Dr Feelgood

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Dr Feelgood Page 21

by S. E. Law

  I squeeze Summer’s shoulder and head down the hallway to a private office. There, Carter spends an hour rehashing everything that happened at the hearing, as if I’d missed the whole thing.

  “You handled it well.” Carter turns to the next page of notes, where the line of questions started to get worse. “I had no idea George was going to go so hard on you. Did you do something to make him hate you?”

  I try to think back to something that may have offended him, but nothing comes up. I’ve only met the guy a couple times before, when I’ve gone in front of the board to ask for more funding for physical therapy patients. “I don’t think so. I think he just hates everyone.”

  Carter laughs. “Yeah, you might be right about that.” He glances down at his notes again. You know, having your girlfriend stand up was genius. I don’t know why we didn’t think of that before. I guess it could’ve backfired…”

  I cut him off. “I didn’t ask her to do that. She did it all on her own.”

  His eyes widen in surprise. “Really? Wow. I need a girlfriend like that.”

  I nod, my heart warming.

  “She’s the best.”

  Our meeting continues, but I don’t hear a word. After all, no matter what happens, I have Summer. She’s proven her love for me in a dramatic fashion, and now, my priorities are clear. I don’t care about the hospital. I don’t even care much about being disciplined or losing my license anymore. The only person I care about is Summer, and I want to give her something to show my undying love.



  There’s a shuffling inside the door when I get to Summer’s apartment. The familiar click of her crutches against the floor fills my ears. She’s pacing, waiting for me to get there. The small velvet box I picked up on my way home burns a hole in my pocket. Actually, I picked it out weeks ago, but now seems to be the right time.

  After all, I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to be with this woman for the rest of my life, if she’ll have me.

  I smile as I walk in. “Have you been going crazy?”

  She throws herself into my arms, her curvy form making me instantly hard. “What took you so long? I thought maybe they threw you in the hospital’s jail or something.”

  I chuckle. “That’s not a thing.”

  “It could be! How am I supposed to know?” She squeezes me harder, like she’s afraid she won’t get to hold me for as long as she wants. If only she knew how ready I am to be in her arms for the rest of my life.

  “I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” I kiss the top of her head. “I didn’t mean to worry you. Carter just couldn’t stop talking about what you did and what an amazing woman you are. I think he’d steal you from me if he could,” I add with a grin.

  Summer laughs and tightens her hold around my waist.

  “Nothing and no one could steal me from you, Ridge. I love you,” she murmurs.

  My heart warms and I pull her close.

  “You changed the course of the hearing, sweetheart. Who knows where George would’ve gone if you hadn’t stood up? I don’t know how long I could’ve kept going with all those ridiculous questions before kicking his ass. And then you know what would happen; I’d lose my job for sure.”

  Summer sits down on the couch, her face flushed. “I’m just so mad! I wish you had hit him, because then maybe he’d learn his lesson. Are these proceedings always like this?”

  I shrug.

  “I don’t know because I’ve never been in a hearing before. Hopefully it will never happen again.”

  She nods, and based on the fire in her eyes, I think she’s planning some revenge on George. In fact, looking at us, someone would think it’s her job on the line, and not mine. I love her all the more for it.

  “How dare they treat you like that? What the hell was with those questions?”

  I nod.

  “I’m sorry you had to hear all that. They just wanted to be thorough…”

  “Thorough my ass! That George was just being a jerk. He wanted to catch you in a lie or something, and the way he kept implying that you took advantage of me? I could kill him!”

  I sit down next to her curvy form, wrapping my arm around her waist. “Please don’t kill anyone. You’d never survive prison.”

  “I’m scrappy, I could take all of them.” To demonstrate, she punches the air. She knows some boxing moves because we used it as strength training early on in her PT. She demonstrates a quick left hook, followed by a right jab. I laugh.

  “Thanks sweetheart. I appreciate it but it’s unnecessary.”

  She laughs. Her hands settle back onto her lap and she leans her head against my shoulder. “Fine, you’re right. But it’s unfair. I’m mad! They’re such idiots and losers.”

  I squeeze her tight to me, and her breasts rest comfortingly along my arm. She turns to me then.

  “You don’t seem mad, Ridge. You just sat there all calm and you looked so hot in your suit I couldn’t stop staring at you.” I laugh at this, and Summer shoots me a look before continuing. “Meanwhile I was stuck on the sidelines watching as they tore you apart! Those questions were uncalled for. Who oversees the board? I want to have a word with their boss. They should all be fired for what they did to you. It’s completely unprofessional, and you were the epitome of professionalism as they tried to derail you and make it seem like your career has been a lie…”

  I can’t help but stare at this gorgeous woman, my eyes soft. She’s beautiful always, but especially when she gets worked up on my behalf.

  “Why are you staring at me like that? What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing’s wrong, sweetheart. Just looking.”

  “Do I have food on my face? In my teeth?” she asks quickly.

  I shake with laughter.

  “No, I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have a woman like you in my life,” I say, my heart thudding in my chest. “I don’t care about the hospital board. I don’t care about George or any of them, or what they might do to me and my career. All I care about is you.”

