Dr Feelgood

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Dr Feelgood Page 11

by S. E. Law

  I smile shyly.

  “It’s fine. Thanks for still seeing me.”

  His lips quirk.

  “Of course. We’ve made so much progress that it’s incredible actually. Did you do your exercises over the last two days?”

  I sigh.

  “I did. They sucked.”

  He chuckles.

  “That’s a good sign. But if you thought those were bad, just wait until you see what I have in store for you today.”

  Frankly, I’m both excited and nervous. The exercises will probably be terrible, but even worse than the exercise, I’ll probably be really excited when Ridge touches me. Mmm, I can’t wait.

  My breath speeds up in anticipation of the session, and I hope Ridge doesn’t notice the way my face is flushed. I’d be mortified if he uncovered my ridiculous crush. He’d probably have to recommend me to a new physical therapist, with some warning that I’m particularly vulnerable with “inappropriate feelings.” Oh my god, that’d be so humiliating.

  But he doesn’t seem to notice.

  “I want you to do your warmups while I get some equipment ready. You remember your startup exercises?”

  I better, considering I’ve been doing them for so long and the fact that I’ll probably have to do them every day for the rest of my life.

  “Yep, got it,” I chirp with a smile, beginning to stretch my back a little.

  But I watch Ridge out of the corner of my eye as he moves around the room, gathering weights and bands in his arms. God, he’s gorgeous. His muscles ripple as he bends forward and his ass comes into view, which is tight and manly. Wow, what does he do to stay in shape?

  I can’t focus on that right now. I need to worry about getting my muscles stretched and ready to go, not ogling my PT guy. I start with my upper body, working out my wrist and shoulders so they’re nice and loose. Once I’m limber up top, I start on a personal massage for my legs. It’s not as hot as the ones Ridge gives me, but apparently it helps make sure my muscles aren’t clenched tight by the time we really start.

  “I’m ready,” I tell him when I’ve finished the massage. “Hit me with your worst, Doc.”

  Ridge laughs. “You might regret that.”

  I probably would, but it’s fun bantering with him. It almost feels like flirting, though that can’t be possible. Doctors don’t flirt with their patients, at least not in real life.

  “Okay, we’re going to try something new, and I have to warn you that it might hurt.”

  “I’m ready, Doc.”

  “Would you stop calling me that? You make me sound like Bugs Bunny.”

  I shake my head. “Not a chance, Doc.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Just for that, you’re getting ten extra reps on every exercise.”

  “No, please, I’ll be good!” I beg while shaking with laughter.

  He puts on a pretend frown and approaches me.

  “Nope, the damage is done.”

  Ridge has me get up on the exercise bench with my legs hanging over the side. He kneels in front of me, sending my heart racing. My dirty mind pictures all the fantastic things we could be doing in this position, and my heartrate accelerates as my insides grow warm. I hope he can’t tell how wet I’m getting, and oh god, there’s a distinct aroma coming from my personal vee now. Oh god, what do I do?

  But Ridge doesn’t seem to notice and places his hands on my thighs. “I want you to focus on me, Summer. Can you do that?”

  I nod, unable to think about anyone else.

  Until I feel it.

  It’s small. So small I’m sure I’m imagining it. But then Ridge smiles, and I know it’s real.

  There’s a tingling in my calves. I can feel my toes. I look down at my bare feet and tell my left big toe to move.

  Nothing happens for a moment, and I stare harder at it, willing it to do something.

  Then, it twitches to the left.

  Tears pool in my eyes and I look up at him with grateful eyes.

  “What did you do? Why is this happening?”

  The handsome man smiles gently.

  “We’ve been working up to this for a while,” he explains. “All I did was distract you while I worked your muscles, but we’re not done, sweetheart. This is where it might hurt.”

  The handsome man starts to squeeze and for a brief, terrible second I wish I couldn’t feel my legs, because the pain is almost unbearable. Jolts of lightning lance outwards from his fists, and it’s different than anything I’ve ever felt before. Almost like the pain coming from the inside and pushing its way out. I close my eyes, trying to stop myself from screaming.

