The Business System That Never Fails

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The Business System That Never Fails Page 1

by Benson Agbortogo


  Business System


  Never Fails


  Copyright © 2013-Current by Benson Agbortogo All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Never Fail! Publishing Fort Worth, Texas, USA

  First Edition, June 2013

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9895057-0-3 ISBN-10: 0989505707


  Dedication 5 Endorsements 7

  Foreword 15

  Introduction 17

  Module 1: Pillar #1 – Love God 43

  Module 2: Pillar #2 – Love Yourself 53

  Module 3: Pillar #3 – Love Your Customer 73

  Module 4: Cementing the 3 Pillars Together 93

  Action Plan 127

  Module 5: The 4 Advanced Systems that 132 Never Fail

  Bonus Content 146


  About the Author 150

  About Kingdom Embassy Network 151

  DEDICATION Dedicated to my business mentor, The HOLY SPIRIT,

  for pouring the love of God into my heart, and for teaching me how to love God, love myself and love my customers.

  I love you Father. I love you Jesus. I love you Holy Spirit.

  ENDORSEMENTS “This system can get you out of poverty, mediocrity, and failure and take you into prosperity.”

  —HE Rev Dr Bokwey Burnley, CDKA

  "There are books that are practical, and there are books that are deep. There are few books that are both. This is one of those books."

  —Ray Edwards

  Bestselling Author | World-Class Copywriter

  “Benson has taken the key foundational principles of successful companies and outlined them in a practical, easy to understand, and applicable way. Internalize and apply these sacred truths to your life and watch your business materialize from a dream to a reality and grow, grow, grow!”

  —Pastor Bojan Jancic

  Senior Pastor

  City Light Church, New York

  “In this book, Benson used one of Jesus' teaching principles. When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus not only gave the answer but He also summarized all the commandments into one statement. Benson has summarized all the business success principles in one sentence: 'Love God, love yourself and love your customers. ‘Do this and you will have all the success in the world. Fail to do it at your own peril. A must read for all biblical entrepreneurs and Kingdom business stewards. Great job, my friend.”

  —Patrice Tsague

  Chief Servant Officer

  Nehemiah Project International Ministries Inc

  "With all the hype out there in the business and success sections of your local book store, it is refreshing to find a new book that is built on timeless, solid principles. These business secrets do not change with the passing fads and trends. They work in any business--large or small, brick & mortar or online, retail or wholesale. Benson Agbortogo has captured these pearls of wisdom for you and has communicated them in a clear, concise and entertaining way. We need more of these kinds of books!"

  —Stephen Beck

  CEO Family Ebiz

  "Claiming a 'Business System That Never Fails' is a very big promise. Surprisingly, Benson delivers on this promise. He gives you a proven system that is guaranteed to work for any type of business, because it's based on God's Word. Do this and you'll not only do more with your business, but you'll find yourself on the adventure of your life." —Terry Dean

  Internet Lifestyle Coach

  “As the title suggests, Benson Agbortogo brilliantly and concisely presents a solid business system that is proven and never fails. It is a simple yet extremely powerful formula to achieve the ultimate congruency and integration that followers of Christ have been seeking since Paul's days as a tentmaker. You will be in awe at this, and you will probably wonder, "Why didn't I think of this?" This book is timely and clear, and it is a must-read for anyone who desires a guide for lasting, meaningful, and fulfilling success in the marketplace while consistently honoring and glorifying God. I cannot think of anyone better qualified to write this book than Benson: a former pastor, a successful Christian entrepreneur, and a great man of faith. He is a living success story of this profound and comprehensive system. I have no doubt that this compelling book will transform your life.”

  —Elayna Fernandez-Bare

  The Positive MOM

  “'The Business System That Never Fails' by Benson Agbortogo is prerequisite reading for emerging entrepreneurs and organizations that need to refocus their strategies. Merging spirituality and business is a time-tested model that has worked well over 2000 years. Implement the concepts from this book in your business today and watch the hand of God provide the increase.”

  —Derrick L Miles

  President/COO/The Milestone Brand

  "For anyone who believes in God as creator of all things, the revelations that Benson shares through this book about how God can play a vital role in your business are extremely powerful. The assimilation of the Biblical truths that are revealed through this book will undoubtedly serve to transform the performance of any business. Thanks for the insights and inspiration, Benson. I look forward to implementing the concepts and watching the fruit grow!"

  —Bob Coletti


  Columbia Resource Group

  “Benson Agbortogo is real. I have seen him in action and I know what he is about. He is about service, honesty, and faith in action. He is about the here and now as well as eternity. I have seen him pray barking dogs to silence so an entire neighborhood could get some sleep. I have observed his trajectory over the past nine years. He is a rising star, yet he is not self-seeking. He is humble. His writings on wisdom are the best I have ever read, excepting the book of Proverbs. I suggest you let his writings on business inform your personal quest for success.”