  Summer opens her mouth to speak, but I stop her with a gentle kiss.

  “No one has ever stood up for me the way you did. Watching you address the board, explaining our relationship from your side, it made me realize that I love you more than words can say. You’re bold, brave, and marvelous. I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  I take her left hand in mine. Slowly, I stand from the couch only to crouch down once more, going down on one knee before this amazing woman. She gasps, her right hand covering her mouth. “Ridge…”

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen next,” I begin again, taking a deep breath. “I’ll probably lose my job at the hospital. I may lose my license, and may never practice again. But those things don’t matter to me, not as long as I have you.”

  I reach into my pocket and take out the tiny velvet box.

  “Summer Ames, you are the light of my life. I love you so much, and I want to show you each and every day that we are perfect together. I know that as long as I have you by my side, everything is going to be absolutely marvelous. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Summer gasps and her eyes go soft. “Yes!”

  I slip the diamond band on her finger and she immediately throws her arms around my neck.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she murmurs against my neck. “I love you so much, Ridge. You think you’re the luckiest man in the world, but I know I’m the luckiest woman.”

  We stay like this, wrapped in each other’s arms, for what feels like forever, our hearts beating in unison. When Summer eventually pulls away, she stares at her hand in awe. The diamonds sparkle in the soft evening light, illuminating our expressions.

  “It’s so beautiful, Ridge.”

  “A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman,” I say, kissing her lightly. She pulls my lips back to hers in a deeper liplock, and I groan with need. After all, this is my woman, my fiancée, my soon-to-be wife, a
nd after a little while, the mother to my children. In short, she’s everything to me.

  Who would have guessed? When I first met Summer Ames, she was down in the dumps and disheartened. Seated in a wheelchair, the woman would hardly make eye contact, much less even speak to me.

  But now we’re in love. We’ve made the ultimate commitment to one another, and not only that, but Summer isn’t just standing, but she’s walking too. And she used her newfound skills to demonstrate to the world how much she loves me, and how much she’s willing to sacrifice. After all, we may have breached the doctor-patient pact, but we made another one in its place: that of a loving husband and his wife.



  It’s been two years since Ridge proposed, and I still have to look at the ring on my left hand to remind myself that it’s real. I’m no longer Summer Ames. I’m Summer Maddox now and it feels one hundred percent right.

  The phone on my desk rings and I run over to pick it up. “Ready for Summer, this is Summer Maddox. How can I help you?”

  A voice burbles on the other side.

  “Hi, I’d like to set up a stylist appointment. I’m going on vacation in six weeks and I need a new wardrobe. Can you fit me in?”

  I check the schedule. “I have an opening next Thursday at nine am. Would that work for you?”

  The woman on the phone sighs with relief. “Yes, that’s perfect! Oh, thank goodness. My girlfriend said I had to see you before I left. You hooked her up with a new style for her honeymoon. I was worried I waited too long, and you wouldn’t have time for me.”

  I laugh. “I’m glad I came so highly recommended! I’m putting you down for Thursday at nine. What’s your name?”

  “Geneva Lowes. Thank you again, Mrs. Maddox. My friend says you’re the best, so I’m counting on you to make me look good for my vacation!”

  “Wow, no pressure,” I laugh. “I promise to do everything I can to get your vacation style perfect. I’ll see you next Thursday!”

  Geneva thanks me a few more times before hanging up. With that appointment on the calendar, I’m actually booked completely solid for the next two months.

  It’s an amazing turn of events. I started Ready for Summer right after the wedding. It took some time to get the business plan exactly right, to find an office, and to make sure I was completely healed from the accident before I dove in. Plus, I was so busy planning my wedding to Ridge, that I didn’t have time to focus on my business at first.

  But everything fell into place after a while, and now, I’m so happy to be back working with clients and helping people find their confidence and their style. Geneva isn’t the first to tell me that she found my business by word of mouth. My old Lalique clients were quick to follow me to my new venture, and it spread like crazy from there. I’m even interviewing next week to potentially add two new stylists to my team, so that we can take on more clients.

  My wall clock strikes five, letting me know it’s time to get home. My stomach stirs because I’ve been looking forward to this moment all day.

  I stop at the store on my way to pick up some groceries. Ridge and I try to make dinner together as often as we can, although we still visit a lot of the restaurants we went to when we were dating. For example, we have standing reservations at both the cat café and the board game restaurant, even if it sounds silly. Those places are familiar to us, and have sentimental value. The rest of the time, we try to be good and make food at home.

  Home. That’s another lovely concept, along with marriage. Ridge and I bought a house together soon after our engagement. We decided on a ranch home in the same neighborhood as Dee, without any stairs or steps. It works because even though I can walk now, I’m still a wee bit unsteady, and don’t want to re-injure myself by accident.

  Ridge is already inside when I pull up. Although driving was weird at first, it’s like riding a bike. I picked it up again like my accident never happened.

  “I’m home,” I call out, holding the grocery bag against my side. I drop my keys by the door and search for my husband. He’s in kitchen, playing a game on his phone.

  “About time,” he says, laughing. “I don’t beat you home often.”