  Meanwhile, Ridge applies pressure for thirty seconds, and then rests for a minute. Then again. We repeat this over and over again for thirty minutes. Each time, the pain gets worse, but at least I can feel something. It’s the first time I’ve had any sensation in my legs since the accident, and I’m breathless with this new development.

  After we’re done, Ridge stares at me with pride in his eyes.

  “That was great, Summer. You held out like a champ.”

  “Oh my god, I moved my toe!”

  He grins again.

  “You did. And I think you’ll be moving your legs in a few weeks because you’ve made so much progress. You’re a superstar, sweetheart.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and murmur against his neck.

  “Thank you, Ridge.”

  He lets me hug him close for a moment, but then gently disentangles my arms.

  “It’s nothing, really. It was all you, Summer. Now why don’t you lay back? I want to give you a full medical massage to keep your muscles loose.”

  This time, I do as he says immediately, and let his hands work wonders over my body. I’d let him do anything at this point. Anything at all, because I’m putty in his arms.



  My entire body is on fire in the best way.

  Ridge works his hands in my shoulders and arms, the pressure painful but delicious at the same time. I could lay like this forever and live a happy life.

  “Is this okay?” he asks, his voice low and gravelly. If I speak he’ll know exactly how okay it is, so I nod instead.

  “Good,” he replies.

  The doctor continues to ease the tension in my upper body. I didn’t realize how stressed I was until he started giving me these massages because at his touch, every care flows out of my mind. If Ridge’s career as a physical therapist doesn’t work out, I think he has a future in massage therapy. Ladies would be lining up to get his magic hands on them.

  Jealous energy courses through my veins. Stop, I think. You’re not making sense. Dr. Maddox doesn’t belong to you.

  Yet I never felt this way about Jonah, and I was actually dating him. So what do these feelings mean?

  I take a deep breath. Instead of allowing my brain to spiral out of control, I focus on the push and pull of the massage. I ignore the butterflies in my stomach and instead, let myself enjoy the tingling below it. It’s just therapy, I remind myself. Nothing more.

  But my body doesn’t listen because Ridge’s touch feels a lot sexier than just a massage. It always does.

  “I’m going to work the muscles in your stomach now,” the man says. “Still doing okay?”

  “Still okay,” I manage to respond as I dissolve into a puddle of bliss. His fingers tickle my sides and with anyone else, I’d probably shy away from such an intimate touch on such a poochy part of my body. But Ridge always makes things so easy and comfortable around him and I give into the bliss again. But then he speaks.

  “Time to turn over,” the man growls. “Are you ready?”

  This is my least favorite part of the entire session. Ridge has to flip me himself, and though he does it like I weigh ten pounds, it’s still embarrassing. But what comes after is so good that I brush away the thought.

  “Breathe, Summer,” he says while reaching his arms beneath me. “You’re tense. Are you under a lot of stress?”

  None that isn’t caused by you, I think. Out loud, I say, “Yes, I’ve been stressed since the accident.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks as he expertly flips me to lie on my front before sliding his hands gingerly up and down my back. My face is pressed into the hole on the massage table, so I can’t see Ridge’s face. Yet I know him well enough at this point to visualize his thoughtful look. His eyes are probably contemplative, his lips turned down slightly in a frown.

  “I don’t think it’s anything to talk about, really. There’s just a lot going on.”

  I think about my job, my friends, and my ex-boyfriend. I think about the man making me feel like the sexiest woman in the world, despite being my doctor. Any girl would be stressed with all of that on her mind.

  At least I don’t have to worry too much about my job. Dee talked to my manager at Lalique, and I’m welcome to come back as a stylist as soon as I feel better. I’m still not sure that’s what I want to do, because who would buy clothes from a woman in a wheelchair? But at least I have the option.

  Maybe I should get a real career, like my parents want. I could work as a receptionist somewhere where no one could see my wheelchair. Of course, my dream of opening my own business is still in the back of my mind, but the accident broke something in me. I haven’t felt the same passion since I’ve been in a wheelchair.

