The Rancher's Twin Troubles (The Buckhorn Ranch Book 2)

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The Rancher's Twin Troubles (The Buckhorn Ranch Book 2) Page 17

by Laura Marie Altom

  “I’ve, um, got errands,” Nat said, taking her purse and keys before bolting outside.

  “Hey.” With a night’s stubble and sleep-tousled hair, Dallas looked heartbreakingly handsome. With every breath in Josie’s body, she now knew she loved him. She just didn’t trust herself to know if in marrying him, she’d be doing the right thing. He held a pitifully wrapped package out to her. “I planned on saving this for tonight, but figure it might do me more good now.”

  “Thank you.” She took the box from him only to set it on the entry-hall table. “But the wedding’s still off. I can’t just ride into the sunset with so much pain remaining in my past.”

  Hands fisted, he made a guttural growl. “Ham on a cupcake, woman, you frustrate the hell out of me. You don’t think I have a few issues of my own? That’s what marriage is—the two of us coming together to heal each other.”

  “I get that,” she snapped, arms tightly folded, “but none of that changes how I feel. Don’t you understand that once your husband betrays you to the tune of killing your child—even if it was an accident, it still tends to sting? Now I’m supposed to happily skip down Bridal Lane all over again? I can’t even begin to describe how Hugh’s suicide destroyed me. Then, when my own mother declared I was the cause for every tragedy that’s happened…” Josie broke down, releasing years of grief in great, racking sobs.

  Dallas didn’t care that she tried pushing him away, he held her through the worst of it, until she was too exhausted to do anything but cling to his arms.

  “I brought you something else that was supposed to have been a surprise.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’ll no doubt be mad at me for this, too, but before we can be whole, you need to be whole.”

  “There isn’t going to be a we,” she insisted through more sniffles.

  “I know, but just sit tight for a few minutes. I have a feeling someone else is at the door.” He went outside, a few minutes later returning, pulling someone behind him.

  Josie’s mother.

  “I’m so sorry,” her mom cried in a rush, running into her daughter’s arms. “I said awful, unforgivable things to you. I was out of my mind. Losing little Em was unnatural. Grandparents don’t bury their grandchildren.”

  “I know.” Josie crushed her mother to her. In mere moments, years vanished, as did the pain. Yes, her mother had hurt her, but just as Josie had opened her heart to love again, she’d also learned to forgive.

  “You’ve got a good man, here,” her mom said with a nod to Dallas. “He flew every last one of us all the way out here from Maine. He had some harsh, much deserved words for me, but nothing but love for you. Don’t let him get away.”

  Holding out her hand to him, drawing Dallas into their circle, Josie simply said, “I won’t.”

  AFTER SAYING THEIR VOWS and dancing and eating more cake than her barely fitting wedding dress could comfortably hold, Josie finally found herself cozy and warm in the guest cabin, nestled next to her husband of approximately five hours. In lieu of sexy lingerie, she wore roomy sweats and thick white socks.

  In the morning, Henry was driving them to the Tulsa airport for a plane bound for a surprise exotic location Dallas had promised would be warm. The girls were staying with his mom.

  Her parents, brother and his wife and kids had already planned a return visit when Josie’s baby was due.

  “You’re beautiful,” Dallas said, cupping the side of her face. “Thank you for taking a chance on me—us.” He kissed her. Softly. Sweetly. The way a husband tenderly kissed his beloved wife.

  “Thank you for being strong enough to see me through…” Grasping his wrist, she kissed the palm of his hand. “Emma will always be in my heart. I just needed reminding that there’s also plenty of room for you, the twins and our baby.”

  “Speaking of your daughter…” He reached beside the bed, drawing out the ragged gift he’d tried giving her that morning. “As you can see, gift wrapping’s hardly my forte, but hopefully what’s inside will more than make up for my lackluster presentation.”

  Intrigued, she scooted up in the bed, sitting cross legged with his package on her lap.

  With the paper gone, she lifted the flaps of an equally ugly box. Upon looking inside, she gasped. Looked at Dallas. Back to the box. “No…” Hands over trembling lips, eyes stinging with happy tears, she dared ask, “Is it really hers?”

  Swallowing back his own tears, he nodded. “Henry ran this place for days while I searched every flea market and antiques store between here and Oklahoma City.”

  Nestled on a bed of pale pink satin was Emma’s silver tea set. Lifting the delicately filigreed pot, she read the inscription, For our precious Emma on her third birthday. We’ll love you forever and always, Mommy and Daddy.

  “Even though your daughter will always be in your heart,” Dallas said, “I thought it important that a part of her also shares a prominent place in our home.”

  There were no words to describe the love swelling Josie’s heart. In Dallas, she’d found a friend, confidant, champion and love. A gentleman cowboy through and through. Together, she now knew they’d weather any storm. Emerging from the darkest clouds to walk in endless sun.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8513-6


  Copyright © 2011 by Laura Marie Altom

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  *U.S. Marshals

  **Baby Boom

  †The Buckhorn Ranch




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