  “I got a last-minute call for an appointment!”

  Ridge chuckles. “That’s fantastic! I knew this business would take off. Remember how worried you used to be?”

  I playfully push his shoulder. “As if you weren’t just as worried when you started your own practice!”

  Two years ago, the hospital fired Ridge. It was disappointing after my dramatic performance at his hearing, but it is what it is. You can’t get everything in life, and the truth is that our relationship broke a lot of rules. However, the board didn’t recommend revocation of his license, and as a result, Ridge was able to open his own practice within the month.

  It was slow going at first. Doctors were hesitant to send their patients to him at first because news of the disciplinary meeting traveled fast. However, after a couple months, people seemed to forgive and forget, especially after we announced our engagement.

  Now, Ridge has several junior partners helping run the place. The office is bustling, and growth has been exponential over the last year. He’s even considering moving into a larger space. Who would have thought?

  My husband chuckles and leans in for another kiss.

  “Did you have a good day, sweetheart?”

  I nod. “A great day.”

  He eyes me and smiles. I try to prevent my face from giving anything away.

  “Oh by the way, I got steaks for dinner. I’ve been in the mood. Mashed potatoes, too.”

  Ridge looks like he’s about to ask more, but then stops himself.

  “Sounds delicious. I’ll fire up the grill.”

  My husband gets the steaks going outside while I prepare the mashed potatoes. This was part of my ploy, because there’s something special I want to do to his plate.

  It’s a beautiful summer day, so we decide to eat out on the patio. I bring out two glasses as Ridge places a steak on each plate, grilled to perfection. We sit down and I look at him innocently.

  “How was your day?” I ask.

  He chuckles, helping himself to a huge forkful of green beans.

  “It was good. Remember that patient I told you about? Alex?”

  I nod. Alex is a teenage boy who injured himself playing baseball. Leo repaired a tear, and Ridge has been working with him for a few weeks, but it’s been slow going.

  “He finally took a few unassisted steps today.”

  “Oh honey! That’s fantastic.”

  I reach across the table to give him a kiss. Nothing makes Ridge happier than helping his clients, and I’m so proud of him. My man is damn good at his job, and I’m Exhibit A.

  We continue to chat about our days while we eat. I’m starving, so I shovel food into my mouth while watching my husband carefully. He finishes nearly half his steak before finally taking a forkful of mashed potatoes.

  “What is this?” he asks, finding a piece of plastic I hid inside. He scrapes off the remaining potato and holds up a tiny baby toy I found at the party store. Ridge looks from it to me, then back again. “Summer? What’s going on?”

  My right hand flutters down to my stomach. “I’m pregnant!”

  Ridge leaps from his chair and pulls me into a tight hug. “Oh shit baby, I can’t believe this!”

  “Me, neither!”

  He kisses me hard. “Wait, is… I mean, is there any way the injuries from your accident could affect the pregnancy?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think so. The injuries affected my legs, remember? Not my uterus. But just in case, I have a doctor’s appointment next week, and we’ll go over all that then.”

  “Tell me when and I’ll be there,” he demands.

  I giggle.

  “It’s Wednesday at eleven, Daddy.”

  He checks his schedule, and then sends someone a text. “I had an appointment, but Jeremy can take it. T
his is way more important, sweetheart. A baby! I’m so excited.”

  He kisses me again with even more passion than before.

  “I’m so happy,” I whisper against his lips.

  “Me too.”

  My hands roam to the button of his jeans. “Remember the list?” I ask.

  He nods. We’ve been crossing things off Dee’s sex list for the last two years, but there are still quite a few to go.

  “Sex in the back yard is number eight-five,” I inform him, undoing his fly.

  Ridge meets my eyes. “Seriously? The neighbors could see.”

  I grin. “Isn’t that part of the fun?”

  My words set something off in him, as they always do. He kisses me, leading me further into the yard before laying me down on the freshly mown grass.

  His fingers tease me through my slacks, and I push myself towards him, begging for more.

  “I need you,” I say. “Pregnancy hormones make me…”

  “Say no more,” he responds, our lips meeting once again. My panties are pulled down, and so are his boxers, revealing his gorgeous cock, huge and veiny. My mouth literally salivates at the sight, my pussy going wet and needy.

  “Please,” I beg.

  He grins and takes his cock in hand, teasing up and down my slit. I mewl, tossing my head back as he slowly eases into my tight hole.

  “Fuck you’re so small,” he manages in a choked voice. “So tiny and so horny too.”

  I bite back a scream, not wanting to alert our neighbors to what we’re doing. Our yard is fenced in, but still visible if the neighbors wanted to peek over the edge.

  Our love making is slow and tender, but then it picks up. He pounds me furiously and I moan with delirium, loving the feel of my man’s enormous meat. But then with a wet sucking sound, Ridge suddenly pulls out and pushes my knees back so that they’re up by my ears.

  “Baby,” he rasps close to my ear. “Can I?”

  I know what he wants and close my eyes as his giant pole probes my back door. After all, my entire body belongs to him, each and every hole. My body is his to worship in passion, and this is just another way he shows his adoration.


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