  Despite my thoughts, the tension eases from my back and shoulders with every touch. Who invented massages? I’d like to personally thank them for making this possible for me.

  “Time for your legs,” Ridge says. “Ready?” Is it just me, or does he sound a little breathless?


  I can feel the whisper of his hands on my legs. My PT’s breathing is heavy and with a sudden awareness, I realize that he’s struggling to control himself too.

  “Are you alright?” I ask, boosting myself up on my elbows. “We don’t have to keep going if you’re not feeling well.”

  Our eyes meet, and there’s no denying it. There’s a fire running between us that’s impossible to control.

  Those blue eyes sear my entire body, making me erupt in flames, but then Ridge jerks his gaze away and strides towards the door. Is he going to leave me like this? Confused yet hot and bothered on his massage table? Wondering about him? He better not send in a nurse to fetch me, at least not until I’ve had a chance to cool down.

  But instead of leaving, Ridge pulls the door closed and turns the lock with a firm click. What? He never locks this door, he told me that once. Even when he leaves for the night, he’ll close it but not lock it because there’s no need. So why do that now?

  “I don’t want to be disturbed,” Ridge says by way of explanation. “But I can unlock it if you want.”

  I shake my head, unable to speak. What’s about to happen? My senses tingle, and the air seems to grow hotter in the room.

  “Now back to that massage,” he growls.

  Positioning himself behind me, Ridge touches my legs, just below my butt. I can feel the pressure and moan lightly.

  His hand moves further up, squeezing my ass and massaging those big cheeks like he can’t get enough.

  “Beautiful,” he says. “Absolutely gorgeous.”

  I wiggle as much as I can, trying to get his hand to the place I want it to be, which is the vee between my legs. Of course it’s wrong, but hopefully my little jiggles can cause his fingers to slip somehow. His breathing hitches and a low growl sounds.

  “What is it you want, Summer? You’re moving so much.”

  I let out a shaky breath. Should I say it? It’s absolutely taboo and yet I can’t fight the need anymore. Before I realize it, the words slip out.

  “I need you,” I murmur.

  His blue eyes flare, and within a second, Ridge’s hand dips between my legs, stroking my hot, wet center.

  “Oh shit, baby. You’re as ready for this as I am,” he rasps. “Your panties are fucking drenched.”

  I moan mellifluously as he runs a finger along my cotton-covered slit. Oh god, it feels so good and my bud tightens and enlarges as liquids wet his hands. If I had known this was going to happen, I would’ve worn something sexier, but Ridge doesn’t seem to care. He continues to trace my opening, teasing me through the drenched fabric.

  “I think the massage will feel better without these, don’t you?”

  “Yes, please,” I manage to gasp out. Ridge finds the elastic band and pulls my panties down to my ankles before dropping them in a wet splat to the floor.

  “That’s much better.” This time, when his hand moves back to that sacred place, I feel every bit of his touch and it makes me moan again with delight. Oh god, I’m so glad I didn’t lose feeling in my pussy because he’s so goddamn talented.

  Ridge’s thumb finds my clit and moves in tiny circles around the bud before stroking along the bottom. I shiver, reveling in the contact as my pussy juices against his palm.

  “Yes baby,” he rasps. “You’re so ready just like a good girl.”

  I moan a bit, squirming again on the table when Ridge’s finger dips between my drenched lips and finds my hole. Slowly, he eases a finger into my pussy, stretching the passage and I moan again.

  “Oh, God,” is my ecstatic cry. A low chuckle sounds behind me.

  “Actually, my name is Ridge, but I’ll answer to God.”

  I start to laugh at his joke, but it dies on my lips when he slips another finger into my pussy. Oh shit, this feels so good and I close my eyes, breathing hard as my nipples tighten.

  “Still okay?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I cry weakly. “Never stop doing that.”

  “Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”

  He adds a third finger, his thumb still massaging my clit and I writhe under his touch. “So. Good,” is my breathless pant.

