Where’s his food?” she asked.

  “I didn’t get it ready yet,” Bo said, then raised his voice for the benefit of the cat. “I was waiting for the little jerk to get his stubborn ass out of the cabinet first.”

  “Why don’t you bring him his dinner and see if that lures him out?”

  “Because I’m not giving in to his manipulative tactics.”

  She popped her head up and offered Bo a sympathetic smile. “I don’t think you’re going to win this one.”

  “Then I guess someone is going hungry tonight,” he huffed.

  Sadie ducked her head inside the cabinet again, repressing another grin. She knew Bo would cave, likely sooner rather than later. His mother was a vet, and he’d always had a soft spot for animals. But for his sake, she played along. “Did you hear that, Clark? No dinner for you.”

  The cat mewed, an apathetic noise that clearly stated he didn’t give a fuck.

  Bo snorted. “I hope you like it in there, buddy, because that’s where you’ll be spending the night.”

  Another mew.

  “Why the name Clark?” Sadie asked as she leaned farther into the cabinet, trying to get a better view of the cat’s face. “Is it supposed to be like Clark Kent?”

  “That little despot is no superhero,” Bo muttered. He stood, and as Sadie predicted, caved and pulled a can of cat food from another cabinet.

  She glanced at Clark, giving the cat a wink. “Is it just Clark, then? Or part of something else?”

  The whir of an electric can opener filled the air, and the cat scuttled forward.

  Carefully, Sadie reached a hand out. Clark hesitated, remaining just inside the cabinet, and eyed her with disdain. “Aren’t you a handsome fellow,” she cooed, studying the cat’s face while he continued to stare at her, unimpressed. “He has a mustache,” she said, noting the thin stripe of black fur under his nose. “It makes him look like—”

  “Clark Gable,” Bo supplied, setting a bowl of food on the floor.

  “Exactly!” Sadie laughed, a beam of surprised pleasure shooting through her. Clark skittered past, ignoring the human in the way of his evening meal. She watched the cat dig into his bowl for a moment and then got to her feet. “Do you remember watching that movie with me?”

  “Which one?” Bo’s eyes were downcast, thick lashes a sinful sweep across his cheeks as he kept his attention on the cat. “You made me watch so many of them.”

  “True.” Sadie leaned against the island’s countertop. “I did.” A rush of fond memories filled her. Long summer nights spent cuddled together on the fluffy sofa in her nana’s den, slowly working their way through her grandmother’s extensive collection of old movies. Sadie loved the classics, full of romance and adventure, with glamourous heroines and dashing heroes. Growing up, her crushes had been Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Errol Flynn … and Clark Gable.

  Like the thistle tattoo, she couldn’t help but wonder at Bo’s choice of name for his pet. Another coincidence that seemed anything but accidental. She filed the thought away for later and smiled up at him.

  “I was thinking of It Happened One Night,” she named one of her all-time favorites. Clark Gable as the rogue reporter, and Claudette Colbert as the spoiled rich heiress. She adored their snappy banter, the way they got under each other’s skin. Most importantly, she loved how different the two characters were, how wrong they seemed for each other and despite all that, how they fell in love anyway.

  “Ah yes. The walls of Jericho,” Bo murmured, a Gable-worthy smirk on his lips.

  “I knew you’d remember.” She met his eyes, and the moment stretched out, the air between them growing charged.

  An angry yowl from Clark broke the spell.

  “Wow. You really are a crabby tabby.” Sadie glanced at the cat scowling next to his now-empty bowl. “Is he still hungry?”

  “Nah,” Bo snorted and bent to pick Clark up. “He just wants his after-dinner belly rub.” Nestling the ball of fur in the crook of one arm, he scratched the cat’s soft, fluffy tummy.

  “And people accuse me of being spoiled.” Sadie shook her head, taking in the picture of a sexy bare-chested guy and cranky yet adorable kitty. If her panties weren’t already in a shredded pile on the flo
or, they’d be in danger of flying off right this very minute.

  Her bra was still on the floor somewhere as well. She couldn’t believe they’d done that. Well, she could. It had been all too easy to let her body take over, to give in to wanting him. After accepting Bo’s very explicit challenge, Sadie hadn’t done more than slip her dress back over her head before escaping to the bathroom. She’d needed a minute to pull herself together.

  Now, watching Bo cuddle with Clark, a cat he’d named after one of her favorite childhood heroes, she was on the verge of falling apart again. Sadie stared at the furry body tucked against Bo’s chest. Just above the cat’s twitching ears, she could see the edges of Bo’s tattoo. The tip of a violet-colored thistle bud. The curve of a bee’s wing. Abeja. Honeybee. His special, secret name for her.

  Why did you do it? She ached to ask him. Why did you leave me? She could taste the questions on the tip of her tongue, filling her mouth with the bitter ashes of regret.

  “What is it?” Bo’s voice caught her by surprise.

  “What?” She blinked at him.

  “Your face.” He set Clark on the ground and moved toward her. “Something’s upsetting you.” He was right in front of her now, his warm strong body trapping her against the island. He reached up and traced a finger over the furrow between her brows. “Please, abeja. Tell me what it is.”

  Sadie shook her head, tears burning like acid in the back of her throat. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t answer him. If she opened her mouth now, she wouldn’t be able to stop the questions from tumbling out.

  Instead, she reached up, her palms against his cheeks as she pulled him down to her, pressing her lips to his. She nipped his bottom lip with her teeth, and when his mouth fell open on a gasp, she slipped her tongue inside, wanting to taste him, needing the passion between them to burn away the bitterness.

  Bo groaned, but he didn’t resist. Instead, he moved closer, arms wrapping around her waist. As if sensing her frantic need, he tightened his hold and lifted her onto the island. Stepping between her legs, he shifted his grip to her hips and slid her across the counter, pulling her flush against him.


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