  —A Allen Rowe, PhD

  “Finally, a resource that connects you to the greatest Inventor and Coach of all legitimate and successful businesses.”

  —Julio Alvarado Jr.

  Author, Speaker, Teacher and Kingdom Life Coach

  “Benson Agbortogo has tremendous insight and understanding of God’s word and its application in the marketplace. His writing is clear and to the point. The principles in this book are of great value for any business, as well as our personal lives. I would highly recommend it.”

  —Allison Lowrie

  Board of Advisors, Kingdom Embassy Network

  “Mr. Agbortogo connects Biblical truths with practical knowledge and delivers a message that is relevant and wise.”

  —Christina Rogers, Freelance Musician "Benson Agbortogo is the world’s best kept secret for business success! In this book; The Business System That Never Fails gives you revelatory yet practical strategies to help take your business not only to the next level BUT the next DIMENSION. The 3 Pillar Concept is the answered prayer to every business professional whether you are a CEO, small business owner, corporate executive, speaker, coach, consultant or entrepreneur. Implement and watch your business skyrocket! Benson is a Spiritual Genius!”

  —CaSaundra Jolliff, Global Speaker, Purpose Branding Strategist & Coach. “The principles in this book are not just for Business but for life, building my business on these proven principles will no
t only make me successful in business but in life!”

  —Robert Glover, Founder and CEO of “scribe Track.” "This book is a must read for anyone running a business or planning to run one. The ideas and principles shared are very effective, practical and applicable to any business.”

  —Val T. Besong, Founder of & Cavegoat Classifieds. “The Business System that Never Fails’ can be compared with God’s blueprint for successful marriage maintaining your first love. While marriage is the most dynamic of human relationship, the key to fulfill God’s purpose by design is love; sacrificial love for God, self and your spouse. When these triad principles is applied to secular business by acknowledging God, celebrating His creativity in our lives and seek to bless people with our enterprise at a price, our price is not negotiable. Success and fulfillment becomes our genetic destiny!”

  —Panebi Churchill Smith, Author- Her Price: Not Negotiable “Many business books sell tactics; this book gives you a proven system. Whether you are starting a business or have been running one for years you need the sound Biblical wisdom Benson delivers in this great book. All businesses need a solid foundation and Benson delivers with the best foundation known to man, Gods Word.

  This book will teach you how to grow and flourish your business by creating a foundation that is sound enough to grow an empire upon. I highly recommend this book to all entrepreneurs searching for the "missing ingredient" for a successful business.”

  —Rex Laing, Entrepreneur. "This book is really worth reading, it will walk you through any fears or doubts of starting your own business."

  —Ursula Mbene-Nollan

  Founder of Jake Approved Dog Treats

  "Truly captures the essence of Biblical Entrepreneurship. Full of wisdom and is a must have for anyone seeking to build a business on a solid foundation. Anointed work indeed! Thanks Benson."

  —Aldreama Harper

  Entrepreneur & Productivity Mentor

  “Benson truly understands the integration of faith and work: Biblically based with pragmatic life and business application. He is sensitive to achieving results and making impact in both dimensions.”

  —Karen Hung

  Chief Marketing Officer


  FOREWORD Every decade, one book comes on the shelves in bookstores that defines the thinking of the entrepreneur for the next 10 years. In his book, "The Business System That Never Fails", Benson Agbortogo handily accomplishes this task.

  Geared to any business man or woman, but riflefocused for the small business, upstart, ministry, or nonprofit, Benson Agbortogo presents a bountiful manual of insightful advice. He offers very keen perspectives to seriously help those who aspire to lead profitable ventures while seeking the Kingdom of God first.

  Acting as a supportive coach, Benson guides you to the type of thinking one needs to successfully see a venture gain strong capacity for success. He shows you how to put down deep roots not only of ideas, but a rudder to figuratively steer your business boat to the successful ports you have in your mind and desire. I agree with him that if a business is successful, not only will the leader profit, but his means to invest in ministry will be enhanced and the Gospel will be advanced in our time.

  Acting with the tenacity of a skilled sage, Benson shows you the dangers to steer away from, while giving rare insights that few business people today consider when starting their venture. This book is not only full of wisdom, but it is timely as well. Reflecting on my own career and journey in two businesses and a valuable non-profit enterprise, I can only imagine how much more successful I might have been had I encountered the coaching wisdom of Benson Agbortogo and this particular book 20 years ago.