  But then, despite his promise to never stop, Ridge pulls his fingers from my pussy with a delicious slide. I mewl at the loss but then my eyes fly open when I hear his words.

  “Oh, baby, you taste so good,” he growls.

  Holy shit, did he just lick my vaginal juices off his fingers? Really? That’s so dirty and I part my thighs wider, showing him my hole again. This time, I even reach back to pull my butt cheeks apart, giving him easy access. He chuckles and within seconds, his fingers are back where they belong. One hand squeezes my ass while the other explores my pussy.

  “Ridge, yes, please. More,” I gasp.

  He slides his fingers faster and faster into my hole, the slick sound echoing in the room. I’m so glad physical therapy is done in a wing far from the rest of the hospital because this intimate moment is for us, and I don’t want anyone else to hear it.

  “I can’t believe it took me this long,” Ridge growls low in his throat as he plunges into my wetness. “I’ve wanted to do this since the day you rolled into my office.”

  I gasp, tingles running through my pussy as he pinches my clit for fun.

  “Me, too,” I shriek, spasming slightly.

  He growls again, delving deeper into my wet cavern.

  “You’re mine now, Summer. You know that right? This pussy is mine.”

  The deep squelching sounds are my only answer as I twist my body as much as possible, trying to get him in even deeper.

  “Yes, I’m yours Ridge. My pussy is yours. Use it to make yourself feel good.”

  He grunts.

  “Fuck, Summer, I will but not right now. Your cunt is so wet and tight and I just want you to feel.”

  But I want him to enjoy this too. My hand falls off the table, searching for his scrubs. Sure enough, I come upon a hard ridge within the fabric and I let out a breathy moan.

  “Oh my god, you’re huge,” I gasp, turning slightly to look into his eyes. He continues frigging my cunt, never stopping the delicious slide.

  “I know sweetheart, but you don’t have to take it inside right now. Just enjoy okay? Let yourself sink into the pleasure, baby girl.”

  I’m just about to say som
ething, when there’s a light, fluttery touch against my back hole. I jerk up again, staring at him.

  “What?” is my breathless gasp.

  The look in his blue eyes is intense and hungry, yet amused at once.

  “You’ll like it back here, trust me, sweetheart. Haven’t I touched you everywhere already? This is just one more place,” he says in a soothing tone while running his fingers over my pleats again. I lay back down, unable to believe this is happening to me. The man has a few fingers buried in my cunt, and is using his other hand to lightly stroke against my asshole. Oh. My. God.

  But it feels incredible, and with another low moan, I part my thighs even wider, reaching my hands back to hold my butt cheeks apart.

  “Yes, touch me wherever you want,” I whisper. “Anywhere. Everywhere,” I say.

  He lets out a hoarse chuckle, and before I realize it, the tip of a finger has eased into my anal canal. The foreign sensation makes me squirm and mewl.

  “That a girl,” the doctor growls soothingly. “You’re taking it like a champ sweetheart.”

  I give into the sensation, and try and relax as both my holes are fingered. Before I realize it, Ridge has a rhythm going where his fingers delve deep into my ass and pussy in syncopation, going into one hole while pulling out of the other so that I’m always filled with him.

  “Yes,” I pant, juicing hotly against his palm. “Like that!”

  Suddenly, everything goes bright white before my eyes, with sparkles clouding my vision. My entire body seizes up as deep pussy and ass spasms wrack my frame in waves, hot jets of pleasure making me mewl and scream.

  “Ridge!” I cry out. “Dr. Maddox!”

  “I got you sweetheart,” he rasps, pushing both hands deep into my aching caverns. My body shakes, the convulsions in my cunt and ass so wild and powerful that he’s almost pushed out, but the doctor knows exactly how to manage the earthquake. He buries his digits in my sweet folds and anchors them there.

  “Fuck,” comes that low growl. “You’re so fucking horny sweetheart, and so fucking responsive.”

  I cry out again, lost to sensation as my juices spurt everywhere. This is what I need: him, again and again, plundering my sweetest spots while taking me to heaven.


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