  Obviously the first of many books to come, it is here that Agbortogo draws his line in the sand and challenges all who read to “go big or go home”. Agbortogo does not pull any punches. Instead, he not only tells his information, but warmly guides, shows models, and helps those who would partake of the wisdom contained herein.

  You will not only want to re-read this book in its entirety once you have finished, but you will also want to buy a copy for every board member of your organization and every business friend that you have. This is timely information to light your way to success in this dark and foreboding business climate.

  Dr Scott Preissler, PhD MA MS Director

  The Stewardship Heritage Institute

  INTRODUCTION Here is a synopsis of what is happening with businesses according to the U.S department of commerce:1

  x 31% of new employer establishments fail within 2 years.

  x 49% fail within 5 years.

  x 66% fail within 10 years. x 74% fail within 15 years. Beyond 15 years, the numbers get worse. Why is the failure rate so high when technology is advancing every day? Why is the failure rate so high when there are so many strategies and tactics to succeed in business? Many businesses have been failing because they have been trying to build on an unsecured foundation.

  There are three pillars every business must use to build a secured foundation that is going to survive all the odds and become successful.

  1 U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, Business Dynamics Statistics; U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, BED

  If these three pillars are not in place, life and business will continue to be a struggle and the failure rate will remain high. Let us not allow this to happen.

  The principles I will share with you in this book are both proven and timeless. The principles of The Business System That Never Fails work for business professionals, consultants, authors, coaches, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, fortune 500 corporations, and even governments. Read this book and implement the simple but powerful principles in your life and business. Do not allow your venture to join the group of failed businesses.

  Why I wrote this book

  I wrote this book because: I want to reduce the failure rate of x

  businesses and transform economic systems.

  x I would love to see both your personal life and your business prosper.

  x You need to prepare your business to withstand any economic storm.

  x I want you to increase your revenue, reduce your expenses and increase your profits. x I want you and your business to experience the original intention of God: to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish the earth and to have dominion over it.2

  x I love God, I love myself and I love people.

  Why should you listen? On the 9th of July 2010, while investing time with God in prayer, He began to stir my heart regarding a new move in the marketplace. In that encounter, I had two spiritual visions. A spiritual vision is like a dream. We all dream almost every night, so you can relate with my experience of having these visions.

  The first vision In this vision, God opened my eyes and I saw a wild wind rushing across a landscape at a very high speed. It was like a tornado. The wind was blowing down some trees while other trees were still standing.

  As I was pondering the meaning of what I was seeing, the Lord said to me, “I am going to blow across the land, and any tree that is not producing good fruit, I will bring down...and the trees that are producing good fruit, I will prune them so they can produce much more good fruit.”

  2Genesis 1:28 NIV Whenever I hear or see something, I like to validate it with scriptures. Here are two scriptural passages that validate the statement above:

  “ The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” – Luke 3:9 NIV

  “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” – John 15:1-2 NIV

  The second vision In the second vision, I saw a tree with a detached branch. Again, as I was pondering the meaning of what I was seeing, the Lord said to m
e; “Many of My children are working so hard to succeed, but they are not abiding in Me.”

  No matter how hard a branch works, if it is not attached to the stem of a tree, it cannot produce fruits. I will talk more about this sentence as we move along.

  Here is the validating Scripture I received:

  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” – John 15:5-6 NIV

  After these visions, the Lord instructed me to teach His children how to abide in Him so that their businesses can become more fruitful.

  In this book, I will show you how to build a business system that will withstand any economic wind. I will also show you how to abide in the Lord consistently so you can increase your fruitfulness and profitability.

  Why am I so passionate about business?

  I was born in Cameroon, West Africa. The African continent has generally been stigmatized with poverty. The name “Africa” has almost become synonymous with the word “poverty.” As a young man, I remember going to school barefoot. I remember seeing some families struggling to keep a roof over their heads and put food on their table. Those memories are still vivid in my head, even today.

  When I was 13 years old, I dedicated my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. I accepted His love, and I began the most incredible journey of my life. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I began to read the Bible and I soon discovered that God is a wealthy God.

  This discovery generated some puzzling questions. Since God is wealthy, and He created everybody, why are some people poor while others are wealthy? Why are some people very successful while others are merely struggling to survive? Deep within me, I knew there was an answer to these questions. I became determined to look for the answers. I hated poverty with a passion and I wanted to do all I could to eradicate it.

  The more I read the Bible, the more I became convinced that the solution of the poverty epidemic could only come from God. I used to believe at that time that if people just read the Bible and prayed to God, poverty would disappear. With that understanding I devoted myself to more Bible reading and prayers. It was an amazing experience, so I took it a step further. I became a missionary pastor with the sole purpose of helping people dedicate their lives to God, read their Bibles and pray continuously.


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